Do-it-yourself cleaning of car seats from stains and dirt

Over time, the interior of even a new car requires “general cleaning,” let alone cars that have been used for a long time and every day. Armchairs, upholstery and carpets gradually lose their factory luster, and stains accidentally placed on the seat make the interior of the car untidy. Of course, the idea immediately arises of putting the car in the hands of professionals, but the price of such dry cleaning is steep, and the costs are not always justified. For those who don’t mind saving money or want to do everything personally and conscientiously, there is an option to clean the car seats yourself.

When is professional dry cleaning not advisable?

The thought of taking your car to a car wash for dry cleaning may seem like a good idea when it comes to cleaning the inside of the car. Washing the interior at the station will definitely save your time (possibly nerves) and eliminate the hassle.

If your budget doesn’t allow you to spend a couple of extra thousand, and you have a free sunny day in the near future, then why not clean the seats and car yourself. You should think twice even for minor or spot contamination. It is likely that single stains can be removed by yourself, then there is no point in spending money on a complete cleaning service.

XDo you still think that diagnosing a car is difficult?

If you are reading these lines, it means you are interested in doing something in the car yourself and really saving money.

, because you already know that:

  • Service stations charge a lot of money for simple computer diagnostics
  • To find out the error you need to go to specialists
  • The services use simple impact wrenches, but you can’t find a good specialist

And of course you are tired of throwing money down the drain, and driving around the service station all the time is out of the question, then you need a simple CAR SCANNER ROADGID S6 Pro, which connects to any car and through a regular smartphone you will always find the problem, turn off CHECK and good save money!!!

You can do it yourself. I don’t think that washers have such know-how, the essence of which takes decades to comprehend.

Comparing “head-on” with “kitchen” is, of course, not good. At a minimum, because advertisers will immediately look offended. And the sellers won’t say thank you. In general, expect sanctions. But different names sometimes hide kindred spirits, and therefore many household products really do a good job with non-core automotive tasks.

Reader messages also speak about this. I quote: “The main component of almost all of them costs 20-30 rubles per pack. Sold in “gardeners” - you can’t find it in supermarkets. This is soda ash. She’s underwear.”

There are other people's councils. To treat interior plastic, in addition to shoe cleaning sponges, many recommend using monitor wipes. And in order to avoid the so-called “stickiness”, readers are advised to use - from “Orange”, “Wurth”, “Dremex” and similar ones. Finally, the cleaning agent for gas stoves “Sif” is often mentioned - it is used to clean interior plastic, including those with various embossings and irregularities.

Many people wash with a water solution of laundry soap. And the most courageous users use vodka to remove stains on plastic or fabric.

As for professional products, I believe that they should not seriously fear competition from kitchen and household utensils. In any case, all the tests of such specialized auto chemicals that we have carried out recently are generally encouraging. Unless, of course, you are offended by the clearly inflated prices of individual brands. As far as I remember, not a single 700-ruble cylinder in our experiments has ever won by knockout against a 100-ruble cylinder.

If the upholstery is dirty, then I:

In general, the most interesting thing in such a topic is the opinions of readers who have tried out some non-standard solutions from their own experience. Therefore, as usual, please feel free to offer your own options for cleaning upholstery, panels and other interior elements. It is possible that your advice will help someone save money for more important expenses.

And we’ll always have time for the car wash...

The habit of maintaining your car in excellent condition, both inside and out, will help maintain a high market value, and it will become a source of pride for you. There are plastic elements outside and inside the car. When cleaning interior parts, start by using a vacuum cleaner, and then use a soft cloth and a plastic-safe cleaner. Before you start cleaning the exterior plastics, first wash the car and then apply a degreaser. You should always complete your cleaning session by applying a layer of protective coating.

Choice of product

The key to ensuring that the result lives up to expectations and that all efforts will not be in vain is the choice of the right chemistry. Regardless of the manufacturer and composition, the operating principle of cleaning products should be identical, as well as their properties.

What is important to consider:

  • high foaming and active foam. What does this mean? It is this that is distributed on seats and textile elements, pushes dirt out of the fibers and is then finally removed. No rubbing or washing with soap;
  • non-aggressive composition without abrasive particles that can ruin the fabric in the cabin. Dry mixtures and powders are not suitable for such cleaning. Only liquid chemistry with good solubility;
  • purpose of the remedy. The cleaning result is directly affected by the composition of the chosen chemicals, so preference should be given to either specialized products for cleaning car interiors, or household products for fabric coverings, upholstery and carpets. By the way, among special chemicals for cars, some manufacturers differentiate their line of products by the nature of contamination and the type of upholstery. For example, a spray to remove stains from rubber and bitumen will be at least ineffective for the skin, and a light concentrate will not cope with stubborn stains from spilled coffee or wine if you try to clean the seat at home.

Below we will consider the most popular products used by car enthusiasts for these purposes, and also give examples of alternative cleaners.


The Vanish brand drug has long and justifiably proven itself to be a household drug that is well promoted to the masses. If you go deeper, this is the name of a brand of household chemicals intended for cleaning various surfaces and cleaning. However, not all products of this brand are suitable for the purposes under consideration.

Vanish products that are potentially suitable for cleaning car interior stains include:

  • wet powder;
  • spray;
  • shampoo.

However, powder is least suitable in this case for one good reason: the granules do not dissolve completely and can get into the inner layers of the upholstery and leave streaks. It will be extremely difficult to get rid of particles stuck in the fibers on your own. The result is wasted time and nerves, forced cleaning of the seats in the service center, and this leads to additional costs.

What about the spray? Compared to powder, it is definitely more convenient to use. When you press the sprayer, the liquid is applied to individual areas of the fabric, then a foam is formed that removes dirt. But in practice, everything is a little more complicated: the foam from the sprayer is absorbed almost instantly, so it is quite difficult to evenly treat the entire surface. And in the case of cleaning ceilings, the spray does not spray well due to the specific location of the upholstery.

The suitable form of Vanish for cleaning the car interior is shampoo. It is enough to stir it in a small volume of water until a lush foam forms. The product dissolves evenly and removes stains without streaks.

Attention! We do not recommend using liquid shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners! The concentration of the active substance in such products is higher, which can negatively affect health, and it is washed out worse than special chemicals for cars. In addition, a washing vacuum cleaner is unlikely to cope with this task, and even the smallest nozzle will not remove dirt in joints and crevices.


Another brand of household chemicals from an Israeli manufacturer, less known in wide circles, but gaining popularity and decent competition for pink tubes. The range includes cleaning products and products for the home, upholstered furniture and carpets. A completely workable option for cleaning car seats on your own.

The manufacturer produces liquid shampoo and cleaning spray. The latter effectively removes local pollution. But in the case of a car showroom, it is better to treat the entire upholstery, because a clean area on a well-worn seat looks no better than a stain from spilled juice or stains.

Special cleaners

The range of specialized auto chemicals is very diverse. By the way, finding special care products in a car store is problematic (which is strange). And in online stores, both branded and universal, in hypermarkets such as Auchan and Lenta, chemicals for car seats are available for purchase.

Let's consider popular products for cleaning seats and car interiors:

  • Grass. Large Russian manufacturer of household, professional and auto chemicals. The line of products for cars is quite diverse, including various cleaners, car wash products, disinfectants, car cosmetics and detailing products. The price tag is very attractive: 1 liter of shampoo costs about 220 rubles;
  • Karcher – products and devices for professional and household cleaning made in Germany. Among them is a foaming shampoo for cleaning car seats, carpets and upholstery. Most products are suitable for both hand washing and vacuum cleaners and machine cleaning. The average price for a 770 ml bottle is 1000 rubles;
  • K2. The Polish brand of car cosmetics and care products has proven itself well among car enthusiasts. It contains active components that effectively remove stubborn stains. The price for a universal cleaner in the form of a spray is from 370 to 960 rubles. (770 ml);
  • Profoam 2000 is a line of products from the Korean brand Kangaroo, used for cleaning seats, upholstery fabrics and flooring. Available in the form of a spray or foam in a pressurized container. The average price of a 0.6 l bottle is 350 rubles;
  • Wazler is another reputable brand of auto cosmetics, accessories and chemicals from Germany. Cleans fabric surfaces, as well as car upholstery leather and plastic elements. Price on request on the official website.

Folk remedies

If you have a strong desire to save on professional cleaning services, it is very undesirable to save on car chemicals. But circumstances are different, and if there is no opportunity to purchase specialized products, you can try to solve the issue using “old-fashioned” methods. But be careful: the result can be unpredictable!

The principle of cleaning using alternative means remains unchanged: as a result of the reaction of the components, foam should be formed, applied to the surface and pushing out dirt from inside the seats.

What you can use:

  • soda and citric acid. They are used to clean fabric car seats in the form of two aqueous solutions, which, when interacting, form foam and push out dirt. A solution of citric acid (25 g of white crystals + 5 g of detergent per 0.5 l of water) and soda (at the rate of 15 g of powder per 0.5 l of warm water) are alternately applied to problem areas from a spray bottle. As a result of the interaction of the components, foam is formed, which is removed after drying. This method is suitable for cleaning all fabric elements inside the car;
  • vinegar is used as a neutralizer of unwanted odors in the interior and on upholstery, but is not suitable as a stain remover. Dissolve a small amount of vinegar in warm water and apply to the upholstery using a spray bottle or wet the problem area with a rag slightly moistened in the solution and well wrung out;
  • Laundry soap can be used to clean spot stains on seats. To do this, you need to prepare a solution of grated soap in water (1:1). But you need to remember that the product requires thorough rinsing and can leave streaks on fabric elements.


Throw away the trash. Papers, bags, advertising brochures, bottles, old newspapers should not interfere with cleaning the car interior.

Remove the floor mats from the car. Shake rubber ones out immediately and wash them afterwards. Clean fabric ones with a stiff brush, then vacuum. Next, set the mats aside in a clean, dry place and begin cleaning.

We start cleaning the interior from the top. To begin with, vacuum. If somewhere the dirt does not want to leave the heated place, use a compressed air cylinder. These cans are used to clean keyboards, processors and other computer components.

Next, move on to the areas: ceiling, seat upholstery (covers), doors, floor, plastic. Each zone is cleaned separately; dirt from the ceiling is not smeared onto the seats and vice versa.

Tools and accessories

If the issue of choosing a cleaning agent has been resolved, preparation for cleaning also involves selecting the necessary equipment. The list is pretty simple:

  • a vacuum cleaner without a dust bag – necessary for preparing the interior and subsequently removing foam from surfaces. You can use a specialized automotive one;
  • chemicals for cleaning car seats;
  • clean, light-colored or non-woven rags (that do not leave lint) or a large sponge;
  • a brush with soft or medium-hard bristles (so as not to rub the upholstery fabric);
  • hot water in a bucket or basin;
  • gloves.

If you have a steam generator at your disposal, and the interior of your car is made of fabric or velor, you can try treating it with steam: often such cleaning is enough to remove stains and dirt.

Cleaning process step by step

Now we move directly to the most important stage - cleaning car seats. Let's look at this process step by step:

  1. Dilute the detergent in warm or hot water until completely dissolved, and use a sponge or stick to stir up a strong foam.
  2. Apply it evenly (namely foam, not soapy water!) onto the surface to be treated using a sponge, spread it with light movements, do not rub it too hard.
  3. Leave the foam until completely dry (usually the time is indicated on the packaging of the selected chemical). During this time it will turn gray, because... As a result of the reaction, dirt and dust are displaced from the thickness of the fibers during this time.
  4. Remove foam with a vacuum cleaner or damp cloth. It is important to move in one direction from the center to the edge, without putting pressure on the vacuum cleaner brush, so as not to push the dirt back in. If you use a rag, it is important to rinse it every time it is filled with soapy water.
  5. You can wash especially dirty areas with a brush or the same rag, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. If the stain is stubborn, it is better to apply the foam again rather than try to scrub it off with force.
  6. Wipe with a dry cloth again to remove as much moisture as possible from the fabric.
  7. Leave to dry. It's ideal if the car can dry open for better air circulation, but you can leave small gaps in the car by lowering the windows a little. Usually a few hours are enough for complete drying.

Advice! If you are cleaning not only the upholstery of the seats, but the entire interior, it is wiser to start from top to bottom, from the ceiling to the floor.

How to dry the car interior under the mats from water

This stage is very important. If you don’t completely dry the interior, it can play a cruel joke on you: unpleasant odors, mold and all the other “charms” of life. In fact, drying the interior lasts about 8 hours. There are two ways to speed up this process:

  1. Heat gun. As you understand, you need an extension cord and the heater itself.
  2. Stove in the car. We'll have to burn gasoline.

After this procedure you will feel satisfied. The amount of costs is unlikely to exceed 1000 rubles. In addition, you will have enough cleaning products and materials for a long time.

Next, we will consider in practice the easiest and cheapest way to update the interior of a car by removing stains from the seat, upholstery or carpet. Well, let's get started?

Features of cleaning interiors made of various materials

Active foam manipulation is great for fabric salons, but does this method work in other applications? After all, there are clearly more modern car interior finishing materials than a couple of decades ago. And how then to clean car seats if they are upholstered in velor, genuine leather or vinyl?


The entire previously described algorithm of actions is valid for working with fabric upholstery. At the same time, as it turned out in practice, you can use not only specialized car cosmetics and chemicals, but also household shampoos for cleaning carpets and furniture.


Although this material is usually equated with the fabric version of the interior, its care is still somewhat different. Velor is more delicate and collects dust a lot, so you should try to properly complete the preparatory stage before cleaning. A good vacuum cleaner with various attachments will effectively remove accumulated dirt.

Attention! When using household cleaning products, pay attention to the composition: it should not contain bleaching components.


Natural leather interior is as capricious as its status. The car looks much more attractive from the inside, but, as they say, beauty requires sacrifice. When cleaning leather seats, it is important to consider:

  • Use only special chemicals intended for the care of natural leather. As a last resort - a weak soap solution with mandatory treatment with a skin moisturizer. The cleaning principle is similar: apply the product, wait for it to dry, remove;
  • do not forget about moisturizing and protecting against cracking;
  • Do not rub with a brush or products containing abrasive particles.


Vinyl upholstery has become famous as one of the most unpretentious. If you are the lucky owner of such a salon, then in your case you can solve the problem without specialized cosmetics and treat it with ordinary soapy water or other household detergents.

How to Clean Leather Seats in 7 Easy Steps

To clean the natural leather on your seats, follow the 7 simple steps below.

  1. Use a vacuum cleaner with a narrow attachment to reach crumbs and debris between the seats.
  2. Clean surface stains, streaks and clutter using a damp cloth to wipe down all sides of the seats. Never use a wet cloth as too much water can damage the leather.
  3. Always test the leather cleaner to ensure it will not cause discoloration or damage. Do this in an inconspicuous place, such as on the side of the passenger seat or preferably on a separate piece of leather.
  4. Follow the instructions of the product you are using. Apply the cleaner to leather car seats one section at a time to prevent it from drying out or setting unevenly.
  5. Wipe the cleaner with a microfiber cloth. Repeat this step as needed.
  6. For stubborn dirt trapped in leather, use a soft-bristled toothbrush dipped in leather cleaner. Then wipe with a clean cloth.
  7. To ensure that the cleaner remains in seat crevices, perforations or seams, apply a final pass using a vacuum.

You can use the same leather cleaner on other leather surfaces, such as your dashboard. Simply apply it to cotton swabs to clean hard-to-reach crevices.

Useful tips and tricks

In conclusion, some important tips:

  • Do-it-yourself dry cleaning is not always the worst option. A job done conscientiously using the right chemicals can exceed expectations and save the budget from additional expenses (but, unfortunately, not time);
  • It’s better to set aside one day for the procedure, and make sure it’s warm and sunny. All stages can take from 5 hours to several days (including complete drying);
  • use rubber gloves. Still, these are detergents and chemicals that dry out the skin and can cause irritation and discomfort.

TOP best tips for cleaning the ceiling in a car

Before you get to work, check out our list of what you definitely shouldn't do and what you need to pay attention to when washing the ceiling in your car:

  1. Do not vacuum the fabric: This may damage it, tear it away from the fixing adhesive layer, or sag;
  2. Don’t skimp on detergents and stain removers: It’s tempting to use household chemicals to clean the interior and use stain remover, liquid laundry detergent or dishwashing detergent on the ceiling, but you definitely shouldn’t do this, because copious foam is not easy to wash off in such conditions;
  3. Wash everything at once: Do not divide the ceiling into parts, clean it all in one go, otherwise smudges from the product will form, which will then be extremely difficult to remove;
  4. If bubbles form on the fabric after wetting, it means that it is not securely fastened and may come off; in this case, it is better to allocate funds for the work of a professional, otherwise you risk spending even more on replacing the entire coating;
  5. Test the detergent: Before treating a large surface, test the detergent you have chosen on an inconspicuous area, especially if you decide to use household chemicals;
  6. Dry the trim after washing: In a closed car, the ceiling will dry slowly, so it can become moldy and become a source of musty smell, then all your work will only turn out to be harmful.

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