Location and numbering of engine cylinders of the most popular brands. On which side does the cylinder count begin?

Despite the fact that in their meaning such concepts as the order of operation of the engine cylinders and their numbering are different. However, there is still a certain relationship between them. And every motorist should know the numbering of the cylinders. This gives him the opportunity to calmly operate in the order of their operation to carry out work on adjusting the thermal clearance of the valves and correctly connecting the wires to the spark plugs. Moreover, regardless of the operating manual, as well as the order of operation of the cylinders, the first serial number is always the master cylinder. There is always a candle in it.

How cylinders are installed in engines

There are many types of internal combustion engines - these include outdated engines with one or two cylinders, classic in-line options with four and six cylinders.

Larger structures had V-shaped blocks - these structures could contain eight or more combustion chambers.

What is the operating sequence of the KFX(TU3JP) cylinders?

or valve adjustment sequence?

I'll explain. Essentially. You said: “All inline fours have the same sequence.”

They proved to you that this is not so. Instead of admitting that you were wrong, you start talking all sorts of nonsense like “And you call this an engine?”

Re: Let me explain. > Essentially. You said: “All inline fours have the same sequence.” quoted1 > > they proved to you that this is not so. Instead of admitting that I was wrong,

Row arrangement

In this system, the cylinders are placed in one row. This configuration uses 2, 3, 4, five or 6-cylinder engines.

Internal combustion engines with two and three cylinders are installed on new cars quite rarely, despite the fact that the demand for them is gradually increasing.

If we talk about in-line “four”, then these blocks are installed in most engines for passenger cars - the volumes of these engines start from 1 liter, and the largest in-line internal combustion engine is 2.4 liters. and more.

What about now?

Contrary to popular belief, 8-cylinder engines are installed not only in luxury foreign cars, but also in ordinary tractors, trucks and construction equipment. As with weaker engines, the most balanced type is the in-line engine type. In other words, when all the cylinders are located in a row. They were used to equip the most expensive cars for a long time. This design was especially appreciated in America. However, the record holders here are the Germans, who highly value the balance and reliability of the in-line engine.

But even they, over time, had to switch to V-twin engines. The reason is simple and banal - the eight-cylinder Python simply did not fit in the standard engine compartment of modern cars.

In two rows

How to make a huge in-line internal combustion engine smaller?

  • The engine can be "divided" in half, placing the two parts next to each other and having the pistons turn one crankshaft. This structure resembles the letter “V”.
  • Here the combustion chambers are placed in two rows at an angle. This arrangement is quite common among manufacturers and is inferior only to the in-line “four”.

8 combustion chambers in this configuration are placed 4 in 2 rows. This is the most compact assembly for large-sized motors. If we talk about structures with 12 cylinders, the only difference is their number.

What is a V-twin engine?

With the increase in the number of cylinders in the engine, in-line designs became less convenient, and therefore they were replaced by a V-shaped layout. It involves installing cylinders with pistons in pairs, opposite each other and at an angle. The latter is called the camber angle and can vary from 10° to 120° between the axes. The number of cylinders in such units is from six to twelve, but this is always an even number. Many automakers, thanks to the V-shaped layout, were able to experiment with the number of cylinders, increasing their number to twenty-four, but such cars are not yet in mass production.

Depending on the camber angle, certain engine characteristics are achieved. So, for example, a small angle allows you to combine the advantages of both in-line and V-shaped engines in the engine.


Among the advantages of V-shaped engines are:

  • compact design;
  • longer engine life;
  • efficient and dynamic operation at various speeds.
  • the design of such a unit is more complex, since it has two cylinder heads;
  • high manufacturing cost;
  • large vibrations during operation;
  • difficulties with balancing.

With offset

The developers have found an alternative to make a powerful and at the same time small power mechanism for middle-class passenger cars. The offset design is a V-block with 6 cylinders.

They are located opposite each other diagonally. 6 cylinders tilted at fifteen degrees form a rather narrow and short structure.


These are units with 5 cylinders standing in a row. The relative displacement of the crankpins is 72 degrees. There are both two- and four-stroke samples; for the first (2 strokes), the standard order of optimal operation of the cylinder block for these engines is the activation sequence 1–2–4–3–5. This ensures uniform combustion of the fuel. These motors are widely used in marine technology.

On passenger cars, engineers report a different order for the operation of the “pots” of 5-cylinder typical engines - the 1-2-4-5-3 system.

Cylinder block:

Opposite type

It's no secret that on a V-like block the angle of inclination of the 2 parts is ninety or sixty degrees. If it is one hundred and eighty degrees, then it is a boxer engine.

Here the cylinders are placed opposite each other, in a horizontal order. The crankshaft in these devices is common, placed in the center, and the pistons move away from it.

How does a W engine work?

W-shaped engine The fundamental difference between a W-shaped engine is the arrangement of cylinders with pistons in three or four rows, while they act on a common crankshaft. The camber angle is less than 90°. Some W-twin engine models feature a staggered cylinder arrangement, with each section having its own cylinder head. Such layout schemes are used not only in automobile engines, but also in aviation.

Just like a V-twin engine, such an engine can have up to twelve cylinders. However, its main advantage is its even more compact design. The main disadvantage of the W-shaped design is the need to manufacture a crankshaft of complex shape, as well as the use of a multi-level cooling system, which significantly increases the cost of engine production.

Motors W

These power plants combine 2 rows of combustion chambers with a VR arrangement. In each row, the cylinders are tilted at an angle of fifteen degrees.

Both rows are installed at an angle of seventy-two degrees. If we are talking about a device with eight cylinders, the block consists of 2 V-like blocks located at a slope of seventy-two degrees.

Tactfulness of the motor

The operating principle of the cylinders consists of the following stages:

  1. Intake - the piston moves to the bottom dead limit, at the same time the combustion chamber is filled with air-fuel composition through the intake valve. The exhaust valve is closed.
  2. Compression - both valves are closed, the piston moves to the top dead limit, squeezing the fuel. The temperature in the chamber increases several times due to pressure and the pressure in the engine cylinder increases. For vehicles with a high octane rating, high octane fuel must be filled.
  3. The working stroke is when the valve is closed, and the liquid from the spark plug ignites. Under pressure in the cylinder of the unit when fuel is burned, the piston moves to the bottom, causing the crankshaft to rotate. For high productivity, it is necessary that the liquid is consumed in full before the piston reaches BDC. To ensure this process, the ignition timing is used. In new cars, the setting is performed by a built-in electronic unit. Older machines are equipped with a mechanical regulator.
  4. Exhaust - the working stroke ends with the evaporation of exhaust gases from the cylinders of the structure. At this stage, a significant process is taking place - cooling the system cylinders. It is performed with the intake and exhaust valves open at the same time. After the piston moves to TDC, the intake starts again.

Repair of car components

The cylinder block structure consists of parts that operate in aggressive conditions, and therefore are often subject to breakage and wear.

Restoring an engine cylinder block consists of the following operations:

No. of worksOperations PerformedTechnical equipment.
1Grinding the surface of the crankshaft bearing stopVertical milling machine
2Replacing worn camshaft bushingsPress-fitting device
3Repairing threaded holesDrilled equipment, set of drills, lantern, die
4Pressing out the fastening pinsSpecial press
5Boring, repair of engine CPG cover. Adjustment by plane, installation by holes Vertical milling machine
6Processing the body for sleeves and boring for thrust edgesVertical boring machine
7Boring of main bearing seatsHorizontal boring machine
8Gas-thermal spraying on treated bearing seatsSpecial technological equipment
9Double-circuit boring of the bodyHoning machine
10Washing the engine and cleaning the oil channelsEquipment for jet washing of parts.
11Painting the blockSpray gun. Compressor.

Repair of the engine cylinder block ends with a control inspection on the test plate. Using a feeler gauge and indicator devices, the installation rigidity and alignment of the mounting components in the engine cylinder block are checked. After the engine cylinder body has been restored, a leak test is carried out.

Cylinder head assembly

Repair of the engine cylinder head is performed for the following reasons:

  • broken drive shaft belt;
  • cylinder head deformation due to overheating;
  • duration of service lines;
  • incorrect assembly after repair of the unit cylinder block.

Defects of engine cylinder head parts

You can restore defects using the following steps:

  • grinding valves;
  • the cylinder head is polished;
  • gaskets and belts are being replaced;
  • Bushings and valve seats are bored.

Post-repair control

After troubleshooting, the cylinder head is painted and the pressure in the cylinder is checked.

An indicator that indicates the effective performance of engine cylinder block parts is compression.

What is the pressure in the cylinders of different brands of engines?

The final stage, painting

Before painting the engine cylinder block, it is necessary to carry out preparatory operations, which consist of the following points:

  • cleaning parts from adhering dirt, oil, carbon deposits;
  • removing traces of corrosion (if any);
  • grinding contaminated threaded channels.

The cylinder head is painted separately so that the air and oil passages do not become clogged.

The operation of the cylinders is not dependent on painting, but it is important to protect the block from contamination.

How to paint the engine depends on financial capabilities. Online stores offer a wide variety of products that can be used to treat the surface of parts after repairing the engine block and cylinders.

Numbering of cylinders of motors of various types

Such information is needed mainly for those who repair internal combustion engines of foreign cars. Typically, all front-wheel drive cars have a perpendicularly mounted motor.

In this situation, the cylinders of the structure are counted from one of the parts, and the main first cylinder is located from the passenger part.

  • For V-shaped designs with multiple cylinders, the main cylinder is placed in the row closest to the passenger compartment on the driver's side. Then odd-numbered cylinders are placed, and multiple cylinders are placed from the radiator.
  • In American buildings there are 2 variations of cylinder installation. Four or six-row American engines may have one main cylinder from the radiator, while the rest are counted towards the passenger compartment.
  • Another variation with the opposite numbering, in this situation the main cylinder is the one located next to the passenger compartment.

Designers from France have also developed 2 ways to count the cylinders of the system. This is either a reading from the gearbox, or from the right side of the transmission, in V-like structures.

Therefore, given the huge amount of information, which is not always unambiguous, it is very important to read the instructions of the engine manufacturer - the vehicle. It would be a good idea to ask for help with this question from the community of car owners specifically for your car.

I can't figure out where cylinder 1 is located

I can't figure out where cylinder 1 is located

Post by Valera93 » Jul 18, 2012, 12:54 pm

Re: I can’t figure out where cylinder 1 is located

Posted by redlife » Jul 18, 2012, 12:59 pm

Re: I can’t figure out where cylinder 1 is located

Post by SambaTDI » Jul 18, 2012, 01:13 pm

Re: I can’t figure out where cylinder 1 is located

Message t-3 » July 18, 2012, 14:46

Re: I can’t figure out where cylinder 1 is located

Post by Sanya » July 18, 2012, 2:56 pm

Re: I can’t figure out where cylinder 1 is located

Post by demyan » Jul 18, 2012, 6:34 pm

Re: I can’t figure out where cylinder 1 is located

Message by Bosun7779 » July 18, 2012, 19:02

Re: I can’t figure out where cylinder 1 is located

Post by Klip2 » Jul 18, 2012, 7:09 pm

Re: I can’t figure out where cylinder 1 is located

Post by Transporter T3 » Jul 18, 2012, 7:13 pm

Re: I can’t figure out where cylinder 1 is located

Post by Bosun7779 » July 18, 2012, 07:31 pm

Re: I can’t figure out where cylinder 1 is located

Post by puh » Jul 18, 2012, 9:24 pm

Re: I can’t figure out where cylinder 1 is located

Posted by redlife » Jul 18, 2012, 9:29 pm

Re: I can’t figure out where cylinder 1 is located

Post by Mikhail Cossack » July 18, 2012, 10:50 pm

Re: I can’t figure out where cylinder 1 is located

Post by Dimon » July 18, 2012, 11:13 pm

Re: I can’t figure out where cylinder 1 is located

Post by MAE$TR0 » Jul 18, 2012, 11:19 pm

Re: I can’t figure out where cylinder 1 is located

Post by kudrik » Jul 19, 2012, 03:06

Re: I can’t figure out where cylinder 1 is located

Posted by redlife » Jul 19, 2012, 03:08

Post by leo62 » 03 Apr 2016, 08:48

Photo of the location of the engine cylinders

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