Replacing level and emergency oil pressure sensors on a VAZ 2114

The main purpose of engine oil is to lubricate moving engine components and other mechanisms to minimize friction and wear. Accordingly, once this fluid has exhausted its service life, the car’s spare parts will quickly become unusable. As in the case of gasoline, the oil level in the car is constantly monitored by a VAZ 2114 sensor, which will let the owner know when this resource needs to be replaced.

This device is also prone to wear and tear, like most other car components. If the oil sensor fails, the driver risks damaging the car's power plant, not suspecting that it lacks high-quality lubrication. Therefore, every vehicle owner needs to know what this part is and what signs indicate its malfunction.

Sensor design and operation

The design of the engine oil sensor on the VAZ 2114 is extremely simple, which makes it a fairly reliable mechanism. The device consists of a main body, a measuring membrane and a mechanism for transmitting information. The membrane itself is a conductor of electric current and includes two contacts - static and dynamic. To monitor the suitability of the working fluid, the VAZ 2114 sensor is fixed in the tank so that the membrane is constantly in direct contact with the engine oil. As long as there is enough oil, the current passing through the membrane meets resistance. The contacts do not transmit any signal to the dashboard and the diode does not light up.

Over time, as it oxidizes and accumulates dirt particles that the fluid washes away from the moving parts of the car, oil is produced. At some point the pressure becomes too low to resist the flow. The measuring membrane dries and transmits a signal to the driver, causing the oil level light to light up. This serves as a sign that the fluid needs to be replaced.

What you need to know about DDM?

So, first, let's figure out what the VAZ 2114 oil pressure sensor is, what functions it performs, where it is located and how to check it. Let's start with the purpose and installation location.

Purpose and location

The oil pressure controller on a VAZ is one of the main components of the vehicle condition monitoring system. This device allows you to timely determine a critically low pressure level in the engine lubrication system. Accordingly, thanks to this device, you can not only eliminate malfunctions that have arisen in the system, but also get rid of the reasons why this happened.

So where is the oil pressure sensor in the Four, you ask. As you can see from the photo, the device is located in the engine compartment, in particular, in the cylinder head socket, under the black engine trim.

Design features and operating principle

It should be noted that, regardless of the vehicle model where the DDM is used, all controllers are characterized by an almost identical design.

The main components of the device:

  • sealed magnetically controlled contact - reed switch;
  • special membrane;
  • device body;
  • bimetallic plate (video author - Kirill Zbruenko).

As for the principle of operation, this is also not a particularly difficult question. At the moment when the motorist activates the ignition, there will be no oil in the system, while at the magnetically controlled contact the contact elements themselves will be closed. Naturally, the electrical circuit itself will also be closed, so the corresponding engine fluid pressure indicator lights up on the dashboard - this indicates that the circuit is fully operational.

When the driver starts to start the power unit, the level of motor fluid in the oil system rises, which ultimately leads to an increase in the pressure parameter at the DDM. More precisely, we are talking directly about the membrane installed inside it. As a result of this, deformation of the membrane element occurs, which helps to open the contacts on the circuit; accordingly, because of this, the indicator on the control panel stops lighting. The deformation of the membrane contributes to the impact on the device plate, and its spiral, in turn, transmits data on the pressure indicator to the controller itself.

As you can see, in general there is nothing complicated about this issue. If for some reason the pressure in the oil system begins to decrease, this again leads to a closed circuit. Accordingly, if there is an arrow, it will drop to zero, and a light indicator will again appear on the control panel, which indicates the need to diagnose the controller (the author of the video is the Auto Repair and Tuning channel).

Diagnostic features

As you already understood, if the oil indicator light does not disappear on the dashboard after starting the engine, this indicates that the emergency oil pressure sensor should be checked. Or rather, first of all, you should diagnose the level of consumables in the power unit. If the working fluid level corresponds to the norm, that is, it is between the MIN and MAX marks, it is necessary to start checking the controller itself.

As for diagnostics specifically, the first thing you can do is perform a visual check of the device. Inspect the controller housing to see if there is any damage, traces of engine fluid leaks, etc. If oil traces are visible on the regulator, then you need to make sure that the problem lies in the sensor; to do this, carefully inspect the power unit itself. If the consumable material comes out somewhere from under the regulator, then most likely the reason lies in the wear of the rubber seal, which can be replaced. If oil leaks from under the connector where the terminal is installed, then the controller itself will need to be changed.

  1. Diagnostics using a voltmeter will allow you to more accurately determine the malfunction of the device:
  2. First you need to drive the car onto an overpass or pit.
  3. Unscrew the bolts that secure the power unit protection, and then remove it.
  4. When you find the DDM itself, the car engine will need to be started.
  5. Having done this, the power cord from the device must be disconnected. Then take a tester and diagnose the voltage level between the ground and the connecting plug. If the device is working, then the voltage indicator on the display will be 12 volts (video author - Vyacheslav Kravchenko).

If the voltage is lower, then most likely the reason lies in the failure of the display unit or poor contact in the electrical circuit of the DDP. If the contact is normal, then there is a possibility that a wire break has occurred in the circuit.

Reasons for triggering the DUM

The presence of a lit LED does not always indicate insufficient oil level. The driver, who decided to check the condition of the lubricant because of the signal, suddenly discovers that the liquid resource does not yet need to be replaced. In such a situation, it is worth paying attention to the condition of the VAZ 2114 sensor itself and neighboring components for the following phenomena:

  • Accumulation of oil deposits in the pan, causing the oil receiver mesh to become clogged.
  • Damage to the wiring connecting the dashboard LED to the oil level sensor.
  • The oil pump began to work intermittently or completely failed.
  • A critical amount of dirt has accumulated in the oil filter.
  • There was an oil leak caused by oxidation of the gasket.

It is important to understand that when the oil level sensor signal comes on, it is a good reason to stop using the car until the causes of the malfunction are eliminated. In this case, it will be justified to call a tow truck to deliver the car to the workshop. Attempts to start the engine in such conditions can lead to engine damage and even an emergency.

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1 Topic by dorik 2012-11-25 22:10:25

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Topic: Resolved: the engine crankcase low oil level light is on

The level on the dipstick is normal, but the lamp is still on.. can you tell me about this problem??

2 Reply from aleks-nk 2012-11-26 03:51:25

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Re: Resolved: the engine crankcase low oil level light is on

Either the oil sensor needs to be changed or the wiring is shorted. or more seriously, the oil pump is not pumping

3 Reply from Admin 2012-11-26 04:17:33

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Re: Resolved: the engine crankcase low oil level light is on

dorik, check the oil pressure sensor itself, if not, then look further at the oil pressure sensor category, now there is only one article, but in it you will find advice on how to check why the oil can caught fire. By the way, in a few days a couple more articles will appear in this category

4 Reply from iliaBkmz 2012-11-26 09:29:33

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Re: Resolved: the engine crankcase low oil level light is on

Remove the wire from the sensor and check whether the light goes out; if it goes out, then the sensor is not working. The float on the sensor could be stuck or simply broken. Replace it in this case - work for 10 minutes.

5 Reply from dorik 2012-11-26 11:32:39

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Re: Resolved: the engine crankcase low oil level light is on's not the oil pressure light that's's the low oil level light in the engine crankcase. Today I cleaned the contact.. changed the sensor - it’s still on. Maybe someone has encountered such a problem. the level is also normal

6 Reply from Admin 2012-11-26 12:18:26

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Re: Resolved: the engine crankcase low oil level light is on

Dorik, it’s clear, you’re talking about the low oil level indicator on the BI BSK. the light comes on when there is ground on pin 9, check where it comes from there

7 Reply from iliaBkmz 2012-11-26 13:22:06

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Re: Resolved: the engine crankcase low oil level light is on

I wrote to you about him. Admin - I wrote it correctly - if the mass came from the sensor, the lamp came on. It can be checked simply: 1. Remove the wire from the sensor - see if the light goes out - if it doesn’t go out, then the sensor has nothing to do with it at all. 2. Next, we remove the BSK block and check whether ground has “arrived” at the contact - according to the diagram above - Admin We do not put the wire on the sensor 3. If there is ground on the wire, it means that somewhere it is shorted to ground and you need to find it using tourniquets. 4. If there is no ground in the wire, then put the block back on and check on the connected connector on the reverse side - perhaps it is shorting through the block itself. That's all science is - you just have to look.

8 Reply from dorik 2012-11-26 22:54:46

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Re: Resolved: the engine crankcase low oil level light is on

everything is fine, thank you all.. it turned out to be very simple. the wire that goes to the sensor simply shorted to ground... due to the fact that I was changing the thermostat, and when I tightened the timing belt guard, I didn’t notice how the wire got between it and the engine.

Oil level sensor (OLS) VAZ 2115 - designed to monitor the oil level in the engine, it is located near the oil filter, which, as you know, is located in the engine crankcase. The signal from the sensor is sent to the corresponding indicator on the dashboard.

The main task of this sensor is to monitor the oil level and timely send a signal to the indicator light if it drops to a critical level. The principle of operation is based on measuring current resistance; if there is enough oil, the sensor is immersed in liquid - at its output the resistance will be higher than the resistance on a dry sensor at a low oil level. Some motorists confuse the oil level sensor with the oil pressure sensor, which I have written about several times in previous articles. These are different sensors, although they do have a lot in common, well, first of all, they are both sensors, both work with oil and are indicators of a malfunction in the oil system.

The malfunction of this sensor is dangerous due to engine oil starvation, that is, when the engine runs without oil, roughly speaking, “dry.”

Sensor check

In some cases, it is necessary to check the oil sensor for malfunctions. For the described procedure, you need to prepare a set of keys, rags and a voltmeter in advance. In addition, you can only access the sensor from under the bottom of the car, so in the process you will need an inspection hole, a jack or a car lift. The verification procedure takes place in the following order:

  • The car is installed on a lift or over a pit. In the case of a jack, the car body is raised to a level that will allow a person to freely crawl under it.
  • The engine sump protection is removed. To do this, you need to unscrew all the fastening elements of the plate, and then carefully dismantle it.
  • The oil level sensor on a VAZ 2114 with an 8-valve engine is located next to the oil filter, so finding it is not difficult. Using a rag, the device is wiped and cleaned of dust, dirt and sediment.
  • Having disconnected the wire from the block, you can use a voltmeter and measure the voltage both on the block itself and on ground. If the DUM is working properly, the device will show a stable 12 V.

If you receive other indicators, it is worth checking the condition of the wires in the circuit and the serviceability of the display unit. The last problem is often expressed by almost the same symptoms, which misleads inexperienced drivers who think that the DUM has broken down. If the listed components are in order, a new sensor must be installed.


Well, it’s one thing to talk about it, another thing when there are already problems. But what should you do if the oil pressure light comes on while driving?

The logical solution would be to get out of traffic, stop and visually assess the amount of oil in the engine yourself.

There is a special dipstick for this, which you can find near the oil filler neck.

If you are not mistaken, and there really is not enough oil, you need to add it. You must understand that the indicator begins to signal a problem when you still have some room to maneuver.

Most likely, if you are not on the highway between cities, then you should be able to get home or to the nearest service station without any problems.

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In addition, if your car is still under warranty, then purely under the warranty agreement you should not interfere with the car yourself or by using the services of a service station that is not properly certified.

True, this may not apply if you simply need to change the engine oil, but this greatly depends on the manufacturer and dealer from whom you purchased the vehicle.

Over the past couple of years, situations have become more and more common when similar conditions were prescribed in the warranty agreement, and large companies were involved in this, which is the most unpleasant thing.

Without a guarantee, you should always take the time to check the oil, and only if it is not enough, add the required amount or completely replace it.

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If, even after changing the oil, the pressure light comes on, you need to carry out a more detailed inspection of the car, but whether you do it yourself or not is up to you to decide.


Replacing the oil level sensor on a VAZ 2114 requires removing the faulty device. The first stages of this procedure are almost identical to how it is checked, with the difference that dismantling is allowed only if the ignition of the machine and its electrical network are first turned off. This is done by disconnecting the negative terminal of the battery. After this, you can follow further instructions:

  • Using a 10mm socket wrench, unscrew the oil sensor fasteners.
  • Having removed them all, you can begin dismantling the device. At this stage, it is important to act carefully and not damage the float when removing the DUM from the landing position. Therefore, during dismantling, the device must be rocked little by little from side to side from its location.
  • When the previous sensor is removed, a new one is installed in the reverse order.
  • All fastening components return to their place, firmly fixing the DUM VAZ 2114.

After completing installation work, check again to ensure that all faults have been corrected. At this stage, it is important to listen to the sounds of the engine, which should not make any knocks, squeaks or grinding noises, which could indicate a lack of oil. The indicator should also not light up if the working fluid is still at a sufficient level.

Why does the indicator light up on the instrument panel?

While driving a car, the DUM indicator may light up. Novice drivers in such a situation often fall into unreasonable panic. This can be due to both trivial and serious reasons. In one case, cleaning the contacts will help, in another, replacing the sensor. The first step is to measure the level using a dipstick. It is enough to clean it thoroughly and find the max – min marks on the surface.

Place the device in the tube and remove it back after three minutes. If the upper point of contact of the oil layer fits into the interval between the two marks, there is sufficient oil. If, for example, the level is below the min mark, you should add fluid to the normal level. And only after this can you move on to the next stage - checking the functionality of the DUM.


It will not be possible to detect a breakdown of the oil level sensor on a VAZ 2114 with a simple eye, and it will almost certainly be necessary to carry out an in-depth check using the described method to determine the causes of the malfunction. The driver does not have to carry out this procedure himself, because there are many car services that are ready to perform the necessary diagnostics and replace a damaged sensor.

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