How to turn off the alarm from the key fob so that the engine starts

Car alarms today are installed on almost every car. In this case, during operation, for various reasons, it may be necessary to turn off the alarm. For example, disabling the alarm may be necessary if the driver leaves the car in a parking lot, closed garage or guarded parking lot for a long time.

Also, the alarm on a car often needs to be deactivated if there are malfunctions or malfunctions in its operation, repair work is being carried out, etc. One way or another, not all drivers know how to completely turn off the car alarm. Let's figure it out.

Possible causes of failure

There are several reasons why a car alarm may break down or not work:

  1. Radio interference. The reason is especially pressing for large cities, in which many radio towers, mobile communication stations have been erected, and a huge amount of various electronics are concentrated, preventing the high-quality passage of the signal, including the signal from the security system key fob. To fix the problem, you can try to bring the key fob closer to the central control unit or to the receiver with an antenna, deactivating the siren.

  2. Failure of the control panel (key fob). This can happen after a strong impact (for example, on the ground when falling). Careless handling and prolonged use most often lead to failure of the door closing and opening buttons. In this case, it is necessary to repair or replace the remote control and register it in the memory of the anti-theft system. If water gets inside, oxidation of the contacts may occur. Current stops passing through them, the buttons do not respond to pressing. It is necessary to disassemble the key and carefully check the conductive elements. A common cause of this problem is low battery. It needs to be replaced with a new one. If the standard remote control is equipped with one-way communication, you can check the battery charge by pressing the button. Doesn't the warning light come on? The battery needs to be replaced. In case of two-way communication, a charging indicator is visible on the display.

  3. Battery low. The problem can occur even while the vehicle is moving. You can determine it by turning on the ignition. If there are no indicator lights on the dashboard, the car's battery is discharged. The door can be opened with a key after first disconnecting the “negative” terminal on the battery. To turn off the alarm and start the engine, you can try to “smoke” the car from another car.

    To reactivate the system, you need to perform a number of steps. Most often, press the door open and close button 6 times.

Advice: to avoid mistakes when trying to reactivate the anti-theft system in a car after it has been disabled, carefully read the instructions.

Why the key fob doesn't work

If the alarm goes off and the key fob doesn't work, is it even possible to get inside the car and turn off the system? Yes, this is mostly possible for the car owner if he knows or remembers some of the nuances of his alarm system. That is, you shouldn’t panic right away, even if the control panel breaks down.

It wouldn’t hurt to figure out exactly why the key fob might fail.

  • My battery is almost done. A trivial reason, which, nevertheless, needs to be checked first. Just change the battery. If everything is restored, congratulations;
  • Electrical system of the machine. The alarm is usually powered by a battery. Therefore, the alarm cannot be turned off using the key fob, since everything depends on the battery;
  • Interference. The key fob may receive interference, thereby affecting its functionality. This usually happens in large parking lots, or near sources of strong radio signals (their frequency is close to the frequency used on the key fob);
  • Mechanical failure. You can simply accidentally step on the remote control, drop it on a hard surface and break it. Usually the alarm system comes complete with 2 remote controls. Try using a spare one.

Even if the control panel is broken, you can gain access inside. But it is worth considering the algorithm of actions in each of the situations considered.

How to act

We simulated several situations. Now let's look at them in more detail.

  • Dead battery. If the key fob was working yesterday, it is unlikely that the batteries are completely dead. Open the case and check the condition of the batteries. They could have oxidized, so try cleaning the contacts. If this does not help, change the batteries;
  • Radio signal interference. Here you should try to bring the remote control as close as possible to the control unit of your security system. You yourself must know where it was installed during installation;
  • The battery is dead. There are no problems with the alarm here anymore. You can get into the car by opening the car with a regular key. But you have to think about how to start the car with a dead battery;
  • Key access missing. Some cars have such a system. I won't criticize her. But only in such a situation, the only way out is to contact the service where the alarm was installed for you.

I agree that all these methods are based on restoring the functionality of the key fob. But it also happens that the remote control does not function, and there is no point in relying on it. There are also recommendations here.

How to turn off the alarm without a key fob

To turn off the anti-theft alarm on a car without a key fob, you can use one of 2 methods: emergency shutdown or coding.

Emergency shutdown

Emergency deactivation of a car alarm is carried out using the Valet button - an emergency alarm deactivation button. Most often it is placed:

  • next to the safety block;
  • under the dashboard.


  • in the area of ​​the pedal assembly;
  • behind the glove box;
  • under the steering column.

You can find out exactly where the emergency button is located by reading the user manual. It also contains information about the combination required to turn it off, consisting of simultaneous pressing of buttons and pedals (one or both).

Hint: when looking for an emergency button to turn off the alarm in a car, pay attention to the location of the anti-theft LED indicator. If it is located in front and to the left, then you should look for the button somewhere nearby. Likewise - if in the middle or on the right.

It is advisable to first disconnect the terminal from the battery to turn off the sound signal. If you make several unsuccessful shutdown attempts, the car alarm may automatically lock.

Important! For emergency shutdown, hold down the car alarm button and press the pedal for at least 10 seconds.

Coded shutdown

With a coded shutdown, the standard alarm is blocked using a PIN code containing from 2 to 4 digits. It is known only to the owner of the car.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • turn on the engine ignition system;
  • press the valet service key a number of times similar to the first digit of the PIN code;
  • turn off the engine ignition system;
  • repeat the procedure for the second and subsequent digits of the PIN code.

If the process is carried out correctly, the anti-theft system will be unlocked.

Ways to turn off the alarm

Emergency shutdown of the anti-theft system provides a number of alternative methods and techniques that will help the car owner emerge victorious from this situation.

So, let's look at the most effective methods for de-energizing a car's protective systems in various circumstances.

From keychain

The most simplified option in this case involves using a standard key fob. If the main remote control has died for a long time, you can always use a spare one, if available. Disabling the alarm using it involves the same actions as when using a standard remote device.

Difficulties arise when the location of the spare key fob is unknown. This state of affairs forces the driver to resort to other, more radical methods of solving the problem.

By de-energizing

The presented method of deactivating the anti-theft system includes a number of operational actions. Namely:

  • disconnecting the battery terminal;
  • de-energizing/dismantling the ignition switch control wire;
  • dismantling the blocking relay.

It is worth noting that in some cases finding a power relay is not an easy task. Often, for safety reasons, when installing an alarm system, the relays are located in hard-to-reach places

Using a secret button

Emergency shutdown of the anti-theft system involves the use of a so-called secret button called “Valet”. Activating it allows you to transfer the system to the so-called service mode.

If the owner has difficulty finding it, just find the control indicator - a flickering red light. This treasured button is also installed somewhere in the immediate vicinity.

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So, the sequence of actions in this case is as follows:

  • de-energize the car by disconnecting the “+” terminal of the battery;
  • turn off the power to the sound siren;
  • put the terminal in its rightful place;
  • set the key to the “KZ” position;
  • make one click on the Valet button;
  • turn off the ignition.

The presented procedure for different types of anti-theft systems is strikingly different. In some cases, to obtain the desired result, it is necessary to make up to 6 short presses on the specified button.

In any case, before adopting this technique, it is advisable to read in detail the instructions for a specific type of alarm.


Another trick for car enthusiasts is the so-called coding. Its essence lies in the fact that to unlock the anti-theft system, you must enter a special code.

The presented procedure consists of the following steps:

  • turning off the siren;
  • circuit closure “short circuit”;
  • activation of the service button;
  • turning off the ignition.

Depending on how many symbols a particular PIN code contains, the above procedure is repeated for the same number of times. The PIN code is entered by pressing the service button. So, to enter 4, you need to press 4 times, etc.

What to do if the engine does not start after turning off

If, after disabling the anti-theft device, the engine refuses to start, then, if you have certain skills, you can disconnect the housing yourself. For this purpose, the latches and screws are removed from it.

Attention! The latches and screws must be removed extremely carefully; opening the body of the anti-theft device must be done very carefully so that any fastening element does not break.

If the motor is blocked by a program, it is better not to try to fix the situation yourself, but to seek help from professionals.

Choosing the right keychain

Often, problems with the car alarm control panel are solved by purchasing a new control element. Especially if the car alarm key fob was lost. It's not that simple here. You can't go to a store and buy the first item you come across. You need to know about the subtleties and rules of choice.

  1. To purchase, you need to choose specialized sales points. A consultation with the seller will not be superfluous; ask questions and clarify any unclear points.
  2. The control must be suitable for your system, moreover, the ability to program it is important. The key fob must be selected in accordance with the alarm model, otherwise reprogramming will be impossible.
  3. Finding a key fob for an old model of security system will be very difficult, in some cases even impossible. Be prepared to replace your entire alarm system.

When the desired mechanism is selected, it is worth thinking about how to replace the alarm key fob. We will talk about this further.

De-energization of wires

Drivers who are not afraid of working with wires can manually turn off the alarm. Directly under the dashboard there is an alarm unit, which must be opened and the entire bundle of wires pulled out.

Thanks to them, you can try to start the car, but such actions do not always make the engine make noise. This is due to the fact that the security system has blocked the main operating areas (for example, starter, fuel compartment).

No matter how hopeless the situation may seem, there will always be solutions. In this case, you should follow a certain sequence of actions:

  1. It is necessary to find and carefully examine the main highway line. Usually all the wires are connected to it, including the alarm, which makes it easier to identify among the others.
  2. If the interlock was originally installed, it will be cut and its ends will be connected to the remote control device.

  3. The alarm wires should be disconnected, but the broken ends of the main wire should be connected.
  4. The lack of engine response to the actions taken indicates the presence of additional blockages. The driver needs to find them and remove them. After which the car will start.

Linking a new key fob

Every motorist can restore normal operation of the security system in the event of loss of the alarm key fob. The new control element must be linked to the old security system. This process is described in the instructions, it may differ depending on the type of alarm. The general points are as follows:

  • the system is switched to “valet mode” mode by pressing the corresponding button or lever in the car interior;
  • switching to the mode may require entering a security code, which is additional protection (the code is displayed in the instructions);
  • An important point is the number of key fobs that can be connected to the system; if you connect an extra one, the code will be erased from the first one.

If you take these points into account and strictly follow the instructions for linking a new key fob, then everything will work out, since anyone can replace a car alarm key fob. There are no difficulties in this process.

Do not rush to change the alarm system if problems arise with its key fob. Solving the problem can be much easier and cheaper. Of course, if the system is old and key fobs are no longer available for it, then it will be easier to install a new alarm system.

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How to clean it yourself?

Required Tools

Before you begin, you should prepare all the necessary tools and equipment. Since cutting out an alarm is not quick, we recommend finding a room.

Attention! During operation, the vehicle will be inoperable and you will not be able to drive it. Since situations may arise when you need additional equipment, parts or specialist advice, do not carry out work in remote locations (for example, in a country house).

The minimum required list of tools to perform removal is as follows:

  • a set of keys and socket heads with a ratchet (for dismantling interior elements);
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • pliers;
  • side cutters;
  • knife;
  • electrical tape and heat shrink;
  • multimeter or test lamp;
  • soldering iron with soldering accessories (solder and flux).

The danger of incorrect actions

If the driver makes mistakes while removing the car alarm, the following problems may arise:

  • Damage to cables. Faulty electrical circuits will have to be completely replaced. In case of minor damage, part of the wiring is repaired. If the insulation is broken, the cables are wrapped with electrical tape.
  • Malfunctions of electronic devices. The method for solving the problem depends on the type of breakdown. In case of minor faults, damaged terminals and cables are replaced. If an electrical appliance fails, the device may need to be replaced.
  • Damage to the decorative trim of the car.
  • Problems with the engine. Occurs when the power device lock is dismantled incorrectly. In this case, the removal procedure is repeated, correcting the mistakes made.
  • Damage to the head unit. In this case, the alarm becomes unsuitable for further use. Soldering the damaged areas and reflashing the module helps solve the problem.

Improper removal of the alarm may result in incorrect battery operation. The battery begins to discharge quickly, which is why it has to be replaced.


Alarm system VAZ 2112

Security alarms can help you find your car where you left it.

Security means can be classified as follows:

- locks blocking controls and opening the engine hood,

- devices that prevent engine starting,

- electronic devices that include an audible alarm,

— devices that make it difficult to remove individual components from a vehicle.


We install the hood and trunk opening sensors so that they are shorted (to ground) when opened. This will require brackets. As a rule, in the engine compartment the limit switch is placed on the engine shield (on the bolt securing the sound insulation of the front panel). In the trunk on the side of the upholstery bolt near the side shelf:

The siren is mounted in the engine compartment using any free bolt, in this case instead of the adsorber. If necessary, an additional hole is drilled for better fastening of the bracket. The siren horn should be directed downward to prevent moisture from entering.

The shock sensor should be firmly attached to the body so that it can perceive vibrations around the entire perimeter of the car. The sensor should not be placed near air ducts or in direct sunlight. Most often, the shock sensor is attached with self-tapping screws to the front panel under the instrument panel.

The alarm unit itself is placed in any convenient place, for example, behind the ECU under the dashboard. We attach the antenna to the windshield.

Dismantling Guide

It is necessary to remove the old alarm from the car when installing a new one. Removing the main car alarm unit may be necessary when updating the software or updating its settings so that it meets the security requirements of modern security systems. Sometimes it is necessary to dismantle parts of the anti-theft system for repair and replacement (video author - SpetsAvtoSystems).

Modern security systems reliably protect cars from theft and entry; they have an increased degree of protection against code reading and interception.

You can install a new one instead of the old one, and the installation can be performed on a car of any brand. But before installing a new security system, you need to remove the old one. If you are changing the alarm system, then find a diagram for the old alarm system and connect the new one to the same places, this will make your work much easier.

Tools and materials

It is difficult to dismantle the alarm system, since its elements are hidden as far as possible so that they are invisible. Many owners do not know where the car alarm is installed, so it is better to entrust the dismantling to specialists.

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