Which batteries are better for the VAZ 2110 injector 8 valves

Domestic VAZ-2110 cars are equipped with not very high-quality batteries, which quickly fail. As a result, at first there is a need for frequent recharging, the battery fails more and more often, especially in the cold season, and then requires urgent replacement. Choose good battery for VAZ 2110

necessary taking into account all technical characteristics. They should not differ much from the original battery, since otherwise it will be difficult to predict how long this model will last and what kind of care it will require.

Which battery is better to choose?

From the factory, all VAZ 2110-2112 vehicles are equipped with a battery with a capacity of 55 Ampere hour. But for some reason, many owners believe that they can install batteries of higher capacity without any negative consequences. But this is far from true. From personal experience of use, I can say that the consequences can be as follows:

  1. A battery with a larger capacity will not be fully charged from the operation of the generator, and this in turn will lead to premature “aging” of the batteries. To avoid this, you will need to regularly charge the battery from a charger.
  2. The load on the generator is too high. As a result, some parts of the generator may fail. I can’t say with 100% certainty that my assumptions are correct, but over the course of a year of using a battery in a VAZ 2112 with a capacity of 70 Ampere hour, 3 diode bridges burned out. And after installing a normal 55 Ampere-hour battery, these problems no longer occurred.

The main thing is not to make a mistake in the electrical characteristics

When choosing a battery for a VAZ-2110 , pay attention to the capacity and starting current - these are the main parameters. If you neglect them and purchase a device based only on cost, you may encounter serious troubles when connecting:

  • On-board electrical appliances do not turn on;
  • The engine does not start;
  • Lighting does not work;
  • During operation, the battery takes a long time to charge from the generator or discharges too quickly.

To get around the problems presented, we give preference to batteries with a capacity of 55 to 60 Ah, depending on the presence of additional electronics in the cabin. At the same time, acceptable values ​​of cold cranking current (starter) remain within the range of 480 - 520 A.

What else should you pay attention to?

An important factor in any car battery is the starting current. And the higher this value, the better and faster your car will start. This is especially important in winter, when the load on the battery increases.

Nowadays, many models of VAZ cars, including 2110, are installed off the assembly line with Akom batteries, the starting current of which is about 425 Amperes. Unfortunately, this figure is not very high and it is impossible to boast of a good start in winter frosts. Therefore, when replacing the factory battery, when this becomes necessary, I would advise choosing a battery with a large starting current value, at least 450 and above.


At the factory, the manufacturer installs a battery with a capacity of 55 Ah on this vehicle. Many vehicle owners believe that it is possible to install a larger capacity battery without any harm. But that's not true. If the setting is too high, the battery simply will not be fully charged. As a result, the device will age prematurely. The only way to avoid this is to periodically charge the battery yourself with a special device.

Another consequence of installing a battery that is too powerful is increased load on the generator. Especially often when installing a battery of 65 Ah or more, the diode bridge suffers. Moreover, according to reviews from owners, the use of such a battery leads to complete failure of the battery.

Selecting a battery manufacturer

The most famous today are battery companies such as Varta, Bosch, Mutlu and our domestic Tyumen batteries. Of course, there are many other manufacturers, but I decided to mention these because I have come across some from personal experience.

Mutlu is a fairly serious manufacturer that makes excellent batteries for cars. This battery stood on the parent VAZ 2107 for 5 years without a single charge, after which it worked for another year with periodic recharging. The model was Silver Evolution with a starting current of 540 Amps.

In winter there have never been problems with starting in any frost down to -30 degrees. I would like to note that if more attention was paid to this battery, it is possible that the service life would have increased by another couple of years.

Varta is considered the world's best manufacturer of car batteries. But the cost of these batteries is quite high. I bought myself the simplest model, Black Dynamic, which has the following characteristics: 56 A*h and with a starting current of 480 Amperes.

This battery has been in use for two years now and there hasn't been a single problem. Excellent start in winter. It is a maintenance-free type and there is no need to add electrolyte or distilled water for the entire service life.

As for the factory Akom , which finally died after 3 years of use, it did not bring me much joy. Periodically he sat down at the most inopportune moment; in winter, he generally had to be brought into the house at -20 degrees below zero. As for the starting current power, in winter it barely cranked the engine. In general, there are only negative memories of him.


How to choose a battery for a VAZ-2110

A huge number of cars of foreign origin drive around our country. But there are much more cars produced by VAZ due to the low cost of such vehicles. Today there are a considerable number of models and modifications of these cars, and most drivers often wonder: which battery is better to buy? In this article we will look at the features of choosing a battery for the VAZ-2110. Basically, all of the recommendations below are quite applicable to other cars of the manufacturer in question.

General tips for choosing a battery

Regardless of the model and modification of the vehicle, take into account the following features of choosing a battery:

  1. Find out the main parameters, which include: capacity, terminal type, housing dimensions and contact polarity.
  2. The capacity of the battery must correspond to this indicator of the battery, which has already expired. The differences may be minor. But it is better to maintain an exact match of the indicators. The stable operation of the vehicle’s on-board electrical network depends on this.
  3. Determine the exact dimensions of the battery. Often, the battery on a VAZ has the following parameters: 242 × 175 × 190 mm. These are the general parameters of body dimensions on almost all cars produced by VAZ. But you should not blindly follow this recommendation. It’s better to measure the battery yourself to be on the safe side.
  4. Determine the polarity of the battery. It is not difficult. Usually VAZ models have a direct type of polarity.
  5. To correctly determine the type of terminals, consider the following: the best option for the vehicle in question is the European type of contact terminals. Unlike Asian varieties, these terminals are more voluminous. If we compare it with the American variety, in our case there is no thread.
  6. Before buying a battery, pay special attention to the conditions in which the car will be used. If you plan to drive in cold areas, then it is better to opt for products with an increased battery capacity of about 5-10 A/h from the recommended value. If the car will be driven off-road, take a closer look at batteries with reinforced plate fixation.

The above list of recommendations will allow you to choose a good battery for the VAZ-2110.

For the car model in question, it is recommended to choose a lead-acid battery type. This advice is based on the fact that such batteries are installed by the manufacturer from the factory. This is a maintenance free battery option. When replacing the battery, keep in mind that the more additional equipment there is in the car, the more powerful the power element is needed.

Dimensions and polarity

An important point is the overall size of the device. They must comply with those specified by the manufacturer:

  • length – 242 mm;
  • height – 190 mm;
  • width – 175 mm.

If the overall dimensions for some reason do not coincide with the original ones, it will be difficult to install on the seat. Another important point is the choice of polarity. The Lada VAZ 2110 has a direct polarity type. This type means that when the battery is placed with the front side facing the viewer, the positive terminal is on the left.

Using a battery with reverse polarity is possible. But they require changes to the design - extension of current supply wires. The VAZ 2110 scheme involves installing a battery with a direct location. It is better to replace the battery immediately. This is the only way to avoid problems associated with dimly lit headlights and starting the engine.

The best battery manufacturers

Experienced motorists have been using products from specific companies for quite a long time, which have shown only good results.
We bring to your attention several proven manufacturers whose batteries have excellent quality and reliability: All brands are produced in Europe, and the products have advanced technological solutions.

Advantages that can be found in the batteries of the above companies:

  1. Use of advanced technological solutions in production.
  2. Excellent starting power.
  3. Minimum self-discharge rate.
  4. Sufficient level of security for trouble-free operation.
  5. The products are ideal for the climate of our country. This is especially true for frost resistance.
  6. The batteries have proven themselves well in various operating conditions.

What should the battery marking be?

As we mentioned above, a lead-acid battery with liquid electrolyte is installed on the VAZ-2110 from the factory. The battery marking is as follows: 6ST-55A.

According to the manufacturer, this is the most suitable battery for the car in question, from which the entire on-board electrical network works perfectly.

6ST-55A is a maintenance-free battery, which is also installed on VAZ-2111 and 2112.

When purchasing such a power supply, it is quite likely that you will need to fill the electrolyte. It is recommended to do this at an ambient temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. The substance must be poured through a special hole slowly (the procedure is completed within 20 minutes). This usually applies to batteries that are sold dry.

Let us draw your attention to the fact that 6ST-55A is the marking of a battery, the manufacturer of which can be anyone, including the previously discussed companies with a positive reputation.

Features of battery care

If you have installed a 6ST-55A battery in your car, then pay attention to the following recommendations that will allow the power element to work out the period stated by the manufacturer:

  1. Do not allow the battery to become deeply discharged.
  2. Make sure that the output voltage is at least 10V.
  3. Conventional batteries are designed for only 10 charge/discharge cycles.
  4. Turn off all devices (equipment) in the vehicle when parked.
  5. Regularly check the functionality of your car alternator.
  6. 6ST-55A is a maintenance-free battery, but plugs are still present on the case so that you can access individual banks. This is necessary so that the density of the electrolyte in the battery can be adjusted. In winter, it is recommended to increase this figure to 1.3 gcm3. In summer - 1.23 gcm cubic.
  7. Discharging the battery by 50% in summer and 25% in winter is a signal that it’s time to charge the battery.

Is it possible to install other types of batteries?

In addition to the 6ST-55A model, it is time to choose other battery options.
In winter, the capacity of the power supply drops, and most drivers install more capacious batteries. Installing such batteries is a controversial decision. This is based on the fact that in winter the internal combustion engine rarely gains sufficient speed to charge the battery, and this usually happens after 20 minutes of driving. In urban conditions, by this time the trip may already be over. In practice, many VAZ-2110s are driven with a 6ST-60 or 6ST-62 battery. Some car enthusiasts install power cells with a capacity of 70 A/h or more. But in such cases, the battery will need to be charged using a stationary charger.

To summarize, we note that we have reviewed the main recommendations for choosing a battery for the VAZ-2110. Considering the above tips, you can easily choose an excellent battery for yourself. Recently, motorists have been inclined to choose gel batteries. These types of products have high starting currents and do not freeze in cold weather. However, the cost of a gel battery is several times higher than that of conventional products. Whether your car needs this is up to you to decide.


Starting current

An important parameter is the starting current. This characteristic refers to the amount of energy that the battery can supply at one time. From the factory, cars of the brand in question are equipped with a battery with a rating of 425 A. This figure is small; such a battery cannot have a good stable start in cold weather.

The optimal solution is to install a battery with a starting current of 450 A or more. This parameter does not affect charging or operation in any way. The only drawback is the relatively high cost. Separately, you need to dwell on the manufacturer. The optimal solution would be to purchase:

The first is resistant to self-discharge at low temperatures. It will be possible to start the engine even at -40 0 C. Its only disadvantage is its relatively high cost. Varta will be somewhat cheaper. The battery is also expensive, but slightly cheaper than the Multu. When choosing, you need to focus primarily on the equipment parameters.

Which battery should I put in a VAZ?

When choosing, you need to consider the following parameters:

  1. Battery polarity. The answer to the question what polarity of the battery on a VAZ will be is straight. This means that the “+” output from the factory is on the left. Conveyor batteries fully comply with the requirements and their replacement with analogues must be carried out in compliance with the norm. Otherwise, the power cables may not be long enough.
  2. Dimensions. The standard mounting dimensions of the battery must be taken into account in order to be able to install a new part in the old place. In some models, it is possible to replace the unit with a smaller one, but a large unit may not fit into a niche.
  3. Capacity. Modern AvtoVAZ models are equipped with 55 Ah units. For classic cars, tanks of about 40Ah were used. The choice of analogue should be based on these parameters. If the buyer wishes, it is possible to install a battery “with a reserve”. In cases of installation of additional energy-intensive equipment (enhanced headlights, powerful sound system), this is completely justified.
  4. Starter cranking current. Everything here is as simple as possible - the more, the better. The parameter affects the ability to start the engine in cold weather. A large starting current can provide greater force to the starter to crank a frozen engine.
  5. Factory warranty. The minimum acceptable period is 2-3 years.
  6. Design. In principle, there are serviceable and sealed types of batteries. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Replacing tie rod ends for VAZ 2114

The tie rod connects the steering rack and the steering knuckle. If the tie rod joint is worn heavily on a bad road, unpleasant knocking noises appear, and the steering wheel also begins to shake; in this case, the tie rod ends will have to be removed and replaced with new ones….

7th place: Forse 6CT-55 L 55 Ah 530A

The Forse company is located in Russia and manufactures batteries that can withstand heavy Russian operating loads.

The capacity is smaller than that of the previously reviewed specimens - 55 A/h, but this is enough for a car with an engine capacity of up to 1.6 liters. Starting current - 530 A. Battery polarity - straight.

The manufacturer provides a 3-year warranty.

  • Reasonable price.
  • Does not require constant maintenance.
  • Resistant to strong discharges.
  • Additional strength of electrodes.

No shortcomings have been identified; the model is not popular among motorists.

1st place: Bosch S4 005 Silver 60 Ah 540A

Takes first place in the ranking. Maintenance-free battery from the Silver series. Suitable for most modern cars: domestic and foreign cars.

The manufacturer guarantees that the engine will start in any temperature conditions. The product is intended for cars with an average level of equipment.

Characteristics: capacity - 60 A/h, starting current - 540 A. Terminals - standard, polarity - reverse. Product weight - 14 kg. Dimensions fit all cars. Produced in Germany. Manufacturer's warranty - 2 years.

  • Reliability.
  • Life time.
  • Service by specialists is possible.
  • Confident launch in any weather conditions.

Battery Dimensions

On most VAZ models, the space under the hood for the battery is the same. When choosing a battery, one of the important criteria is size. If the device is smaller than required, it will not be possible to secure it properly, and if it is larger, it will not fit.

The optimal battery size for the VAZ-2110 and other models is 242 x 175 x 190 cm.

Battery capacity and starting current

If you choose a model with a large capacity, the generator will not be able to fully charge. The battery for 2110 and VAZ-2114 should be no more than 55-65 A. When calculating the capacity, they are based on the volume of the power unit. The optimal starting current is 480-600 A.

Attention! The higher the starting current, the better the motor will start.

6th place: Multu SFB 3 60 Ah 540 A

The model is produced using new technology using a liquid advanced electrolyte. The battery is designed for passenger vehicles, suitable for commercial vehicles. SFB - Superior Flooded Battery technology.

Battery capacity - 60 A/h, starting current - 540 A. polarity - straight, terminals are of the European type. Weight - 14.8 kg. The battery dimensions are standard; the dimensions of the device are suitable for all VAZ cars.

Attention! This model is maintenance-free, without the ability to independently add electrolyte. If this is required, it is better to contact specialists

  • No need to service.
  • Compliance price/quality.
  • Application of advanced technologies.
  • Good characteristics.


On batteries from European and American manufacturers, minus is on the right, plus is on the left. Korean batteries have straight polarity. On domestic batteries - most often direct.

4th place: VARTA Silver Dynamic AGM D52

The model is capable of providing energy to vehicles with high power requirements. The battery is durable compared to other devices and is made using AGM technology. Suitable for vehicles with a start-stop system and those with additional equipment. The battery meets many standards.

The device capacity is 60 A/h, the starting current is 680 A. The polarity is reversed, plus and minus are indicated, there will be no problems with installation. The size of the battery is suitable for a LADA car. The terminals are ordinary. Product warranty – 2 years.

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Average, depends on the place of purchase.

  • Long service life compared to competitors.
  • Withstands heavy power loads due to AGM technology.
  • Minimum amount of emissions into the environment.
  • Reliable design that protects against electrolyte leakage.

2nd place: Bosch S5 A05 AGM

The battery is manufactured using AGM technology, which ensures engine starting in any conditions. Supports uninterrupted operation of all systems in modern vehicles.

The main advantage of AGM is that the electrolyte does not leak; the battery has an extended service life and is resistant to charges and discharges. The glass fiber in the device reliably holds the substance and does not allow it to leak out. The battery can withstand enormous loads.

  • Suitable for passenger cars and commercial vehicles.
  • Innovative technology, the battery can withstand heavy loads.
  • Long service life.

The disadvantage is the high cost, which is explained by good parameters.

Which good battery to choose for VAZ: top 10 rating

The following is a list of the most profitable solutions for installation on domestic cars.

10th place: BOSCH S4 005 Silver

– View in Yandex.Market Price from 5000 rub.

Oddly enough, the Bosch model occupies the last place in the top. The mid-budget modification has sufficient starting current and a capacity of 540A and 60 Ah, respectively. However, the good “on paper” characteristics in practical use are significantly inferior to analogues. The reserve capacity of the unit is inferior to its substitutes and is actually at the level of batteries in the lower price range. The next negative factor is complete uselessness in severe frosts. In the warm climate of the southern regions, starting problems do not arise. However, at -20-25 degrees Celsius, after the first cranking of the starter, a drop in power occurs, which is perceived extremely negatively by domestic cars. The inability to cope with deep discharge modes also stands out. Resuscitating the capacity is extremely problematic. The result is low demand among buyers. Advantages:

  • drop in power after the first cycle of starting the internal combustion engine;
  • intolerance to severe frosts.

9th place: ExideExcell EB602

– View in Yandex.Market Price from 4300 rub.

The answer to the question of which battery is best for the VAZ 2107 and other classics will be 9th place in the rating. The presented model stands out among competitors' offerings with average characteristics in all areas. There is a good capacity here - 62 Ah, which is good for older cars where there are problems with the wiring or a lot of additional electrical equipment is installed. A starting current of 540A is also quite sufficient. Good build quality and thoughtful design have a positive effect on operation. A supposedly maintenance-free battery can be “restored” thanks to the presence of hidden caps for refilling electrolyte. The same jars are located under the decorative lids. The next factor is excellent frost resistance. The cheap battery functions properly in temperatures down to -35, which is a good result even for the leaders on the list. There is also a low susceptibility to self-discharge, which has a positive effect on long vehicle downtimes in winter. The likelihood of finding a car with a “dead” battery in the garage is minimal. The low ranking of the top is due to a drop in charging speed and reserve capacity in the cold. Advantages:

  • quality at a reasonable cost;
  • starting current indicators;
  • resistance to freezing;
  • lifetime.
  • performance drops with decreasing temperature.

8th place: ToplaEnergy 60

– View in Yandex.Market Price from 4800 rub.

A time-tested modification of the ToplaSlavenskoye company. After analyzing customer reviews, we can establish that the strength of the battery is a good resource and a good starting current of 600 A. The actual capacity is 60 Ah, which is also not bad. Optimistically considering the option when asked which battery is best for a VAZ car, you can safely choose this model. Small-volume gasoline fours go well with the unit. Starting currents easily turn the car starter in winter. Also, long periods of downtime are not a problem - the susceptibility to self-discharge is minimal. However, when installed on diesel engines and impressive power plants, pitfalls are revealed. For example, there is concern about the charge being released too quickly during a cold start. If you cannot start the engine the first 2-3 times, then starting the internal combustion engine will be problematic. The low position of the top is due precisely to the rate of fire of the model. In some regions of Russia this may become a critical factor. Advantages:

  • decent quality;
  • starting current;
  • The capacity reserve is suitable for tuned models;
  • resistance to shaking.
  • charge release and, as a consequence, a limited number of attempts to start the internal combustion engine in winter.

7th place: Banner Running Bull

– View in Yandex.Market Price from 9500 rub.

The rating list of which battery to buy for a VAZ is continued by the AGM modification of the Austrian brand. The unit is perfect for new cars like Vesta or Vesta-Cross. The high starting current of 640 amperes exceeds most budget analogues, and the capacity, limited to 60 Ah, makes it possible to freely power the on-board network without the risk of critical discharge. For the southern regions of the country, the battery version is the most optimal, maintenance-free solution. It is not afraid of shaking, vibration and is resistant to self-discharge. The ability to easily recover from deep discharges (up to 800 cycles) also stands out. The model's inability to withstand strong pores does not allow it to reach a high place. In winter, the battery loses up to 40% of its performance, and as the frost gets worse, the performance continues to drop. This circumstance forces users to handle the unit extremely carefully and hide it in a warm place, which is extremely inconvenient.


  • energy release in summer;
  • capacity reserve;
  • warranty and service life.
  • price;
  • incompatibility with severe frosts.

6th place: Tyumen Premium 6ST-60

– View in Yandex.Market Price from 3300 rub.

To determine which battery for the VAZ 2114 and similar models is better, just contact the domestic one. The budget modification is presented on the market as a serious competitor to imported analogues, and the cheap battery copes with its task perfectly. The inrush current of the 510 ampere unit is inferior to expensive foreign-made substitutes. However, for Zhiguli and Lada this indicator is quite enough. Also pleasing is the capacity reserve, which is similar to the standard modifications. 60 Amp hours is enough for a car, provided there are no powerful acoustics or spotlights. The impressive mass of the unit is explained by the serviceable design and the use of a large amount of lead. On the one hand, this negatively affects the comfort of installation. However, thanks to its specific layout, the battery copes excellently with severe frosts and has a “long-lasting” charge return. The model does not make it into the top 5 solely due to incompatibility with the newest machines - the capacity is too low. Advantages:

  • reserve capacity;
  • frost resistance;
  • price tag;
  • serviceable design.
  • Quality problems have been noticed.

Carburetor or injector

In addition, the type of engine is also taken into account. So, for carburetor and injection engines or diesel engines, certain batteries are selected, the characteristics of which have some differences from each other. This must be taken into account when deciding which battery to buy for a VAZ 2107.

So the larger the engine displacement, the more powerful the battery should be selected. Also, when purchasing a battery, you need to take into account that for a carburetor engine the battery must have a larger capacity, about 5-10 Ah, than the battery for a VAZ 2107 injector.

Examples of choosing batteries for the VAZ 2107

  • Starting capacity The starter at the braking torque during startup consumes a current of about 350-400 A, then a normal engine start when the starter is running for 10 seconds takes about 400A*10s = 1.1Ah, which is equal to 2% of the capacity of a standard 60Ah battery.
  • Starting current (starting current) The second important parameter of the battery is the starting or starting current, the value of which determines how long the battery can “crank” the engine when starting, which is especially important at low temperatures in winter. When purchasing, you should always give preference to the battery model where the starting current value is higher. However, it is worth taking into account the fact that at the same time the load and the starter brush-commutator assembly will increase, which will reduce its service life.
  • Battery polarity When purchasing a battery for a VAZ 2107 injector, you need to take into account the position of the plus and minus terminals, for example, “plus” on the right or left.
  • Overall dimensions of the battery You must immediately check the dimensions of the battery in the accompanying documents or measure the dimensions of the “native” one that is on the car yourself.

Also read other reviews

Every car owner asks himself the question of which battery to buy. Which battery is suitable for his car. This applies to every little thing. After all, there is no need to explain that it is the correctly selected battery that will free you from unpleasant moments when starting the engine.

The most important criterion for choosing the right battery is the advice of the manufacturer. First of all, the manufacturer is guided by the operational characteristics of the generator and energy consumers

But it is also important to know what batteries are. Car batteries come in three versions: maintenance-free, maintenance-free and low-maintenance.

You rarely see serviceable batteries these days, due to the fact that they are practically not produced. In maintenance-free batteries, the plates are not replaced; there are no holes or plugs on the covers of these batteries. Such batteries are used in warm and dry climates. But many car batteries are poorly maintained. Most of these battery models are available. There are both high-quality and expensive ones, as well as simple and cheap ones.

To make the right decision when choosing a battery, you need to know this: capacity is the first thing. It is measured in ampere/hours and indicates that it should produce a certain current for a certain time. Don't forget that the capacity weakens with low temperatures. So that on one of the winter days you are not disappointed that your car will not start, you need to remember some rules for operating in winter.

  1. It is necessary to constantly monitor the battery charge. The green eye of the indicator indicates the degree of charging, which corresponds to 70-75%. This is enough to start the engine at -20 C.
  2. When assessing the charge level, it is necessary to remember that the battery wears out after operation for about 3 years and the car's mileage is more than 75 thousand km.
    the production level is more than 50%. Although the readings will indicate a high state of charge, the actual battery capacity has decreased. The battery will still serve in warm temperatures, but in frosty weather there will be problems.
  3. When starting the engine, you must make sure that all third-party consumers in the car are turned off.
  4. If the engine does not start the first time, before each next attempt, wait a few seconds to allow the electrolyte in the battery to move. The longer the pause is maintained, the higher the voltage in the battery will be. The minimum exposure time should be at least 10-15 seconds.

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