Is the dry fog passing us by or is it really helping?

You can remove unpleasant odors from inside your car using various methods. For example, such a popular service as ozonation and aromatization allows not only to remove even the strongest stench, but also to perform complete disinfection. True, the price for it in Moscow is not small - from three thousand rubles. Recently, a more affordable alternative has appeared - dry fog, which can be used to remove odors from the interior of a car, bus, or truck. It is also used indoors. What kind of technology is this, what are the pros and cons? Let's try to consider these issues in more detail.

What is dry fog

Dry fog is a method of getting rid of odors in a special way, many times more effective than conventional room fragrances and air fresheners. Outwardly, it resembles smoke or steam, but the fog is absolutely not humid.

It is produced by a special generator, from the nozzle of which tiny particles come out. If you look at fog crystals under a microscope, it turns out that the size of the crystal is smaller than a speck of dust! The particles are so small that they do not leave smudges, do not scratch even delicate surfaces, and even velor, fabric and leather look originally new after dry fog treatment.

The technology allows you to neutralize odors, replacing them with natural freshness or your favorite aroma - neutral, “anti-tobacco”, citrus, cherry and plant (meadow bluegrass). After the procedure, the car interior or room will smell pleasant for a month or more. For car enthusiasts, this is a good saving on flavors.


After aromatization, no traces remain either on the panel or on the seat covers. The particles are very small in size and easily fill the entire volume of the cabin and luggage compartment. They are absolutely harmless, except in cases where a person suffers from allergies.

Among other advantages, attention should be paid to the following points:

  1. The whole operation takes much less time than dry cleaning;
  2. Affordable cost compared to other methods;
  3. Dry fog does not mask, but completely neutralizes odors;
  4. A persistent pleasant aroma lasts for a long period of time;
  5. The procedure can be repeated after a few months.

To maintain a positive result, try not to use products and substances that emit unpleasant odors in the car interior: smoked fish, coffee, cigarettes, alkyd enamels and solvents.

Operating principle

To carry out the odor neutralization procedure, liquid is poured into specialized equipment, which is then converted into a smoke-like state.

Dry fog is precisely smoke, but not steam, since at the exit it is absolutely dry - the liquid is completely dissolved in the apparatus and sprayed in the form of tiny dry crystals. Depending on the liquid poured into the device, you can either neutralize unpleasant odors or scent the room.

The permeability of this method is 99%, which allows it to penetrate into microcracks, into any cavities and even furniture upholstery. The main feature of this treatment is not to mask odors, but to destroy them directly at the molecular level. And at the end of the procedure, there are no streaks or smudges left on textiles, leather or velor.

Odor elimination occurs quite quickly, depending on the size of the room. So, for example, your car will smell fragrant in thirty minutes, and your apartment in an hour.

Apartment processing

Treating an apartment with dry fog allows you to eliminate unpleasant odors that appear as a result of human and animal activity, when microorganisms in the form of fungus and mold appear in the room. Removing odors in a room involves the following stages of work:

  1. Blocked windows and doors.
  2. Dry fog treatment.
  3. Ventilation of the building.

Removing odors from the apartment occurs quite quickly. After treatment, the air is allowed to settle in the apartment without drafts. After airing the room, a slight aromatization will be present, but after a week it will completely disappear.

By ordering the service of removing foreign odors in an apartment with dry fog, you can be confident in the safety of people and animals, since the composition of the product is absolutely harmless. The drugs are certified and approved for use in residential premises. They also guarantee 100% elimination of unpleasant odors for a long period.

What happens

Eco-fog is sprayed using a special generator (fogger). Popularly, such a device was nicknamed “electrogene”. In Russia, the most popular models are “Harvard Odor Destroyers” and “Electro-Gen”.

The liquid used has different flavors. Mixtures come with extracts of cinnamon, apple, cherry, citrus, coffee, cream, rose and others. Such a variety of pleasant smells led to the fact that girls began to actively use this procedure. Representatives of the fair sex love to give the car interior a scent they like.

Which smells win?

A distinctive feature of the service is the complete destruction of uncomfortable odors, and not just their external masking.

Technology fights odors:

  • rubber and plastic;
  • burning;
  • sweat;
  • spoiled products;
  • waste products;
  • tobacco;
  • dampness;
  • mold.

Important! “Dry fog” is harmless to humans - this is its key advantage. The technology is suitable for people suffering from allergies.

Positive qualities and disadvantages

In the list of undeniable advantages of the method it is worth noting:

  • High productivity. Active molecules of the suspension, settling on the surface, eat into the pores of the finishing materials. They block and literally displace persistent particles of unpleasant odor from there.
  • Ease of use. Steam penetrates even the most inaccessible places in the cabin. To remove the odor in these places, you do not have to disassemble the car.
  • Saving time. The whole process takes about half an hour. High-quality cleaning with a brush and rag takes much more time. The efficiency of manual labor is significantly lower.
  • According to reviews from car enthusiasts, the stability of the aroma can last from one to several months. Dry mist hides the smell of cigarette smoke very well and creates a feeling of fresh air inside the cabin.
  • The experience of specialists shows that with such cleaning, drips and other marks on surfaces are practically eliminated. With a similar plan of means intended for cleaning the interior, you will have to tinker. They leave soapy streaks.

Negative points:

  • In cases where the source of the unpleasant odor has not been eliminated, dry fog will only add its aroma to the overall atmosphere. After a while, this smell will disappear and the problem will return.
  • Sometimes after exposure to steam, an oily residue may appear. This applies to coatings made of leather, glass and carbon fiber. If this happens, you can remove the resulting film with a dry cloth.

Our practice

Active promotion began at the end of 2011. Until this time, the whole topic of “dry fog” was in its infancy. At the level, someone somewhere uses it for themselves and their friends. Even car washes didn’t understand why they needed it.

The most important thing for the client is reliable information about the service and the quality of delivery .

Without this, unscrupulous entrepreneurs, under the guise of a dry fog, carried out conventional aromatization with a temporary effect. Or they reduced processing time to a minimum. Processing took 5-10 minutes.

The theory of the “dry fog” technology was obtained from the USA, and practice was carried out in car clubs in Moscow. Look at reviews from car enthusiasts about dry fog

Having received real practice and created a working methodology, we applied it to expand our project aromavto.rf

Now the Desfog project is the only team of specialists who have studied the “dry fog” technology to the smallest detail and have the most extensive experience in removing odors.


Equipment for generating dry fog is popularly called steam generators, fog machines or foggers. Today in Russia two steam generators are most widely used.

  1. Smoke machine Involight FM900. Produced mainly in China. Operates from a 220 volt network. A cylindrical container with liquid smoke is installed in a metal case. An intake hose is lowered into the container, which sucks up the concentrate using a hydraulic pump and delivers it to the nozzle. The nozzle sprays liquid smoke inside a hot chamber heated by spirals. The liquid evaporates, turns into a dry mist and is thrown out through the front nozzle. The pressure allows you to process surfaces at a distance of up to 1 meter from the end of the nozzle. This device costs an average of 5,000 rubles.
  2. Burgess F-982 Thermo-Fogger. This fogger has become more widespread in Russia. Designed in the USA. Can operate on both 110 and 220 volts. It consists of a removable aluminum container for refilling with liquid concentrate, a central module with an electrical circuit, a pump and a nozzle, as well as a nozzle in which the liquid is heated and dry fog is generated. Judging by the reviews, it is more convenient to use. The price reaches 20,000 thousand rubles.

There are also other, less common designs of steam generators. However, the operating principle is the same for all models.

The concentrated liquid is taken from the container and supplied to the nozzle under slight pressure. The nozzle sprays liquid directly into the heated steam generator. The liquid turns into vapor and is ejected through the central nozzle.

Consumption and calculation for premises

In your work, use the Instructions for the use of dry fog technology for treating premises

The room is more airtight compared to a car. Therefore, the consumption per 1 m3 is significantly less.

For convenience of calculation and use of its result, the cost of treatment is indicated in m2, and the consumption of dry fog in m3.

The client better understands the price per m2. The area of ​​a room is easier to imagine than its volume. For the client, this is a more transparent accounting system. Basically all rooms have a height of 2.7 -3 m

And the consumption of dry fog is taken into account in m3, as this is convenient for calculation by a processing specialist.

Let's consider the premises using the example of a one-room apartment

Apartment 35 m2 with ceilings 2.75 m

Consumption according to odor strength is 1.5 ml - 2.2 ml per m3. For severe cases up to 3 ml

Total volume of the room = 96.3 m3. Consumption for the entire volume is 144.5 - 212 ml. For severe cases 289 ml.

The cost of processing 1 m2 is calculated as follows:.

There are 3 m3 in 1 m2, if the ceilings are 3 m. Consumption per m3 is from 1.5 to 2.2 ml, depending on the strength of the odor. The cost of 1 ml is 2 rubles

It turns out that the cost of processing 1 m2 is equal to

3 m3 * 1.5 ml * 2 rubles = 9 rubles for weak odor strength

3 m3 * 2.2 ml * 2 rubles = 13.2 rubles for medium odor strength

3 m3 * 3.0 ml * 2 RUR = 18 RUR for a strong scent

The price of processing 1 m2 for a client starts from 40 rubles

What is the maximum volume of room that can be processed?

We are often asked the question: “Do you have a fogger with more power to handle larger spaces?”

The Burgess F-990 Dezfog fogger can handle rooms of any size. You don't need to make sure that the "fog" fills the room. You only need to monitor consumption by volume. We calculated the volume of the room and calculated what the consumption would be. And that’s exactly how much you need to spend on this room.

How to control fluid flow?

Indeed, how can you tell, because there is no timer and you cannot immediately determine the volume of the room.

1) Dry fog consumption in the Burgess F-990 Dezfog fogger is on average 2 ml per 1 second. Determined in a simple way. You need to pour liquid for “dry fog” into a measuring cup and work for 10 seconds, and then measure what the flow rate was.

2) The volume of the room can be quickly determined using a laser rangefinder. We use a rangefinder with a volume calculation function, where we need to determine the length, width and height.

3) Calculations. Multiply the volume of the room by the consumption according to the strength of the smell. Divide the result by the flow rate of ml per 1 second.

For example, the area of ​​a one-room apartment is 37 m2 and the ceilings are 2.7 m, then the volume is almost 100 m3.

We calculate the processing time for such a room: 100 m3 * 2.2 ml consumption by odor strength = 220 ml. 220 ml / 2 ml consumption ml in 1 second = 110 seconds and divided by 60 seconds = 1.8 minutes. As a result, for a one-room apartment of 37 m2, you need to spend 1.8 minutes on “fogging”.

To start work, a minimum set is required: a Burgess electric fogger and 5 0.95 liter bottles of Harvard Odor Destroyer with types of liquids: Orange, California flowers, Anti-tobacco, Cinnamon, New car. These are the main types of liquids used to remove common indoor odors. This set costs 33,000 rubles. You can place your order in the product card Dry Odor Mist Kit - Thermo-Fogger with Harvard Odor Destroyers Liquid

Economical start with 0.25 liter bottles at 900 rubles per bottle. A set of 5 liquids will cost 4,500 rubles, instead of 10,000 rubles. Your savings will be 5,500 rubles. Quick start from RUB 23,900

Until March 15, 2022, you can buy 1-2 bottles of Harvard Odor Destroyers dry fog with the Burgess Thermo-Fogger F-990 Dezfog electric fogger. The fogger will cost 23,000 rubles , and Harvard Odor Destroyers liquids 0.95 l - 2,300 rubles, 3.8 l - 7,900 rubles. Thus, to get started, it is enough to buy a fogger and 1 bottle of 0.95 l, which will cost only 25,300 rubles. But buying fog and equipment in a minimal set will be cheaper from 1,200 rubles than the same items separately.

The Harvard Odor Destroyers liquid kit includes 0.95 l - 2,000 rubles each, 3.8 l - 7,600 rubles each. Thus, by purchasing a kit you save from 1200 rubles per bottle of 0.95 l and 3.8 l

Also, if you want to add any other types of Harvard Odor Destroyers liquids to such a kit, then the cost of each new bottle added will be less than separately at retail. For 0.95 l - 2,000 rubles, for 3.8 l - 7,600 rubles.

After March 15, 2022, you can buy 1-2 bottles of Harvard Odor Destroyers dry fog with the Burgess Thermo-Fogger F-990 Dezfog Electric Fogger. The fogger will cost 24,300 rubles , and Harvard Odor Destroyers liquids 0.95 l - 2,300 rubles, 3.8 l - 7,900 rubles. Thus, to get started, it is enough to buy a fogger and 1 bottle of 0.95 l, which will cost only 26,600 rubles. But buying fog and equipment in a minimal set will be cheaper from 1,100 rubles than the same items separately.

The set includes Harvard Odor Destroyers liquid 0.95 l - 2,100 rubles each, 3.8 l - 7,700 rubles each. Thus, by purchasing a kit you save from 1100 rubles per bottle of 0.95 l and 3.8 l

Also, if you want to add any other types of Harvard Odor Destroyers liquids to such a kit, then the cost of each new bottle added will be less than separately at retail. For 0.95 l - 2,100 rubles, for 3.8 l - 7,700 rubles.

The kit may contain at least 4 types of liquids. At least 4 of only one type of liquid. Choice of 12 types of liquids: Arizona Energy, Kansas Grass, California Flowers, Cream Vanilla, Orange, Cinnamon, Rose, New Auto, Black Ice, Coffee, Anti Tobacco, Bazooka Bubble Gum

What does car treatment look like?

First, you need to prepare the machine yourself; the effectiveness of the processing will depend on your actions.

  • Empty the ashtray;
  • Check the trunk, seat pockets and places under them for any source of various odors (fallen vegetables, forgotten kebab, sauce or stains from spilled liquids. Get rid of them as much as possible on your own;
  • Next we arrive at the processing station. As a rule, they are located near self-service car washes (100% hit the audience). On the spot, we select the smell, take the mats out of the car (so that it is better absorbed into the floor covering), and watch how people start working;
  • It is quite possible that in your city there is an on-site service, i.e. when people come to you with equipment (like refilling an air conditioner), and do everything in your garage in the yard, just don’t be surprised why the price will be so different;
  • Depending on the size of the car, the price for the service may be different, for example, from the standard price, you can move up, if we say it’s a Matiz, then you can negotiate a discount, but if an SUV like a Toyota Land Cruiser, on the contrary, the price tag will be thrown at you, since you will need more dry fog;
  • All the windows in the cabin are raised, after the equipment has warmed up, a lot of smoke is released into the car interior through each door, then all the doors are closed. Then wait about 10 minutes so that the mist can be absorbed everywhere. Of course, if you believe the instructions, you need to wait 15-40 minutes, but we won’t know the truth (at least for now). To be fair, we note that after 10 minutes, the steam completely settles;
  • You can’t just start the car and drive away. Keep yourself occupied with something for 15 minutes;
  • Next, we ventilate the car, turn on the air conditioner at full speed to ventilate the air ducts, and we are surprised. It starts to smell almost like new. Really, don’t be too happy, in our case, the pleasant smell of chewing gum lasted about 3 days, then that was it, but the unpleasant smells didn’t return, which is a plus.

How is the procedure done?

Treating the car interior with dry fog does not require special skills, unlike, say, another newfangled engine hydrogenation procedure. However, to carry it out yourself you will need equipment, a warm, ventilated box (garage) and a protective suit.

Important nuances

Please note that dry fog only eliminates extraneous odors. It cannot replace cleaning or dry cleaning.

Therefore, if there are elements of feces, food debris, cigarette butts and other sources of stench left on the floor or somewhere under the seats, the odors will return after the procedure.

  • Therefore, before treating the car with dry fog, we recommend dry cleaning and general cleaning;
  • The components of the mixture from which smoke is formed can cause allergies. Drivers with allergies are advised to ventilate the interior more thoroughly after the session (spend at least twice as much time);
  • The compositions are neutral and flavored. The former completely remove any odors, the latter also leave behind a pleasant trail;

  • When choosing a dry fog car cleaning product, carefully read what odors it combats. In addition to universal ones, there are compositions that perform targeted displacement of stench. For example, specifically, tobacco smoke, missing food, organic excretions of humans or animals. In short, read the instructions on the package;
  • Car cleaning with dry fog is carried out in a warm room. Minimum ambient temperature: +15°C. The car is pre-warmed;
  • All unnecessary items should be removed from the cabin;
  • The master must wear a protective rubber suit, gloves and a respirator on his face. Direct contact with smoke is strictly contraindicated. It is forbidden to inhale its elements, allow penetration into the eyes, mucous membranes, or skin.

How is cleaning carried out?

Let's consider the main stages of removing odors with dry fog in the car interior:

  • The selected liquid is poured into a steam generator or fogger (equipment for generating thick steam from a liquid);

  • After heating, when smoke begins to flow, it is served into the salon;
  • Processing begins from the trunk, then, one by one, through the doors;
  • Spraying is carried out until the minimum volume of liquid is consumed (one cylinder or bottle);
  • Upon completion, the machine is tightly closed and left to soak in smoke for approximately 40-60 minutes (depending on the intensity of extraneous odors);
  • Next, the car should be thoroughly ventilated (at least 2-3 hours).

You can clean your car with dry fog yourself at home. Considering that the stages will be consistently followed and safety precautions will be taken into account. If you can’t rent or buy a fog machine, you can use dry car fog in cans. They are self-sufficient disposable cassettes that do not require additional equipment. A lightweight version of deodorization is carried out.

Removing odors after a fire

The burning smell left after a fire is quite persistent and cannot be removed using improvised means. Cleaning a room after a fire is a rather labor-intensive process, but it is worth doing, otherwise it will be impossible to stay in such a room for a long time.

Before proceeding directly to removing odors after a fire, it is necessary to remove all charred objects, clean the surfaces of the building, and carry out a thorough wet cleaning using detergents and cleaning products. Carpets and upholstered furniture should be chemically cleaned. Only after this can you begin treating the room with dry fog, the agents of which not only neutralize foreign odors, penetrating even hard-to-reach places, but also leave behind a pleasant aroma. To eliminate the smell of burning and soot, aromas of cherry, citrus, herbs, as well as a flavor such as “Black Ice” are well suited.

Truth or myth?

In conclusion, let’s consider whether dry smoke removal of odors really helps or is it a scam. First, let’s highlight the advantages voiced by manufacturers and service providers:

  • High penetration of steam particles;
  • Speed ​​of the procedure;
  • Long-lasting aroma (up to 3 months);
  • Inexpensive;
  • Uniformity of distribution;
  • No traces in the interior;
  • The stench is not masked, but rather removed;

There are also disadvantages:

  1. Particularly persistent odors may remain (dead, persistent mold, burning, etc.);
  2. Treatment does not provide disinfection;
  3. Not suitable for allergy sufferers;
  4. Requires careful ventilation.

To preserve the results, after the session you should not continue to pollute the salon with foul odors (smoking, drinking alcohol, leaving food, etc.). By the way, residential premises can also be treated with smoke to eliminate bad odors.

The procedure really works and kills nasty odors. The car interior smells good for at least a month. The most important thing is to choose craftsmen who use high-quality products, and not cheap fakes.

How to distinguish real equipment from fake?

It is difficult to distinguish a fake by the type of fog produced, since both the smoke machine (used to create smoke in cinemas and theaters) and the original dry fog machine produce a cloud of thick smoke. Looking from the outside, you will get the impression that everything is fine and you paid for the removal of odors and the destruction of germs. The smoke machine will create a cloud of steam and that’s it, after processing, the aromatization smell will last only a couple of days, and there’s no talk of disinfection.

You can only distinguish by reviews about the company and comparison of photographs. Below are photos of the actual Burgess Thermo-Fogger dry fogger equipment:

New - a portable dry fog generator that does not require electricity, runs on a gas cylinder (in America it is used to treat bushes against mosquitoes):

Next, we present photographs of smoke generators that claim to be new products in dry smoke processing, but in fact blow out ordinary steam with aromatic impurities:

The question arises - what's the difference? After all, there is fog in both places? The difference is simply colossal! In original dry smoke processing equipment, smoke is generated using a special technology. Essentially it is not steam, but water crushed into small particles. In smoke generators, steam is produced by conventional heating and the output is evaporated water. During processing, the air is humid and objects caught in such smoke become damp.

A special liquid is poured into the original equipment. If you pour such liquid into fake equipment, there will be no effect. It's a waste of money and time. Please take this into account, as many people claim that we have cheap equipment, but the original liquid and that there is no difference except a reduction in the cost of processing. When heated in Chinese cars, the original liquid burns, losing all its properties.

Consumption and calculation for cars

In your work, use the Instructions for the use of dry fog technology for treating cars

What will be the effective practical fluid consumption for the interior of a sedan-type car?

First you need to understand what the interior of a car is like. This is not an enclosed space with thick walls. This is a thin body with air ducts, assembled from parts that do not always fit together exactly and have gaps. In the interior of a moving car, ventilation or air conditioning is almost always running. For example, in Yakutsk and other northern cities with normal daytime winter temperatures of minus 30 below zero, they don’t turn off the engine at all outside. And they store cars in warm garages.

Volume of an average car using the example of Kia Rio

The approximate external dimensions of the cabin and trunk are 3,545 m * 1,300 m * 1,700 m = 7.82 m3 - the volume of the car interior. If you subtract the rear wheel arch and seat shells from this, you get approximately 6 m3, which will need to be treated with “dry fog”.

If you consider the consumption of a car as a room, it turns out that you need to use at least 1.5 ml per 1 m3. Thus, you need to use at least 9 ml for the Kia Rio interior. This amount of liquid will be consumed in 4 seconds. You can watch any video of dry fog treatment and see that this amount, or even more, simply goes through open doors.

But the car is not airtight as a room, and to “fog” it you need to open the doors. When fogging a room, you are inside, not behind an open window or door, and work from there. Therefore, in order to fill the car with the necessary volume for effective odor removal, you need to spend 4-5 times more than indoors. This was practically tested on different types of cars, which were provided by clients of the mobile odor removal service aromavto.rf for 1 year.

Thus, the minimum consumption per car is 36-45 ml, and on average 40 ml. This is what we indicate in the processing instructions. According to the strength of the odor removed, the consumption per car is 40-60-80 ml (weak-medium-strong). As a result, from one 950 ml bottle you can treat a maximum of 24 cars and a minimum of 12 cars (if the smell is strong).

The cost of the liquid is about 2 rubles per 1 ml: 2000 rubles /950 ml = 2.1

Cost of processing one car: from 80 to 160 rubles (if there is a strong smell) // (40-60-80 ml)*2

The cost of processing 1 sedan type car starts from 500 rubles. The cost of processing in different cities can be viewed on the website aromavto.rf (download the price list on the main page via the link https://aromavto.rf/uslugina24.09.2019.xls)

From one 950 ml bottle you can earn 12,000 rubles // (24 cars x 500 rubles)

Minus the cost of 1,920 rubles, you get a profit of 10,080 rubles.

How many cars can be processed per unit of time?

One day is equal to 14 hours of working time, from 8 am to 10 pm. You ask us: “Why not 8 hours?” From our experience in Moscow there were orders for 8 am and 10 pm. In this amount of time, you can go out and process up to 8-10 cars of different clients at different addresses. It takes 40 minutes to process one car. (Tested by specialists aromavto.rf)

Thus, if you process different cars at different addresses, the entire procedure will take 40 minutes. If you have collected more than one car at one address, then by turning on and preparing the fogger, you will process each car with breaks of 2 minutes if you need to change the type of liquid for the next car.

As a result, 15 cars can be processed in 1 hour of conditional time. They must stand in the “fog” for 30 minutes and the transition from car to car takes 2 minutes. After continuous operation of the fogger for an hour, you need to give the fogger time to rest for 10-15 minutes by unplugging it from the outlet.

Thus, in 75 minutes you can process 15 cars at once and earn 7,500 rubles. Earning speed is 100 rubles per minute. For a standard 8-hour working day you can earn 48,000 rubles.

This result is achieved thanks to the reliable equipment of the Burgess company - an electric thermal fogger, model F-990 Dezfog.

It is capable of operating in the following mode: you can constantly hold the lever “ON” for 15-20 seconds, then take a break for 2-4 seconds. Working time is 1-1.3 hours, then a break of 10-15 minutes. Any other equipment is not capable of working like this.

To get started, you need a minimum set: an electric fogger Burgess F-990 Dezfog and 5 0.95 liter bottles of Harvard Odor Destroyer with types of liquids: New car, Orange, Anti-tobacco, Cinnamon, California Flowers. These are the main liquids used to remove common car odors. This set costs 33,000 rubles. You can place your order in the product card Dry fog anti-odor kit - Thermo-Fogger F-990 Dezfog with Harvard Odor Destroyers liquid

Economical start with 0.25 liter bottles at 900 rubles per bottle. A set of 5 liquids will cost 4,500 rubles, instead of 10,000 rubles. Your savings will be 5,500 rubles. Quick start from RUB 23,900

Until March 15, 2022, you can buy 1-2 bottles of Harvard Odor Destroyers dry fog with the Burgess Thermo-Fogger F-990 Dezfog electric fogger. The fogger will cost 23,000 rubles , and Harvard Odor Destroyers liquids 0.95 l - 2,300 rubles, 3.8 l - 7,900 rubles. Thus, to get started, it is enough to buy a fogger and 1 bottle of 0.95 l, which will cost only 25,300 rubles. But buying fog and equipment in a minimal set will be cheaper from 1,200 rubles than the same items separately.

The Harvard Odor Destroyers liquid kit includes 0.95 l - 2,000 rubles each, 3.8 l - 7,600 rubles each. Thus, by purchasing a kit you save from 1200 rubles per bottle of 0.95 l and 3.8 l

Also, if you want to add any other types of Harvard Odor Destroyers liquids to such a kit, then the cost of each new bottle added will be less than separately at retail. For 0.95 l - 2,000 rubles, for 3.8 l - 7,600 rubles.

After March 15, 2022, you can buy 1-2 bottles of Harvard Odor Destroyers dry fog with the Burgess Thermo-Fogger F-990 Dezfog Electric Fogger. The fogger will cost 24,300 rubles , and Harvard Odor Destroyers liquids 0.95 l - 2,300 rubles, 3.8 l - 7,900 rubles. Thus, to get started, it is enough to buy a fogger and 1 bottle of 0.95 l, which will cost only 26,600 rubles. But buying fog and equipment in a minimal set will be cheaper from 1,100 rubles than the same items separately.

The set includes Harvard Odor Destroyers liquid 0.95 l - 2,100 rubles each, 3.8 l - 7,700 rubles each. Thus, by purchasing a kit you save from 1100 rubles per bottle of 0.95 l and 3.8 l

Also, if you want to add any other types of Harvard Odor Destroyers liquids to such a kit, then the cost of each new bottle added will be less than separately at retail. For 0.95 l - 2,100 rubles, for 3.8 l - 7,700 rubles.

The kit may contain at least 4 types of liquids. At least 4 of only one type of liquid. Choice of 12 types of liquids: Arizona Energy, Kansas Grass, California Flowers, Cream Vanilla, Orange, Cinnamon, Rose, New Auto, Black Ice, Coffee, Anti Tobacco, Bazooka Bubble Gum

What is the price?

The cost depends on the persistence of the odors that need to be removed, the volume of the interior (compact hatchback or huge SUV) and the brand of the chosen liquid. Also, the cost of the service according to the price list at the car wash (the work of a master) is added to the final price.

The average price tag in Moscow today is 2500 rubles. In elite services it can be 5000 rubles. take. Also, you can find a place where you will have your car treated with dry fog at a price of 1000-1500 rubles, and the quality will be the same as going to an expensive salon.

Are sanitary service disinfectants dangerous?

Professional disinfection with chemicals often causes concern among people. This is especially true for those people who organize the transportation of products, or parents of small children.

We consider it necessary to debunk the misconception about the dangers of “chemistry”. Craftsmen use only class 4, low-hazard substances for their work, which ensures harmlessness to warm-blooded creatures (people and pets) and food products.

Undoubtedly, this harmlessness requires compliance with basic safety precautions and following the instructions of SES representatives. For example, thorough ventilation is a mandatory measure, which eliminates the impact of chemicals on the human body.

What composition is used? Can you cook it yourself?

So, we looked at how dry fog car cleaning works, as well as how to use the equipment. Now, let's discuss popular formulations:

  • Product line from Harvard Chemical Research;
  • Kits from ProRestore Products;

Branded liquids from these manufacturers are considered the best on the market and have patents for the production of deodorizing compositions. Therefore, safe and effective.

You can also prepare the product yourself (at your own risk, of course). You will need:

  1. Distilled water – 1 l;
  2. Medical glycerin PK-94 – 180 ml;
  3. Baking soda on the tip of a knife (to make the smoke heavy);
  4. Medical alcohol (for better dispersion) – 50 ml;
  5. Flavors (you can take products for electronic cigarettes) – 50 ml.

Everything is mixed and poured into the fogger. According to reviews, the smoke is not as thick as from the branded liquid, and the smell is not as persistent. But, in general, the method works.

How to distinguish original liquid from fake

The original liquid is produced by only two enterprises in America, there are no analogues in the world: Harvard Chemical Research produces liquids called Harvard Odor Destroyer and ProRestore Products produces a series of flavored liquids called ODORx Thermo55:

The use of other liquids is harmful to humans. Although the smell may be pleasant. When producing counterfeit liquids, they use alcohol and flavorings, which are destructive to all living things and clearly do not bring anything useful. To check, you can try to set fire to the liquid. The fake will burn because it contains alcohol, the original liquid will not burn.

The use of non-original fluid in real American equipment leads to breakdown of the latter.

Using the original liquid, you not only do the job of disinfection and remove unpleasant odors one hundred percent, but also extend the life of the equipment. The fake liquid, passing through the nozzle, decomposes into heavy particles and burns directly in the apparatus, leaving a black residue. Sediment will very quickly damage original dry fog equipment.

In conclusion, watch the video on how dry smoke affects cockroaches:

Complete vehicle processing

Only the experienced eye of a professional and the appropriate tools can help determine whether the source of the odor is causing concern. If it is confirmed that the problem is caused by bacteria, ignoring it is not only pointless, but also dangerous. Firstly, money spent on simple deodorization will be thrown away: the unresolved source will make itself felt again soon. Secondly, staying in a car contaminated with dangerous bacteria is a serious risk to the health of passengers.

Reviews of dry fog

Over time (after the first hype subsided) it became clear that dry fog is not nearly as effective as was originally advertised. First, let's note the negative aspects of this method of removing unpleasant odors.

  1. Poor effectiveness in combating unpleasant odors. The ability of dry fog to eliminate sharp, persistent unpleasant odors is low. This is noted by almost all car owners who have experience treating cars with dry fog. In most cases, the aroma of the used concentrate is simply added to the unpleasant odor, which creates a peculiar mixture that is not always pleasant to the human sense of smell.
  2. The formation of an oily residue on all surfaces of the car, which often has to be wiped off manually after treatment. If dry mists are well absorbed into fabric upholstery, then they simply settle as a layer of liquid on leather, plastic and glass.

  1. The appearance of stains on fabric and leather surfaces due to improper processing. Directly directing a jet of steam onto fabric surfaces for 5 seconds and from a short distance is guaranteed to remove stubborn stains.

On the positive side, almost all motorists note several facts: dry fog creates a lasting aroma that lasts for at least a month. Does a good job of masking the smell of cigarette smoke. But if the source of the unpleasant odor is not eliminated, then dry fog will only add its aroma to the overall background.

Safety measures when processing premises

The effect of sprayed particles of the substance used for treatment on the respiratory system, skin and eyes is minimal. However, liquids that are carelessly inhaled or come into contact with the skin or eyes can cause irritation.

It is recommended to refuel generators and treat premises using protective equipment:

  • glasses;
  • respirator;
  • gloves.

Before processing the room, it is recommended to remove food and utensils, including cutting boards. After treatment, kitchen tables and stoves must be thoroughly washed. Detergents are added to the composition with water - AOS, Cif, Fairy.

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