Frequently asked question: How much does a VAZ 2107 weigh for scrap metal?

VAZ 21099 became the last model of the Samara family of cars. Having received a sedan body, the Lada 21099 no longer has any differences from its predecessor, the “nine”. Over the 15 years of production, the model has been modernized several times, but has always been popular and in high demand among domestic car enthusiasts.

Cars of this brand still occupy one of the first places in sales on the secondary market. Despite the fact that the car was discontinued in 2004, its number on our roads is still large. In this regard, one should recall the technical characteristics inherent in the VAZ 21099 and consider in detail the features inherent in this vehicle. You should also consider the carburetor and injector, engine technical characteristics.

Body reinforcement

Strengthening the body of the VAZ 21099

The body of the VAZ 21099 needs, whatever one may say, modernization. It was made at the factory as a simple body, not distinguished by any “tricks”. Let's not forget that in 1990, the entire automobile production of our country was still at the “Soviet” level and, accordingly, there was no advanced equipment there.

Many car enthusiasts began to bring the car body to the appropriate level, introducing foreign tuning ideas. You can still find ready-made “99” tuning kits on sale.

Note. For the most part, door handles, rear lights and bumpers were previously subject to tuning.

Recently, fans of this car have begun to tune the suspension. Instead of the standard classic suspension, they installed a sports one. The struts were installed with short strokes and had special springs. The ground clearance was also lowered, which made it possible to better corner and maneuver at medium and high speeds.

But tuning to increase torsional rigidity is especially important. What this will give, read below.

“Tweaking” body rigidity

Body reinforcement vaz 21099

The higher the body's torsional rigidity or quality of life, the better the car turns, makes maneuvers and maneuvers in city traffic. But if this body indicator is, so to speak, “smeared,” then it becomes impossible to carry out the above actions. In addition, the body deforms and twists faster, and the suspension begins to function not as it should.

When designing the body, the designers certainly took into account a number of factors affecting the quality of life during the operation of the vehicle. They could not help but mean weight, the operation of passive safety elements, and much more. But constant loads, general environmental deterioration, extreme driving conditions - all this has a bad effect on the metal base of the car. In this case, the modernization of the vehicle is definitely prescribed.

“99” needs tuning more than its other relatives, since the car body is a sedan. And as you know, sedans can withstand loads worse than hatchbacks, the metal of such a body “gets tired” faster, and welding points are destroyed soon. Also, the rigidity indicator and the number of doors are affected.

The quality of life of the VAZ 21099 is 5500 Nm/deg, which is 1300 Nm/deg less than the quality of life of the “nine” and 2700 Nm/deg less than the quality of life of the “eight”. The fact remains that the torsional rigidity of sedans is inferior to that of 3-door and 5-door hatchbacks.

Note. On VAZ sedans, the designers managed to increase the quality of life already on the “ten” and on the VAZ 21102. 8000 Nm/deg and 8400 Nm/deg, respectively.


Spacer for VAZ 21099 and its effectiveness

Increasing the quality of life of the body with your own hands involves, first of all, the introduction of spacers. This device is capable of increasing the indicator several times, strengthening the body. Many tests have been carried out to prove the effectiveness of such amplifiers.

Note. In addition, thanks to the spacers, the degree of deformability of the body is reduced, which cannot but have a beneficial effect on the durability of the metal frame.

It is recommended to install a spacer of medium hardness on the VAZ 21099, but it must be from well-known companies; the products are stamped in a handicraft fashion, somewhere in a garage, which cannot be considered a plus. When installing the wrong, “left” strut, there is a risk of not only wasting time and money, but also deteriorating the performance of some vehicle components.

Most often, front-wheel drive models are equipped with a front strut, but sometimes it wouldn’t hurt to install a rear strut. It can significantly strengthen the rear pillars, and the entire rear of the sedan. True, such a spacer is more needed in Vases of recent years of production, in which the rear sofa has the function.

So, the strut can increase the quality of life of the body by 25 percent, which will turn the standard 5500 Nm/deg into 5720 Nm/deg, which is already good.

Other Upgrade Methods

Along with installing spacers on the VAZ 21099, it is also important to introduce other devices that increase body rigidity. Here are the types of tuning known in this area, except for installing a spacer.

  1. Front shield reinforcement
  2. Subframes
  3. Roll cage
  4. Bottom brace

Also watch an interesting video about strengthening the threshold at the place where the jack is installed on the VAZ 2109 and 21099

Conditions for accepting cars for scrap metal

To sell a car for scrap, you need to deregister it with the traffic police. For this you will need the following documents:

  • your passport or power of attorney in your name from the owner of the vehicle;
  • PTS;
  • vehicle registration certificate and state registration marks (if available);
  • application for deregistration of a vehicle;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee for the license plate.

With all these official papers, you need to contact the traffic police, where you will be given a certificate of disposal, and a mark will be placed on the PTS indicating that the car has been deregistered.

As soon as these documents are received, we will begin accepting the car for scrap. If the car is not running, you can sell the car for scrap metal and have it removed. Only uncompleted cars are exported, i.e. which have an engine or gearbox rather than a bare body/frame. Our tow truck will arrive at a time convenient for you to pick up the vehicle for disposal.

Getting to know the body

The main part of the VAZ 21099 body is the frame. It includes several elements connected to each other by welding. The latter is mostly made with dots or seams, but those components of the frame that bear a large load are reinforced with an arc.


Thanks to its non-separable design, the frame or frame of the VAZ 21099 car is incredibly resistant to destruction and has sufficient rigidity. All the main units and components of the car are supported on it, including the attached parts of the body, as well as various interior components.

Attachment parts

As for the mounted parts of the body, these include those parts that are already connected with bolts or spot welding in some places (tack welding):

  • Doors also belong to the hinged parts of the body. They come with sliding windows (side windows). The rear fixed glass has a distinctive slope inherent in VAZ models. The windshield is made of 3 layers and well polished;
  • “99” bumpers are installed in a classic way - front and rear. They are plastic, but have metal beams that significantly strengthen them;
  • The seats are separate, have many adjustments, and headrests for safety. A comfortable driver's seat is installed. The rear sofa on the VAZ 21099 is not the same as that of hatchbacks and is structurally different.

Main differences and weight "99"

It will be interesting to know that the VAZ 21099 is a kind of modification of the “nine”, originally intended for export sales. Another name for the car is Lada Forma. Began production in 1990.

In terms of its design features, the Lada Form is slightly different from the Lada Samara models. The main differences are in the rear of the body. As you know, instead of a fifth door, a trunk appeared here, like all classic sedans.

The VAZ 21099 turned out noticeably better than its predecessors. It showed enviable handling and high stability on the road, which was largely due to the well-designed body.

Just look at the ground clearance, which is 15 cm. For a convenient, comfortable ride on our roads, this is exactly what is needed. True, the ground clearance of the “99” is less than that of large crossovers and all-terrain vehicles, but if you take into account the light weight of the VAZ 2109, the advantages of the car are clearly visible. In addition, the ground clearance can be increased slightly if the wheels are “shod” with larger rims, although excessive zeal in this matter will clearly be out of place.

Note. Let us note, in particular, that the “99” body made it possible to get rid of the main drawback of all “Samarov” hatchback models, and for the most part the VAZ 2109 - the rapid contamination of the rear window in rainy weather.

In general, the ascetic “VAZ” body, due to its transformation into a sedan, allowed engineers to achieve a greater permissible load.

People often ask on forums how much the body of the VAZ 21099 weighs? Indeed, it is very important to know this. A lot depends on the weight of the car, including dynamics, fuel consumption, etc. In this regard, the weight of “99” is practically no different from its predecessors. The curb weight of the car is 950 kg, but the body weighs about 250 kg (this is more than that of the “eight” and “nine”).

As for the overall dimensions, they, in fact, did not receive any obvious differences, apart from the length. It naturally increased by 200 mm, as a rear “sedan” overhang appeared. The exterior is the same, the interior too.

The luggage compartment allows the transportation of various cargoes. It is quite roomy, although loading things into such a high trunk is often difficult.

How much does it cost to return a car, prices in Rostov

The most favorable price for you in Metla starts from 9 rubles per 1 kg or 9,000 rubles per 1 ton , because the company works officially and responsibly and honestly approaches the determination of cost. It consists of:

  • weight;
  • metal quality;
  • availability of car parts;
  • machine shape

The presence of an engine in a car will significantly increase the price, because... it contains a large percentage of steel.

The chassis contains large quantities of: steel, cast iron.

The electronic system contains nickel and copper. From this we can conclude that the more complete the equipment of your car, the higher its cost.

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  • Alexander 35 years old

I rented out old samovars that didn't work. They told the company over the phone that they belong to non-ferrous metals. Although I didn’t think that my samovars were made of tombak. It was not difficult to take me, so I went myself, although the consultant on the phone suggested that I stay at home and wait for the loader. Patch. Read completely

Elena 51 years old

Many thanks to the company’s employees for the fast and high-quality, one might say, branded service, decent prices and superb work

Valery 35 years old

We have been cooperating with these people for several years. During this time, the company showed itself only from its best side. The operator is polite and always gives the correct current price. Decent movers work when called, they don’t leave any trash, and payment is made quickly. I recommend this company to. Read completely

Viktor Borisovich 56 years old

Thanks to the movers for their prompt and well-coordinated work. I submitted an application to dismantle the garage. The guys arrived on the same day and, using a manipulator, dismantled it and took it away. We decided on the price on the spot, I was completely satisfied with the amount. They didn't leave any trash. It was nice to be with you. Read completely

Features of car recycling

Before you scrap your car, you should familiarize yourself with the principles of this procedure. The average weight of a vehicle is 1000 kg. If the entire car can be recycled, the collection point will deduct 30% for clogging. The latter includes all non-metallic elements, pollution, etc.

Let's consider how much a car for scrap metal weighs using the example of a VAZ 2105. The weight of the latter is 955 kg. Thus, taking away the blockage, we get about 660 kg. You should also take into account the price of scrap, which differs depending on the city. As a rule, in megacities, the number of rubles received for a car will significantly exceed the amount earned in a similar organization in a small locality.

Before calculating the profit from a scrapped car, you need to take into account transportation costs. If the car is a pile of metal, you need to take care of a tow truck. If there are spinning wheels and functional steering, the car can be transported in tow. Then, this expense item will not be so significant. Therefore, in order to calculate how much a Zhiguli costs when scrapped, it is not enough to know how much a VAZ 2109 or 21099 weighs for scrap metal (915 kg). It is necessary to take into account the features of recycling and the requirements of collection points. It would be useful to know the average cost of scrap metal in the region. Additional awareness will allow you to avoid fraud on the part of unscrupulous receivers.

What does the price depend on?

In order to understand how much you can get by handing over a car, you need to know what the price depends on. Here are the nuances that determine the prices for services:

  • First of all, like any metal that is handed over to the reception base, it is weighed. The price depends on the weight of the car.
  • Depending on the type of vehicle: passenger car or truck, since the equipment for removal is selected.
  • From the car brand.
  • A percentage is also deducted when accepting the body for treatment with anti-corrosion mastic.
  • If the client wants to bring the car to the base himself, then the company does not provide equipment for transportation.
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