How to turn off a car using the Starline A91 key fob with one click of a button

Modern security alarms not only protect the vehicle from unauthorized access by third parties for the purpose of stealing property located in the cabin or theft, but also significantly facilitate the process of operating the car for the driver himself. First of all, they allow you to remotely start and stop the engine if necessary. This function is especially important in the cold season, when you need to warm up the engine, but you don’t want to freeze in the cabin all this time. Once the engine has warmed up to the desired temperature, you can turn it off if you are not at the car yet, and there is no need to waste fuel.

When figuring out how to turn off a car using your alarm key fob , you first need to take into account its model. All anti-theft systems operate on the same principle, but there are certain differences in control. First of all, the buttons that need to be pressed on the key fob and the duration of exposure to them differ.

Working with key fobs “A/B/D/E” - series

On starline series A/B/D/E models, without a dialogue code, the car is started by successively pressing the “1” button on the key fob. You need to hold down the “1” button for a few seconds, then press the “1” button again. You can turn off the car in the same way.

Numbering of key fob buttons

If starting using this method fails, then you need to follow the following algorithm as on restyled alarm models (after 2010, for example a9, a91, a93, e90). It consists of pressing button “1” and holding it until the signal, then pressing button “3” to start the engine . To turn off the engine, press and hold button “1” until the signal sounds, then press button “2”.

This is interesting: How to disarm Starline b9 alarm system

How to turn off the engine

You can turn off the car using the starline key fob by holding down the arming key for a long time, after which you need to quickly press the button with a circle designation. After completing the actions, the car will blink its alarm lights 4 times and will turn off. At the same time, the “exhaust gases” symbol will disappear on the remote control and a sound signal will sound.

If disabling is performed from an additional remote control, you must briefly press the arming button and then the small key located next to it.

To disable autostart on the starline on some other models, you should hold down “disarm” for a few seconds, and then quickly press the button with the asterisk icon. The system will also give an appropriate sound signal and the previously running engine will stop.

Using telematics: mobile applications, StarLine-Online

The main disadvantage of starting from a key fob is the limited communication radius. In the city, it is impossible to start the engine, even if the car is parked on the other side of the house. Near high-voltage power lines, in industrial zones, “dead zones” of radio broadcasts even arise, where communication problems are noted even in direct visibility at a distance of tens of meters. It is convenient to warm up the car in the parking lot at the airport or train station even before arriving at the place, when the key fob will not “finish off” by definition.

Using the mobile app on your phone, starting is simple - on the main screen, press and hold the “engine” icon. After this, if the start was successful, the icon will light up, and the dynamic “exhaust” indication will indicate that the motor is running. Starting from the fourth generation (where the second version of the telematics protocol is implemented), you will see the temperature of the engine, interior, battery voltage (in the screenshot below the car is disarmed).

Without a smartphone, but with Internet access, use the StarLine-Online portal. The user interface here is similar to what you will see in the application.

Starline a93 autostart

A93 allows you to start the engine automatically:

    by alarm clock - at a certain point in time; by voltage – when the battery voltage drops below the programmed one; by interval - after a certain number of hours (2, 4, 6, 8, 10... 24); by engine temperature – when the engine temperature drops below the programmed one (-3°C, -6°C, -9°C... -27°C).

2.1. Auto start on alarm clock

Before setting up autorun on an alarm, make sure that the time on the key fob is set correctly, the alarm is turned on and programmed for the time you need.

To activate the alarm, move the cursor to the alarm icon

in the manner shown in the figure below.

Now briefly press button 1. One light signal from the car will follow, for five seconds the remaining time until the start of autostart will be displayed on the screen, the alarm icon will light up permanently.

2.2. Periodic autostart

In this mode, Starline A93 allows you to automatically start the car at certain time intervals - from 2 to 24 hours in increments of 2.

To enable autorun by interval, move the cursor to the watch face icon

in a manner as shown in the figure below.

Now briefly press button 1. One light signal from the car will follow, and for four seconds the current value of the interval autostart will be displayed on the screen (2H - 2 hours, 4H - 4 hours, etc.).

Short presses of button 1 change the value of autorun periods. Each press increases the interval by 2 hours.

When you select the autorun interval you need, press button 1 for a long time or simply do nothing for 4 seconds. The key fob will sound 2 beeps, there will be an icon on its screen

will light up continuously, indicating that automatic interval start is activated.

After a few seconds, the engine will start automatically. You can turn it off immediately or let it run for the programmed time.

2.3. Starline a93 starting by engine temperature

The Starline A93 alarm allows you to autostart based on the engine temperature if it drops below the programmed one. The trigger range is assigned from -3°C to -27°C in steps of 3.

At least one hour passes between two consecutive temperature autostarts. For example, the autostart temperature is programmed to be -20°C. When the temperature dropped below -20°C, the car started, ran for 10 minutes and stalled. 40 minutes after stopping, the engine temperature again dropped below the programmed temperature. But the car alarm will not allow auto-start to occur. The next automatic start will occur only an hour after the car stalled.

To enable automatic start based on temperature, move the cursor to the snowflake icon

in a manner as shown in the figure below.

Now briefly press button 1. One light signal from the car will follow, the key fob will emit a melodic signal and for five seconds the current temperature at which autostart will occur will be displayed on its screen.

Short presses of button 1 change the autostart temperature value. Each press changes it by 3°C.

When you select the autorun interval you need, press button 1 until you hear a beep or simply do nothing for 4 seconds. The key fob will sound 2 beeps, there will be an icon on its screen

will light up continuously, indicating that automatic temperature start is activated.

2.4. Automatic engine start based on voltage

In this mode, the Starline A93 alarm starts the engine when the voltage in the car drops below the programmed one. The voltage can be changed in 0.1V steps from 11.7V to 12.3V.

Just as with autostart based on temperature, autostart based on voltage drop occurs no earlier than 1 hour after the last engine start.

This function is useful when the car owner leaves the car for a long time, for example, when he goes on a business trip. Then there is a high probability that the battery will be discharged and upon arrival from a business trip the car owner will not be able to start the engine due to a dead battery.

To enable the function, follow the steps shown in the pictures below.

2.5. How to disable automatic launches

To disable autostart on Starline A93 by alarm, temperature and interval, move the cursor to the alarm icon

, snowflakes or clock faces in a manner as shown in the picture below.

Then briefly press button 1 on the key fob. A melodic signal will sound, the turns will blink 2 times, and the corresponding icon will disappear from the screen.

To turn off voltage autostart, follow the same steps as when turning it on. Just select the value 00 00.

2.6. Indication of running engine after automatic start

Each autorun mode has its own indication:

    1 – alarm clock; 2 – period; 3 – temperature; 4 – voltage.

SMS commands and voice control

The disadvantage of this method is that in areas with an unstable Internet channel from a cellular operator whose SIM card is installed in the alarm, problems with starting the engine are possible. Therefore, use the more reliable capabilities of the standard GSM channel - by calling or SMS to the phone number of the alarm SIM card.

When you call, the answering machine will work, which will first ask you to enter the PIN code specified when setting up the GSM module from the keyboard (if the call is not made from the main phone). After this, a greeting will sound and an invitation to dial the command code. If you have forgotten the code for the one you need, then press 0 – the robot will list all available commands.

To start the motor, use two commands - 21 and 26. In the first case, the robot will report the success of the start and remain on the line to receive subsequent commands; in the second, after the report, the call will be automatically dropped. The second option makes it possible to use the phone as a control panel by writing the start command in the directory as a telephone number in the format +7ХХХХХХХХХр26 and selecting this entry in the directory or entering it in the speed dial menu.

To turn off the engine, use command 20 in the same way.

Please note that by default, autorun control is available only from the number that is set as M1 in the settings. If you intend to use an additional phone (of another family member), which is set in the settings as M2, then first activate extended access for it using the SMS command 009401.

The launch is controlled via SMS; for this, a command in the appropriate format is sent to the alarm SIM card number:

  • For the owner’s main phone: directly specify the command code (21 for starting, 20 for silencing).
  • For the M2 phone, if control is allowed: in the format XX00YYYY, where XX is the command code, 00 is the required separator, YYYY is the pin code.

In sixth-generation systems, the syntax of SMS commands has been expanded: to control autorun, use digital and symbolic codes.

  • engine start: ENGINE+, D+, D+
  • engine shutdown: ENGINE-, D-, D-

Something else useful for you:

The alarm goes off by itself on the car: why does the car alarm constantly turn on spontaneously for no reason and what to do

How to connect a GSM module for StarLine A93?

How to open the trunk using the StarLine A93 key fob: buttons to open the lock from the remote control

Video: How to start and stop a car engine using the STARLINE A94, A90, E90 key fob.

How to mute without remote control

Knowing how to turn off the engine from the Starline A91 key fob, you can stop the engine from a distance while the automatic start is running. If this method does not suit you, you can use other options. Let's take a closer look at them.

Using an additional key fob:

  • Press button 1 and hold it until the melody appears.
  • In the next step, click on button 2.

Using a mobile phone:

  1. Send command 22.
  2. Wait until the engine stops.

If you don’t figure out how to turn off the engine from the Starline A91 key fob, use the GSM system. Please note that for correct operation you must first enter the phone number into the device’s memory. Otherwise, it will not accept the given command. Using calls, you can not only stop a car without a Starline A91 key fob, but also solve other problems, for example, determine the coordinates of a vehicle or control door locks.

  • Register your anti-theft system on the manufacturer's website.
  • Activate the GSM block.
  • Send a message to the module containing 05ХХХ, where ХХХ is a combination depending on the security system model.
  • Send the command via SMS with the number 22 or 20.

Knowing how to turn off a car without using the Starline A91 key fob, you can always play it safe and stop the engine using alternative methods. Please remember that pre-registration is required.

  • Check the operation of the GSM unit.
  • Insert the mobile operator card into the slot.
  • Activate the SIM card in GPRS mode.
  • Register an account on Starline.
  • Download the required mobile application to your smartphone. Check its operation. If the alarm does not follow commands from the application, try to establish communication yourself.
  • Enter information about the security system and indicate the GSM unit number.
  • You will receive an email to complete the registration process.
  • Select the option to stop the machine's motor.

Now you know how to turn off the car using the Starline A91 key fob, and what buttons are needed for this. If this method is not suitable for some reason, use other methods described in the article. As a last resort, you can always use the ignition key.

If you can’t turn off the car using the Starline A91 key fob, there can be many reasons - lack of synchronization of the remote control, Key Lock turned on, problems in the operation of the control unit, lack of money on the balance, or other malfunctions in the operation of the security system. In all these cases, serious diagnostics will be required to determine why the car does not stall after the ignition is turned off.

In the comments, share how you stop the car engine, and what difficulties you encountered when operating the Starline A91 alarm system. Tell us what other ways to turn off your car, besides the key fob, are your favorite.


Preparing for launch

In order to prepare the engine for starting, you need to program starline autostart. This is done using the remote control. A number of adjustments are also made that prevent the engine from interacting with the car's axles. Moreover, if you skip any preparation stage, autorun will not work.

Engine with manual transmission

If your car has a manual transmission, you should move the gear lever to the neutral position. Then you should act according to one of the algorithms:

  • Auto. Lock the parking brake lever, then turn off the ignition.
  • Without opening the door. Apply the brake and press the corresponding button on the alarm remote control.
  • Lightweight. Release the handbrake.

After one of the above steps is completed, you need to remove the ignition key from the lock and get out of the car. Based on the settings, the engine will either stall after closing the doors or will be in timer mode. After this, you should turn on the security system.

Engine with automatic transmission

For an automatic transmission there is a strict sequence of actions:

  • Park the car and apply the parking brake.
  • Move the gearshift lever to “parking” mode.
  • Leave the car and close the locks using the alarm remote control.

This is interesting: How to register the Tomahawk TW 9020 keychain

3. Engine autostart conditions

In what cases does Starline A91 not start remotely and automatically:

  • ignition on;
  • the brake pedal is pressed or the parking brake is released;
  • the hood is open;
  • For cars with a manual transmission, the program neutral mode is not installed;
  • For cars with automatic transmission, the control lever is not in the PARK position.

Work via telephone (by call)

As soon as you call your car, an automatic response will occur and basic commands for driving the car will be heard. To control, you need to use tone dialing and press certain numbers/buttons on your phone. By default, you need to press the number “0” to listen to a list of all commands. After which you need to press a certain combination of numbers on the phone depending on what you want to do with the car, for example, in order to start the car you need to press the numbers “21”, and to turn it off - “22” , after which a voice message about condition of the car. Using these commands, you can perform all the same actions as with the key fob, but using only your phone.

How to start a car using an alarm clock

The autorun function has several different options that the owner can configure at his own discretion. For example, you can set it to automatically start on an alarm clock. You should first make sure that the time on the key fob is set correctly for the correct execution of the program.

You need to position the cursor on the corresponding clock icon (using the third button). Then you need to press the first button and hear a melodic signal. The time on the key fob should blink, and the car's dimensions should blink once. Now the corresponding icon is displayed on the remote control, and the system has begun the countdown to autostart. The alarm clock indicators themselves are set in the same place as the clock parameter.

Work through the application (android/iphone)

If the alarm system is equipped with a GSM module, then it is possible to start the car from your phone. The procedure is as follows:

  • Make sure you have a gsm module.
  • Install the SIM card into the slot located on the alarm.
  • Top up your SIM card balance and switch it to GPRS mode (via the Internet, in your operator’s personal account).
  • Register on the alarm manufacturer's website, enter the unique alarm/gps module numbers.
  • Download the starline application via google-play or app-store.
  • Install the application on your phone.
  • Enter the necessary data about the alarm and the number of the SIM card installed in the gsm module.
  • A link will be sent to your e-mail, following which you will complete the registration process.
  • Go to the application, select the necessary functions, by clicking on them you can arm or disarm the car, start/stop the engine, etc.

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Possible faults

But sometimes the system can produce various errors: the engine does not start or starts, and after a few seconds it stalls. In such cases, the letters SP or ST are written on the key fob. The main reasons why the alarm system fails are listed below.

The engine starts and then turns off

First of all, you need to figure out whether the car has an immobilizer. The fact is that this security system does not allow automatic start-up. Therefore, during installation it is important to use the standard blocker bypass module.

The processor simply cannot read the command from the key fob. There may be several reasons for this: from a dead battery in the remote control to a short circuit or software malfunction.

There is no alarm connection to the starter and engine control parts. It turns out that the system simply does not have the physical ability to start the engine. It is necessary to install the missing elements.

Incorrect setting of operating modes

If the car is equipped with a manual transmission, there is a possibility that the neutral mode has not been programmed. This aspect needs to be corrected.

Physical damage to the remote control

It happens that the key fob itself fails. In this case, you need to check the serviceability of the battery and inspect the case for moisture or cracks. It is also recommended to carry out software diagnostics of the key fob.

Errors when installing the alarm or during its operation

System installers may incorrectly connect the motor control circuit or connect not all wires. Also, the transponder in the module may simply not recognize the signal. Or there may be a break in the circuits. In this case, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis.

What to do

Now let's look at the main question - what to do if the engine of a car with a Starline alarm does not stall after turning it off. The algorithm of actions depends on the presence/use of automatic start on the car. And also from connected additional options. For example, if you have Extra Run enabled, the car will continue to run for some time after the ignition is turned off.

Without autostart

In a situation where a car with a Starline A93 alarm does not stall after turning off the engine, follow the instructions below.

Press the brake pedal

While turning off the power, press the brake pedal. The recommendation is due to the fact that in some service stations installers may use a different contact when connecting the hand and foot brake contacts.

Check the ignition switch

If the engine in a car with Starline A93 does not stall, unscrew the steering column and remove the largest connector. Pull out the connectors of the main unit one by one to understand after what action the car will stall. This is the easiest way to determine the problem.

Check problematic items

It often happens that a car with Starline does not stall after turning off the ignition due to vehicle malfunctions. At the same time, Starline has nothing to do with this. Take the following steps:

  • Check the serviceability of the power relay and idle speed sensor.
  • Make sure the ignition is working properly and inspect the spark plugs.
  • Try using a different fuel (higher quality, perhaps even a premium brand).
  • Carefully inspect the twists in the places where the alarm wiring is connected. Sharp parts of wires have been known to cut through insulation and lead to bypass targets. As a result, the engine in a car with Starline A93 or another model does not stall.
  • Try using engine cleaning additives. They allow you to remove carbon deposits and eliminate the problem if the car does not stall after turning off the engine. Some experts also recommend hydrogenation. But its benefits have not been proven, so don’t risk it.

In most cases, to solve ignition problems, remove the connectors from the mounting block one by one. In this way, you can understand what exactly the problem is - in Starline or in the car itself. Here it is advisable to have a diagram at hand.

With auto start

There are situations when a car with a Starline alarm does not stall after turning off the engine with auto start. The cause may be incorrect system configuration.

Please note that the following wires are connected to autostart and program neutral:

  1. Orange-violet. Responsible for the position of the handbrake (raised or lowered). If connected correctly and the limit switch is working properly, everything should work. If the handbrake is lowered, the orange-violet wire is suspended and the car stalls. If this does not happen when the ignition is turned off, there are two possibilities - failure of the alarm system or a short circuit in the car wiring.
  2. Gray-black - engine operation control.
  3. Yellow - ignition support.
  4. Blue-black - door control wire.

As in the previous case, if with Starline the car does not stall after turning off, check the integrity of the wiring, try to operate the hand or foot brake when turning the key.

In the comments, share what difficulties you encountered and how you managed to solve them.


What to do if Starline A91 autostart does not work

Sometimes it happens that the autorun function does not work. For example, the starter turns the engine, but it does not start. In this case, it is necessary to check the presence of gasoline in the tank, as well as the charge of the battery. In the first case, everything is clear - you need to add gasoline. Secondly, charge the battery.

It is also possible that the engine does not start when cold and even has difficulty starting with the key. In this case, you can set settings that will increase the starter operating time. You can also reduce the interval between startup attempts.

In this case, the key fob displays information and immediately writes an error. To reset the protocol, you need to start the engine again with the key and tighten the handbrake. Then remove the key from the ignition, open the driver's door and activate the alarm again. Usually the car is armed again and the OS7 error simply disappears. However, this is not always the case. If this does not happen, then you need to contact the service center.

The same procedure is required in case of a short circuit or software failure. A hint of such a reason will be the incorrect behavior of the car and the incorrect performance of certain functions. Specialists from a specialized service center can fix the problem and do everything as professionally as possible.

You can start the car from the Starline key fob by pressing one or more keys - the combination directly depends on the specific model. In addition, the “signaling” control system is also capable of providing autostart of the engine depending on the settings or external conditions.

Instructions for preparing to start the engine for manual transmission

Video: principle of operation of the Starline A93 alarm system with auto start on a manual transmission

Instructions for preparing to start the engine for automatic transmission

Reasons why the engine may not start

Remote engine run extension

How to turn off a car using a key fob?

Download instructions for alarm Starline A91, A93, A94, Twage A9

Video: how to start or stop the engine from the key fob on Starline A94, A90, E90

How to fix OS 7 error

The Starline A93 alarm system is a good car protection system, but sometimes OS 7 error may appear due to the inability to remotely start the engine.

The theft protection system controls all the main components of the car, so if at least one of them malfunctions, an error will appear on the key fob display. Autostart does not work even in frosts above -25 ⁰C, since the oil freezes in the gearbox.

The crawler and its key may also be faulty. To resolve this, you can do the following:

  • start the car and put the handbrake on;
  • remove the key without turning off the engine;
  • open the driver's door, leave the others closed;
  • put on guard.

If OS 7 error is resolved, the engine will stall, the locks will close, and the correct alarm symbol will appear on the display.

Among car enthusiasts, situations are common when the car starts and stalls, and the key fob also displays an OS 7 error and autostart is not installed even from a mobile application. In such situations, it is better to contact the car service center where the system was installed.

A short or long cranking time of the starter during autostart is not desirable for the car; if such problems are detected, as well as when the engine operating time changes, you should contact the installers, as there may be an error in the engine temperature sensor or other connected elements.

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How to turn off Starline A91 autostart from the key fob? To turn off the option, use the temperature or time settings. Long-click on button 3, use it to move the cursor to the desired option, and then briefly click 2. If the automatic start has already worked, long-press button 2, and then briefly press button 1 to turn off the motor. Below we will look at how to deactivate the option on Starline A91, and what difficulties may arise.

Causes of problems

The most common reason why there may be problems with car silencing may be related to the condition of the batteries. In addition, the electronics in the key fob may be damaged. You cannot use remote controls that are not specified in the system settings. In this case, you can turn off the engine using an additional remote control or by opening the car with the key and entering a password on the control unit.

If the car starts successfully, but after a couple of minutes it turns off and the engine does not start, check how the temperature sensor works. It is located in the engine compartment. In addition, the security system itself may be installed incorrectly, resulting in a problem with autostart.

If the car owner uses a mobile application, the cash balance of the SIM card installed in the alarm system should be monitored. If there is not enough money, SMS commands and the Internet connection will not work.

Function programming instructions

Programming algorithm:

  1. Press the service button (Valet) six times.
  2. Turn on the ignition.
  3. The car siren will sound six times, accompanied by a flashing indicator.
  4. By pressing the service button, select a customizable parameter that will be switched on the display instead of the clock.
  5. After this you need to set the parameter. The meanings of each button are shown in the table below.
  6. The key fob will confirm the mode selection with a sound signal.
  7. Turn off the ignition.

Table: programming startup parameters

NumberCustom optionShort press on button 1Briefly click on key 2Short press on button 3Long and short presses on the first button
1 pulse2 pulses3 pulses4 pulses
1Duration of operation of the power unit when the turbo timer mode is turned on1 minute2 minutes3 minutes4 minutes
5Anti-theft system mode, in which the car engine will startWith activation of the security function and blocking of door locksWithout armingWithout activation of the security functionWithout enabling protective mode
6State of side lights or light alarm on a car with the engine runningFlickerThe headlights are on continuouslyOptics disabledOptics disabled
7Closing the door locks when the engine is turned off, if the security mode is activatedDisabledActivatedActivatedActivated
8Alarm output algorithm (blue contact of 6-pin connector)Method 1 - when the ignition is turned on (ACC)Method 2 – via contact on the lock IGN2Method 3 – using the Start/Stop buttonMethod 4 – one signal
9Starter cranking time0.8 seconds1.4 s2 s3.6 s
10Type of power unit power systemPetrolDiesel fuel (method 1)Diesel fuel (method 2)Diesel fuel (method 3)
11Method for monitoring engine operation after automatic startAccording to the voltage in the car's electrical networkBased on signals from the positive output of the generatorBy negative pulse of the generator setBy tachometer
12Turning on the ignition support system when the engine is runningIn automatic modeFrom the remote controlFrom the communicatorFrom key fob

Features of the methods

There are several ways to start the engine using the Starline alarm system:

  • automatic start depending on temperature or timer;
  • remote start.

Automatic start

The automatic start function from the remote control allows the car owner to adjust the frequency of engine starting depending on the ambient temperature. Also, in the equipment settings, you can set the exact time for the engine to start and the duration of operation for warming up.

The Starline alarm, in addition to manual and temperature settings, allows you to specify the autostart time depending on external conditions, season, and so on. After the motor reaches the required temperature, it will automatically stall.

Auto start features:

  • one cycle of automatic start of the internal combustion engine includes only 4 attempts to start the engine;
  • if after starting the engine spontaneously stalls, the cycle is repeated and the internal combustion engine starts;
  • if the temperature trigger function is activated in the Starline settings, it has higher priority;
  • in cars with a manual transmission, the car owner needs to additionally configure the “signaling” to prevent the engine from starting when the car is at “speed”.

Remote start

In order to start the engine remotely, you just need to press a button on the key fob or remote control (remote control). The command to stop the engine is also sent from it.

In addition to key fobs, you can interact with the car via GSM (Groupe Spécial Mobile) and GPS (Global Positioning System) networks. To do this, just install the application on your phone or other device and use it to turn on/stop the internal combustion engine and program a warm-up autostart. Some Starline models, in particular A94 and A93, also support receiving commands via SMS messages.

How to disable autostart without key fob

Now let's look at how to remove the Starline A91 autostart without a key fob. If the task is to simply turn off the engine, you can use the following options:

  • With the help of an additional keychain. Click 1 and then 2.
  • Through a call from a mobile phone - team 22.
  • Via SMS - sending 22 or 20.
  • Through the application after registering the GSM unit. But first, make sure there are no problems with the software. After all, if the application on the phone does not work, then it will not be possible to turn off the engine through the program.

There are situations when it is necessary to turn off the automatic start system without a key fob. In this case, you will have to turn off the Starline A91 alarm with or without using a personal code. Let's consider different options.

Without personal code:

  1. Open the car doors with the key.
  2. Ignoring the signals, turn on the ignition for 20 seconds and press Valet three times.
  3. Wait until the ignition is turned off, after which the siren will signal this twice. If the alarm does not respond to the Valet button, check if everything is in order with the wiring.

With personal code:

  • Open the doors with the key.
  • Turn on the ignition and press the Valet service button the required number of times.
  • The ignition will turn off and the turn signals will light up twice.

There is also an option that allows you to completely turn off the Starline A91 autostart without a key fob. To do this, you need to go to a service station and entrust the work to specialists. If you turn it off on your own, difficulties may arise with the further operation of the system.

Reasons why the engine may not start

If the car engine does not start, there are several possible reasons:

  • The key fob or remote control is not registered in the alarm control system, or its settings are lost. They need to be entered again.
  • Damage or malfunction of the control unit or key.
  • Malfunction of the coolant temperature sensor if the autostart of the internal combustion engine is configured depending on environmental conditions. It is installed directly on the car engine.
  • Incompatibility of immobilizer and alarm system.
  • Zero balance on the SIM card installed in the signaling system.

Frequent problems and solutions

Knowing how to turn off Starline A91 autostart from the key fob, you can turn off an unnecessary function and use the security system as usual. If this fails, follow these steps:

  • Disassemble the key fob and replace the batteries in the remote control.
  • Make sure there is no interference. Try to get closer to the car and send the required command again.
  • Check if Key Lock is enabled and disable it if necessary.
  • In case of temporary system failure, try resetting the data to factory settings. To do this, turn on the ignition and press the Valet button 10 times. Then turn off the ignition and wait for 10 short signals from the system. Press the service button once, and then click on the “lock” of the key fob to reset the settings. To exit the mode, turn the ignition on and off.

Now you know how to turn off Starline A91 autostart with or without a key fob, and what difficulties may arise. In the comments, share your experience and how to solve problems that arise.

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In Starline A91, how to turn off the car using the key fob? Briefly press button 2 with the image of an open lock (for three to four seconds), and then briefly press button 3 (“star”). Four blinking lights and a melodic signal on the remote control confirm that the command was given correctly. In this case, the engine should stop.

Download instructions for alarm Starline A91, A93, A94, Twage A9

All combinations and sequences of actions for activating and deactivating functions, methods for installing the Starline security system are contained in the instructions for the device:

Manual in Russian for operation and installation of S tarline A91
Operating instructions for Starline A93
Installation instructions for Starline A92
Operating manual Starline A94
Starline Twage A9 User Manual
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