Instructions on how to register a key in a car immobilizer yourself

A large number of electronics in a car does not benefit it in all cases. Even security devices installed in the car to protect the car from theft can block the actions of the car owner. Such actions sometimes happen with electronic ignition keys. Therefore, the driver of a modern vehicle needs to know what to do if the immobilizer does not see the key.

Without a positive reaction from this electronic device, it will not be possible to start the engine, since with its help the main engine starting systems are blocked. The electronic module can only be started when paired with a key. Access will be granted only after reading and if all codes match.

Contactless immobilizer device

Common immobilizers of this type are based on the principle of RFID tags. These are chips that do not have their own power source. They generate a signal only after the immobilizer antenna gives a pulse, the power of which is enough to charge the capacitor built into the chip, and the chip has time to broadcast a given set of data. The immobilizer uses the same antenna to receive information. The small size of the immobilizer chips allows them to be installed directly in the key body, so the ring antenna is fixed around the ignition lock cylinder. When the ignition is turned on, the immobilizer unit polls the surrounding air, reading the code from the chip in the key. The received code is compared with the codes recorded in the controller’s memory and, if a match is found, the immobilizer sends a signal to the injection ECU allowing the engine to start.

In complex systems, a floating code is no longer used, but a floating code, similar to how it is implemented in alarms. Such chips are installed in radio keys: the operation of the standard alarm radio channel is tied to codes generated by the chip. A common problem with systems with a dynamic code is the possibility of it desynchronizing with the central immobilizer unit (if you repeatedly press the radio key buttons outside the reception area). After this, you will have to perform the immobilizer training procedure.

This is the general principle of operation of immobilizers, but there are some differences in a number of cars. In Citroens and Peugeots, the immobilizer chip is polled not once when the ignition is turned on, but constantly. In this way, the presence of a key in the lock is determined, and as soon as the immobilizer stops receiving a signal from the chip, a signal is sent to the peripheral network controller to “sleep” the on-board electronics. However, the very principle of working with RFID tags is no different here.

In addition to RFID, the control of a standard immobilizer also uses data transmission using an infrared LED and an IR receiver in the car. This method was popular at one time, but has now been replaced by RFID, which works much more reliably. In systems with an infrared channel, permission to start the engine is given at the moment the doors are opened with the button on the standard key. If you open the door manually by turning the cylinder with the key, you cannot start the motor - the controller will remain locked.

Replacing the remote control battery

The remote control is equipped with a CR2032 lithium battery, the initial supply voltage of which is 3 V. If the remote control supply voltage is within normal limits, then each time you press any button on the remote control, the indicator lights up with a short flash. If, when you press any button on the remote control, the indicator lights up with two short flashes or does not light up at all, then you should replace the battery with a new one.

To do this, you need to unscrew the screw from the side of the case opposite the control buttons, separate the halves of the case, remove the board from the case, replace the battery with a new one, observing the polarity; insert the board into the case; snap the housing halves together and tighten the screw.

How to repair

Of course, anything can be broken. But further repairs to the malfunction of this “anything” can cost a pretty penny. The situation is similar with the car immobilizer.

Repairing fault No. 1

The key with the chip fell out of his hands and was crushed in a puddle of water by a passing car. In this case, the owner can do the repairs himself - the key itself can be straightened, and the crushed chip can be ordered from dealers or a specialized service center. In this case, the driver himself must have a spare key.

Repairing fault No. 2

The immobilizer antenna sees the chip key unstable. DIY repairs can be made by replacing the built-in battery. To repair it yourself, use a sharp object (knife) to open the plastic part of the key or key fob and replace the battery.

Repairing fault No. 3

If the operation of the chip key is unstable, do-it-yourself repair is possible by soldering the contacts of both the key itself and the terminals of the transmitting antenna located next to the car’s ignition switch.

Repairing fault No. 4

The immobilizer does not recognize the original chip and displays a red car with a crossed out key on the interior display. You can try to do the repair yourself by systematically checking all available contacts of both the key and antenna, and the IMMO itself.

Repairing fault No. 5

Due to force majeure circumstances, the preset ECU program was lost. Do-it-yourself reprogramming and repair is problematic. Such repairs are carried out only in stationary conditions of a specialized service.

Repairing fault No. 6

Since there are no moving parts in the electronic units of the immobilizer and ECU, cases of their failure and cases of DIY repair are rare. Much more often, insufficiently qualified specialists blame their malfunction on their own inability to eliminate errors in the operation of actuators.

Important: Important: if the spare key chip is used in the immobilizer bypass to remotely start the car, immediately order a duplicate.

Video “Key binding on Skoda, Volkswagen, Audi cars”

The “Avto Blog” channel talked about programming controls in the described car models.

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How to register a new key yourself

Registration of a new key is carried out using a chip key, which must be stored in a safe and secure place. Before carrying out the reprogramming procedure, you need to have about 10 liters of fuel in the tank.

Algorithm of actions

We register the key in the following order:

  1. First, you need to close all the car doors, then turn on the ignition with the chip key and wait for at least 10 seconds.
  2. Turn off the ignition. If the icons on the dashboard flash every 5 seconds, then programming is proceeding correctly.
  3. With the ignition off, remove the chip within 5 seconds and install a new key for further programming. At this moment the signal buzzer should sound three times.
  4. Wait 6 seconds until the buzzer beeps 2 more times, after which you need to turn off the ignition switch and pull out a new key.
  5. Insert the chip key and wait first for three signals, and after 6 seconds for two more.
  6. Remove the chip key and wait 10 seconds, then insert a new key and start the engine.
  7. Take a test drive of the car.

The video shows the reprogramming of an immobilizer key for a domestic car, filmed by the Door Doctor channel.

Features of programming and binding the key to the immobilizer

The peculiarities of key programming include the fact that for an immobilizer key fob with one button, the binding will be different.

To program you need to follow these steps:

  1. Close all doors in the car.
  2. Press and hold the large button until the diode stops blinking. When you release the key, the indicator should light steadily.
  3. Press the button again. The diode should go out.
  4. The driver must open the doors and place the key in the ignition.
  5. Press the button on the key fob in accordance with the instructions for the specific brand of system.
  6. Activate the ignition, wait at least 10 seconds and turn it off.
  7. After 5 seconds, the key fob should be in working condition and save all positions in memory.


The remote control is designed for remote control of locking and unlocking of car doors, turning on and off super-locking doors, turning on and off the alarm system, raising the windows, controlling the locking of the tailgate (trunk lid), and also as a coded electronic key for the APS-6 immobilizer

The remote control is mounted on the blade of the ignition switch key type 1118-3704010 and is designed to operate:

1)via radio channel:

  • with electrical package control unit 1118-6512010
  • with driver's door module 1118-3763080, 2170-3763080-00/10

2) via transponder channel:

  • with immobilizer control unit APS-6 2123-3840010-ХХ;
  • with immobilizer control unit APS-6.1 1118-3840010-ХХ;
  • with electrical package controller-2170-3763040.

Signs that the immobilizer is preventing the car from starting

The main signs of a malfunctioning immobilizer system:

  • indication of a blinking LED on the car’s dashboard, which was not present in normal mode when the ignition was turned on;
  • glowing “key” icon on the dashboard or LCD display of the on-board computer;
  • a message including the words “Key”, “Secret”, “Immobiliser” on the on-board computer display;

  • blocking the rotation of a working starter.

The immobilizer malfunction only appears when the engine starts. If the engine stalls while driving, this cannot be due to immobilizer problems. After correct interrogation of the key, the immobilizer “gives the go-ahead” to start the engine and ceases its functions until the next start.

What is a VIN code and what information does it contain?

Every person goes to stores, buys different goods, and on each of them they can notice a mark such as a barcode. This code contains complete information about a specific product and its manufacturer. For a vehicle, a unique barcode is the VIN code. It is there that hides complete information about the car for the entire time that has passed from its release to the last moment of operation.

This 17-digit code, consisting of numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet, allows the motorist to find out the following information:

  • date of manufacture of the car and its features;
  • information about the vehicle manufacturer and the features of a specific model;
  • data about the events that happened to the car during its entire operation - mileage, fines and accidents, whether it was mortgaged, whether the car was the subject of theft, how many owners have changed;
  • necessary data to restore lost codes of various security systems;
  • other information that concerns the vehicle and all its owners.

Deciphering VIN codes on your own is not a reality, because to calculate the necessary data you need to use a special calculator. Users will be able to download this program for decoding codes onto their personal computers or mobile devices or decipher the VIN code online.

What is the operating principle based on?

To understand possible malfunctions, you need to know the structure of the immobilizer system from the inside. Some system designs allow the engine to start without an electronic device, even if an attacker has entered the cabin, however, the engine will not operate for long. After this, the main systems responsible for fuel supply, ignition and complete shutdown of electricity in the car are blocked.

The kit must always contain at least three elements of this security system:

  • The electronic unit . It is responsible for receiving/transmitting signals. If the correct electronic code is received from the key, then all components are unlocked to start the car.
  • Relay . There may be several such elements, and they are located in units responsible for supplying fuel to the cylinders or the operability of the electrical system. Electrical relays receive commands from the ECU.
  • A key equipped with a built-in block with a microcircuit. Without it, it will not be possible to activate all vehicle systems.

A new car comes with a special device, with the help of which programming/reprogramming is carried out at the initial stage of the electronic unit. You also need to know that each immobilizer has a secret special button , which can be used to temporarily disable the system. Its location is known only to the car owner, and it is used only in case of unexpected problems.

Special Moments

The Lacetti driver must remember: the transponder in the key for pre-restyling versions cannot be used for post-restyling vehicles. In the latest versions, designers are introducing anti-theft devices with a 4D chip. Outwardly, they are practically no different, with the exception of one small dot created by engraving at the area where the metal element of the key comes into contact with the plastic. If you are concerned about the question of how to register a key in the Lacetti immobilizer, then remember that products with push-button control do not contain a dot.

Possible causes of malfunctions

If the immobilizer “does not see” the key, there may be several reasons. There is nothing to break in this system (unless during repairs or installation of additional equipment the reader antenna or its wiring is damaged), software failures occur more often - for example, the immobilizer “forgets” the code written into it.

This may not necessarily be a problem with a specific immobilizer (like in old Renault Megane/Scenic), but may cause the auto-start alarm to be installed incorrectly. If the installer, instead of connecting the immobilizer crawler, attaches one of the chips to the reader antenna (this preserves the functionality of the keys from the kit), then when the ignition is turned on with the second key, where the chip is stored, the immobilizer will receive a signal from two chips simultaneously. This situation is abnormal for the controller, and over time it deletes one of the codes from memory.

It is worth considering that if the immobilizer prevents the car from starting, this may indicate an unsuccessful theft attempt. The first thing a car thief needs to do after he has dealt with the ignition switch (and, note, the Hollywood stereotype about tearing off and twisting wires has nothing to do with reality) is to register his own chip in the immobilizer memory. If you have access to the diagnostic connector, this can be done in literally seconds on many machines.

From his own practice, the author noticed that an attempt at theft becomes noticeable only after a thorough inspection of the lock cylinders - their damage is so small. Therefore, in the morning, having opened the car without any problems and trying to start the engine, the owner is surprised to find a blinking immobilizer indicator, indicating that the immobilizer does not recognize the chip code in the key as correct. When connecting diagnostic equipment on such a car, you may find that only one key is registered in the immobilizer memory instead of the standard two.

Therefore, you can often see installation of anti-theft locks on diagnostic connectors and re-pinning of connectors, making direct connection of the programmer impossible. However, such measures make sense only on common cars, with which it is easier to choose another object than to waste extra time on theft. If a specific car is stolen to order, then the thief will be able to gain access to the CAN bus without a diagnostic connector.

Video: Immobilizer does not see Solaris key, solution to problem

Engineers' recommendations

If you lose your key, you must immediately come to the dealership to order a new one. If you turn the chip key from the lock more than five times, the system completes registration without giving a sign.

If the anti-theft device does not work correctly, an error in reading the encoding is observed. You can do this in this situation:

  • Help in deciding how to register the key in the immobilizer yourself comes unexpectedly with a duplicate.
  • The inconvenience is that there is only one option; it is better to purchase a duplicate when purchasing a vehicle secondhand.
  • The duplicate method didn't work, it's time to call a professional repair shop to reset the software.
  • Failures can be caused by the antenna if defects occur in the contacts. The solution is to replace the antenna or lock.
  • Purchasing a bypass key allows you to get out of a difficult situation.

No useful undertaking is complete without problems; you should be mentally prepared for it. In the collection of advanced devices, immobilizer modifications performed quite well. A thoughtful approach and expert advice will help you avoid difficulties.

How does it work

Like every serious enterprise, the machine has its own structural hierarchy. The owner of the car himself, of course, is entrusted with the position of chairman of the entire board of directors. But the executive director is the ECU. He manages the production process through the heads of numerous workshops - numerous functional sensors:

  • fuel injection adjustment:
  • regulation by optimal setting of the throttle valve (its position at idle);
  • setting ignition modes;
  • regulation of exhaust gas composition;
  • management of the gasoline vapor condensation unit;
  • optimization of exhaust gas circulation – reduction of nitrogen oxide content;
  • control of valve timing;
  • maintaining acceptable engine (coolant) temperature;
  • coordination of your work with all operating systems of the car. This concerns, first of all, anti-lock systems, air conditioning, automatic transmission (gearbox) operation and various security systems.

The immobilizer unit, in this entire production process, plays the role of a security service and is itself entrusted with monitoring compliance with the access control regime (execution of the prescribed program).

Important: data exchange and transmission of control commands is carried out via a CAN (Controller Area Network) bus, which by combining individual nodes (workshops) creates an integral production complex of the machine.

What to do if the control unit fails

The main element of the system is the control unit. Many owners of cars equipped with an immobilizer have to deal with the breakdown of this unit at least once.

What options exist to solve the problem?

  1. Purchase of a new control unit, immobilizer key fob and electromagnetic relay. In this case, the devices are programmed from scratch and integrated into the system. This solution to the problem will cost the car owner $400 or more.
  2. Purchase only a new control unit without additional components. The main difficulty is reprogramming the device to work normally with other elements of the system. The procedure is quite complicated, and to perform it you still need to find a qualified specialist. You will have to pay a little less for the work than in the first case.
  3. Buying a used set of parts (unit, relay, key fob). In this case, nothing needs to be programmed. It is only necessary to replace the above components installed on the machine with purchased ones. After this, you can start the car engine normally. The cost of the solution is from $200.

What is the best way to solve the problem?

In about half of the cases, car owners prefer to solve the problem in the second way. This is the cheapest option. The disadvantage of the solution is the use of used components. It is not known for certain under what conditions they were used before. It is difficult to assess their condition. Therefore, when purchasing, it is completely unclear how long a used control unit can function normally without creating problems for the vehicle owner. In any case, do not despair if one day the immobilizer key fob of a VAZ-2110 or another car stops working as expected. A solution can always be found. You just need to contact a competent specialist.

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