What is graphite lubricant - what does it consist of, properties, scope of application

Graphite grease is an inorganic lubricant, black or dark brown in color, with a dense and highly viscous consistency. Outwardly it resembles the well-known solid oil. The lubricant is made from vegetable fats using petroleum cylinder oil fluids and lithium or calcium soaps, as well as graphite. Graphite powder is used as the latter. In accordance with GOST 3333-80, according to which it is manufactured, the optimal temperature of use is from -20°C to +60°C, but in fact it can withstand more critical temperatures. Graphite lubricant is widely used in industry, as well as in automobile transport. In particular, it is used to coat springs, suspension elements, heavily loaded bearings, open gears, and so on.

Composition of graphite grease

First of all, you need to know that in the technical literature the concept of “graphite lubricant” can be understood as various compositions. The fact is that initially this definition refers to an inorganic lubricant for which graphite is used as a thickener, but in a broad sense this is also the name for lubricants where graphite is used as an additive. Thus, the term “graphite lubricant” may mean:

Crushed graphite

  • ordinary graphite powder, which can be used as a solid lubricant;
  • soap-based lubricant containing graphite;
  • graphite suspension in oil solution (inorganic lubricant).

It is the latter composition that is most often called graphite lubricant and will be discussed further. Its manufacturing technology involves thickening viscous organic or synthetic oil, which is obtained from petroleum products, with calcium soap and graphite powder. In other words, we can say that graphite powder is added to classic grease, which gives the lubricant its properties.

Graphite powder itself has a soft consistency. Therefore, as part of the lubricant, it fills irregularities on the working surfaces of parts, thus reducing friction.

Currently, copper-graphite grease can also be found on sale. Copper powder has been added to its composition. It is able to withstand high temperatures. Typically, copper-graphite lubricant is available in the form of aerosols. Looking ahead, we will say that this composition is often applied to the caliper guides. This will prevent the discs and/or brake drums from sticking to the hub flanges.

Why is she so popular?

The market is annually replenished with new types of lubricants, but the popularity of graphite lubricants does not decrease. This is not surprising: its availability, ease of use and high performance indicators leave competitors far behind. The scope of application is so wide that graphite lubricant should be found not only in the garage, but in every home. Servicing cars or household appliances is not complete without the use of lubricants.

The protective properties of graphite lubricant in electrical connections increase resistance and help protect power contacts from short circuits, heat and possible fire.

Properties of graphite grease

Graphite itself is a good conductor of heat and electricity, is not destroyed by moisture, is not affected by static electricity, and is also thermally stable (can withstand high temperatures). The corresponding lubricant also has all these properties, although to a lesser extent.

What is good about graphite lubricant? Its advantages include:

  • chemical resistance (when lubricant is applied to working surfaces, its elements do not react chemically with it);
  • thermal stability (does not evaporate up to a temperature of +150°C, since the concentration of volatile substances in its composition is minimal, and does not lose its performance characteristics at high temperatures);
  • protects work surfaces from moisture;
  • has increased colloidal stability;
  • explosion-proof;
  • has excellent lubricating properties;
  • increases wear resistance, mechanical performance and service life of the mechanism where it is used;
  • minimizes the number of jams;
  • not affected by oil, that is, remains on the surface even if it is present;
  • graphite lubricant adheres perfectly to any surface;
  • resistant to static electricity;
  • has high adhesive and anti-friction properties.

Another important advantage of graphite lubricant is its low price with satisfactory performance characteristics . Although, in fairness, it should be noted that currently there are many other, more advanced lubricants that, although more expensive, have better performance.

However, graphite lubricant also has disadvantages. In particular, it cannot be used in mechanisms with high operating precision, since solid impurities present in graphite will contribute to increased wear of parts;

What are they and what are they used for?

Graphite relish improves the operating properties of the mechanism and increases its service life.
There are several types (generations) of graphite lubricants. The principle of their operation is the same, but the composition is slightly different to achieve certain properties. The first graphite lubricants were used more than a century ago. They were used in rather rough and large mechanisms - hinges, supports and other heavy parts. The first lubricants were made based on coarse graphite.

On the one hand, such lubricants were easy to manufacture and unpretentious to use, but on the other hand, they were not good enough for thinner mechanisms.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, grease, an improved graphite lubricant, came into everyday use. Its difference from the previous generation of lubricants was that the grease was more plastic. It was not washed out with water and could withstand a wider range of temperatures - from twenty degrees below zero to seventy degrees above zero. Thanks to this, solid oil has found wide application in industry. In addition, it is still used in agricultural machinery and cars.

Solid oil is produced by thickening industrial oils with fatty or synthetic acids, so its production process is quite simple and the cost is low.

Solid oil.

Now the scope of application of solid oil lubricants has narrowed somewhat due to the fact that new specialized lubricants have appeared that work better than solid oil (Litol-24, Fiol, CV joint and others). However, new types of graphite lubricants have begun to be produced in many countries.

For example, graphite lubricant with molybdenum disulfide is sold in Russia and the CIS, and it is used to lubricate individual vehicle components. There are also specialized graphite-based lubricants for bicycles and other mechanisms.

Solidol is the most common graphite lubricant in Russia. In terms of its properties, it is between the first generation graphite lubricants and the new lubricants, so everything that is said in relation to solid oil can be equally applied to other types of graphite lubricants. There are small differences, but they are not so striking.


The current GOST 3333-80, as well as the corresponding technical conditions, indicate the technical and operational characteristics of graphite lubricant.

Temperature range of applicationfrom -20°С to +60°С (however, it is allowed to use lubricant at temperatures below -20°С in springs and similar devices)
Density, g/cm³1,4…1,73
Dropping pointnot lower than +77°С
Penetration at +25°C with stirring (60 double strokes)not less than 250 mm/10
Colloidal stability, % of released oilno more than 5
Mass fraction of waterno more than 3%
Shear strength at +50°Cnot less than 100 Pa (1.0 gf/cm²)
Viscosity at 0°C at an average strain rate gradient of 10 1/sno more than 100 Pa•s
Tensile strength at +20°С, kg/cm²
for compression270…600
Electrical resistance5030 ohm•cm
Temperature, °C
maximum permissible operating540
average permissible operational425
Lubricant oxidation productsCO, CO2
NLGI class2
Designation according to GOST 23258Ska 2/7-g2

When working with lubricant, you must remember and follow the rules below for the safe use of graphite lubricant.

When working with lubricant, observe the following safety and fire safety rules:

  • Graphite grease is explosion-proof, its flash point is +210°C.
  • If a spill occurs on the surface, the lubricant should be collected in a container, the spill area should be wiped dry with a rag, which should then be placed in a separate, preferably metal, box.
  • In the event of a fire, the main fire extinguishing agents are used: finely sprayed water, chemical, air-chemical foam, high-expansion foam and appropriate powder compositions.

The guaranteed shelf life of the lubricant is five years from the date of manufacture.


The most widely used grease is the one whose properties are specified by GOST 3333-80. Includes:

  • graphite, which protects the surface of components even after the oil film loses its properties;
  • calcium soap, which prevents rinsing;
  • petroleum mineral oil (base).

To improve performance properties, various substances are added (in particular, lithium soap instead of calcium soap, molybdenum disulfide, copper). To improve adhesion to metal components, polarized graphite is often used. In addition to soap, hydrocarbon, inorganic and organic thickeners are also used in production.

Application area

The scope of application of graphite lubricant is very wide. In production it is lubricated with:

  • special equipment springs;
  • low-speed bearings;
  • open and closed shafts;
  • various gears;
  • shut-off valves;
  • suspensions in large-sized mechanisms, special equipment;
  • drilling rig supports.

Now we will briefly list the components and mechanisms of the car that can be lubricated with this composition (taking into account some features):

  • steering joints;
  • steering rack (in particular, the rack body is disassembled and the working gear is lubricated);
  • elements of the steering mechanism (with the exception of those where transmission oils are used as lubricant);
  • ball joints;
  • anti-squeak washers in springs;
  • anthers of steering tips and rods;
  • support bearings;
  • steering knuckle bearings (for prevention, grease is also packed into a protective cap);
  • cable drive of the parking brake;
  • car springs;
  • on rear-wheel drive vehicles it can be used for driveshaft crosspieces.

Graphite lubricant can also be used as a prophylactic agent. In particular, it can be used to lubricate threaded connections, ordinary and car locks in summer and especially in winter .

Many car enthusiasts are also interested in the question of whether it is possible to lubricate CV joints (constant velocity joints) with graphite. There is no clear answer in this case. If we are talking about cheap domestic lubricant, then you should not risk it, it can ruin the internal mechanism of the hinge. If you use imported expensive lubricant (for example, Molykote BR2 plus, Molykote Longterm 2 plus, Castrol LMX and other materials containing graphite), then you can try. However, remember that there are special lubricants for CV joints.

CV joint lubrication

Timely lubrication of the CV joint reduces its wear and extends its service life. Each type of hinge requires its own type of lubricant. Find out which one needs to be smeared and which is better from reviews and a review of characteristics. More details

Do not forget that graphite lubricant is intended for use in low-speed mechanisms and where greater precision is not required.

It is worth dwelling separately on the question of whether it is possible to lubricate battery terminals with graphite grease. Yes, its composition conducts electricity, but there is a risk of overheating due to the fact that it has a high resistivity. Therefore, it is possible to use “graphite” to lubricate the terminals, but it is not advisable . The lubricant will prevent the surface from corroding. Therefore, it is better to use other means to lubricate the battery terminals.

How to lubricate battery terminals

Lubricants for battery terminals can range from traditional “old-fashioned” ways to protect battery terminals from oxidation, to modern ones, with impurities that improve electrical conductivity. More details

How to remove graphite grease

Using lubricant without care can easily stain your clothes. And it will no longer be easy to remove it, because it is not only grease, but also graphite, which is difficult to wipe off. Therefore, a very interesting question arises: what can you use to wash or wipe off graphite grease. There are many different debates and opinions on this matter on the Internet. We offer your opinion several remedies that should help with this (the fact is that in each individual case different remedies can help, it all depends on the degree of contamination, type of fabric, duration of contamination, additional impurities, and so on). So, they will help you:


  • gasoline (preferably 98, or pure aviation kerosene);
  • grease remover (for example, Antipyatin);
  • "Sarma gel" for dishes;
  • contactless shampoo for car washing (spray the aerosol onto dirt, then try to gently wipe off);
  • hot soapy solution (if the contamination is not severe, you can soak the clothes for a while in a solution of laundry soap, and then scrub them by hand);
  • “Vanish” (similarly, you need to pre-soak the clothes and let them stand for several hours; you can wash them by hand or in a washing machine).

Some car owners recommend washing clothes in a washing machine at maximum temperature. Remember that this is not acceptable for some types of fabrics! They may lose their structure and the clothing cannot be restored. Therefore, read what is indicated on the corresponding label on the clothing, in particular, at what temperature the product can be washed.

Application in the automotive industry

Every garage has this universal lubricant; it is simple, affordable, and can be purchased at almost any parts store.

The use of graphite lubricant in automobiles, in addition to guide calipers and bearings, is very extensive. This includes lubrication:

  • steering tips and ball joints;
  • car parking brake cables;
  • protection of electrical connections from corrosion;
  • springs in anti-squeak washers;
  • sliding supports;
  • caliper guides;
  • between the flanges of the hubs and brake drums;
  • in low-speed bearings;
  • special equipment suspension;
  • in open gears;
  • prevent wear of exhaust system elements.

For the assembly and repair of automotive mechanisms, it has proven itself on the positive side. Compared to lithium, it has better anti-corrosion properties.

Professionals recommend lubricating the guides with graphite grease, not lithol. This makes it cheaper, the mechanism works better, and it remains in place even after a long period of use. This lubricant for calipers allows you to subsequently disassemble the part without much effort; there will be no rust on the surface.

For servicing domestic machines with old parts and difficult-to-disassemble mechanisms, graphite lubricant is simply irreplaceable. As users of the domestic auto industry say: “When assembling, I coat each bolt with graphite, and I know that there will be no difficulties with removal.” This statement is also suitable for assembling any car.

How to make graphite grease with your own hands

DIY graphite lubricant

Due to the popularity of graphite lubricant among auto repairmen, as well as the simplicity of its composition, there are several traditional methods by which you can make this lubricant at home.

You need to take graphite powder, solid oil and machine oil. Their ratio may be different. The basis is liquid oil, to which grease is added, and then graphite (you can use ground pencil lead or worn brushes of an electric motor or current collector). Next, this mass must be stirred until a consistency similar to sour cream is obtained. Instead of machine oil, you can use transmission oil.

However, it is necessary to understand that homemade mixtures will not meet the stated GOST, therefore such lubricants will not meet its standards. In addition, the shelf life of homemade graphite lubricants will be significantly lower than the factory one.

Video “Lubricating pads procedure”

We invite you to see how the process of lubricating brake pads occurs during replacement.

The original purpose of graphite lubricant was to lubricate components and mechanisms of low-speed vehicles. Since new types of equipment are constantly appearing, not only vehicles, graphite lubricant has begun to be widely used.

  1. What is graphite grease?
  2. Advantages and disadvantages.
  3. Graphite lubricant base.
  4. Where is graphite grease used?
  5. Household use.
  6. For automotive use.
  7. Does graphite grease conduct current or not?
  8. Manufacturers.
  9. Video.

Copper-graphite grease

As mentioned above, an improved version of the classic graphite grease is copper-graphite grease. From the name it is clear that copper powder has been added to its composition, which significantly improves its performance properties. Features of the composition of copper-graphite lubricant include:

Copper-graphite grease

  • ability to work at high temperatures (in this case it is impossible to indicate a clear range, since there are different compositions on the market with different properties, some of them are able to work at temperatures of about +1000°C and above, read the details in the description of the product);
  • ability to withstand high mechanical loads (similar to the previous point);
  • increased level of adhesion and stickiness;
  • complete elimination of corrosion formations on protected surfaces;
  • resistance to oil and moisture;
  • The lubricant does not contain lead, nickel and sulfur.

Thus, copper-graphite lubricant perfectly protects working surfaces even under extreme operating conditions. Often, threaded connections are treated with this product before connecting them. This makes it possible to unscrew the connection in the future without any problems.

Popular manufacturers

Finally, let’s briefly look at some domestic manufacturers producing graphite lubricant. It’s worth saying right away that their products are largely similar to each other, so it doesn’t really matter what brand of lubricant you buy. Domestic graphite lubricant meets GOST 3333-80, so all products will be approximately the same.

According to old Soviet standards, graphite lubricant had the designation “USsA”.

So, in the post-Soviet space the production of graphite lubricant is carried out by:

  • LLC "Colloidal-graphite preparations". This company produces graphite lubricants for production. Provides wholesale deliveries.
  • Oil Right. As of the end of 2022, a tube weighing 100 grams costs 40 rubles. The product catalog number is 6047.
  • TPK "RadioTechPayka". A jar of 25 grams costs 30 rubles, a tube weighing 100 grams costs 70 rubles, and a jar weighing 800 grams costs 280 rubles.

As for foreign manufacturers, their products have a more advanced composition. As a rule, in addition to graphite, the products contain modern additives and elements that improve their performance. In this case, their description does not make sense, firstly, because the choice must be made based on the goal facing the consumer, and secondly, the number of lubricants and manufacturers is simply enormous!

Instead of a conclusion

Graphite lubricant is a cheap and effective means for protecting working surfaces from corrosion, increasing the performance characteristics of working pairs, as well as increasing their working life. However, when using it, remember that the lubricant cannot be used in high-speed mechanisms and where high precision is required from the working surfaces. So use it in the areas mentioned above and, given its low price, it will serve you well in protecting your vehicle's parts.

Graphite lubricant. Properties

The performance characteristics of traditional graphite lubricants meet the operating conditions of equipment and machinery produced in Russia. Compared to conventional lubricants, graphite lubricants have the following advantages:

  • High anti-friction characteristics
  • Increased load-bearing capacity
  • Provides smoother running of mechanisms
  • Improves lapping of metal parts
  • Conduct electricity
  • Moisture resistance

However, graphite lubricants are not without disadvantages:

  • Low melting point of calcium thickener reduces upper operating temperature limit
  • Due to the coarsely refined, coarsely ground graphite, the field of application is limited to open components with poor surface quality

Using conventional graphite lubricant without taking into account the limitations described above will inevitably increase wear and significantly reduce equipment life.
Therefore, there was a need to improve the properties of materials. Today, a large number of high-tech graphite lubricants are produced, suitable for the operating conditions of various equipment. One of the discoveries of engineers is the synergistic interaction between graphite and molybdenum disulfide (MoS2). It is based on replacing the weaknesses of one substance with the strengths of another. Thus, graphite performs poorly in a dry environment and unsatisfactorily in inert gases. Molybdenum disulfide, in turn, shows weak properties in a humid environment.

When combining graphite powders and molybdenum disulfide, a mixture is obtained that significantly exceeds the characteristics of each of these materials separately.

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