We cover the car body with wax: advantages and disadvantages

Waxing at a self-service car wash is no longer uncommon, but many car enthusiasts still don’t know exactly how to apply wax at a self-service car wash correctly. Some car enthusiasts believe that wax compounds have a negative effect on paint, while others, on the contrary, are delighted with the effect of using this product. The editors of the portal pro-vosk.ru decided to tell their readers about how a car is washed with wax at a self-service car wash. After reading this article, you will feel like a professional. Read the following article on where you will learn exactly how to apply wax at a self-service car wash.

Hot wax, what it is, how it is applied to the car body

Separately, I would like to dwell on such a popular service offered by most car washes as coating the body with hot wax. What is it, what are the advantages of this particular method of waxing?

It may be a mistake to assume that coating with liquid wax and hot wax are the same thing.

But actually it is not.

For hot wax coating, waxes with a completely different composition are used, forming a much more resistant hydrophilic film on the car body, thereby providing not only an excellent shine to the paintwork, but also good protection from the effects of an aggressive environment.

By applying wax in a heated state, the entire surface of the body is uniformly covered with microfilm, creating a preservative protective effect.

The wax film after such a coating ensures faster drying of the car, for example, after rain, due to the hydrophilic properties of the wax coating.

DIY hot wax treatment

Hot wax treatment can be done independently, but due to the specifics of the technological process, it is better to entrust this procedure to specialists.

However, if you decide to treat your car with hot wax yourself, be sure to acquire a high-quality composition.

Of the most popular waxes, you should pay attention to NERTA HOTWAX, Red Penguin, GRASS Hot Wax or hot wax RM 820 ASF, which must be diluted with hot water (60-70 C°) for application.

This hot wax can be applied either from a sprayer (including using high-pressure washers) or with a regular sponge.

When covering a car with hot wax yourself, it is important to apply the composition very carefully to the entire body, without leaving any gaps.

Also, do not forget to wipe the cars after applying the composition; it is preferable to use a suede cloth for this, this will increase the shine of the wax coating, since wiping with a suede cloth creates a polishing effect.

hot wax shampoos

It is also worth paying attention to shampoos containing hot wax, for example Turtle Wax Hot Wax.

Such a universal product will significantly reduce the time it takes to wash a car, but the quality of the protective wax layer will not be affected.

For application, this product is also diluted with hot water according to the proportions indicated on the packaging and then applied to the car body.

After application, the car is rinsed with water and wiped with a suede cloth.

Regardless of what type of wax you choose, and despite all the benefits described, you still shouldn’t overuse waxing your car.

Some people do this treatment after every wash, which is actually not very good.

By forming a multi-layer wax film, wax, of course, protects the paintwork, but on the other hand, it also clogs the “pores” creating a “greenhouse effect” and affects the paintwork, changing its properties.

Therefore, you should resist the temptation to wax your car after every wash.

The frequency of waxing depends on the type of wax used.

When using spray wax, you can repeat the treatment after 1-2 washes, when using liquid wax - once a month, when treating with hard wax - once every 2-4 months, after treatment with synthetic or hot wax, re-treatment should be carried out no earlier than after 4-6 months (depending on the frequency of washing the car).

Excessive use of wax can lead to clouding of the paintwork and even peeling of the varnish.

Conclusion about using wax in the car wash

At the end of the article, we will say that coating the surface of a car body with wax must be carried out in conjunction with other preventive measures - washing, anti-corrosion treatment, polishing, etc.

It is the paint layer that suffers first when operating a car. The car owner’s task is to protect it as much as possible or at least minimize the destructive effects of harmful environmental factors. Waxing at a self-service car wash is the best way to protect yourself.

Making the right choice between shine and protection

If you just want to add shine to the car body, you can use polishes containing silicone particles. But the shine of the paintwork and its protection are two different concepts. Therefore, you should not trust those manufacturers who promise both shine and high-quality protection of the car’s paintwork for a long time. Due to its properties, silicone not only does not protect the car from dust and stones, but is also capable of damaging the layer of wax previously applied to the vehicle. In the end, one thing will happen: either the car will simply shine, or the paintwork will simply be covered with an invisible layer of protection.

Become a better driver by taking care of your car

Research has shown that people care not only about their own safety, but also about the safety of their car. This makes sense, since drivers of well-maintained cars are always more attentive. Such owners regularly carry out complete maintenance, visit professional car washes, and their vehicle, even years later, looks as if it just left the car dealership.

The prices of such cars always remain high, even years later, when the model itself begins to become obsolete. Therefore, if you decide to upgrade your car to a newer one, then selling it will never be a problem.


As mentioned, it is possible to apply all types of wax by hand, with the exception of foam. In any case, before creating the coating, it is necessary to clean the body of dirt by washing. Washing should be done using a non-contact method.

Waxing should not be done in the sun. You must first shake the composition thoroughly. Self-treatment of a car with liquid wax consists of applying it to a body surface that has not dried after washing and rubbing it with a napkin or rag.

It should be noted that liquid wax is often included in the cost of washing or is offered as an additional service at a low cost. However, the feasibility of using this material is questionable, since this service increases the cost of washing, and in order to maintain the effect it is necessary to repeat this operation every time. This explains the low cost of washing a car with this wax, which is 1-2 dollars.

Hard wax car body treatments at car washes range from $12 to $250. This difference in cost compared to liquid wax is explained by more complex application technology. In addition, the materials have a high cost, which can reach $500 per jar of hard wax.

It should be noted that liquid wax and spray versions are much more widespread compared to hard and synthetic wax. This is explained, first of all, by the high cost of applying the latter to the car body. Naturally, such wax is not intended for general use. It is usually used for expensive cars to protect them from damage to the paintwork. Treating cars with such wax on your own is also rarely used, due to the complexity of this process. Washing your car with car shampoo containing wax or applying liquid material is naturally much easier.

  • Wash with warm water mixed with shampoo in one container and plain water in the other.
  • You need to wash in one direction - from top to bottom.
  • To increase the efficiency of cleaning the car body during the washing process, you should wash it with a sheepskin glove, as it is a more effective cleaning tool compared to the various sponges usually used for this purpose.
  • It is advisable to wash the body and wheels with different sponges.
  • It is not advisable to wash your car with products based on silicone, as well as those containing alkalis or acids.

3. Hard water.

4. Poor quality detergents.

And, of course, this polish copes well with road dust, sand, small stones and other elements of the road surface.

By its nature, hot car wax is a fat-like substance that can be either synthetic or natural. This product melts at temperatures from 40 to 90 degrees Celsius. Most often, famous manufacturers add this to their products. This is the highest quality type of wax, which has excellent protective characteristics. Carnauba is almost completely transparent, hard and has a high melting point, and accordingly, it stays on the paintwork longer.

Wax at a self-service car wash

Wax at a self-service car wash is one of the most common means for protecting and beautifying the body.
To maintain the paint layer of a car in proper form, there are a lot of auto chemical products. A certain part of them is used to increase the attractiveness of the appearance, while other copies perform functions to protect the body. Self-service car wash wax is one of the most common means of car body protection and beauty. Below are the types of Car Wax materials for car paint care, as well as methods for applying them.

What to expect from car body waxing:

  • Preservation of varnish and paint on the car body.
  • If there are minor defects, waxing a car prevents the penetration of moisture and chemical compounds into the metal of the body, thereby preventing the occurrence of corrosion.
  • Ensuring protection of paintwork from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Increases gloss and creates a hydrophobic film.

Improving the appearance of the car, wax materials guarantee the unhindered flow of water from its body. This fact eliminates the formation of stains after moisture droplets dry, which simplifies surface cleaning and reduces the number of car wash procedures. The technology itself is somewhat similar to polishing the body of a vehicle.

How to apply wax and when is the best time to do it?

Each type of wax has its own advantages and, in principle, to achieve an optimal effect, you can alternate the use of different types of wax.

For example, for the winter period it is worth using synthetic wax, as it will provide the most durable protection against the effects of water and especially salt and other aggressive substances sprayed on roads to combat icing.

In the summer, you can give preference to treating the body with solid or liquid wax.

When using liquid wax, do not forget to repeat this procedure regularly.

It is also worth mentioning that there are many modern car shampoos that contain wax.

Regular car washing with such shampoos will not only improve the appearance of the car, but will also protect the body from moisture, synthetic and natural substances, resins and oils.

In addition to protecting against corrosion, waxing also prevents paint fading and provides minor protection against mechanical damage.

Summarizing all of the above, it is logical to conclude that waxing extends the service life of a car’s paintwork.

Waxing also facilitates the process of removing contaminants from the car body, including difficult-to-remove substances such as tar and oil.

Protect your car paint

Wax acts as a barrier between the environment and your car's paint. It protects the car from minor physical impacts such as cleaning off dirt and sand during washing. Plus, it makes the cleaning process much easier. For cars with a dark tint, the additional wax effect gives even better results. Hot wax provides greater protection and stops the fabric pattern after washing.

You will also notice the bright shine of the car's paint, which makes it even more attractive. Failure to comply with your car's appearance standards will result in discoloration of the paint, especially if it is bright. This can reduce the value of your car if you plan to sell it; a discolored body is not capable of attracting any serious buyer.

Types of waxes for cars

Car waxes are polishes with the addition of carnauba resin. Its distinctive feature is the fact that it is the most refractory wax of natural origin. In particular, it preserves the protective film at temperatures from +83°C to +91°C. It is absolutely non-toxic and harmless, which is why it is also used in the food industry (for example, grating apples to make them shine in a display case). It is also harmless to the paintwork of the car. Thus, polishes with the addition of carnauba wax are also called natural.

Another type of wax is synthetic. It contains synthetic waxes and paraffins. They may not have such a neutral attitude towards paintwork (that is, over time, its surface may fade). However, their undoubted advantage is their more durable film, which does not wash off from the surface of the car body for a long time.

There are four types of waxes based on the method of application:

  • liquid (another name is fast);
  • solid;
  • hot;
  • shampoo with wax.

Thus, liquid or quick waxes are based on a synthetic base, and are most popular due to the ease of their application to the surface being treated. As a rule, they are produced in the form of a trigger with a manual sprayer. Accordingly, before application, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned (washed and dried), and then waxed and polished using a rag, napkin, microfiber or other similar materials. However, sometimes there are liquid waxes that need to be applied to a damp, clean paint surface.

Hard waxes are essentially polishing pastes. And they most often have a natural base, since they are made from carnauba wax. Due to their naturalness, their compositions have a more lasting effect (however, this largely depends on the specific manufacturer and brand). Hard waxes are applied to the surface to be treated using a special sponge applicator (as a rule, it comes directly with the wax packaging). Before use, the said sponge is moistened with water and wrung out. This is done so that the wax does not stick to the sponge and is applied to the paintwork in an even layer. Some hard waxes are used not only to make the body shine, but also to restore the paintwork, similar to special anti-scratch agents for car bodies.

Hot wax is a combination composition that includes shampoo and polish. Accordingly, this product simultaneously cleans the surface being treated and protects it. It got its name because the contents of the package must be dissolved in hot water before use. Well, the resulting mixture is used to directly wash the car’s paintwork. This is precisely the difference between hot and cold car wax.

As for car shampoo with wax, it is also usually dissolved in water. Before use, you must carefully read the recommendations on the packaging.

It is important to know to what concentration to dilute the wax, and also to dissolve the concentrate in cold or hot water


You should choose wax taking into account the cost, since inexpensive options quickly lose their original properties.

New cars under 5 years of age are usually treated with solid and liquid materials. For older cars, abrasive waxes and polishes are used. The difference between wax and polish is that the first material creates an additional protective layer on the surface of the body, while polish improves the external properties by removing the top layer of paintwork. Wax containing abrasives has the same principle of action as polish. Therefore, when choosing wax for your car, you need to take this parameter into account. Abrasive options should be used for cars that have any paint defects, for example, in the form of scratches or faded paint. It must be taken into account that abrasive components vary in degree of hardness. The hardest options resemble grains of sand in appearance and feel.

For new cars that do not have paint defects, wax options that do not contain any abrasive components should be used.

What determines the durability of wax?

Most modern products indicate directly on the packaging how many car washes the wax composition can withstand. However, there is a nuance here, which is that when used in reality, a different result may be obtained. And the reason for this lies, among other things, in the hardness of the water. And this indicator depends on the specific geographic region where the car is used. The softer the water (it contains fewer metal salts and other impurities), the longer the wax lasts. And if hard water was used along with the wax (or before applying it), then the duration of use of the wax composition will be less than stated on the packaging.

Similar reasoning is also valid for the case when harmful substances are directly in the air in the area where the car is used. An example of such a situation would be if a car owner lives in close proximity to the sea, various production or mining enterprises, as a result of which substances harmful (specifically to the paintwork of the car, but also to human health) are released into the air. Accordingly, the more there are, the shorter the period of the applied coating will be.

The next factor affecting durability is the proper preparation of the body paint. First of all, you need to wash it thoroughly, preferably in a car wash using special brushes (or maybe several times). To remove dirt from microcracks in paintwork, special plasticine is used (if you do the cleaning yourself). At car washes this service is offered additionally. The quality of cleaning directly affects the durability of the wax.

What types of liquid wax are there?

It comes in the following types:

Wax spray. It is not very difficult to apply, but its disadvantage is that it will not last long on the coating.

Liquid wax. This wax is applied with a piece of cloth and rubbed over the entire surface. This type of protection will last longer than the previous type.

Hard wax. It is difficult to apply, but it provides reliable protection for up to six months.

Synthetic wax. This coating is the most durable and reliable type of protection. It often does not need to be applied; once every 5-6 months is enough. This wax contains compounds found in shampoos.

Depending on the type of wax, the technological process for applying it is used:

Cold wax. Since this substance is liquid, it should be applied manually, then only after washing the car. It contains CAB and an emulsifier.

Hot wax. This transparent substance is very resistant to wear. This substance melts at a temperature of approximately 40-90 degrees. It must first be melted with hot water, and then manually applied to the vehicle body and polished. Hot wax contains a corrosion inhibitor.

Wax foam composition. This emulsion should be applied using special equipment. The foam adheres firmly to the surface and creates an even polish.

Why is processing needed?

The idea of ​​using wax to treat car bodywork is not new . The product hides chips and small scratches. It prevents corrosion, since moisture does not reach the treated metal. When rubbed, the substance heats up, its particles become more liquid, acquire the ability to penetrate into small cracks, filling them when hardening. The surface becomes smooth and the shine of the paintwork returns.

Paraffin, which is part of the wax, reliably protects against moisture and repels it at the molecular level . A hydrophobic film, invisible to the eye, appears on the body. It is able to protect against precipitation, chemicals used in various products for cars, washing roads, and clearing them of snow. The car becomes easier to wash, and it needs to be done much less often.

Benefits of using wax

Waxing your car after washing is beneficial. This has the following advantages:

  • The surface is reliably protected by the formed film. The treated coating repels moisture and aggressive substances, and makes it easy to wash off insects, tree resin, and other natural components that are usually difficult to clean from the car body.
  • Modern waxes and sealants protect paint from fading: they are able to reflect ultraviolet rays.
  • The treatment helps get rid of minor scratches and make the appearance of the car more attractive. However, the substance will not get rid of large and deep damage; only abrasive polishing will help.
  • The paint surface acquires additional shine, and sealants help protect it from damage.
  • Synthetic sealant can retain its properties for up to two to three months, if the car is operated in a gentle mode, its body is rarely exposed to aggressive substances.


The paintwork shines well after treatment;

The protective wax film does not allow the coating to deteriorate;

A car covered with it washes better;

Dries faster.

Well protects paintwork from pollution, chemicals and UV rays.

The use of the car is reflected in the external paintwork: the enamel becomes dull, chips appear, and cracks eventually turn into deeper flaws. Car owners who want to get rid of such problems often resort to using car polish, which only “rubs” the eye and produces a temporary effect. Is it worth wasting money? It is much more practical to use protective wax instead of conventional products.

By coating your car with wax, you get a protective layer over the varnish enamel, which results in the following benefits:

  • protects microcracks and chips from water, snow, ice, dirt and other chemicals;
  • removes remaining chemicals after washing;
  • adds additional shine to paintwork;
  • fills scratches and chips, creating a smooth surface;
  • updates the appearance of the car;
  • protects the car from ultraviolet light.

When choosing car wax, you should keep in mind that this polish has the qualities of a certain type of protection. The purchase of wax is characterized by:

  • ease of processing;
  • repellent and restoration properties;
  • duration of operation.

Types of wax

There are three classifications of car wax.

One of them is based on the properties of the substance. In accordance with it, the following types of wax are distinguished:

  • in the form of a spray;
  • liquid;
  • solid;
  • synthetic.

Spray is considered the least attractive option. This is due to its low stability. This wax is washed off from the car body in a couple of washes. Therefore, this coating will have to be applied very often, although this process is simple.

Liquid wax is more stable compared to the type discussed above. The technology for treating a car with it consists of applying the substance to a washed body and rubbing it.

Synthetic wax is the most stable, and this coating lasts up to six months. Moreover, it is easy to apply, as it is presented in liquid form. This substance is also included in some car shampoos.

Another classification of car wax is based on application technology. It includes the following types:

  • cold;
  • hot;
  • foamy.

Cold wax is a liquid containing large quantities of cationic surfactants and emulsion wax. Application of such coatings is carried out manually. The disadvantage of this material is its low durability. To maintain the effect, repeat the coating process after each wash.

Hot wax is a fat-like substance of artificial or natural origin. Its melting point is about 90ºС. Carnauba wax is considered one of the highest quality waxes. This is explained by the fact that it is completely transparent, has a high melting point and is highly resistant to wear. This material retains its properties for six months to a year. Many substances of this type contain corrosion inhibitors.

Foam wax is similar in properties to hot wax, but the difference lies in the application technology. The creation of the coating in question cannot be done manually, since this process involves the use of special equipment. It is necessary to create a foam emulsion by introducing air into a mixture of wax and water. The use of such complex technology is justified by the high degree of adhesion of the foam emulsion to the working surface and its uniform polishing.

Another classification of waxes is based on origin. According to this criterion, the materials under consideration are divided into the following varieties:

  • synthetic;
  • mineral;
  • animals (bees);
  • vegetable (carnauba).

It should be noted that the properties of these types of wax are similar, so this feature is rarely taken into account when choosing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of car wax:

  • high processing speed;
  • budget cost of production;
  • ease of application of the substance to the car;
  • high-quality damage repair;
  • the appearance of the coating is updated.

Disadvantages include:

  • short operational period;
  • inability to repair major damage;
  • the risk of damaging the coating if dirt gets on the uncured surface.

If it is necessary to eliminate not only microcracks and scratches, but also major damage, it is better to cover the car with hard wax.

Choose wax Pay attention to the color of your car

This may sound strange, but when choosing a wax polish, you also need to base your choice on the color of the car. Many users do not know what wax to apply to a white car body, they are at a loss and make a bad choice. But it is on snow-white cars that the negative influences of the environment are clearly visible. So, auto chemicals for a white car need appropriate chemicals, with the following set of features:

  • providing the coating with a brilliant shine;
  • guaranteeing long-term and reliable protection;
  • preventing dust from settling;
  • color enhancement.

A very good product for caring for white cars is wax from Chemical Guys. That's what it's called - White. Not inferior to it is Turtle Wax T-6A, which works best on white cars.

But for this you should choose completely different products. The first thing you need to consider is the possibility of purchasing Turtle Wax Black Box. After using it, there are no scratches, swirl marks or other troubles left on the car. Pinnacle Souveran and Black Velvet Wax with carnauba wax show good results.


If you decide to make a good car wax yourself, you can use the following recipe.

To prepare you need to take:

  • about 25 g of carnauba wax (sold in flakes);
  • about 5 g paraffin;
  • coconut oil about 40 g;
  • pine turpentine in the amount of 15 g.

The wax is placed in a metal container and melted in a water bath. Then paraffin is added, and together you need to get a homogeneous amber mixture. Next, add oil and mix the ingredients until smooth. Next comes turpentine.

The resulting mixture is poured into a jar. It needs to be cooled to room temperature.

We understand the types of wax auto chemicals

There are several types of wax on the car care market. Not all of them are equally good, easy to apply and long lasting. In addition, do not forget why wax is applied:

  • preserve paint and varnish on the car;
  • protect the car from external factors;
  • formation of a reliable protective film;
  • corrosion protection.

So let's figure out what kind of wax is best to cover your car so that it not only shines, but is also reliably protected and thoroughly prepared for further use.

  1. Wax spray

It was not without reason that we initially chose this option so as not to mention it again in the future. This is the worst example that exists. Even its light application does not do it any favors. Wash the car several times or get caught in the rain - this will be enough for not a trace of the wax coating to remain. And again you will have to treat the surface of the car.

  1. Liquid

The next type of car wax product is already worth the user's attention. Its application requires more effort, time and effort, but the result will please you for a long time. From a clean car, it is necessary to remove the accumulated water and apply liquid wax. We wait about three minutes and wash off all excess with water. All that remains is to blow it with air and thoroughly rub the car to a sparkling shine.

  1. Solid

If you apply hard car wax correctly, it will last about three months. You can find another name for this substance - hard wax. Application is carried out only on a dry and clean surface; it requires careful polishing or, in other words, rubbing a waxy substance into the surface of the car.

  1. Synthetic

A common type of car protection product, which is even included in other car care products. It has a liquid structure, is easy to apply, and lasts a long time (up to six months).

Experts advise using a waxy substance of synthetic origin for winter, and a solid or liquid wax polish in summer.

  1. Hot

This type of wax creates a pronounced shine on the surface of the car. The protective properties are also excellent. It must be used together with hot water. If you are tormented by thoughts about whether to choose hot or cold wax, then it is better to go with the first option.

Here it is extremely important to choose, for example, Turtle. This wax has been tested by many users who were satisfied with the results.

Why do you need to wax your car body?

It was already noted above that car wax is a whole chemical composition that is based on wax or its synthetic analogue. Each manufacturer has its own composition formula, which includes paraffins, silicones, polymer resins and other components that have a positive effect on the car body.

Depending on the composition, the list of beneficial properties of car wax varies. There are several main advantages of applying wax to the body:

  • Moisture protection. Wax on the body forms a thin film that prevents moisture from penetrating the paintwork. Any car body that has traveled dozens of kilometers is covered with microcracks. If water gets into them, it has a negative effect on the metal, causing damage from the inside, including the paintwork. Wax on the body allows you to minimize the likelihood of corrosion due to the penetration of moisture and harmful impurities into the structure of the paintwork and the metal itself;
  • Sun protection. Direct solar radiation negatively affects the paintwork of a car, destroying paint pigments. Simply put, the color of a car's paint becomes less saturated due to exposure to direct sunlight. Applying wax to the body avoids this problem;
  • Protection from minor damage. When driving on the road, a car raises dust around itself, which contains a large number of small particles. If they get on the paint surface of a car, especially at high speed, there is a high probability of defects - scratches, small cracks. The applied wax eliminates this danger;
  • Protection of paintwork from destruction. The paint applied to the car body contains a liquid component, which gradually evaporates during the operation of the car. The elasticity of the paint depends on it. When the liquid component becomes very small, the paint becomes fragile and susceptible to the slightest damage. Because of this, later, cracks appear on the paint surface of the body. Wax prevents the coating from drying out;
  • Improved appearance. A car with wax applied to its body looks more well-groomed. The surface of the body is smoothed as the wax gets into micro-scratches, and the paintwork itself looks more shiny and beautiful.

Applying wax to a car body is a good way to prevent serious paint defects and reduce the likelihood of corrosion.

Functions of wax cleansers

Wax serves to protect the paintwork of a car from external factors. It forms a protective film that protects the car body from minor defects in the form of scratches and cracks. If the paint coating is damaged by the time of treatment, the wax covers small defects, preventing the penetration of water, salt and other chemically active substances into them, which, acting on unprotected metal, cause damage to it by corrosion, or eliminates them. In other words, wax can be considered as an additional measure to protect your car from rust. In addition, it provides protection from ultraviolet rays.

In addition, wax somewhat improves the appearance, giving the paintwork more shine. By allowing water to drain quickly from the machine, it eliminates the possibility of stains forming as drops dry. Thanks to this, this coating greatly simplifies body cleaning and increases the interval between washes.

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