What and how to properly lubricate car ignition switches

The topic of how to lubricate the ignition switch is often of interest to motorists. The lock is in constant use, and as a result, its internal parts soon become damaged. Timely lubrication of the cylinder will help extend the “life” of the lock. However, you need to know what you can use to lubricate the part.

If you use the lock correctly, then you don’t have to worry about possible problems with the rotation of the key inside the cylinder. One of the main rules of operation is: regularly lubricate the lock cylinder with suitable compounds. For this purpose, many different substances are provided that have a lubricating-penetrating effect.

When to lubricate the lock

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Despite the fact that the list of lock lubricants is quite long, not all formulations are equally good. In addition, thoughtless and too frequent lubrication will not bring anything good.

It is important to understand that regular lubrication of the car ignition switch implies seasonality. In other words, it is recommended to do this with the onset of cold weather and after winter, that is, twice a year. Why? The explanation is simple: in winter and summer, cabin air undergoes temperature fluctuations and changes. Just think about the cost of heating the interior with a stove and then cooling it down in the parking lot in the cold. Temperature changes cause moisture concentration on the ignition switch.

The same thing can happen in the summer. Inside the cabin, the air conditioner turns on, cooling the air. Then the car stops, the heat, the temperature fluctuations are obvious.

So, it turns out that the ignition switch and other interior parts of the car operate under heavy loads due to the concentrate. Therefore, in spring and autumn they need new lubricant.

Of course, there is another reason for lubrication. It is associated with problems with the lock. For example, if the ignition goes out for a short period of time, this is a sign of a stuck key. In this case, after a thorough inspection, lubrication is carried out.

Contact lubrication is carried out at least twice a year, just like regular lubrication.

Types of lubricants used

It is necessary to consider which product to take for use. Depending on the problem, a specific type of material must be used. If there are problems with the mechanical part, then specialists use one option. When it is necessary to correct the electrical part, a special composition for processing is required.

Since the assembly includes an electrical unit with contacts, contact lubricant will be in demand for this part.

It is applied in a small layer to the block and exposed parts of the wiring. It is important to know that the composition of the contact lubricant ensures the conductive characteristics of the component being processed. The processing process occurs in stages:

  • first you need to lubricate the contact group of the ignition switch;
  • then wait a few minutes;
  • at the final stage the block can be connected to its seat.

Mechanical lubrication is used to process the larva . This process reduces the risk of the key getting stuck in the hole. It also reduces the likelihood of it getting stuck inside.

Materials with heat-resistant or extreme pressure characteristics are used. Conventional anti-friction compounds can be used. Contact processing should be carried out approximately a couple of times a year. This is often done before the off-season, before the onset of autumn or spring.

What is contact and mechanical lubrication of a lock?

In addition to the fact that a modern lock is a mechanical device, it is also an electronic terminal, or rather a switch. Its functioning largely depends on electrical power. This, in turn, indicates that it is important to maintain the lock contacts and blocks with wires in working condition, and for this it is necessary to periodically lubricate the contacts with a special compound.

Attention. Contact grease is a special composition with conductive properties. In stores you should ask for this option.

The contacts are lubricated as follows: the contacts are coated with the compound, then after a couple of minutes the block is connected in place.

As mentioned above, the lock also needs mechanical lubrication. It needs no less care, because frequent problems arise with the larva. As a rule, this is manifested by the key jamming when turning. In rare cases, the key can be very difficult to even insert into the cylinder or remove. Obviously, when such problems occur, the lock is lubricated.

Composition of greases

Basic basisThickenersAdditives
Mineral oils: paraffinic, naphthenic, aromaticSoaps (Li, Na, Ca, Ba, Al): standard, hydroxide, complexFor work under high pressure conditions
Synthetic oils: olefin polymers, acrylic aromatics, esters, ethers, silicones, fluorinated hydrocarbons, fluorinated polyestersOrganic thickeners (soap free): polyurea, PTFE (Teflon), PE (polyethylene)To reduce wear
Inorganic thickeners: bentonite compounds (aluminum oxides), foamed silicaFriction modifiers (anti-friction additives)
Improving adhesion
Solid additives: molyb disulfide dena, graphite

Classification of greases

SubgroupIndexApplication areaOther
General purpose for normal temperaturesWITHFriction units with operating temperatures up to 70ºС
General purpose for elevated temperaturesABOUTFriction units with operating temperatures up to 110ºС
MultipurposeMFriction units with an operating temperature of –30…+130ºС in conditions of high humidity; in sufficiently powerful mechanisms they remain operational down to –40ºС Multi-purpose lubricants are sometimes called multipurpose lubricants. They can be used in all main friction units of various mechanisms. These lubricants are water resistant and operate over a wide range of speeds, temperatures and loads. However, they are not suitable for replacing all types of anti-friction lubricants.
Heat resistantANDFriction units with operating temperature ≥150ºСHeat-resistant lubricants have a maximum operating temperature of 150 to 250 ºС and higher for 10–100 hours. At such temperatures, a limited number of mechanisms operate, so heat-resistant lubricants are produced in small quantities. They are made from scarce synthetic oils with the addition of special thickeners.
Frost-resistantNFriction units with operating temperature ≤–40ºСLow temperature lubricants, intended for use at temperatures down to –50 ºС, and in some mechanisms at lower temperatures, are made from lithium soaps and solid hydrocarbons.
Extreme pressure and anti-wearANDRolling bearings with contact stresses more than 250 kPa and sliding bearings with specific loads ≥15 kPa
Chemical resistantXFriction units in contact with aggressive media
ConservationZMetal products and mechanisms of all types, with the exception of steel ropes and cases requiring the use of preservative oils or hard coatings
ReinforcementAShut-off valves and stuffing box devices
ThreadedRThreaded connections

Mixture: spindle + graphite powder

One of the lubrication options. According to experienced drivers, you can select any engine oil, right down to the spindle. However, it should not be lubricated with pure motor oil, but with a composition obtained by mixing part of the oil and graphite powder.

Note. You can get graphite powder from a simple pencil. Use a sharp knife to chop up a little stylus, then mix it thoroughly with the oil.

The lock should be lubricated with this composition as follows:

  • Place the key in the container where the composition is located;
  • Then, inserting it into the cylinder, turn it several times to the working position and back.

It is recommended to repeat this procedure 2-3 times so that the composition penetrates well into the larva.

There is another lubrication option, but you will need an oil can:

  • The oil can is filled with the composition;
  • Lubricant is injected into the lock.

Old-fashioned methods

The mechanical part of the switch has its own characteristics and also requires maintenance. Problems most often arise with the lock cylinder. Usually, this manifests itself in a slight jamming of the lock when turning it; in rare cases, it is difficult to insert and remove. If such symptoms appear, you need to lubricate the lock. The easiest way is to do this in a way that not only drivers have long used.

Take motor oil

. It is advisable to choose liquid. Any lubricant can be used, even a spindle will do. Next, take a simple pencil and chop the lead with a sharp knife. The graphite powder obtained in this way is thoroughly mixed with oil. Next, there are 2 options. The easiest way is to lubricate the key with the resulting mixture and insert it into the cylinder. Turn it several times. You can coat it with lubricant again and repeat all the steps. Another method involves using an oil can. With its help, lubricant is injected into the cylinder. In any case, you will forget about problems with the larva for a long time.

Ready-made formulations

In stores today you can buy a large number of ready-made lubricants for ignition switches. Interestingly, most experienced drivers use conventional aerosol VD-40. They consider “Vedushka” to be a lubricant that has been tested over the years and easily penetrates the lock cylinder.

And indeed, this is so. Thanks to the special internal chemical composition, VD-40 perfectly lubricates internal mechanisms, penetrates deeply and does not have any harmful deposits.

On the other hand, the use of VD-40 is not recommended in the fall, since the composition tends to retain moisture. This will also contribute to the accumulation of water inside the larva, which will lead to increased corrosion. But in spring or summer, VD-40 can be used without fear.

There is another series of aerosol formulations designed specifically for treating lock cylinders. What's good about aerosol packaging is that it makes it possible to simplify the execution procedure. The oil enters the lock under pressure, which allows the lubricant to completely penetrate the mechanisms. Once treated with a high-quality aerosol composition, the lock begins to function immediately if it has no other malfunctions.

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Since push-button engine start systems are just beginning to actively appear on the market and it is unlikely that all automakers will abandon conventional ignition using a key, this mechanism will need to be looked after. Most motorists are accustomed to inserting the key into the ignition switch when getting into a car, turning it and thereby starting the engine. Some people repeat this procedure dozens of times a day, others literally 1-2 times. But regardless of the frequency of operation of the vehicle, the key gradually begins to rotate in the lock not entirely correctly. This is due to constant contact between the metals, which leads to the formation of wear, increased friction and possible breakdowns. To prevent metal friction from causing malfunctions in the ignition switch, timely and high-quality lubrication is required. If you approach the issue of operating this unit correctly, no problems or difficulties will arise with turning the key in the lock cylinder. Experienced motorists and experts say that the key to success lies in regular treatment of the larva with lubricants. Moreover, it is important not only to add a small amount of lubricant, but also to select a composition suitable for this mechanism. Not every lubricant can cope with the tasks. Some of them can even be harmful. The basis for processing the lock are substances with a lubricating-penetrating effect.


Regardless of the design option and car model, replacement should begin by removing the negative terminal of the battery. On vehicles with an immobilizer and multiple electronic control units, wait at least 3 minutes before removing the terminal. This time will be enough for the blocks to switch to sleep mode, thereby completely eliminating the possibility of losing identifiers, checksums or adaptation codes.

VAZ 2110, 2111, 2112, 114 and 2115 Kalina, Granta, Priora

The main feature of the replacement is that on the specified VAZ models the ignition switch is secured with shear bolts. The head of such bolts breaks off from the stud with a force sufficient to secure the ignition switch housing to the steering column. This design prevents quick access to the contact group and the lock itself, increasing the level of security of the car against theft. In addition to a Phillips and slotted screwdriver, you will need a small chisel and a hammer.

    Remove the plastic steering column cover. Remove the connector plug from the steering column turn switch. For greater freedom of action, the rotation switch can also be removed. Press the chisel blade into the head of the shear bolt so that light tapping with a hammer causes the blade to catch on the head and turn it counterclockwise (the actions are perfectly shown in the video). Often it is enough just to tear off the pin, after which it can be unscrewed by hand. Disconnect the plug of the contact group. In the factory version, the connector wires are connected into single bundles, so be extremely careful when cutting the ties near the wires. Installation of the ignition switch assembly with a contact group is carried out in the reverse order of removal. Instead of shear bolts, the new lock will come with regular bolts and nuts.

When processing is required

If you go to any automotive chemical store, you will see a whole scattering of all kinds of lubricants that, in principle, may be suitable for use in the ignition switch. But not all of them are really good and effective. Do not overuse lubricants. It will also not do anything good or useful to your car. The driver will only waste his time and money on constant processing. By choosing the right composition and treating it with the required frequency, the lock cylinder will be the last thing to bother you during the further operation of the vehicle. The frequency of processing directly depends on the season. Therefore, it is correct to apply lubricant before the arrival of winter, as well as after the return of heat. This involves applying the composition twice within one year.

This approach to processing the ignition switch is not difficult to explain. In summer and winter, the temperature inside the cabin is different, it constantly fluctuates, and strong changes in indicators are observed. Imagine that a cold car is parked in the winter, then the driver gets into it and turns on the heater at full power. The salon heats up and becomes very warm. When the work is done, the car is left in the cold again, the interior cools down, and the temperature again changes greatly. It is temperature changes that are the main provocateur of the formation of condensation inside the ignition switch. In summer the situation is somewhat different. The car is under the scorching sun all day, and therefore it gets hot inside the cabin. When a driver gets behind the wheel, the first thing he does is try to cool down. And that's why air conditioners were invented. The car owner arrived at his destination, turned off the air conditioning and left the car in the heat again. Again, temperature differences, condensation and moisture in the ignition switch.

Specialized materials

Modern manufacturers strive to help drivers solve problems. The abundance of lubricants in car dealerships is proof of this. One of the popular materials for such cases is the popular composition WD40.

Although the foreign product confirms its high efficiency, it is necessary to take into account the nuances in the process. The difficulty lies in the fact that the composition of the “Vedeshki” retains moisture. This fact forces us to abandon its use in the autumn in order to prevent corrosion processes. Spring and summer are suitable for use.

Specialized products are also offered. This lubricant for the car ignition switch will be sold ready-made in a bottle. You can use regular lubricants for classic locks for the cylinder if there is no other option.

Mechanical and contact lubrication

Drivers ask questions about what is the best way to lubricate a car’s ignition switch. The choice is huge, but among this entire range it is quite difficult to settle on just one. It is a mistake to think that ignition switches on modern cars are purely mechanical devices. It is also a switch, that is, an electronic device. The performance of the lock is largely related to the power supply. This state of affairs indicates that it is the responsibility of the car owner to maintain the locking contacts and wiring in good working order. To achieve the desired result, you need to process them using special compounds.

The lubricant intended for processing contacts is a special material that has conductive properties. Therefore, when purchasing a product in a store, be sure to focus on this. To treat the contacts with a special lubricant, first remove the block, cover it with the product, and after a couple of minutes return the block to its rightful place. No less important for the proper functioning of the ignition switch is mechanical lubrication. The mechanism of the ignition system requires close attention, since very often problems arise precisely with the cylinder itself. The driver can notice the problem by how the key sticks when trying to insert and turn it. If there are such problems, the lock just needs to be lubricated.


Greases for automobile ignition switches are widely used. They may have different composition and classification. Depending on their composition, they are divided into 2 groups.

  1. Lubricants that use a mineral oil base. Naphthenic, paraffin and aromatic oils are used. Additionally, thickeners and additives are added to allow the composition to work under high pressure conditions.
  2. Lubricants based on synthetic oils. For thickening, organic components and special additives are added.

The classification of greases is much more diverse. There are quite a large number of subgroups of these lubricants. Each of them has its own characteristics and scope of application. There are 3 subgroups:

  • antifriction;
  • sealing;
  • conservation.

Moreover, each of them has its own types of lubricants. In the case of anti-friction greases, these are:

  • General purpose composition. They are used in friction units where the operating temperature does not exceed 70 degrees Celsius;
  • General purpose lubricant, but for elevated temperatures. Suitable for friction units where the operating temperature can reach 110 degrees Celsius;
  • Universal or multi-purpose. Their essence will not change depending on the name used. They are used in friction units with operating temperatures from -30 to +130 degrees Celsius. Well adapted to high humidity. If these are powerful mechanisms, when treated with such lubricants, their performance will be maintained even at -40 degrees. Waterproof ones operate in a wide temperature range and can withstand increased loads. But they cannot replace any anti-friction lubricant;
  • Heat resistant. Withstands temperature loads in friction units up to 150 degrees Celsius. Some compositions remain operational even at +250 degrees and can work for 10-100 hours. At such temperatures, only some mechanisms operate, so there is no need to produce a large amount of heat-resistant lubricant. Production is carried out on the basis of synthetic oil and special thickeners;
  • Frost-resistant or frost-resistant. This grease works at temperatures of -40 degrees Celsius and below. Some compounds can withstand loads down to -50 degrees. Manufactured on the basis of lithium oil and solid carbons;
  • Anti-wear and anti-scuff. This grease is added to rolling bearings if the contact stress is above 250 kPa. Also used in plain bearings where specific loads are equal to or greater than 15 kPa;
  • Chemically resistant lubricant. This is a special lubricant composition that is added to friction units in contact with aggressive substances and environments.

Another subcategory of grease lubricants are conservation lubricants. They are suitable for mechanisms and metal products of various types. The only exceptions are steel ropes and situations where it is necessary to use preservative oils or special protective hard coatings.

Spindle and graphite powder lubricant

This is a fairly popular lubricant among car enthusiasts, which is in deserved demand due to its high efficiency. Motorists themselves claim that various motor oils can be used for lubrication, including spindle oil. But it is not recommended to use just clean motor oil to treat the ignition switch, regardless of its quality. To obtain a truly effective composition, you need to add graphite powder to the oil. It’s also interesting that you don’t have to go out and buy graphite powder on purpose. It is enough to take a simple pencil, from which the powder is extracted. Using a sharp knife, gradually crumble some of the graphite. Grind the resulting powder further and then add it to the oil. This mixture has a fairly high degree of effectiveness. But to achieve the desired result, follow a few rules. Namely:

  • Prepare graphite-oil lubricant using good graphite and clean engine oil;
  • Take the ignition key and place it in a container with prepared lubricant;
  • Take out the key, insert it into the cylinder and twist it several times;
  • The key rotates in the lock to the working position and back several times;
  • Remove the key from the ignition, dip it in the lubricant again and repeat the procedure several times.

Repeating the procedure several times will allow you to add a sufficient amount of lubricant to the ignition switch cylinder. If you have a small oil can that is suitable for such small work, the procedure can be completed much faster. The lubricant obtained by mixing oil and graphite is poured into an oil can and the composition is injected into the larva. Then it is still recommended to operate the key in the ignition switch to distribute the lubricant over all internal surfaces.

Classic methods

Drivers are less likely to get to the contacts, since this requires a small disassembly of the unit. More often, the mechanical part of the lock is processed on the user’s side. It is advisable to carry out the work in advance to prolong the effectiveness of the unit.

You can use spindle oil. However, it is recommended to add fine graphite to it. If it is not available, then use a pencil lead and cut it with a sharp knife or blade.

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