Why does the injector check light on the VAZ 2107. Why is the injector light on?

Hello, dear car enthusiasts! Probably many of you, while driving your car, have been spoiled a lot by the Check Engine light that lights up, then goes out, or even burns (without any obvious reason) with an “eternal flame.”

What's wrong? Even many auto gurus cannot give an exact answer to the question why the injector light is on. Let's try to dig into the structural principle of the malfunction.

The electronic control unit (ECU) of your car controls the engine through a system of sensors. If the light comes on, this means that one or more sensor parameters have failed, to which the ECU reacts accordingly.

Let's consider the functions assigned to the injector sensors. Knowing what the sensors are responsible for, it is somewhat easier to judge the behavior of your car and draw conclusions: either fix the problem yourself, or contact a car service for it.

The injector light is on: what the sensors say

Crankshaft sensor - determines the speed of its rotation, position, and, consequently, the location of the pistons in the cylinder. The sensor operates based on electromagnetic induction.

If the injector is on because the crankshaft sensor is triggered, the consequences, if ignored, may be as follows: engine idling will be unstable, and if the sensor fails, the engine may stall and will not start at all.

The injector light is on for a reason, which is responsible for controlling the gas distribution control in each engine cylinder. In this case, the ECU switches from phase injection to backup - the so-called pair-parallel mode.

The operating principle of the sensor is based on the Hall effect; the sensor is located on the front of the block on the input manifold side. Typical signs of a malfunction are increased fuel consumption and hesitant engine starting.

If the injector icon is on due to the throttle sensor readings, then the characterizing factor of the malfunction is the specific ringing sound of engine detonation. The sound becomes most noticeable when the revs drop during acceleration. As a consequence of this: fuel consumption increases and power decreases, since the engine must constantly operate at low angles with ignition advance.

The injector indicator lights up due to the readings of the air sensor, which is responsible for assessing the air filling of the cylinders. Characteristic features of the malfunction, as a rule, are an increase in idle speed (1500-3000 rpm). Also, when you release the gas pedal, the speed decreases slowly or does not decrease at all without additional throttling. In addition, characteristic jerks are observed when accelerating the car.

If the injector light comes on due to the readings of the absolute pressure sensor, which reacts to its change in the intake tract, then the characterizing factor is the engine running on a too lean or rich combustible mixture. As a result, there will be an “incorrect” exhaust, misfire at idle, and problems will also arise when turning off the engine.

The injector indicator is on due to the temperature sensor readings, the purpose of which is to assess the thermal state of the engine. In this case, the ECU will select a backup mode, which involves turning on the cooling fan and driving the high idle speed. If the sensor fails, it becomes difficult to start the engine and increases fuel consumption.

Speed ​​sensor - designed to estimate the speed of movement. If it does not work correctly, the motor will operate unstable, and if the load is suddenly dropped, the motor will stall. Deteriorated dynamics are also observed, and the trip computer and electronic speedometer give false readings.

Oxygen sensor - estimates the amount of oxygen in the exhaust gases. Characteristic factors in case of its malfunction are the appearance of periodic oscillations during idle mode and increased fuel consumption.

In addition to all of the above, the reasons may be mechanical damage to the circuit (break, short circuit), break or leakage of the gas distribution mechanism, moisture, overheating, etc.

If the injector is on, then the answer to the question “why?” will most accurately be answered by an error code that will determine the cause in a matter of seconds. Naturally, for this we need a motor tester or a specialized computer diagnostic program.

For many car enthusiasts, while driving, their mood is spoiled by the constantly burning or flashing Check Engine injector light. And there seem to be no obvious reasons for this. Even experienced car service technicians will not be able to give an answer to this right away. Let's try to understand in more detail the very structure of the mentioned reason.

The principle of operation is as follows: the vehicle's electronic control unit (ECU) controls its engine through sensors in the Powertrain system. When the injector light comes on, this means that one or more sensors indicate a change in parameters in a critical direction. Now let's look at some of the functions that are assigned to sensors, which will help you determine the nature of the violations.

Causes of malfunction

Motorists are wondering: why does the VAZ 2107 engine suffer from injector problems? Many owners of injection VAZ 2107 encountered the fact that the engine began to stall. This malfunction is typical for the entire family of Lada engines. What are the reasons for this effect and where to look for the problem:

  • Fuel pump and filter.
  • Injectors.
  • Spark plugs and high-voltage wires.
  • Air filter.
  • Throttle.
  • valves.
  • ECU and sensors.

The engine stalls, the check light flashes or lights up: the main reasons

Let's start with the fact that injection engines are equipped with special catalyst devices for cleaning the exhaust. At the same time, the catalytic converter is a rather vulnerable and at the same time expensive element, and all sorts of malfunctions in the engine create a risk of damage.

As a rule, the check flashes when there is a risk of damage to the catalyst. In this case, the simultaneous tripping of the engine means that one or more cylinders are not working or are not working correctly. In practice, this means that the fuel in the problem cylinder does not burn completely, after which it enters the exhaust system.

As a result, the remaining unburnt fuel burns out in the area where the catalyst is located, since the temperatures there are very high. Fuel also gets on the catalyst itself, causing it to fail.

It should be added that the check also often lights up in the event of failure of any ECM sensors. One way or another, it is quite obvious that the “check” in the vast majority of cases indicates either problems with the electronic engine control system itself, or the risk of damage to the catalyst due to malfunctions of the internal combustion engine.

It is important to understand that the engine tripping indicates a non-functioning cylinder. In this case, the check is flashing not due to the failure of any ECM sensor, malfunction of the exhaust gas recirculation system or poor fuel in the tank, but rather signals to the driver about a direct threat to the catalyst.

In a nutshell, fuel that is not burned and gets into the outlet causes a special sensor (lambda probe, oxygen sensor) to send readings to the ECU indicating deviations from the norm. The control unit begins to try to correct the situation, but taking into account the tripping, it is simply not able to adjust the operation of the motor so that everything returns to normal. As a result, fuel consumption increases, while the engine operates unstably, idle speed fluctuates, etc. In some cases, the motor “falls” into emergency mode.

This feature of engine operation is primarily aimed at preventing burnout or melting of the catalyst. The catalyst itself consists of small honeycomb cells. If unburned fuel intensively enters the exhaust and burns out in the catalyst, the element will simply melt.

This melting will lead to the fact that exhaust gases will not be able to pass normally through the catalyst, that is, a plug appears in the exhaust pipe. Naturally, the engine will “suffocate”, power will drop, the engine may not start at all, etc.

Also, the catalyst will no longer be able to clean the exhaust, and toxicity will increase. There is only one way out in this situation - repairing the engine to eliminate the main cause of the engine tripping, and only then replacing the expensive catalyst with a new one. To minimize risks, a special program is programmed into the ECU, which involves operating the engine in emergency mode.

Solution methods

When the reasons for the throttling of the injection-type VAZ 2107 engine have been determined, you can proceed directly to analyzing options for eliminating the problem. Before you begin, you need to understand that you need to know the design features of the motor.

But the 2107 engine is so simple that even the most inexperienced motorist will figure out what’s going on. So, let's look at how to remove the injector tripping of a VAZ 2107 engine.

Fuel pump and filter

The first place to look for the cause begins with the fuel supply. First, you should check the fuel pump for functionality and whether there are any malfunctions. If this element does not show visible signs of damage, then it is recommended to disassemble it and check it.

Many experienced car enthusiasts advise, after the fuel pump, to start replacing the fuel filter element, since this is where fuel can poorly pass to the injectors. The fuel filter, according to the service documentation, must be changed every 30-35 thousand kilometers.


The next place to look for trouble is the injectors themselves. They may be clogged due to the use of low-quality fuel or defective due to their service life, in other words, worn out.

The elements are checked using a special stand, which not only diagnoses the condition, but also cleans the elements. If there is a damaged or worn part, it is better to replace it with a new element.

Spark plugs and high voltage wires

Loss of spark can also lead to engine malfunction. The next unit that needs to be examined is the ignition. First of all, it is recommended to diagnose the spark plugs. To do this, you need to pull them out from the block head and visually inspect them for cracks. Next, it is recommended to clean the spark plugs from accumulated dirt.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the spark plug contacts. If they are in oil or have heat, then the problem is not only the engine tripping.

The next stage of diagnosis is to ring the contacts using a multimeter and measure the gap. In most cases, such diagnostics show that the spark plugs are not suitable for further use and should be replaced.

Another element of the ignition system that directly affects the ignition of the air-fuel mixture is high-voltage wires. How well and economically the motor will work will depend on their condition. Therefore, it is recommended to inspect them for damage and also test them with a multimeter.

Air filter

A dirty air filter can lead to the engine not receiving enough air into the combustion chamber, and accordingly the formation of the air-fuel mixture will be disrupted. Therefore, it is recommended to inspect the element, and if it is found that it is dirty, it must be replaced.


A dirty throttle valve also prevents the normal flow of air into the engine. To diagnose the unit, it is necessary to dismantle it. If you find that dust and other foreign objects have accumulated on the walls, you should clean the part. To do this, you will need a special product or liquid for cleaning carburetors. This operation can be performed by any car enthusiast without any problems.


Burnt-out valves can cause the engine to start to misfire, since a gap is formed between the seat and the exhaust valve, through which exhaust gases flow back into the combustion chamber, thereby disturbing the balance in the air-fuel mixture.

Flashing check engine light - what does it mean and why is it important to know?

Not all motorists have encountered such a phenomenon as a flashing engine fault signal.
As a rule, the “Check Engine” lights up and remains in this state until the malfunction is eliminated. However, with certain types of malfunction, the driver may see a flashing “check” on the dashboard, which is usually accompanied by sound signals. Will the article be useful? Don't forget to give a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel!

Under normal conditions, "Check Engine" may indicate a number of malfunctions. However, not all cars are able to identify a specific problem without diagnostics using specialized devices. The control unit knows the malfunction, but does not “tell” about it, but only reports some problem in the engine area.

In general, a flashing “Check Engine” tells the driver about problems with the combustion of the air mixture, and they do not always relate to the ignition system. A similar designation may appear if there is a breakdown inside the engine itself, which entails such an unpleasant consequence.

For example, if a valve or piston burns out, the mixture will not burn normally, which will cause the “check” to flash. As a rule, the sensor signal is accompanied by “triple” of the engine when one of the cylinders is not working correctly.

It was not for nothing that the manufacturers dealt with the problem of ignition of the air-fuel mixture by giving it a separate designation. Many car enthusiasts have encountered engine “triplication”, and some of them continue to drive in this mode for a long mileage.

However, if a flashing “check” appears, you should not delay the procedure for fixing the problem. If possible, you should contact the nearest service station where they can fix the problem. Often, car owners manage to get by with minimal repairs.

A malfunction is indicated by oxygen sensors located in the exhaust system. The problem that arises entails fuel entering the exhaust manifold and further, where it burns out under the influence of high temperature. This phenomenon can greatly damage the vehicle's catalyst, which is designed for a certain temperature range.

Even a short trip with such a malfunction can lead to expensive repairs. But even if there is no catalyst, the burning of fuel after the engine leads to rapid wear of the exhaust system, the replacement of which will also be expensive.


The reasons for the tripping of the VAZ 2107 injection engine have been identified and the main methods for eliminating the malfunction have been established. But, if a motorist is not sure that he is able to repair his car on his own, then it is better not to risk it and turn to professionals.

Good afternoon, RusAuto fans. The next question is, maybe someone has come across this before.

Last night I came home, put the car in park, everything worked great, even the XX didn’t jump, I turned it off and went to bed, I didn’t warm up the car at night, it usually started like that. In general, I insert the key, turn it, silence, although all the sensors are on, the battery is charged. The manipulation is repeated several times, on the 6th or 7th time the car catches and starts very reluctantly, but it does start. After I started, I felt that the car was shaking, the check light came on. Previously, my check light came on, but it didn’t bother me much, because after a certain period of time it went out on its own and that was it. Today the check light first came on - the car was working, shaking, then the check flashed, blinked 9 times and turned the car off. I waited a minute, tried again to get the car in, it started right away, the check light didn’t light up at first, then it came on again, it was on continuously for about 10 seconds, then it blinked again, blinked 9 times and turned off the car again. I performed such dances for 10 minutes, I didn’t count how many times I did it, after this time I spat. I went to the bus stop.

Anyone who has had this happen, please tell me what could be the reason and what is the likelihood that it will heal on its own? Will resetting the terminals from the battery help, maybe there are some other radical methods? Well, ideally, maybe someone could drive up with a device and do a diagnostic?

A car is a complex of complex components and mechanisms. No matter how much automakers improve production technology and increase reliability, no one is immune from sudden breakdowns. This applies to all car enthusiasts. Both the owner of an expensive foreign car and a used VAZ can encounter such a malfunction as engine tripping. Well, let’s look at why the “check” blinks on a car and the engine stalls.

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So, you have purchased a good, unpretentious car - a VAZ. But at one fine moment, the “Check Engine” icon lit up on the dashboard of your car, the literal translation is “check the engine”, in the slang of auto mechanics - “throw out the engine”, “meat grinder”, “check”, etc. (applies only to injection cars - Priors, Kalinas, etc.) The “check engine” icon itself, which does not go out after starting the engine, indicates a malfunction or electrical malfunction in the electronic engine control system (ECM). Many irresponsible citizens believe that in a domestic car the “check” should always be on, but this is not true; in a working car, no yellow or red indicators on the instrument panel should be on.

What malfunctions of the engine control system light the check?

A malfunction of the air flow meter MAF (mass air flow sensor) can light up the check lamp, errors P0102 or P0102, and a faulty flow meter also leads to such troubles as uneven engine operation, lack of acceleration dynamics, and high fuel consumption. As the name suggests, this sensor measures the amount of air entering the engine intake manifold and, based on this data, the control unit calculates the required amount of fuel. In general, this is the most important sensor in the engine control system; a lot depends on its readings. The air flow meter can either completely fail or distort the readings, which will lead to improper engine operation. A malfunction of the mass air flow sensor cannot always be easily diagnosed; the easiest way to diagnose it is to replace it with a known good one, taken from a neighbor. Connection diagram for VAZ mass air flow sensor.

A faulty intake air temperature sensor (built into the mass air flow sensor) causes errors P0112 or P0113. The air temperature sensor readings are used by the control unit to adjust the fuel mixture depending on the outside air temperature. The temperature sensor cannot be replaced separately from the air flow meter.

Malfunction of oxygen sensors , both front (before the catalyst) and rear (after the catalyst). Malfunctions of oxygen sensors can be different, such as an open heating circuit (easily diagnosed with a multimeter), or such malfunctions as a slow response of the sensor due to aging or poisoning with low-quality fuel, which often do not cause the check to ignite, greatly affecting fuel consumption, vehicle dynamics, difficult to diagnose.

A malfunction of the catalyst “low catalyst efficiency” lights up the “check” lamp and has a slight, practically no effect on the behavior of the car. What is a catalyst and why is it needed?

A malfunction of the coolant temperature sensor causes the check ignition and errors P0117 or P0118, depending on whether it is a break or short circuit in the sensor or its wiring. It can be easily diagnosed with a multimeter; the repair manual gives the reference resistances of the sensor at different temperatures.

A malfunction of the throttle position sensor will lead to errors P0122, P0123 and emergency operation of the engine; the serviceability of the throttle position sensor is checked with a multimeter.

Lean mixture - error P0171 has many possible causes, first of all, low fuel pressure and further possible causes are clogged fuel injectors, air leaks, a malfunction of the air flow meter, a malfunction of the ignition system. We consistently diagnose all these reasons. For example, in this case the fuel pump turned out to be faulty.

Rich mixture - error P0172 may be due to a malfunction of the fuel pressure regulator (high pressure in the fuel system) we check by measuring the fuel pressure, leaking fuel injectors, faulty air flow meter, faulty oxygen sensor, stuck canister purge valve, problems with engine mechanics.

Broken fuel injector - errors P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, the last digit is the number of the cylinder with the malfunction, the faulty cylinder does not work.

Fuel pump circuit malfunction - error P0230, this error indicates a break not in the fuel pump, but in the primary circuit of the fuel pump relay, most often the cause is an alarm lock or anti-theft lock.

Misfires - errors P0300, p0301, P0302, P0303, P0304. It is more correct to say misfires; using the crankshaft position sensor, the engine control unit measures the angular acceleration of each cylinder; if acceleration does not occur in this cylinder, “the counter is triggered,” when the counter overflows, the check light comes on or starts flashing with the corresponding errors. The most common cause is a malfunction of the ignition system - here the ignition coil turned out to be faulty.

A faulty knock sensor lights up the check with errors P0326, P0327, P0328. If the knock sensor malfunctions, the control unit goes into emergency operation mode and sets a safe (late) ignition timing angle. Affects dynamics and fuel consumption.

Crankshaft position sensor malfunction - error P0335. We check the crankshaft position sensor with an oscilloscope. In this case, the sensor stopped working after the engine warmed up.

Malfunction of the camshaft position sensor - error P0340, checked in the same way as the crankshaft position sensor.

P0500 - a malfunction of the vehicle speed sensor leads to decreased dynamics and increased fuel consumption.

Malfunction of the canister purge valve - error P0443, does not affect engine operation unless it is stuck open. The car's fuel tank is sealed, fuel vapors are collected in the canister and, when the engine is running, through the canister valve they enter the engine intake manifold, where they burn together with the working mixture.

Well, electrical wiring faults happen in these beautiful, moderately reliable cars; they manifest themselves in different ways, such as blown fuses due to a wire from the oxygen sensor stuck to the exhaust pipe, or torn wires from the crankshaft sensor, etc.

What is engine tripping?

First, let's look at the definition of this concept. This term appeared due to the 4-cylinder engine design, where if one of the cylinders failed, only three working pistons remained. However, tripling does not only apply to internal combustion engines with four cylinders. Now this concept is applied to all internal combustion engines - six-cylinder and even twelve-cylinder.

Replace the oxygen sensor (lambda probe)

The oxygen sensor in your car is part of the exhaust system that monitors how much oxygen is not burned in the engine combustion chamber. This sensor helps control the vehicle's fuel consumption. A malfunction of the oxygen sensor (lambda probe) means that the car computer does not receive the correct data and can significantly increase fuel consumption, and at the same time reduce engine power. Most cars have 2 to 4 oxygen sensors. If you have a home car error scanner, then by connecting it to the car you can easily find out which sensor needs to be replaced.

For what reason does the oxygen sensor in a car become unusable: - Over time, the sensor becomes covered with a layer of used and regular motor oil (oil soot), which reduces the accuracy of reading sensor readings for regulating the gasoline mixture and distributing optimal fuel consumption. A malfunction of the oxygen sensor in a car leads not only to increased fuel consumption, but also to an increased content of harmful CO2 substances in the exhaust.

What needs to be done: -If you do not change a faulty car oxygen sensor, this may lead to failure of the car catalyst (it may burst), which will result in expensive repairs for you. The cost of new catalysts is very high due to the precious alloys they contain. Some cars have several of these catalysts at once and their cost can reach up to 90 thousand rubles. So gentlemen, don’t delay replacing the oxygen sensor. Although replacing the sensor itself and its cost are decent, it is still not commensurate with the cost of the exhaust gas catalyst system itself. You can save money on replacing this sensor by doing it yourself. Many car manuals have detailed instructions on how to replace the oxygen sensor yourself. If you know where the oxygen sensor is located, then it will not be difficult for you to disconnect the faulty lambda probe and replace it with a new one. Remember that you cannot delay replacing this important element!


How do you know if the engine is leaking? With such a malfunction, the check engine light does not always flash. Therefore, it is important to know third-party signs that may indicate a problem:

  • Increased engine vibration. It is significantly noticeable at low and idle speeds.
  • Spark plug color change. After removal, its head will be dark. Since the mixture does not ignite, the candle becomes covered with soot and soot.
  • Increased fuel consumption. This sign is related to the previous one. Since the mixture does not ignite, it simply goes into the exhaust pipe.
  • Loss of engine power. Since the engine runs on three cylinders, it does not have enough energy to produce the required torque.
  • Exhaust sound. He will be unstable.
  • The appearance of black or thick white smoke from the exhaust pipe.
  • Intermittent jolts during acceleration and even motion. This symptom also indicates a misfire. This error is often related to the ignition system.

The injector light is on: what the sensors say

Crankshaft sensor - determines the speed of its rotation, position, and, consequently, the location of the pistons in the cylinder. The sensor operates based on electromagnetic induction.

If the injector is on because the crankshaft sensor is triggered, the consequences of ignoring it may be the following: engine idling will be unstable, and if the sensor fails, the engine may stall and will not start at all.

The injector light is on due to data from the phase sensor, which is responsible for monitoring the gas distribution control in each engine cylinder. In this case, the ECU switches from phase injection to backup - the so-called pair-parallel mode.

The operating principle of the sensor is based on the Hall effect; the sensor is located on the front of the block on the input manifold side. Typical signs of a malfunction are increased fuel consumption and hesitant engine starting.

If the injector icon is on due to the throttle sensor readings, then the characterizing factor of the malfunction is the specific ringing sound of engine detonation. The sound becomes most noticeable when the revs drop during acceleration. As a consequence of this: fuel consumption increases and power decreases, since the engine must constantly operate at low angles with ignition advance.

The injector indicator lights up due to the readings of the air sensor, which is responsible for assessing the air filling of the cylinders. Characteristic features of the malfunction, as a rule, are an increase in idle speed (1500-3000 rpm). Also, when you release the gas pedal, the speed decreases slowly or does not decrease at all without additional throttling. In addition, characteristic jerks are observed when accelerating the car.

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If the injector light comes on due to the readings of the absolute pressure sensor, which reacts to its change in the intake tract, then the characterizing factor is the engine running on a too lean or rich combustible mixture. As a result, there will be an “incorrect” exhaust, misfire at idle, and problems will also arise when turning off the engine.

The injector indicator is on due to the temperature sensor readings, the purpose of which is to assess the thermal state of the engine. In this case, the ECU will select a backup mode, which involves turning on the cooling fan and driving the high idle speed. If the sensor fails, it becomes difficult to start the engine and increases fuel consumption.

Speed ​​sensor – designed to estimate the speed of movement. If it does not work correctly, the motor will operate unstable, and if the load is suddenly dropped, the motor will stall. Deteriorated dynamics are also observed, and the trip computer and electronic speedometer give false readings.

Oxygen sensor – estimates the amount of oxygen in the exhaust gases. Characteristic factors in case of its malfunction are the appearance of periodic oscillations during idle mode and increased fuel consumption.

In addition to all of the above, the reasons may be mechanical damage to the circuit (break, short circuit), break or leakage of the gas distribution mechanism, moisture, overheating, etc.

If the injector is on, then the answer to the question “why?” will most accurately be answered by an error code that will determine the cause in a matter of seconds. Naturally, for this we need a motor tester or a specialized computer diagnostic program.

Reasons for tripling

If the “check” is flashing on a VAZ car and the engine is shaking, this may indicate the following problems:

  • Presence of air leaks in the brake system (possible problems with the vacuum booster).
  • Failures in adjusting the ignition timing.
  • Faulty spark plugs.
  • Violation of the integrity of the high-voltage wire.
  • Ignition coil malfunction.
  • The air filter is clogged (the engine simply does not have enough oxygen).
  • Violation of carburetor adjustments (applies to older cars).
  • Failures in adjusting the gas distribution mechanism.

Among the more serious problems that cause the “check” to flash and the engine to stall, we can highlight:

  • Worn intake or exhaust valve. This could be a burnout or mechanical deformation of the plate.
  • Intake manifold leakage.
  • Wear of valve stem seals (in this case, the engine consumes about one liter of oil per thousand kilometers).

Knock Sensor

If a car has a knock sensor, it is responsible for dampening strong engine vibration through dosed fuel supply, thereby ensuring fuel savings (about 9%).

In addition to the above, the reasons may be: open or short circuit, mechanical damage to the wiring, slippage or breakage of the gas distribution mechanism, external overheating, increased induction fields, moisture, etc.

If you are not confident in your abilities, do not under any circumstances start troubleshooting, seek the help of professionals, especially since today ECU diagnostics are inexpensive, and based on the readable error code, it allows you to accurately identify the faulty engine unit.

No amount of savings on repairs will help you if you face the risk of serious problems.

VAZs, like the vast majority of modern cars, have a lot of different sensors that monitor engine performance. Like other engines, the power unit of the latest VAZ models has an ECU (electronic control unit), which, if faults or disturbances in the operation of the internal combustion engine are detected, can issue an inscription that many motorists are very afraid of. As you understand, we are talking about Check Engine

, this is an error that means “check engine”, literally.

There is no need to despair over this error, as it can often indicate minor problems, such as bad fuel or the need to replace spark plugs. But unfortunately, there are situations when Check Engine can mean the “death” of the engine, so this error cannot be taken lightly, and at the first opportunity it is necessary to check all components that may be involved in the appearance of this error.

Check Engine sensors

" appeared in the 80s, they were invented to monitor the operation of the carburetor, so if the Check Engine light came on, it could only mean one thing - the carburetor was faulty. Over time, this “light bulb” was followed by other malfunctions that were already associated with malfunctions of the engine, as well as its various systems. Consequently, with the advent of new “responsibilities”, interpreting the appearance of the Check Engine has become quite difficult. The Check indicator lights up after the ECU detects problems with the engine. Various sensors report this to him, based on this the first conclusion can be drawn - the Check Engine can light up even if the sensors themselves malfunction.

It is normal for a Check Engine

after you turn the key in the ignition, after you start the engine, the inscription should disappear, if this does not happen, read about the reasons why this error may appear. When you start the engine, the ECU checks all systems and if there are no problems, the Check light goes out, but if the computer finds a breakdown, the light will not go out until you fix the problem or make an error.

Determining the faulty cylinder

Which cylinder causes the “check” to blink and the engine to stall? Diagnostics will show the result. You can perform this operation yourself:

  • Disconnect the armor wire tips from each spark plug one by one. It is advisable to do this with rubber gloves to prevent electric shock.
  • Record how much the nature of the engine’s operation has changed. If the engine runs even harder, the cylinder is good. If, after removing the wire, the engine operates as before, then this cylinder is faulty.

Please note that when disconnecting the wire, you do not need to grasp the cap. You should grab the wire, but carefully. Do not pull it by force, otherwise the wire may be damaged.

Another way to check is computer diagnostics. In this case, we connect the diagnostic equipment to the ODB II connector and turn on the ignition. Then the computer will read all errors. If this is a Toyota car, then misfire in the third cylinder will be indicated by error p0303.

Is it possible to drive when the Check Engine light is on?

If you see that the Check Light has come on, the first thing you need to do is stop and listen, take a closer look at the operation of the engine. If everything is normal, the speed does not fluctuate, there are no noises, the fluid level (fuel, oil, coolant) is normal, you can continue driving, but upon arrival, be sure to visit a service station to determine the cause of the Check Engine. If the problem is resolved, then the Receipt sign should disappear soon, this can happen in an hour or in a day or two. If this does not happen, then the problem is not solved and the search for the fault must be resumed.

If you are unable to independently find the reason why this error occurs, contact a service station, where specialists, using special equipment, can easily determine the cause of the error and help eliminate it.

There is no need to despair over this error, as it can often indicate minor problems, such as bad fuel or the need to replace spark plugs. But unfortunately, there are situations when Check Engine can mean the “death” of the engine, so this error cannot be taken lightly, and at the first opportunity it is necessary to check all components that may be involved in the appearance of this error.

The first Check Engine sensors appeared in the 80s, they were invented to monitor the operation of the carburetor, so if the Check Engine light came on, it could only mean one thing - the carburetor was faulty. Over time, this “light bulb” was followed by other malfunctions that were already associated with malfunctions of the engine, as well as its various systems. Consequently, with the advent of new “responsibilities”, interpreting the appearance of the Check Engine has become quite difficult. The Check indicator lights up after the ECU detects problems with the engine. Various sensors report this to him, based on this the first conclusion can be drawn - the Check Engine can light up even if the sensors themselves malfunction.

It is considered normal for Check Engine to appear after you turn the key in the ignition; after you start the engine, the inscription should disappear; if this does not happen, read about the reasons why this error may appear. When you start the engine, the ECU checks all systems and if there are no problems, the Check light goes out, but if the computer finds a breakdown, the light will not go out until you fix the problem or make an error.

How to check spark plugs?

For this we need a special spark plug wrench. All work is performed on a cooled engine. On many cars, access to spark plugs is unlimited. But on some models (for example, Nissan Qashqai), for this you first need to remove not only the decorative cover, but also the plastic intake manifold, as well as the throttle valve. When dismantling these units, you should stock up on new gaskets.

Having taken out the candle, it is worth inspecting its condition. It should not have any plaque. You also need to check the gap with a special feeler gauge. It is different for each car, but often amounts to 0.8 millimeters.

If the gap is too large, a spark simply cannot form, which is why the “check” blinks and the engine stalls. If there is a large gap on the spark plug, this can be easily fixed. To do this, just bend the electrode slightly, and then check the distance with the same probe. If the candle has carbon deposits, it can be cleaned. You can also replace it with a new one. In this case, we will know exactly what the problem is - in the candles or in something else.

Malfunctions of the VAZ-2107-20 injection engine

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Possible malfunctions of an engine with fuel injection and methods of elimination are considered in the table:

List of possible faults Diagnostics Elimination methods
The crankshaft is turned by the starter, but the engine does not start
Unreliable connection of electrical circuits of engine control and power supply systems Check the connection of the electrical connectors of the wiring harnesses, the reliability of the contacts in the wire lug blocks Troubleshoot connector connections
Malfunction in the ignition system Remove the tip of the high-voltage wire from any spark plug and insert a known good spark plug into it. Holding the spark plug by the hexagon of the body with pliers with insulated handles, ensure reliable contact of the side electrode of the spark plug with the engine ground and turn the engine crankshaft with the starter (do not touch high-voltage circuits). A spark should regularly jump between the electrodes of the spark plug. If there is no spark, the cause may be faulty devices and circuits of low voltage (controller, ignition module) or high voltage (ignition module, high-voltage wires) Check the ignition system circuits and devices. Replace the faulty device and wires. Ensure contact in electrical circuits
The gaps between the electrodes of the spark plugs do not correspond to the norm A gap of 1.0–1.1 mm is checked with a round feeler gauge By bending the side electrode, set the required gap or replace the spark plugs
The controller, its circuits or the crankshaft position sensor (less often, the coolant temperature sensor) are faulty Check whether 12 V is supplied to the controller (see diagram), the crankshaft position sensor circuit, the sensor itself is not damaged, and the gap between it and the crankshaft pulley teeth (1±0.2 mm). If there is a break in the temperature sensor or its circuit, the cooling system fan runs continuously Replace faulty controller, sensors, wires
The idle speed controller or its electrical circuit is faulty When starting the engine, lightly press the gas pedal, slightly opening the throttle. If the engine starts but stalls when the pedal is released, the regulator is faulty Replace faulty regulator
The fuse is blown, the main relay, the electric fuel pump relay, the pump itself or its power circuit are faulty Check the control system fuses, main relay, electric fuel pump relay. Use an ohmmeter to check the power supply circuit of the electric fuel pump. Apply power directly to the electric fuel pump terminals Eliminate the cause of the blown fuse. Fuse, faulty relay, replace pump
The fuel filter is clogged, the water in the power system is frozen, the hoses are pinched, the fuel lines are deformed When cranking the crankshaft with the starter, there is no smell of gasoline coming from the exhaust pipe. The presence of gasoline in the fuel rail (under pressure) can be checked by pressing the spool of the fitting in the rail Replace the fuel filter. In winter, place the car in a warm garage and blow out the fuel lines (with a tire pump). Replace defective hoses and tubes
The electric fuel pump does not create the required pressure in the system Check the pressure at the outlet of the electric fuel pump (at least 3.5 bar (350 kPa)), make sure that the pump inlet filter mesh is clean Clean the intake filter mesh. Replace the electric fuel pump that does not provide the required pressure in the system
Faulty injector power supply circuits The CHECK ENGINE lamp comes on. Check the injector windings and electrical circuits with an ohmmeter (no open or short circuit) Replace faulty injectors, ensure contact in electrical circuits
The engine runs rough or stalls at idle
Unreliable connection of electrical circuits of engine control and power supply systems Check the connection of the electrical connectors of the wiring harnesses, the reliability of the contacts in the wire lug blocks Troubleshoot connector connections
The gap between the spark plug electrodes is not normal A gap of 1.0–1.1 mm is checked with a round feeler gauge By bending the side electrode, set the required gap or replace the spark plugs
Damage to the insulation of high-voltage devices and circuits Using an ohmmeter, check for open or breakdown (short to ground) of the ignition module windings and high-voltage wires Replace damaged ignition module, high-voltage wires
The controller, its circuits, throttle position sensor, injectors are faulty (the windings are burnt out or the nozzles are very dirty) If there is a malfunction in the electrical circuits, sensor, injectors or controller, the “CHECK ENGINE” lamp lights up. Check whether 12 V is supplied to the controller, as well as the operation of the injectors, electrical circuits and sensors Replace faulty controller, sensors, wires, injectors. Dirty injectors can be washed on a special stand
The idle speed controller or its circuit is faulty The CHECK ENGINE lamp may be on. Replace the regulator with a known good one. Replace faulty regulator
The fuel pressure regulator is faulty (the drain channel is constantly open) Check the fuel rail pressure with a pressure gauge (2.8–3.2 bar (280–320 kPa)) Replace the faulty regulator
The coolant temperature sensor or its circuit is faulty The CHECK ENGINE lamp comes on. Use an ohmmeter to check the resistance of the sensor and its circuits Replace the faulty sensor and wires. Make sure the sensor circuits are in contact
Sticking of the throttle valve or its drive. Under such conditions, the controller does not regulate engine idle speed. Check the throttle position sensor signal voltage Adjust the drive, throttle position. Replace throttle body
The oxygen concentration sensor is faulty: the sensitive element is “poisoned” or destroyed, the air intake hole is clogged, the heating coil is burnt out, the electrical circuits are faulty The CHECK ENGINE lamp is on. You can evaluate the operation of the sensor using an autotester: the integrity of the heating coil is checked with an ohmmeter, the output voltage is checked with a voltmeter (the voltmeter should be connected without breaking the circuit, for example, by piercing the wires with thin needles). Check if the air intake hole is clogged (anti-corrosion, dirt, etc.) Restore damaged electrical circuits, clean the air leak hole. Replace faulty sensor
Leakage of the exhaust system (area up to the oxygen sensor) Inspection at medium engine speed Replace the defective exhaust manifold gasket, tighten the seals
Speed ​​sensor faulty After stopping the car, the engine runs unevenly, but after some time the idle speed stabilizes Replace the sensor
Low idle speed
The idle speed controller or its circuit is faulty The CHECK ENGINE lamp may be on. Replace the regulator with a known good one. Replace faulty regulator
The fuel pressure regulator is faulty (the drain channel is constantly open) Check the fuel rail pressure with a pressure gauge (2.8–3.2 bar (280–320 kPa)) Replace the faulty regulator

Error code: The check is blinking and the engine is shaking: reasons why the car shakes, what to do

“Peter – AT” INN 780703320484 OGRNIP 313784720500453

High voltage wires

What should you do if, after replacing the spark plug, the “check” flashes and the engine starts again? In such a situation, it can be assumed that the reason lies in the high-voltage wire. It can be checked in two ways:

  • Visually. We take out our wire and look at its integrity. The high-voltage element must not contain cracks, cuts or abrasions. Any of these symptoms can provoke a breakdown of the wire, due to which the coil will not be able to transmit a spark even to a known-good spark plug. You can also check the wire in another way. In the dark you need to watch its work. If “crickets” are visible, this indicates that there is a severe breakdown of the insulation.
  • Using a multimeter. This is a more accurate way of diagnosis. To measure the resistance of a high-voltage wire, the multimeter is switched to ohmmeter mode. Then, using probes, you need to touch both sides of the wire. Next, the device will display information. The resistance of high-voltage wires should be no more than 10 kOhm. If the indicator is higher than normal, this indicates the presence of a breakdown.

How to remove check engine

Let's take a closer look at the steps that need to be taken first of all in order to get rid of the Check Engine indicator that lights up. The priority action algorithm will be as follows:

  1. Check if the gas tank cap is closed. The situation is especially relevant if you have just left the gas station, and soon after that the check engine icon comes on. This means that either the tightness of the fuel system has been broken due to the tank cap not being screwed tightly enough, or the quality of the fuel leaves much to be desired.
  2. Check the condition of the spark plugs. To do this, unscrew them and visually assess their condition. Very often, it is the spark plugs that cause the Check Engine light to come on. In particular, the reason may be that they begin to pass current due to carbon deposits on the electrodes. This coating is formed as a result of the high content of metals or other conductive substances in the fuel. An error may also occur if the gap between the electrodes on the spark plug exceeds a distance of 1.3 mm. We will consider the diagnosis of candles in more detail and how to perform it based on their color separately. You will also find information about replacing them useful.
  3. Oil level. If the check engine light only lights up when the engine warms up, stop and listen, you may hear extraneous sounds from the engine. Check the engine oil level with a screw and add it if necessary. Also check for oil leaks.
  4. If your machine is equipped with sensors for the purity of process fluids (motor oil, fuel, etc.), the indicator may light up if the corresponding indicators exceed the permissible limit. The solution is to replace the appropriate filters or completely liquids if they do not meet the standards.
  5. Resetting the negative terminal from the battery (15.20 seconds). After this, the Check Engine light should go out and the clock on the computer should reset to zero. This method may be relevant in two cases. The first is a banal “glitch” of the ECU. The second is if a large number of small errors have accumulated in the memory of the electronic unit and have not been reset. (usually they are caused by the use of low-quality gasoline, the presence of harmful impurities in the fuel-air mixture, moisture on electrical contacts, etc.).

If, after performing the above steps, the Check Engine indicator does not go out, or goes out, but soon lights up again, this means that the error lies deeper, and in order to eliminate it, additional detailed diagnostics must be carried out using more serious means.

Error code: Peugeot 408 everything is fine, engine fault is on. The check engine light came on - what to do? Performance of spark plugs and coils

Problems with fuel and other systems

The “check” can also light up due to a malfunction of the fuel system. The engine will also stall. A common situation is an insufficient amount of fuel supplied to the cylinder. This may indicate contamination of the injectors. But tripling also occurs for other reasons. This:

  • Dirty fuel filter.
  • Problems with the fuel pump.
  • Faulty air flow sensor.
  • Worn throttle valve.

It is recommended to check the compression level. If at the same time the cylinder has low compression (it differs from neighboring cylinders by 2 or more units), this may indicate serious mechanical malfunctions, such as:

  • Piston burnout.
  • Wear of piston rings.

In this situation, it will no longer be possible to fix the breakdown yourself. Requires engine disassembly and complex repairs.

Mass Air Flow Sensor

The air sensor is responsible for filling the cylinders with air, thereby ensuring the optimal air/fuel mixture. Symptoms of a Check Engine fire, according to it, are an imbalance of air in the cylinders. As a rule, the idle speed increases (1500-3000 rpm), and when the pedal is released, the speed decreases slowly or does not decrease at all without additional throttling. As a result, there is a decrease in power due to oversaturation or, conversely, poor air saturation, characteristic “jerking” during acceleration.

If the car is equipped with HBO

Very often, cars with gas equipment have a similar problem. Why does the engine stall and the check engine light flash? There are several reasons for this:

  • Clogged gas filter. No matter what generation the gas equipment is, it must have a gas filter. This is a small element that is usually installed next to the evaporator reducer. On average, the filter resource is 20-30 thousand kilometers. But if you refuel with low-quality fuel, this deadline may come earlier. As a rule, the filter becomes clogged with graphite shavings, which prevent the gas from passing further through the membranes of the reducer. You can replace the cleaning element yourself. To do this, you must first turn off the valve on the tank, start the engine and exhaust the remaining gas from the line. Then unscrew the cap with a hexagon and replace the filter. It is also worth installing a new gasket. Upon completion of work, do not forget to unscrew the gas supply valve on the fuel tank again. At first, the engine will be difficult to start, but then its operation will stabilize (since the fuel needs time to get into the gearbox).
  • Malfunction of gas injectors. The problem is relevant for fourth generation HBO. At the same time, gas consumption increases, detonation and tripling appear. How to fix this problem? As a rule, the problem is resolved by flushing and calibrating the injectors. However, unlike the previous case, it will be difficult to do this work yourself. Here it is better to seek help from specialists.

Other problems may be related to the ignition system, but these malfunctions are no different from simple gasoline cars without LPG. If the engine troubles due to wires or spark plugs, you need to act in the same way as described above.

Reasons for the appearance of Check Engine on VAZs

  1. The first reason, quite popular in our area, is bad gasoline. Often the check light comes on precisely because of poor fuel. This can be treated by draining the “bodyagi” and refueling with normal gasoline; if you feel sorry for gasoline, you can just wait until it runs out and refuel elsewhere with normal quality fuel.
  2. Candles. Damaged or faulty spark plugs can cause a Check Engine Light. For example, if the spark plug has an incorrect gap or the insulator is cracked. The solution is to check or .
  3. Low fuel level, gas tank cap not tightly closed. In both the first and second cases, a problem will arise with the pressure in the fuel system, after which the ECU will report the problem in the form of the appearance of a corresponding inscription.
  4. Problems with the ignition coil. The lack of a spark will lead to misfires in the cylinders, and the lambda probe will report an error to the control unit. The solution is and.
  5. Problems with the lambda probe itself (oxygen sensor). In this situation, repair is impossible; as a rule, there is only one way out -. You can, however, try, but it’s not a fact that it will lead to anything.
  6. Catalyst malfunctions. Most often, this breakdown occurs on cars with decent mileage. The catalyst is killed as a result of oil problems when the engine takes oil. The oil consumption does not go unnoticed; the remaining oil does not burn completely and is deposited on the catalyst honeycomb. Also, problems with the catalyst can arise due to poor fuel or due to mechanical damage to the catalyst. This problem can only be solved in one way - by complete replacement.
  7. Problem with injectors. The injectors may simply be clogged; the problem is solved by. If this does not help, the injectors will have to be replaced.
  8. There are malfunctions in the fuel system, the fuel pump is acting up, the fuel coarse filter or fuel filter is clogged. To confirm or refute this assumption, it is necessary to measure the pressure in the fuel rail and check the fuel pump.
  9. It happens that the Check Engine lights up due to problems with the BB wires. If there is a suspicion of their malfunction, it is necessary to check the high-voltage wires and, in case of malfunction, replace them.
  10. The mass air flow sensor (MAF) is often the reason why the “ Check Engine
    ” lights up. In order to find out if there is a problem with the sensor, you need. If it turns out that the sensor is faulty, replace it.

Oxygen sensor

Now all cars are equipped with catalysts. For proper operation of the catalyst, a lambda probe is required. This is a special sensor that reads the remaining oxygen, based on the data of which the mixture and ignition are adjusted.

If the lambda probe is faulty, the car may consume more fuel than it should. Also, at the same time, a “check” lights up on the panel. However, the engine may not be tripping. How to solve this problem? Since the new catalyst is very expensive, many simply knock out its “filling” and install a fake instead of an oxygen sensor. This way the ECU will consider that the system is working correctly, and the “check” will no longer light up on the panel.

Reasons for the appearance of Check Engine on VAZs

  1. The first reason, quite popular in our area, is bad gasoline. Often the check light comes on precisely because of poor fuel. This can be treated by draining the “bodyagi” and refueling with normal gasoline; if you feel sorry for gasoline, you can just wait until it runs out and refuel elsewhere with normal quality fuel.
  2. Candles. Damaged or faulty spark plugs can cause a Check Engine Light. For example, if the spark plug has an incorrect gap or the insulator is cracked. The solution is to check or replace the spark plugs.
  3. Low fuel level, gas tank cap not tightly closed. In both the first and second cases, a problem will arise with the pressure in the fuel system, after which the ECU will report the problem in the form of the appearance of a corresponding inscription.
  4. Problems with the ignition coil. The lack of a spark will lead to misfires in the cylinders, and the lambda probe will report an error to the control unit. The solution is to check the ignition coil and replace it if it is faulty.
  5. Problems with the lambda probe itself (oxygen sensor). In this situation, repair is impossible; as a rule, there is only one way out - replacing the oxygen sensor. You can, however, try to clean the Lambda Probe, but it is not a fact that this will lead to anything.
  6. Catalyst malfunctions. Most often, this breakdown occurs on cars with decent mileage. The catalyst is killed as a result of oil problems when the engine takes oil. The oil consumption does not go unnoticed; the remaining oil does not burn completely and is deposited on the catalyst honeycomb. Also, problems with the catalyst can arise due to poor fuel or due to mechanical damage to the catalyst. This problem can only be solved in one way - by complete replacement.
  7. Problem with injectors. The injectors may simply be clogged; the problem can be solved by flushing the injectors. If this does not help, the injectors will have to be replaced.
  8. There are malfunctions in the fuel system, the fuel pump is acting up, the fuel coarse filter or fuel filter is clogged. To confirm or refute this assumption, it is necessary to measure the pressure in the fuel rail and check the fuel pump.
  9. It happens that the Check Engine lights up due to problems with the BB wires. If there is a suspicion of their malfunction, it is necessary to check the high-voltage wires and, in case of malfunction, replace them.
  10. The mass air flow sensor (MAF) is often the reason why the “Check Engine” lights up. In order to find out if there is a problem with the sensor, you need to check the mass air flow sensor. If it turns out that the sensor is faulty, replace it.

Let's sum it up

So, we looked at why the “check” on a car blinks and at the same time the engine stalls. The most common causes of breakdowns are a faulty spark plug or a breakdown of the high-voltage wire winding. You can check this yourself, even without diagnostic equipment (although, to save time, it is better to use it and just read the error codes). Anyone can replace a spark plug or wire. You don't need any special tools for this. However, if the “check” is on due to burnout of the valves or wear of the rings, as indicated by a compression test, only a professional mechanic can help in this situation.

Check the fuel filler cap

Many drivers, in some cases, when the “check engine” indication appears, begin to think about serious problems with the engine; they do not even think of checking the tightness of the fuel system, which may be compromised due to a defect or an insufficiently tightened fuel tank cap. This is a very common reason for the appearance of the “Check” engine icon.

Reason for the error: - Leakage of the fuel system due to the passage of air through the filler cap of the fuel tank, as well as an increase in the fuel consumption of the vehicle, for which the vehicle’s diagnostic system will definitely display an engine error by turning on the “Check engine” indication on the vehicle’s instrument panel.

What needs to be done: -If when the “Check” indication appears, your car has not lost its power and there are no audible signs of engine damage (knocking, humming, creaking, etc. in the engine), then the first thing you need to do is check the gas tank for leaks. Your gas cap may be cracked or not tightened enough. If the gas tank cap was not tightened enough, then after tightening it all the way, you can continue driving the car for a while, and then look at the dashboard and see if the engine error disappears. To prevent the check engine light from appearing and lighting up, check the fuel filler cap regularly. Remember also that periodically this cover must be replaced with a new one!

What does the Check Engine Light mean?

Sometimes it can be a very minor problem - for example, a loose gas cap or a faulty catalyst. However, you should not ignore the indicator signals under any circumstances, as this can result in serious problems.

The Check indicator may light up for various reasons.

Sometimes the cause of the indicator light may be poor fuel quality. So don’t be surprised if, after refueling at an unfamiliar gas station, you see the Check Engine light flashing.

Typically the indicator is located on the car's dashboard under the engine speed indicator. It is indicated by a schematic engine or a rectangle with the inscription Check engine or simply Check. In some cases, instead of an inscription, a lightning symbol is depicted.

Is it possible to continue driving while the light is on?

The brake pads are worn out, it's time for the next maintenance, the speed is switched incorrectly, low-quality fuel is used, the on-board voltage has dropped - all this can cause the Check indicator to light up. First of all, you should check the motor. If the reason for the signal to turn on is due to engine malfunctions, it is dangerous to continue driving.

The problem is aggravated by the fact that it is impossible to independently determine the malfunction of a modern internal combustion engine by smell or color. You should contact professionals who will use a scanner to identify the malfunction, if, of course, there is one.

A burning Check light may indicate various breakdowns - it is better not to ignore it

Therefore, if after restarting the car the light does not go out, you can only drive it to the nearest car service center. There they will conduct a comprehensive diagnostic of the engine and its systems.

Operating a vehicle with the Check Engine icon illuminated leads to increased fuel consumption, unstable engine operation, and decreased traction characteristics of the vehicle. Moreover, in this case, the car owner may lose the guarantee for car repairs.

Why does the check engine light come on when cold?

Many people are surprised that the check light is on in a car with a still cold engine. But, as stated above, the self-diagnosis system begins to work when the engine starts. Despite the fact that monitoring of some systems is possible only when the power unit reaches the optimal temperature, the ECM can detect violations even in a cold engine. Let's look at them in detail:

  • The check engine indicator works when the spark plugs are dirty or completely out of order. Consequently, the combustible mixture does not ignite in the cylinder, and this violation is recorded by the ECM.
  • Violation of the insulation of high-voltage wires or oxidation of the contact group also prevents the generation of a spark and, as a result, the cylinder does not work.
  • An incorrectly functioning high-voltage coil may cause the check light to light up on the instrument panel. This happens when the resistance at the terminals does not meet the required parameters.
  • Low throughput of fuel injection devices. Due to a dirty injector or nozzle, the full volume of the combustible mixture enters the combustion chambers late and does not have time to burn completely.
  • Low fuel pressure. Caused by a breakdown of the fuel pump or contamination of the filtration element.
  • A breakdown of the oxygen sensor or catalyst causes the check engine error to appear. Depending on the type of failure, these parts can be repaired or replaced so that the error disappears.

Do not forget that self-diagnosis is an independent system. Consequently, it may also not work correctly due to the breakdown of some of its components. In particular, if one of the system sensors malfunctions, the check light in the car will light up. To check the correct operation of engine self-diagnosis, diagnostics are required using special devices in a car service center.

Why did the light come on and how to fix it

The main situations when the indicator lights up and the recommended actions for the motorist:

  1. If the Check Engine turns on and off immediately after starting the car, it means that the engine is not damaged. The cause of the fire is most likely harmless - a leaky fuel tank cap or a loose one. Just wrap it tightly and check if the warning goes away.
  2. If the indicator lights up while driving, you should stop and check the cables. You may find a loose cable hanging under the hood or an exposed battery terminal. This applies to all accessories: cables, hoses, etc.
  3. If the light flashes while driving, stop and check the engine noise, pay attention to the oil level, and inspect the sides of the engine. If no visually noticeable violations are found, it is recommended to contact the nearest car service center and carry out diagnostics.
  4. If the engine is running normally and the warning light is constantly flashing, it is most likely an ignition fault. You should check the spark plugs and coil, pay attention to the quality of the fuel. To do this, it is best to contact the nearest self-diagnosis center.
  5. If the indicator is constantly on, you need to stop, unscrew the spark plugs and check the gap. Gaps greater than 1.3 may cause the lamp to turn on.
  6. Also, when the “check” is turned on, the ignition is usually checked. Any car service center has special testers that allow you to determine the wear of wiring insulation.
  7. A faulty fuel pump can also cause the light to come on. You should stop and listen to the sounds of the fuel pump. A regular hum without clicks or pauses is considered normal. If unusual sounds appear, the pump must be disassembled, washed inside and the filter cleaned.
  8. The temperature of the coolant may indicate a serious engine problem. If the temperature is above 85-90 degrees and the check engine light comes on while driving, the engine is definitely faulty. In this case, it is recommended to call a tow truck or drive at low speed to the nearest car service center.

Video: Check sensor lights up

Table: reasons for the Check engine light to come on and suggested actions

When and in what cases is the “check” included?Possible reasonsSuggested action
While driving, when acceleratingFast acceleration, faulty air filterChange the filter, accelerate more smoothly
When the indicator flashes, the engine startsThe fuel in one of the cylinders does not burn completely, the gasoline burns in the exhaust pipe or directly hits the catalystReplace spark plugs, check coil and armored cables, check for signs of timing
After refuelingPoor fuel qualityChange gas station
When the ignition is onNormal vehicle responseHe doesn't have to do anything
After washing the car, engine, after rainwater was spilled on the engine wiringWD40 treatment, dry and clean contacts
Cold engineFaulty knock sensorReplace
On a hot engineCamshaft sensor faultyReplace
At high speedsMissing ignition coils or faulty crankshaft sensorReplace coil or sensor
Sit backThrottle sensor malfunctionReplace
After replacing spark plugsPoor fuel mixtureChange the octane number of gasoline to a higher one
After replacing the air filterMore air began to flow, the composition of the exhaust changed, the lambda probe reactedTurn off the engine, start again
After replacing the timing beltThe terminal has blown some sensor, most likely air tube DCheck terminals
After installation of LPG equipmentFuel injector emulation is not performing correctlyTune
After setting the alarmThere is only one power line connected to the turbo timer, the temperature sensor, brake pedals and mass air flow sensor freeze per secondReset Check motor, connect both lines
After replacing the fuel filterLow pressure filter installedReplace filter
With a simultaneous increase in fuel consumptionDriving too long, oxygen tank overheating or poor quality fuelRefuel with high-quality fuel, give the car a rest
With long climbsTiming belt wear, sensor faultCheck and replace
After replacing the ignition moduleProblems connecting the moduleRemove and replace the positive terminal of the battery
At temperatures below zeroThrottle position sensor is faulty or disconnectedReplace the device or replace the chip
When you press the accelerator pedalAir filter cloggedClean or replace the filter

Engine malfunctions

The check may be on due to poor ground on the engine or poor performance of one of the injectors. The speed sensor is located in the back of the box, which can also cause the check light to come on. For example, the wires have oxidized - the speedometer needle begins to float, underestimate or overestimate the speed.

You will say that it’s easier to go for a diagnosis, but it can’t always help. There was a case when everything was fine, there was fuel, there was a spark, the compression was good, but the car would not start. The diagnostics said that everything was fine. Then we found the reason ourselves, by analyzing and reviewing it. Therefore, here we tell ordinary people how to repair and look for reasons, without getting into the jungle, measuring sensors with a multimeter and so on.

It is best to buy new sensors, install them and drive. There is also a lambda probe that can short to ground. If you wash your car unsuccessfully, the check engine light is also on. You need to disassemble, clean, check that nothing is shorting to ground anywhere, and reassemble correctly. If the check engine light continues to light, then you need to look for other reasons.

Reasons for the indicator to light up

It should be noted that the oil pressure light may come on intermittently in some situations without presenting any danger to engine operation. Such situations include:

  1. If the car makes a sharp turn, as a result, not only the oil indicator, but also the fuel indicator may light up for a few seconds.
  2. When starting the engine in winter.
  3. After prolonged parking on uneven surfaces, when the lubricant flows into other engine compartments.

If the light comes on while driving or at idle, and does not go out after a while, then appropriate measures should be taken. The oil pressure indicator indicates the occurrence of failures and malfunctions. Such problems occur not only in the engine, but also in the electronic part. Some of the main reasons why this indicator lights up include:

  1. Reduced oil level in the system. This is precisely the fact that, when it occurs, the indicator must necessarily work, warning of the danger of further operation of the VAZ-2107 car.
  2. If the oil filter is worn excessively.
  3. There is a malfunction of the sensor itself or a short circuit in the wiring.
  4. Excessive wear of the crankshaft bearings.
  5. Oil pump malfunction.

In certain cases, it is necessary to stop and determine the presence of oil in the engine using a dipstick. If the level is normal, then you should get to the nearest station or home, and then determine the reason for the light coming on. If there is no oil, then continuing to move under your own power is strictly prohibited, because this may cause the motor to jam.

If the pressure indicator lights up, you should make an emergency stop and turn off the engine. After this, a number of steps should be taken to determine the cause of such consequences.

Checking the lubricant level

After stopping, you need to open the hood and remove the dipstick. The measuring scale of the dipstick should be wiped, then reinsert it into the hole, and then remove it and make sure there is a sufficient level of lubricant. If the dipstick shows a minimum fluid level, then you should top it up, but then try to find out the reasons for the decrease in level. Often the reason for a drop in oil level is its leakage through the seals, which need to be changed periodically.

TOP 10 reasons why the check engine light came on

  1. The fuel tank cap is open . Check if it is closed tightly.
  2. Bad gasoline . The system can respond to fuel quality. The solution would be to drain the gasoline and fill it with better quality.
  3. Oil level . First of all, check its level with a dipstick. Also look for cracks in the block and oil leaks.
  4. Problems with the fuel pump or strainer in the tank. Check that the pump runs smoothly and does not make any unusual sounds.
  5. Dirty injectors . Eliminated by cleaning the injectors.
  6. Faulty high voltage wires or coils.
  7. Problem with spark plugs . The icon also lights up if there are problems with the spark plugs. It is worth checking the performance of the spark plugs and, if necessary, replacing them.
  8. No spark in one of the cylinders.
  9. The lambda probe is faulty . The problem can only be eliminated by replacing this unit with a new one or installing a blende; occasionally cleaning helps.
  10. Catalyst failure . Also solved by replacing the catalyst.

Only the main reasons and ways to solve them are listed here. In fact, there are many more of them. Diagnostics of the on-board computer, which controls all vehicle systems, can give a more complete picture of the current situation.

Check engine is not hidden on the dashboard of the Madza CX-5

Check engine on the Peugeot Partner panel is hiding in the left corner

What to do if the engine check light comes on

Firstly, you should remember that this light does not always indicate problems with the engine.

  1. If the “Check” lights up when starting the power unit and immediately goes out, this means that the engine is in good working order, and this is not a cause for concern.
  2. If the indicator does not go out, start to worry, since a breakdown has been detected in the engine. But you shouldn’t be too upset, since there is a possibility that they are insignificant, although critical ones are not excluded.

Resetting or zeroing the Check indicator

In most cases, as shown in the table, Check lights up when the sensor fails or the operating conditions of the vehicle change. However, even after diagnosing and fixing the problem, the light sometimes remains on.

The fact is that the “trace” of the error remains in the computer’s memory. In this case, it is necessary to “reset” or “zero” the indicator readings. This is easy to do yourself by following a number of simple steps:

  1. Turn off the ignition.
  2. Open the hood.
  3. Remove the positive terminal from the battery.

Resetting or resetting the check engine light

The sensor is reset and the warning light is no longer illuminated. If this does not happen, contact the service center.

When the Check Engine light on your dashboard comes on, it almost always requires you to stop the vehicle immediately. Practical use of the recommendations given in the article will help you avoid complex and expensive engine repairs. Good luck on the roads!

Owners of vehicles with an electronic engine management system (ECM) often experience the “check engine” warning light on the dashboard suddenly turning on. Immediately the engine is active, this indicates some malfunctions associated with the operation of the power unit and its systems.

There can be many situations when the engine fault check is turned on. Owners often complain that after flushing the engine, the regulator lights up, the regulator is active when the engine is running or the internal combustion engine does not start, the emergency lamp periodically or constantly lights up on a cold or hot engine, etc. Next, we will look at the main reasons why the test engine may work, and also talk about how to diagnose and fix a number of common faults with your own hands.

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