English researchers have found out how far popular cars can travel on a full tank.

1 liter of gasoline - how many kilometers is enough ➡ online calculator will help you calculate the actual distance and fuel costs. How many kilometers does 5, 10, 20, 100 liters of gasoline last? How many liters does it take for 1, 10, 100 kilometers?

1 liter of gasoline will really last for how many kilometers?

Fill in all fields of the calculator. 1 liter of gasoline is set by default. For those wishing to make a calculation for a different amount of fuel, you must replace it with your data: 5L, 10L, 20L, 100L, etc.

The calculation takes into account the fuel consumption per 100 km of travel by your car. Reference data can be found in the drop-down list below (*-Fuel consumption-) for most domestic and foreign cars Renault, Ford, Gazelle, Skoda, etc.

To calculate the material costs (rubles) for covering the entire route, we indicate the cost of 1 liter of gasoline

At the end of the calculation, we will receive the following answers:

  • fuel costs (rub.)
  • how many liters of gasoline are used for 1 km, 10 km, 100 km (l)

The interactive online calculator also works on mobile devices, it is possible to print the results CTRL+P

If the table does not contain data on the gas consumption of your car, write in the comments the liters and make of the car, we will add it to the list

An online fuel consumption calculator will calculate the distance you want to travel with your car and the cost of the trip.

The calculator offers three columns: - the number of kilometers you are going to drive by car; — average liquid fuel consumption of your brand of car per 100 kilometers, in liters; — the cost of fuel established in your region.

After entering the necessary data, you get the result: how much fuel you will spend during the trip and for what amount.

How much does a liter of gasoline cost in Russia?

Gasoline prices in Russia in rubles today

Nizhny NovgorodRUB48.7

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How to calculate fuel consumption per 100 km

To calculate fuel consumption per 100 km, you must first measure the amount of gasoline, gas or diesel fuel (depending on what the car is driven on) consumed by the car over a certain mileage.

The easiest way to do this is as follows:

  • Fill up a full tank of gasoline at the gas station until the safety lock on the fuel nozzle trips;
  • Reset the odometer (distance counter on the instrument panel) to zero;
  • When the odometer shows at least 200-300 kilometers (the more, the more accurate the calculation results will be), refuel again “to capacity”.

After refueling, keep the receipt, on which you should also write down the odometer readings so as not to forget anything. Now we have all the data necessary to calculate average fuel consumption on the calculator, namely:

  • Amount of gasoline consumed (volume of the second filling);
  • Distance traveled (according to odometer readings);
  • Price for 1 liter of fuel.

Transfer all these values ​​into the first calculator and get the finished result: average gasoline consumption per 100 km and the cost of 1 km.

Keep in mind that the resulting flow rate is not constant and can vary depending on many factors. For anyone interested, we recommend a good article on how to reduce fuel consumption in a car.

Efficiency of transport using gasoline, batteries and hydrogen

In this article I would like to show in detail how effective each technology is, to one degree or another, solely in terms of energy costs for movement. The economic or other component of the cost of producing transport on such a drive, maintenance, infrastructure and much more is not affected. So let's start with gasoline. What do we know? One liter weighs ~750g. and about 10 kWh of stored energy. But how much energy does it take to get 1 liter of gasoline into the tank of a vehicle? Let's ignore such things as transportation, storage, etc., and discuss only production and processing. Average EROI ( energy return on investment - the ratio of energy received to energy expended, energy profitability. Source Wikipedia

) oil production and refining into gasoline is equal to 5, i.e. We give away the 5th part, namely 20%. This means that for every liter of gasoline, about 2 kWh of energy will be consumed. But it also has about 10 kWh of stored energy, which seems to be beneficial, but taking into account the efficiency of the internal combustion engine, transmission, etc. the total efficiency, even if it is the same 20%, will be good. It turns out to be some kind of insanity, first we spent 2 kWh of energy on extraction and processing, then we used only 2 kWh for movement, and the rest was lost in the form of heat into the atmosphere... It will be even more interesting when we compare the consumption of two models, one with a gasoline internal combustion engine, the other with batteries . For example Ford Focus. For the gasoline version, actual consumption will be about 7 l/100 km, and for the electric version, about 14 kWh/100 km from the battery (not from the network, we’ll come back to this later). What we end up with:

  • the gasoline Ford has not yet driven a single meter, but for 7 liters of gasoline in the tank, 14 kWh of energy has already been spent;
  • An electric Ford will travel about 100 km with the same amount of energy!

But with electric vehicles you need to be precise down to the last detail; I won’t touch on the environmental part in this article, but in the case of EVs we also need to talk about it.
Namely, the charger (charger) for recharging the EV from the network also has losses. The average efficiency of the charger and high-voltage battery (HVB) is about 90%. Those. with a consumption of 14 kWh/100 km from the network you need about 15.5 kWh for 100 km. In winter, naturally, even more, because... consumption increases noticeably due to an electric stove, although many EVs use a heat pump, consumption can be more than 20 kWh/100 km from the network, but a car with an internal combustion engine also consumes more fuel in winter... But can we stop there? No! The transmission of electricity in the network also has losses; it is very difficult to determine them, but it is worth mentioning. In different cases, we have several conversions of electricity to high voltage to transmit it over long distances, then lower the voltage for the end consumer. I will not dare to express any average figures with losses, but I will show one picture, which shows that losses on overhead power lines are ~64%, i.e. almost 2/3 of all losses. Those. The further the power plant is from the consumer, the naturally greater the losses...

An average graph of losses for a typical electric company. Source asutpp.ru

Local energy softens this indicator, and if it is also a renewable energy source (RES), then even better, but about the environment another time. It turns out that with an electric car it is very difficult to say exactly how much energy was spent on movement, but if we discard losses in the transmission of electricity, just as we did not take into account the additional costs of transporting oil and gasoline, we get the conclusion that was discussed above: “The EV will travel approximately the same distance with the same amount of energy that was expended to obtain X liters of gasoline for a car with an internal combustion engine.”

If we digress for a second and remember how long EVs take to charge and the range on one charge is not always suitable for everyone, and how fast and far everything is on a car with an internal combustion engine, then I want to figure out whether a car powered by hydrogen can be the solution to all problems?

I am considering a car powered by hydrogen fuel cells (FC), where hydrogen is mixed with oxygen in the fuel cell and the resulting electricity is used for movement using an electric motor; I do not take the option of injecting hydrogen into the internal combustion engine, as in a car with gas (methane), as an example.

In short, a fuel-powered car can be refueled quickly (although there are not many gas stations yet), a “full tank” in ~5 minutes and has a decent range, about 400-500 km. Although, for example, expensive Teslas and not only also have a range of 400-500 km (400 km models since 2012), but at best they charge 120 km in 5 minutes, but fuel cell cars are not cheap either. Sorry for my digression.

But how effective are cars powered by fuel cells? On average, real consumption per 100 km is within the limit of 1 kg of hydrogen per 100 km. What is 1 kg of hydrogen anyway? First, let's talk about the fact that on average, for 1 kg of hydrogen in a car tank, you need to spend, according to information from various sources, about 50 kWh of energy. If this is so, then it is 2-3 times less efficient than driving a BEV, an electric vehicle with batteries, because a car with a fuel cell is essentially also an electric vehicle, which, by the way, also has a small buffer VVB.

Let's check if this is true, that there is as much as 50 kWh of energy per 1 kg of hydrogen. Because One liter of hydrogen weighs 0.09 grams, then in 1 kg of hydrogen we have about 11.111 liters. For example, to produce 1000 liters of hydrogen by electrolysis of water on an industrial scale, you need about 4 kWh of energy, we get 44,444 kWh for 11,111 liters. But in order to place more than 11 thousand liters of gas in a tank of reasonable size, hydrogen undergoes liquefaction through multi-stage cooling, which is also energy-consuming! So 50 kWh for 1 kg of hydrogen seems to be true.

Maybe then the approximate consumption of 1 kg/100 km is overestimated, but in reality it is much lower? Let's check. The reaction of hydrogen with oxygen releases about 3 kWh of energy when using 1000 liters of hydrogen. The efficiency of modern fuel cells, unfortunately, is about 50%, which means that out of 1 kg or 11.111 liters of hydrogen, instead of 33.33 kWh of potential energy, only half is “captured”, i.e. ~16.67 kWh. Those. There are losses, you also need to cool it decently. There are losses on the charge of the buffer VVB and in the end we get approximately the consumption of the same Ford on batteries... Physics cannot be fooled and the consumption of 1 kg of hydrogen per 100 km is also similar to the truth. There have long been reviews, tests, measurements for all types of cars, and gasoline/electricity/hydrogen consumption has long been no secret.

As you can see, nothing is ideal today:

  • a car with an internal combustion engine remains the most convenient, but the most inefficient;
  • a battery-powered car is the most efficient, but not the most convenient;
  • a fuel-powered car is almost as convenient as a gas-powered car, if there were also as many hydrogen filling stations, but the efficiency is somewhere in the middle.

Let's now think a little about the prospects for the future.
The internal combustion engine has already been squeezed almost to its maximum potential, the efficiency of the electric motor and its control (controller) is at a fairly high level, 90-95%, and improving the efficiency will not lead to a noticeable improvement in energy efficiency. For example, the Tesla Model S electric car, when switching to a different type of engine and materials for the controller, achieved a slight increase in mileage on one charge with the same battery capacity, i.e. We reduced the consumption a little, I think there is nowhere to improve further and further improvements will be in the field of battery chemistry. But cars powered by fuel cells still have potential. Firstly, reducing the cost of hydrogen production from 4 to 3 kWh per 1000 liters. Secondly, raising the efficiency of fuel cells, for example, to at least 75%, then the output will be approximately 39 kWh of costs per 1 kg of hydrogen (34 kWh for electrolysis + about 5 kWh for liquefaction), on which it will be possible to travel 150 km, i.e. with a consumption of 26 kWh/100 km instead of 50 kWh/100 km today.

In addition to all this, the world needs more and more efficient and affordable energy storage technology every day, but this is a topic for another article.

Thank you for attention.

What are the dangers of running low on gasoline?

Note that it is better not to allow the amount of fuel to decrease to the level where the warning light comes on. If for carburetor cars a small amount of fuel does not have any negative consequences, except perhaps the possibility of an unexpected stop in movement and a “walk” with a canister to the gas station, then in injection cars this phenomenon is dangerous.

The problem is that the fuel pump in such cars is placed in a tank and the fuel for it is coolant. If there is not enough gasoline, the pump motor may fail due to overheating. “Snatching” air with a pump also does not bring anything good.

Another problem is that when the level is low, the fuel pump pumps fuel “from the bottom” of the tank, where debris and dirt accumulate. This leads to a clogged fuel inlet filter, causing the pump to work under increased load, which increases the likelihood of failure.

For the same reasons, constant driving “with a light bulb” is not recommended.

What should you pay attention to in order to spend less fuel?

External and internal factors influence how much gasoline a car consumes. Taking into account and correcting each of them will significantly affect the reduction in gasoline consumption. Fuel consumption for the same car varies parabolically. For a completely new car, during the break-in period, fuel consumption is increased. As the parts grind against each other, less and less fuel is consumed.

Then the consumption is fixed at a certain number and stays there for quite a long time. Then, as components wear out, consumption begins to increase. Driving style. During sharp acceleration and braking, much more fuel is spent. The optimal speed for saving is 50-70 km/h. When driving around the city, try to hit the “green street” when you can pass traffic lights when the light is green.

Less stuck in traffic jams. Combine several short trips into one long one. Driving with the air conditioning on greatly increases consumption. Try to improve the aerodynamics of the car. Open windows and roof racks greatly impair the aerodynamics of the vehicle. Monitor your tire pressure. Flat tires lead to increased gasoline consumption.

Ten cars that can travel the most on one tank

(in order of the maximum distance traveled per tank of gasoline)

Mileage data provided by UK company Euro Car Parts

Data on the average cost of fuel in Russia are based on data from benzin-price.ru/

(average cost of 1 liter AI-95 is 45.78 rubles)

Data source: https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/cars/1127043/petrol-diesel-fuel-tank-how-far-most-popular-cars

The report also includes hybrid models (gasoline + electricity).

Ford Focus

Distance traveled in km on one tank: 1790.7 km

Distance traveled in miles: 1,112.69 miles

Tank size: 52 liters

UK cost of tank: £66.75

The cost of the tank in Russia: 2380 rubles.

Volkswagen Golf

Distance traveled in km on one tank: 1683.5 km

Distance traveled: 1,046.12 miles

Tank size: 55 liters

Cost to fill the tank: £70.40

The cost of the tank in Russia: 2517 rubles.

Audi A3

Distance traveled in km on one tank: 1683.5 km

Distance traveled: 1,046.12 miles

Tank size: 55 liters

Cost to fill the tank: £70.40

The cost of the tank in Russia: 2517 rubles.

BMW 3 Series

Distance traveled in km on one tank: 1632.5 km

Distance traveled: 1,014.42 miles

Tank size: 60 liters

Cost to fill the tank: £76.80

The cost of the tank in Russia: 2746 rubles.

Vauxhall Astra/Opel Astra

Distance traveled in km on one tank: 1408 km

Distance traveled: 874.94 miles

Tank size: 48 liters

Cost to fill the tank: £61.44

The cost of the tank in Russia: 2197 rubles.

Renault Clio

Distance traveled in km on one tank: 1377.4 km

Distance traveled: 855.92 miles

Tank size: 45 liters

Cost to fill the tank: £57.60

The cost of the tank in Russia: 2060 rubles.

Ford Fiesta

Distance traveled in km on one tank: 1321.3 km

Distance traveled: 821.05 miles

Tank size: 42 liters

Cost to fill the tank: £53.76

The cost of the tank in Russia: 1922 rubles.

VW Polo

Distance traveled in km on one tank: 1292.4 km

Distance traveled: 803.08 miles

Tank size: 40 liters

Cost to fill the tank: £51.20

The cost of the tank in Russia: 1922 rubles.


Distance traveled in km on one tank: 1028.8 km

Distance traveled: 639.30 miles

Tank size: 44 liters

Cost to fill the tank: £56.32

Cost of a tank in Russia: 2014 rubles.

Types of indicator, principles of operation

On cars with carburetor systems, the warning lamp was powered by a potentiometric fuel level sensor, that is, the sensor and the lamp are connected. The principle of operation is very simple - when a certain level of gasoline is reached, the potentiometer slider connected to the float closes the lamp power contacts. At first, the contacts close intermittently (affected by the splashing of gasoline in the tank), so the indicator flashes, but with greater fuel consumption, the lamp contacts become permanently closed.

In modern cars with an injection power system, the sensor and indicator are separated. The warning light is powered by its sensor mounted on the pump housing. The main element of the signal lamp sensor is a thermistor placed in a metal flask. The principle of operation of the “lamp-sensor” circuit is based on a change in the resistance of the thermistor due to the influence of temperature.

It all works like this: voltage is applied to the thermistor, which causes it to heat up. The fuel acts as a coolant for it; it removes heat, maintaining the temperature of the sensor. If the gasoline level drops below this sensor, the temperature of the thermistor will increase, which leads to a change in its resistance. As a result of the change in resistance, the lamp lights up.

The indicator, built on the basis of a thermistor, is good because it is not connected to the fuel level sensor and works independently of it. This makes it possible to notice a decrease in fuel level even when the fuel sensor is not working.

refilling gasoline

If you have to travel outside the city, keep a small can of fuel in the trunk just in case.
Check that it closes tightly. It is more convenient when it is equipped with a watering can for refilling. Like in this illustration, for example. If you have to travel outside the city, keep a small can of fuel in the trunk just in case. Check that it closes tightly. It is more convenient when it is equipped with a watering can for refilling. Like in this illustration, for example.

Meanwhile, “drying out” is bad: you can find a lot of unpleasant adventures both for yourself and for the car. For example, burn out a fuel pump that will not have enough cooling. In addition, it will begin to pick up dirt that is in the tank of any car with high mileage. A lean mixture may damage the catalytic converter. When the engine is running at high speeds and the fuel mixture stops flowing into it (for example, in a long turn), this can lead to detonation and subsequent repairs. If it happens in a mountainous area, there is a risk of not being able to overcome the climb. And in general, any forced stop far from civilization is unsafe. In winter, you can simply freeze, afraid to leave the car. Do you think it's fiction? Alas, this happens. And not only in Siberia and the Far East, but even in central Russia. By the way, read in your spare time how to survive in this case.

How to calculate fuel for travel distance

Calculating fuel for distance is much easier. To do this, you need three types of initial data:

  1. Average car fuel consumption;
  2. Planned travel distance;
  3. Price for 1 liter of fuel.

You can find out the average fuel consumption from your car's owner's manual, or determine it in a practical way (described above) using our first calculator.

Enter all this data into the appropriate fields of the second calculator and receive calculation results online: the total fuel consumption required for the travel distance, and its total cost.

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