How to use Webasto: instruction manual

In the automotive auxiliary equipment market, Webasto is a system whose name has already become a household name. As an analogy, we can consider the famous “Xerox”; this trade name is now perceived as a synonym for any copying machine.

Webasto is a pre-heating system, thanks to which it is possible to increase the temperature of the power plant and warm up the car interior. The equipment greatly facilitates starting, reduces the load on the engine, and removes ice and snow from the vehicle glazing.

Some European manufacturers install a heater in the basic configuration of their cars, since its efficiency and practical use are beyond any doubt. Of course, it makes sense for drivers from Russia to pay attention to it.

Webasto fluid system

The device is small in size, weighs five kilograms and is installed not only in the fuel system, but also in the vehicle’s on-board network and cooling system. This device is designed to preheat the fuel and car interior.

The unit must be installed and configured by qualified specialists at a service center.

The system is equipped with a remote start, which is produced by a certain type of device (control). The device begins to draw fuel from the gas tank using its own pump. Then, in one of the compartments, catalytic oxidation occurs, that is, flameless heating. This occurs due to the heating of special ceramic pins.

Next, the pump is turned on to circulate the fuel. The pins heat the liquid, which is supplied from the gas tank to the combustion chamber. Since the fuel passes through all standard channels, the entire cooling system, running in a small circle, warms up. When reaching 40 degrees Celsius, the system automatically turns off.

There may be cases when the installation starts, but it has not completed the entire cycle. In this case, the system heats up to 80 degrees, followed by cooling to 64 degrees , after which the heating mode timer is turned on, which will turn off after the set timer has expired.

Webasto is an ideal solution for diesel vehicles because they respond more strongly to changes in ambient temperature. Webasto can connect independently even while driving, provided that the air temperature drops below +5 degrees Celsius . On average, 1 liter of fuel is used per hour .

Malfunctions and their elimination

In the event of an emergency screen lock, an error code lights up on the screen, which allows you to quickly identify the problem and fix it. The most common codes are:

  1. Malfunctions on the part of the control unit are indicated by code F 00.
  2. Unsuccessful startup attempts - F 01.
  3. If the flame breaks are observed more than three times - F 02.
  4. Problems with direction F 03.
  5. F 05- F 07, 09, 11 – closure indicator.
  6. F 10 possible overheating.
  7. The position of the overheating sensor F 14 is broken.

At the first breakdown, specialists check the connectors and fuses. Defects found are eliminated:

  1. A flame break can be eliminated by turning off the device for two or more seconds.
  2. Overheating is eliminated by shutting down and cooling the device.
  3. When the voltage is below normal, it can be eliminated by starting the battery.
  4. If black smoke appears from the chimney, it is worth cleaning the air duct or exhaust pipe.

When you can’t fix the problem on your own, you should contact a specialist or even a service center.

When choosing a device, you should rely on engine volume indicators. Depending on the budget that the owner is counting on, a control option is selected - remote control, mobile or timer. A more budget option is a timer that is installed on the instrument panel. But the most expensive option is remote control and the ability to install an application on your phone. But whatever the car owner chooses, Webasto will allow you to start the engine without problems during frosts and cold weather, and will provide warmth in the cabin.

Webasto air system

Before purchasing and using Webasto, you must choose the system that is most convenient for your car. Because, in addition to liquid systems, there are air systems that consume 0.2 liters of fuel per hour .
The device begins to draw fuel from the tank using its own pump, while at the same time air is pumped in from outside. The combustion chamber produces a mixture of air and fuel, then combustion occurs, resulting in the release of heat. Then heated air is sampled and supplied to the cabin; the remaining products are released through a pipe connected to the muffler.

If the liquid system is installed under the hood, then the air system is installed inside the car, although they are approximately the same in size.

What to do if the Webasto starter key fob is lost?

You can program a timer, for example, on weekdays at 8 am to turn on the heating. This solution is not universal, because plans can change (at least there is a risk of oversleeping). Look for standard key fobs on sale. In some cases, others may also be suitable - this needs to be checked. You can buy a used remote control from Webasta, but it is difficult to assess its condition at first glance. You can link the “new thing” to the system by pulling out the fuse:

  • take out FB5 in the trunk;
  • return it back;
  • press the power button for 2-5 seconds;
  • check the operation of the unit.

Ways to enable Webasto

To turn on the system, use a smartphone, a timer and a remote control key fob.

  • The keychain costs approximately 10,000 rubles . Operating range - 1 km . The driver can adjust the heating and cooling temperatures. Starting the system from the key fob is more convenient than using a timer, since by pressing a button you can heat the car for the required amount of time. But it is necessary to check whether interference or other obstacles interfere with the signal. A signal from the key fob will notify you when the system starts.
  • Using a timer is cheaper than using a key fob; it costs approximately 3,000 rubles . Mounted in the control panel inside the car. You need to synchronize the time with the time zone, and then set the start time and heating duration. Intervals vary from 10 minutes to an hour .
  • To use the phone, you must install a GSM unit into it. It costs 1.5 times more than a keychain . The signal can be sent from any distance. The device responds to an SMS sent to Webasto’s personal number, to which you can connect 5 phone numbers . You can also install the application on your smartphone, it will have the same functions.

Using the system

Use the device carefully.
Do not apply force to it and do not allow liquid to get inside. Never use the unit in a garage without a hood. The device must be turned off if you suddenly notice a foreign odor from the device, as well as noise. If you cannot do this in the usual way, then it will be enough to remove the fuse.

It is necessary to use only the type of fuel specified in the instructions for use. As a preventative measure, it is necessary to run Webasto several times a season at minimum power and with a cold engine. There is no need to turn on the device several times in a row. The maximum continuous operation time of Webasto is 1 hour .

By turning off the reheater

The situation is more complicated when turning off the reheater. You can prevent it from turning on automatically by removing the 20 A fuse. You can find its location using the diagram that comes with the instructions, or watch a video that shows the shutdown process step by step.

Complete shutdown of the preheater for the summer is carried out in the same way. You can also try turning off the climate control, which transmits information about the temperature in the cabin.

It is necessary to understand that in some cases, turning off Webasto can lead to engine damage.

There is no urgent need to turn it off, since during normal operation it is automatically activated only at air temperatures below +5°C.

Fluid heating on Volkswagen and Audi cars can be controlled using VAG-COM - software used to control and diagnose Webasto on Volkswagen Group cars. For example, you can adjust operation, perform diagnostics, or turn off the heater on a Volkswagen T5 using this program. When using it for the first time, it is better to contact a specialist.

For cars of other brands, which are also equipped with heaters from Webasto (Peugeot Boxer), the same shutdown methods apply as for others, except VAG-COM.

Webasto's operating instructions are included in the kit. Many modern cars are already equipped with a similar mechanism, but domestic models often have to be installed on their own. The German company Webasto AG is an indicator of reliability and strength. The company specializes in the production of preheaters, which are important and necessary car accessories.

Benefits of using Webasto

Using the device, you can safely start the engine in any weather, even at temperatures below -20 degrees , since the fuel enters the engine in a heated form. A lot of time is saved because the fuel can be heated remotely.

The interior warms up, which has a positive effect on the driver’s health. 100–200 kilometers during a cold start, is protected . There is also less waste, making this system better for the environment than warming up the engine.

It is also more expensive to warm up the engine, since an unheated system spends more fuel. Using Webasto, the car starts working in warm mode, which is more economical.

How to start Webasto without a remote control?

This remote device is necessary to switch modes of the Webasto device. Let’s say right away that you can complete the system at a car service center. With several incorrect start attempts, Webasto may become blocked. Try removing the fuse in the power circuit. If all else fails, you need the help of a specialist.

Keep in mind that after a long period of inactivity the device may malfunction, so first take the time to bleed the fuel system. Check the pipes for air in them. Its bubbles can lead to overheating of temperature sensors and subsequent emergency shutdown.

If the remote control is broken or missing, you can try to find a way to “bypass” the electronics. We do not recommend experimenting like this, as the device may fail.

Recommendations for installing Webasto

To avoid getting scammed when installing your device, check for a certificate that can only be issued by an official Webasto representative in Russia. You need to know that the certificate is issued for a certain time, most often for 1 year .
The company does not issue permanent certificates. If the organization had problems with installation or further use by clients, then the manufacturer will not renew this certificate. The certificate must contain the license expiration date.

To check the documents, you can use the official Webasto website, where you can find out whether the organization has the right to install equipment.

The price is dictated by official representatives of the company; it is uniform and differs only between different models. The installer can only change the cost of the work itself.


Preventative work and maintenance must be carried out regularly at company service centers. The main range of repair work requires the use of specialized tools, special knowledge and skills that can only be obtained through professional training at Webasto. Failure to strictly follow all instructions can lead to unpleasant consequences, including injury.

The heater must be cleaned with the power turned off. Cleaning work must not be carried out using high-pressure apparatus.

Selection of device according to car characteristics

To choose equipment, you need to start from the parameters of the car. If the car has an engine of less than 2 liters , then a four-kilowatt Themo Top E . If the volume is larger , then take EVO5 .
Then the governing body is selected. Here the choice is yours. For an inexpensive car, they usually install a timer that can set the program for several days. Installed on the dashboard.

To receive signals from the phone, TermoCall 3 is used, which can connect to applications from the phone.

Webasto can be removed and installed on another vehicle. The manufacturer manufactures devices so that they work for 10 years . Because of this, drivers transfer the device to each new car.

Video: Launching with WEBASTO at -32°C (Nissan Safari (TD42))

Launch of WEBASTO THERMO TOP Z/C - logbook of the 2004 BMW X5 on DRIVE2

So. Sinister HEATER! And everywhere and everyone has a question. How to make a full-fledged heater! This is real! The first thing I did, probably like everyone else, was reading forums and watching videos on YouTube. Who writes about firmware, etc. who sets the W-BAS timer and everything works. I also decided to try the W-Bas timer. I paid 3500 rubles for it. A week later I came, I’m trying to connect... error 2. Katel does not respond... (((((in general it doesn’t work. Yes, and I have a top 3 BMW, and on the other side it says top s. But that’s not the fact. It doesn’t work and that’s it . Wherever I went. Wherever they did diagnostics for me. The result is the same. Everything is good, but nothing works. Why no one knows. I found one master in the city who said that we will start it up! But tomorrow. I went home with joy . This continued for 4 days tomorrow, he has a lot of work, and I’m already leaving on a business trip! We agreed to look at it at night. So. What do we have? Top heater (does not start) W-BAS timer (DOES NOT CONNECT) he connected the diagnostics and more a couple of programs, and says that the Webast is controlled via the K line. And that the timer will not work here. We have a chip with 3 wires: 1 control, white green, 2 diagnostics, white yellow and 3 black for the dose pump. It also does not start from the monitor forcibly. Steel Look for what kind of block controls Webasto. We looked and dug, but we couldn’t find it. We decided to manually find this wire. White green... probably the floor of the car was dismantled. But they never found it. (((more precisely, we were tired of looking for it. It appears in the spit under the boarding and goes to the back of the car. 2 wire (diagnostic kit) goes to the climate control unit. Call. We thought about it. The master went to read, and I continued to look for this wire. The master came, and says, we need to make sure that the Webast thinks that the machine is working. He applied + to some of the chips (I had a complete chip with all the wires), in my opinion, to 5 or 6 and + to 1 control contact. And a miracle. It started . They removed + from 1 contact, it went dead. That is, it was controlled by an analog signal. Although it shouldn’t. Next. He removed the brain and short-circuited something there. He said, now I’ll work on this matter, but didn’t say what exactly... (( (said I’ll tell you later. When we launched the Webasta, the chip was on. And 1 contact was broken. + went only to Webasta. Then we checked on the timer. Everything works. What I noticed. When you start it. The fan starts blinking on the monitor. And if it’s warm to work stove. They put everything back together. They still couldn’t find which unit controls it (it was already 5 o’clock in the morning for everyone. Therefore, we didn’t pack up completely and went home. Along the way, I noticed that the Webast began to work as an additional heater. I turned off the car and it began to cackle. I didn't wait long. I decided to start it with a timer. Started up. What else did I notice the next day? If you break the diagnostic contact. Webast will not launch. Why h.z. I never made it to the mechanic the next day. Because went on a business trip. I'll be sure to add more when I return. I find out from him what exactly he did with his brains. And how the climate unit controls Webasto through diangostics. By the way. It controls via digital contact. Sorry there are no photos. It was somehow not up to them. Yes, the body is discharged.

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