Review of mechanical anti-theft systems for cars and instructions for homemade anti-theft systems

03.03.2022 1 402 Mechanical protection

Author: Victor

Anti-theft mechanical devices for cars can be used as a primary or additional security device. They are divided into eight types, depending on which element of the car will be blocked. In this case, it is enough to install just one type of device to prevent theft.


What types of anti-theft mechanical devices are there for cars?

Automotive devices designed to protect the car are divided into several groups:

  • for gearbox;
  • to protect the engine compartment;
  • on the steering shaft;
  • for ignition switch;
  • on the car door;
  • for steering wheel;
  • on the pedal;
  • for installation on wheels.

Transmission locks

This type of locking device is divided into several types:

  1. Arc devices. When turned on, these models lock the transmission lever in a certain position. The lock is secured using a special bracket that wraps around the gearbox lever. Modern models of devices are equipped with special larvae characterized by high cryptographic resistance. To ensure the highest possible security, a floating password is used, making hacking almost impossible. The key disadvantage of gearbox locks is the large size of the devices.
  2. Pin blockers. This type of device is considered more advanced compared to the arc lock for gearboxes. The main component of the design is a steel pin, which is used to lock the gearbox. When activated, driving the vehicle will be impossible. The body of the device is made of high-strength steel. Compared to arc locks, pin devices fit harmoniously into the interior of the car.
  3. Pinless type of blockers. This type of device is considered more modernized. The process of blocking a manual transmission or automatic transmission is performed directly inside the device. Activation and deactivation of equipment occurs only using a key.

Pin transmission lock

Pinless blocker

Arc gearbox lock
The ProSecurity channel talked about which gearbox lock is best to use to effectively prevent car theft.

Hood locks

This type of device is designed to protect elements and assemblies located in the engine compartment. The level of reliability of the device is determined by the security of the larva itself. If this component is vulnerable, it can be easily hacked.

The main disadvantage of hood locking devices is the low security of the drive cable, which is designed to open it. If a criminal gains access to this element, he will hack the device without entering the car interior.

Steering locks

This protection option is designed to prevent the steering wheel from turning. The devices are installed directly under the column, next to the pedal.

Structurally, such a blocker consists of several elements:

  • locking device;
  • locking mechanism;
  • automatic latch;
  • coupling;
  • screws;
  • key or secret button.

The principle of operation of the locking device is to fix the steering shaft using a coupling, which consists of several elements.
This part rotates along with the steering wheel when the lock is not working, so it is impossible to notice it. To turn on the device, the car owner needs to install the locking mechanism in the groove and close the device. This will lead to the fact that on one side the steering wheel, when turning, will rest against the engine shield, and on the other, against the pedal. The steering shaft lock is difficult to pick. The most effective type of locking devices are devices with secret buttons that do not use keys. You can bypass such a mechanism only by cutting it with a grinder.

The channel “Andrey Kondrashov - copyright protection against theft” presented a test of popular locks for steering shafts and talked about the advisability of their use.

Ignition switches

If a hacking attempt occurs, the contacts in the device will open, which should close when the power unit starts. When installing the lock, its switch should be brought out and masked. Otherwise, the criminal will be able to start the internal combustion engine. Ignition switches can be touch controlled or radio controlled.

Locking devices of this type are made of high-strength alloy steel. The design of the lock is based on a high-secrecy mechanism. Depending on the model, the blocker can be additionally equipped with protection for the starter unit from being turned on again.

To install the ignition switch, it is recommended to contact specialists; there is a risk of making a mistake when performing the task.

Door locks

This type of device is used to prevent an intruder from entering the car. Devices of this type are presented in the form of a metal pin that blocks the door if it is not locked. Activation of the device is carried out using a key or key fob, it all depends on the type of device.

Steering wheel locks

This type of system is used for mounting on the steering wheel rim or in its spoke. The principle of protection is based on the fact that the criminal will not be able to turn the steering wheel in the event of a break-in. The second part of the lock product will always rest against the door or dashboard of the car. There are devices for the steering wheel, one part of which is placed directly on it, and the second - on the pedal.

Steering wheel-dashboard lock

Steering wheel lock with emphasis on the dashboard/pillar/ceiling

Steering wheel lock

Steering wheel lock with pedal

You can bypass such a device without any difficulties. But if the device is equipped with a secret, then this will be problematic.

The “Baza Avtozvuka” channel talked about protective devices designed for installation on wheels.

Pedal locks

There are two types of anti-theft devices of this type:

  1. Thrust mechanisms that prevent pressing the gas or clutch pedal. The main disadvantage of such a device is the inconvenience of installation. But this minus for the consumer can become a plus, since it is almost impossible to hack the larva if it is stolen. Due to the inconvenient location, even a weak secret will not be able to be opened.
  2. Supporting devices. A device of this type blocks the possibility of moving the pedal with one part, and the second clings to the steering wheel of the car. Installation is simpler than thrust mechanisms, but this type of device is characterized by large dimensions.

Support mechanism

Pedal lock (thrust)

Wheel locks

They are designed to block the drive wheel, making it impossible to move the machine. The product is mounted on top and secured to the disk. The main disadvantage is the inconvenience of operation. The device is large in size, so it must be carried in the trunk.

The use of wheel locks is important if the car remains in an unguarded parking lot for a long time.

User Yulia Nikitina in her video showed the operating features and effectiveness of car wheel locks.

How effective is homemade car theft protection?

Protecting your car from theft with your own hands is especially effective in combination with proprietary anti-theft systems. Sometimes a homemade product can confuse car thieves with its non-standard design or unexpected location. This may allow you to save your car from illegal actions.

For maximum security, you can combine several homemade and factory methods. It is advisable to install such products yourself or trust trusted professionals.

Rating of mechanical blocking companies

To choose a high-quality protective device, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the brands and models that consumers prefer:

  • Interception Universal;
  • Python;
  • Knight Barrier;
  • Guarantee;
  • Defen Time;
  • Barracuda.

Interception Universal

The device is made in the form of a metal cylinder, which is mounted on the steering column. The device is fixed in a certain position, and when it is closed, turning the steering wheel will be impossible. The body of the blocker, as well as its protective part, are made of stainless steel, which contributes to longer operation of the device due to low wear.

Due to the absence of a keyhole, higher reliability is ensured. The device is turned off using a key made in the form of a ring with notches. On average, the price of the product is about 6500-7500 rubles.


  • compatibility with more than 50 car models;
  • The device does not require maintenance.


The operating principle of the device is based on blocking the steering wheel from turning. To perform the task, a special long pin in a leather case is used. The key feature is the implementation of effective protection against various hacking options. The device performs simultaneous blocking of both mechanical and electronic components. This refers to both the steering wheel and the starter mechanism.

The device is protected by additional protection against the use of master keys and similar products for picking the lock. If a criminal manages to open the device, then the internal combustion engine will not be able to start. To activate the starter mechanism, a special button installed on the key fob is used. The cost of the set is approximately 7,600 rubles on average.

User Perehvatsz spoke about the features of the Python locking system for cars.

Knight Barrier

The device is made of high quality stainless steel. The manufacturer provides a five-year warranty on the product. The steering wheel lock is equipped with a keyhole located on the side. It is characterized by an unconventional shape, which makes it difficult for the device to be hacked. To open the device, not standard keys are used, but rather unusually shaped controls.

Main advantages:

  • the product does not require periodic or routine maintenance;
  • the original shape of the device will not allow the thief to use master keys or bumping;
  • Suitable for most modern car models.


This manufacturer supplies the market with two effective protection options - Bastion and Block blockers. Both Garant models are characterized by high secrecy of the internal cylinder. The device effectively protects the starter mechanism from restarting.

Main advantages:

  • the warranty service life is five years;
  • The device is suitable for installation on most modern cars;
  • the device is made from high-quality carbon steel, which prevents rapid wear;
  • The locking device is based on the Abloy lock, characterized by high secrecy.

To operate effectively, the device requires periodic maintenance and lubrication. The average cost of a set is about 7500-800 rubles.

Defen Time

The hood lock of this brand will effectively protect the engine compartment. The key feature of the device is the use of modern protection technologies during production. In practice, it is almost impossible to hack the product. This is due to the high-strength materials from which the device is made, so it is difficult even to cut it with a grinder. Depending on the model, the cost of the device can range from 2,500 to 7,000 rubles.

User Alexey Lyamin spoke in detail about the features of using Defen Time hood locks.


This brand produces both locks and locking devices for certain vehicle models. In this case we mean anti-theft devices for transmissions. On average, installing a locking device can take up to two hours. On sale you can find universal products that are mounted in standard places, as a result of which you do not have to drill additional holes.

Locking devices are characterized by rigid contours. This increases the mechanical strength of the device. On average, one lock will cost the buyer 4,500 rubles.

Photo gallery

Barracuda checkpoint lock

Hood lock Defen Time

Steering shaft lock "Garant"

Steering lock "Interception"

Steering lock "Python"

Steering wheel lock "Knight Barrier"

TOP 10 self-protection against theft

03/18/2020, author: Alexander Vizaulin

It seems that none of you will have to prove that a car is not only a convenient means of transportation, but also an object of increased attention from criminals. The latter highly and truly value your car, dreaming of rushing off with it to the “beautiful far away” finally and forever. What can I say - there is only one way to prevent such an unpleasant outcome: equipping your vehicle with a security system. Moreover, not a simple standard one, which an experienced hijacker can hack in a matter of minutes, but a truly reliable one, with multi-level authorization and carefully disguised control units.

Unfortunately, after purchasing a new or used car, the installation of a decent anti-theft system is sometimes postponed for one reason or another: some people still don’t have enough time, others don’t have enough money, and others even believe in the modest capabilities of the above-mentioned factory security tools. The disadvantages of this approach are obvious, and therefore we decided to tell you how you can at least slightly increase the level of protection of your car yourself, without spending your last salary on it. So, what can we do to further puzzle the hijacker?

Simulation of alarm

This is the cheapest, and therefore most primitive, instrument, the operating principle of which is based on a purely psychological effect. Essentially, this is a small plastic block with an LED that simulates the operation of a security system. It costs a penny, can be purchased in many domestic or Chinese online stores, but can only mislead a novice thief. Some of them immediately reveal their fake essence upon closer inspection through the windshield, others are a little more complicated, but the essence is the same - apart from the appearance of having an “anti-theft”, they are of little use.

How to make a mechanical anti-theft device with your own hands?

The easiest option is to block the vehicle's exhaust pipe.

To make an anti-theft mechanical device for a car you need:

  1. Drill a hole in the pipe.
  2. A special cylindrical part made of steel is installed into it.
  3. Another hole should be made in the center of the cylinder.

The bottom line is that by installing this element in the hole in the exhaust pipe and turning it, the exhaust gases will be blocked. They will not be able to get out, as a result of which the car engine will not start. If you turn the cylindrical device with a hole towards the exhaust gases, they can leave the car. In fact, this anti-theft device is a regular faucet.

There is another option - to make a lock that is primitive in design to prevent the clutch pedal from moving. As a base, you will need a steel bracket, the body of which has holes of the appropriate size. A lock will be inserted into them, which will lock.

Dismantling principle

Removing the blocker from the car is carried out in the reverse order. When removing electromechanical devices and Block Lock devices, there may be holes left on parts of the instrument panel into which keyholes would go. These holes can be closed with suitable plugs or the parts can be replaced with new ones.

After dismantling the blocking valve, you will need to replace the cut brake pipe with a new one and bleed the hydraulic drive system.

Photo gallery

Photos of homemade blockers are presented in this section.

Scheme for the manufacture of mechanical anti-theft

Basic elements for creating a homemade castle

Homemade clutch pedal movement blocker

Useful tips

All self-made anti-theft devices work effectively only as an addition to a security alarm. Mechanical devices will help protect the car from non-professionals, as well as show them that the car is well protected from unauthorized opening. Mechanical anti-theft devices will not stop experienced car thieves.

  • Mechanical protection of the car against theft rating
  • Universal remote control for car radio on steering wheel
  • The best alarm system with auto start
  • How to choose a trailer for a car

Video “Is it possible to open a mechanical hood lock?”

The channel "AUTOSECURITY - Anti-theft Studio" conducted an experiment on hacking an anti-theft lock, the results are presented in the video.

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Ability to work together with other security systems and complexes

An anti-theft blocker is the simplest device that is used to completely immobilize various vehicle systems. The pedal lock allows you to make a theft attempt almost impossible. Despite all these positive qualities, users are often interested in whether it is possible to install a lock and other anti-theft systems together.

Since the lock is a fairly simple and even primitive device, it does not have the ability to interfere with the operation of other security systems, and alarms and anti-theft systems of different levels, in turn, cannot in any way affect the functions performed by the anti-theft lock.

Taking this information into account, experienced motorists and experts have come to the following conclusions:

  • the blocker is fully compatible with all alarm systems and anti-theft systems;
  • the lock for locking the pedals does not interfere with the operation of additional equipment, and those systems that are located in the same car with it do not interfere with it;
  • If the lock and the anti-theft system were produced under the same brand, the user will be able to control the lock using a standard alarm system.

These indicators once again prove that the anti-theft pedal lock is an effective and almost universal security device. Most often, gearbox locks or systems to limit the movement of the steering shaft are installed with it. Each system of this type is inexpensive, easy to install and remains operational under any conditions.

A pedal lock, no matter whether it is mechanical or electromechanical, always performs its functions accurately and properly, and this is the most important thing for users.

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