Why the steering wheel and ignition switch are locked: reasons and what to do

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Agree, it is a very unpleasant situation when the steering wheel is locked and the key does not turn in the ignition. This is especially bad if it happens while driving. In any case, it’s unpleasant, even if the car is standing still, even if it’s about to move.

Let's look at why this happens and how to unlock the steering wheel along with the ignition switch. Why was this invented, how to get rid of blocking. Yes, I was able to remove this blocking on my Semyorochka. If you want, I'll tell you how to do it.


Why does the steering wheel lock?

This is done to prevent the car from being stolen. If you turn on the ignition and start the engine without a key, and this is possible, the steering wheel will lock. The “tongue” in the design of the locking mechanism is responsible for this.

There are locking grooves on the steering shaft. If you pull out the key, the spring-loaded “tongue” will rest against the shaft. When the steering wheel rotates, the grooves align with it. He enters them and locks the steering wheel.

But there are unpleasant cases when you seem to turn your key in the lock, but the steering wheel does not unlock. Why is this happening?

There are several reasons:

  1. The security system blocked the steering and ignition switch.
  2. There is a malfunction in the lock itself or its “cylinder”. Sometimes the key gets erased. He cannot completely turn the cylinder and gets stuck in it. When you turn the steering wheel, the mechanism blocks it.
  3. Automatic transmissions can also lock the steering wheel in Parking mode. But this option is not available on all cars.

In most cases, the cause of the lockout is a faulty ignition switch . For example, on my VAZ 2107 the plates in the cylinder have worn out. The key jammed and was difficult to pull out and turn. At one point, he simply did not turn all the way, although he turned on the ignition. I turned the steering wheel and it locked.

I had to struggle for a long time to remove the lock and unlock the steering wheel. Because there are “secrets” that do not allow you to pull out the ignition switch when the steering wheel is locked. Today I will tell you how to overcome this and prevent it in the future.

Remember, the main standard mechanism that locks the steering wheel is the ignition switch. If there are no non-standard security systems, then only this system provides blocking from the factory. Therefore, you need to look for the reason only in him.

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Reasons for steering wheel lock

The steering wheel can lock on its own when the car is started with the key. In this case, among the causes of blocking, mechanical breakdowns of the steering system components should be considered. There are two most common reasons: faults in the steering rack or steering hydraulics (power steering).

Problem with the rack

The steering rack is a rod with a strip of transverse teeth that mesh with a gear. The rack teeth move forward, rotating the gear. If the rack is deformed, has severe wear, or a foreign object, pieces of lubricant, debris, or fragments of teeth gets into the gearing of the teeth, then the gear connection jams and the steering wheel is blocked.

In this case, the rack will have to be disassembled, the interference removed, and lubricated. Deformation of the rod, corrosion or broken teeth require the steering rack to be replaced.

Important! The steering rack rarely jams unexpectedly. Most often, before complete blocking, characteristic symptoms of a malfunction are observed: play, knocking when turning, spontaneous change in the central position of the steering wheel due to skipping teeth.

Problem with power steering

Hydraulic failure by itself does not cause the steering wheel to jam. If there is a malfunction in the hydraulic booster (power steering), you will feel it immediately by the resistance of the steering wheel when you try to turn it. Most likely, the hydraulic pump has failed, there is a leak of working fluid, the rings in the distributor are worn out, the side pressures are incorrectly adjusted or the belt is loose.

This is a dangerous situation: there is a risk of losing control of the car during a maneuver and getting into an accident. In addition, due to hydraulic failure, the rack begins to work incorrectly, which can lead to its deformation, misalignment of the teeth, and final jamming.

If a symptom of “heaviness” of the steering wheel appears, check the quality and level of the working fluid in the power steering (it may need to be topped up), inspect the power steering hoses for leaks in the connection (air may have gotten in), adjust the power steering drive belt. If power steering operation is not restored, go to a service station.

Problems of domestic cars

In Russian-made cars, the problem of steering wheel locking is quite acute: the control is blocked not only when parked, but often while the car is moving. The reason is simple - poor build quality of the ignition switch, in which the key is held unstable. Vibration of the column while the machine is moving can lead to a slight change in the position of the key and trigger the locking tongue.

There is only one way to solve the problem - the locking tab should be removed from the ignition switch. Yes, when the ignition is turned off, the steering wheel will no longer be locked, but you can protect yourself from an unexpected emergency situation.

How to unlock the steering column and lock

If this happens, then you need to try using the “original” key to turn on the ignition in the car. This may not work out right away. Since the locked steering wheel will not allow you to turn the key.

To do this, you need to loosen the steering wheel in different directions. At the same time trying to rotate the key in the keyhole.

This may not work the first time. It all depends on the degree of wear of the mechanism. The steering wheel will have a slight play, swing it from one extreme position to the other. At the same time turn the key in the lock from the zero position to the “ignition on” position.

Important! Do not apply too much force to the key. Otherwise, it will break and the entire mechanism will have to be replaced. This will cause unnecessary problems and costs.

Video on how to independently unlock a car steering wheel and a key in a car keyhole:

Brute force method

If the problem is advanced, then you will have to use the “barbaric” method. I was sorry to use it on my car.

It involves the use of brute force. Our task is to break the steering lock tab in the ignition switch . To do this, we continue to loosen the steering wheel. Having gathered all our strength into a fist, we try to break the latch with a sharp movement to the side.

This may not work the first time. Patience and a little effort. That is why I felt sorry for using this method to unlock the steering wheel.

If the automatic transmission is at fault

Some car models have such a security system. It locks the steering wheel when the automatic transmission is put in position “P” - parking. It is enough to move the gearbox selector to the “N” position - neutral and the lock will be removed.

If this does not happen, move the gearbox lever to neutral. We release the handbrake and push the car a few meters forward. This should unlock the steering wheel.

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Automatic engine start system

In modern cars, you can often find the function of remote engine start, or in other words, “autostart”.
The thing is certainly convenient and extremely useful in some situations, but at the same time it causes problems associated with the ignition and blocking of the control system. Cars require you to insert the key into the lock to start driving. This is where many drivers have an unpleasant moment: the car is started, the key is in place, but the steering wheel is still locked. The solution in such a situation is simple. Despite the presence of a key in the groove, to activate the system the latter must be set to the “ignition” position, in other words, turned all the way.

What to do if it gets blocked while driving

  1. We need to stop immediately.
  2. Turn on the hazard warning lights.
  3. Turn off the engine and remove the key from the lock.
  4. Insert it back and turn until the ignition turns on. There should be a click and the steering wheel will unlock.

If you can’t do it, you’ll have to break it. If the alarm is blocked, you need to call a tow truck. It will not be possible to break a third-party blocker; you will have to go to the service center where the alarm was installed.

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Professional advice on removing blocking

Experts assure that in order to unlock your car’s steering wheel, it is best to contact a service center and arrange a meeting with a specialist. This option is especially relevant for those drivers whose car is under warranty service. If your car's steering wheel won't turn, don't panic and take drastic measures to fix the problem. After all, any intervention in the design of the car will entail termination of the warranty service.

How on a VAZ 2107 I unlocked the steering wheel and removed the jammed ignition switch

  1. Remove the steering column cover.
  2. This opens access to the protective strip, which hides the same latch.
  3. It is made of a brittle alloy. Use a screwdriver to pry it off and pull it towards you. It will break easily. Access to the blocker opens.
  4. We grab it with a screwdriver and press it inside the lock.

Now you can pull it out. By the way, the steering wheel is already unlocked. On a VAZ 2107, to remove a locked lock, you need to press the latch on the opposite side. Now it can be easily pulled out of the steering column.

I bought a new lock. Using a hacksaw, we sawed off the retainer to the very root. Now its length is not enough to lock the steering wheel.

Video of how you can remove the steering lock on a VAZ 2101-07 and start the car without the ignition switch:

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In response to our request, AVTOVAZ representatives responded that they were aware of the problem. And they assured that the locks meet all international requirements, and spontaneous blocking is caused by the human factor, that is, it happens through the fault of the drivers themselves.

We started our testing with tests on a special site. Having accelerated the car a little, we turned off the engine and took the key out of the lock to lock the steering wheel. While driving, they turned on the ignition, unlocked the steering wheel, engaged second gear and released the clutch to start the engine without turning the key to the “starter” position. No matter how much we turned the steering wheel on a flat surface and on uneven surfaces, we could not achieve spontaneous blocking. I had to disassemble the lock to look at the problem from the inside.

It turned out that the manufacturer was telling the truth. If the key is brought to the “ignition” position, then the rod is clearly fixed and spontaneous locking of the steering wheel is impossible in principle unless the key is removed. But we still found the source of erroneous actions by drivers, having discovered an angle of rotation of the key in the lock at which a click occurs and the illusion of a fixed position is created. We didn't have to drive a car to test our guess. Even when the car was stationary, it was enough to actively turn the steering wheel for the key to return a little and the locking rod to move out, blocking the steering wheel.

AVTOVAZ specialists threw up their hands. The operation of any lock is accompanied by all sorts of sounds, and this ghost position is not fixed.

In addition, they noted that many foreign manufacturers have a similar lock design. Our advice to Togliatti car owners who have installed an alarm system with an auto-start function: turn the key to the “start” position or remove the locking tab from the ignition switch - you will be safe.

The ignition switch installed on LADA cars is homologated for compliance with international rules and safety requirements.
The steering wheel lock described in the request may occur if the key is not turned to the fixed “ignition” position. In this case, vibration may cause the key to return to the “off” position. This leads to a return to the original state of the engaged steering lock, in which the lock had been since the last time the lock was activated when the key was removed from the ignition switch.
There is a widespread opinion on forums that to ensure that the locking mechanism is turned off, you must turn the key to the “starter” position. In fact, it is enough to turn the key to the fixed “ignition” position. When the key is turned from the “off” position to the “ignition” position, the steering shaft is unlocked by the locking rod of the ignition switch and the locking rod is fixed. It is important to note that the locking rod is locked at the end of turning the key, only in the fixed “ignition” position.
If the driver is not sure that he has brought the key to a fixed position, then he can play it safe by turning the key to the “starter” position when the engine has already been started. LADA cars have a protection system: the key will idle without activating the starter.

Automatic parking.

This can also happen to beginners. A car with an automatic transmission locks the steering mechanism when in “parking” mode, if it is equipped in the car.

Even someone who has sat in a car seat for the first time can cope with the decision. It is enough to move the gearbox control lever to any other position. If the problem persists, then this was not the problem. Some experienced motorists advise pushing the automatic transmission car a couple of meters in neutral and trying again.

Since the price of repairing a machine gun or any of its parts is quite high, the best weapon against this will be attentiveness. Always pay attention to the position of the lever and take your time when starting.

Driver error.

Very often, blocking occurs due to the activation of the anti-theft mechanism or due to the fact that the key was not fully inserted into the hole. When you try to turn the steering wheel to the right or left, a mutual short circuit occurs. What to do in this case?

The easiest way is to turn the key and the control wheel at the same time. This can be done using different algorithms: in one direction, in different directions, smoothly or sharply. This method may take many minutes and there is no guarantee that it will be effective. But, nevertheless, some lucky car owners were lucky.

Sometimes it is enough to apply physical force to the ignition system. But there is a high probability of the metal blade breaking, which threatens to jam the key body in the hole. Much more effective can be physical impact directly on the steering wheel, in order to disrupt the protective mechanism. You will need a lot of force, especially for new cars, and there are simply no guarantees that it will help.

The price of solving the problem

If it is impossible to repair a broken mechanism , you must buy and install a new one. By contacting the official service, you will receive high-quality installation of the original locking mechanism very quickly. Replacing the lock mechanism in the service costs approximately a thousand rubles.

If you want to do this yourself, you first need to buy a lock that matches the model of your car. This affects its cost. Typically, imported components cost from two thousand rubles, Russian ones up to one thousand (for example, for VAZ cars the cost of the mechanism is within 700 rubles).

To prevent breakdowns of the locking device in the future and extend its service life, it is important to regularly lubricate the moving parts. To do this, inject a little oil into the hole with a syringe, and there will be no difficulties with turning the key in the ignition for a long time.

We have analyzed the main reasons for the key “wedges” in the ignition. And they explained how to resolve such difficulties independently.

The only 100% way.

Regardless of what causes the breakdown, if you can’t or don’t want to fix everything yourself, just contact an official representative at a dealer, service or repair center that specializes in your brand.

An additional factor that encourages turning to professionals is the possibility of a simple breakdown of elements of one of the systems. Self-diagnosis, detection and repair is very difficult, especially for those who have never held a wrench in their hands.

Some drivers, faced with a similar problem for a long time, install a “start” button on their car, forever forgetting about the problem of the steering wheel and ignition jamming.

Remember that independent repairs without proper qualifications, especially those associated with replacing “original” parts with “non-original” ones, are very risky for the car.

Well contamination.

The answer may lie in the ignition key hole itself. With prolonged use or unfavorable conditions, it becomes dirty, causing the key to stop turning in the right direction, creating the impression of being locked.

If this happens, spray or lightly pour alcohol or WD-40 into the hole. After waiting a few minutes, try again.

By the way, in winter it is recommended to use silicone grease or a special hair dryer to heat the ignition system.

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