Engine oil conversion calculator from liters to kg

The mass of machine (engine or transmission) oil depends on the group chemical composition. Its weight is determined by the density of the substance located in a unit volume (kg/m3). The density of the oil is determined with a pycnometer at +20 °C since it directly depends on the temperature - the higher it is, the lower the density of the oil product.

To convert liters (l.) of motor oil into kilograms (kg) or vice versa, you need to focus on the density value, which can be seen in the table (average value) or the characteristics provided by the lubricant manufacturer (exact data). If the temperature of the oil product differs from that provided, then a correction factor is used.

How much does 1 liter of motor oil weigh?

The ratio of mass to volume of oil is determined by its density. But, this parameter, like viscosity, will greatly depend on temperature, so in order to accurately convert liters of engine oil to kilograms, it is necessary to carry out measurements at room temperature. However, it is also worth taking into account the fact that the density will change depending on the quantity and quality of additives, and if it is necessary to convert l/ton of used oil to kg, then the density parameters will also change due to impurities of wear products and carbon deposits (increases by 4 - 6 %).

To determine the weight of 1 liter of oil, the density formula is used: ρ = m / V, where p is the density (kg/m³); m – mass (kilogram); V – volume (m³).

1 liter of engine oil will average 0.850... 0.910 g, depending on its density.

Motor oil density table

The density index of motor lubricant varies in the range of 0.84 - 0.91 kg/l depending on the SAE classification and kinematic viscosity (cSt), and besides, it is very unstable and drops with increasing temperature.

Density of synthetic oils from most manufacturers depending on viscosity
SAE engine oil classDensity, kg/l
at 20 ⁰Сat 100 ⁰Сat 120 ⁰С

The density of semi-synthetic motor oil is 3 - 7% higher than that of pure synthetics.

Please note that the higher the temperature of the oil, the lighter it is in the same volume ! This means that to convert engine oil from liters to kg or from kilograms to liters, take into account the temperature and use the correction if it differs from the reference value of 20 degrees Celsius.

If the temperature of the oil product is above +20⁰С, then the correction value must be subtracted, and if lower, then it must be added to the density indicated in the characteristics. A correction factor is applied to each degree of temperature difference.

The correction factor, when changing by one degree from the laboratory value, of a single oil with a known density, will differ and vary from 0.000867 with a density of 0.739 kg/l to 0.00062 with a density of 0.915 kg/l.

Density correction factors

Table of correction factors for density when changing oil temperature
Density kg/l at 20⁰СTemperature correction by 1⁰СDensity kg/l at 20⁰СTemperature correction by 1⁰С

How to convert motor oil to kilograms and liters?

To accurately determine the weight of one liter of oil, or vice versa, to convert kg to liters, you need to know the passport data of the density of the product being tested. When converting units of measurement, the formulas are used: m = p * V and V = m / p.

So on average: 1 kg of oil is equal to 1.09 liters; A 4-liter canister will weigh 3.5 kg, and if you convert from liters how much a 200-liter barrel weighs, you get 180 kilograms.

Oil conversion table from liters to kg

Conversion of volume and weight of motor oils
SAE ViscosityKilogram in 1 liraLiters per 1 kg

The denser the oil, the less dependent the weight and volume on temperature conditions.

How many liters are in 1 cubic meter of diesel fuel?

A cubic meter is a unit of volume. It does not depend on the brand of diesel fuel or liquid temperature. There are always 1000 liters in 1 m3.

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Why use oil conversion in kg?

Our online calculator for converting kg of oil to liters will make it possible to find out the weight of one liter or more of motor oil, and will also allow you to recalculate the weight in kilograms or tons of any other type of oil, fuel and other fuels and lubricants. Or, on the contrary, understand how many liters of raw materials should be at a certain weight.

Such a transformation may be needed not only for reporting in organizations involved in fuel and lubricants or transport companies, but also for ordinary car owners. How?

As an additional indicator of the need for an oil change. After all, the weight of one liter will change by 4 - 7% during wear and tear over 1-2 years. And if you focus on the average density, then by weighing still fresh oil you can determine its quality. Low-quality motor oil may contain harmful additives, due to which it will have increased density and, accordingly, more weight. Or vice versa, due to an insufficient amount of additives for a particular type of oil, the mass will be less than it should be according to the characteristics specified by the manufacturer.

The technical documentation of a high-quality lubricant contains stated characteristics, including not only viscosity, temperature, base number and ash content, but also density at 20°C (kg/l or kg/m3)!

And also, knowing the fact that the volume of oil increases when heated, some suppliers, when filling cans on the packaging line, heat the lubricant and pour it according to the volume, rather than weighing it. As a result, the canister of oil on the counter will stand compressed and several grams lighter, because, in fact, it will not be topped up. An individual buyer will not notice a shortage of a few milliliters, but on the overall scale of production, the difference is significant. Therefore, by weighing such oil and using a conversion calculator, it will be possible to identify such a deficiency.

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One jill is five fluid ounces in the British Imperial system or four in the American system. One American jill is equal to a quarter of a pint or half a cup. Irish pubs serve strong drinks in portions of a quarter jill, or 35.5 milliliters. In Scotland, servings are smaller - one-fifth of a jill, or 28.4 milliliters. In England, until recently, portions were even smaller, just one-sixth of a jill or 23.7 milliliters.

In the past, this measure was used in pharmacy and was equal to one teaspoon. Later, the standard volume of a teaspoon changed, and one spoon became equal to 1 and 1/3 drachms. Liquids in cooking recipes are usually measured by volume. It is the latter volume that is now used in the American measurement system. In the UK it is common to use 5.9 millilitres, but some diet guides and cookbooks use 5 millilitres.

How to use a calculator for converting motor oils from liters to kg?

By default, you can find out how much 1 liter of oil weighs in kg, and to make your own conversion of oil into kg or liters you need to fill in the fields with the necessary data or select the average value if conversion of units of measurement of the amount of engine oil is necessary.

  1. Enter the volume in liters or weight in kg/tons (you can independently set the required unit of measurement);
  2. Select viscosity by clicking on it if the engine oil will be transferred (the average density value will be used, which will be displayed in the “density field at +20°C”) or enter your oil density value if you know it (you can select kg/ l or leave kg/m3, depending on which units are indicated), which should be in accordance with the reference data of the characteristics;
  3. If the temperature of the oil (or other fuel liquid) differs from the nominal laboratory value, then in the “temperature correction” field, enter (or use the up and down arrows) your difference value (how many degrees more or less);
  4. Mark for which (fresh or used) oil the recalculation should be made. By default, the calculator makes the conversion in kg or l, focusing on new motor oil without running in the engine, however, during operation, its indicators change and in the case of used oil, an amendment must be taken into account . If you need to convert from liters to kilograms (and the reverse conversion) of another type of lubricant or fuel, then leave the checkbox by default.

After all these settings, you will immediately see how many kilograms a certain number of liters of oil or other fuel and lubricant weigh.


  • How much does a liter of oil weigh?

    1 liter of synthetic motor oil with a viscosity of 5w30, the density of which is 863 kg/m³, is 0.86 kg

    If the density indicator, due to the available additives, is higher, for example, 910-940 kg/m³, then a liter canister of engine oil will weigh more, up to 940 grams
    . The average weight of 1 liter of vegetable oil at room temperature is 925 g, and will vary depending on the crop from which it was pressed.

    When weighing, it is worth remembering that depending on the ambient temperature, the density of the oil may change, so to more accurately calculate how much 1 liter of oil weighs

    , whether motor, sunflower or vegetable, take into account the correction factor.
    Every +10 degrees
    Celsius, from the nominal value at which density is measured in laboratory conditions (+20°C), will make
    each kilogram of oil 10 grams lighter

  • How much does a liter of 5w40 motor oil weigh?

    A liter of 5w40 engine oil whose density is in the range of 867…872 kg/m3 weighs 870 grams. However, this is an average figure, since there are 5W-40 synthetic oils that weigh 910 grams. The final weighing result will depend on the density of the individual brand of oil. The weight of such motor oil in packaging is usually 955 g.

  • How much does 5 liters of oil weigh?

    The average weight of oil in a canister is 5 liters. It weighs 4.55 kg. You can find out exactly how much 5 liters of oil weighs only by knowing the specific gravity (density) of the liquid you are interested in. For example, motor oil with a density of 910 kg/m³ weighs exactly 4 kg 550 grams without taking into account the weight of the canister itself. Sunflower oil will be heavier - 4.65 kg because it has a density of 0.930 kg/l.

  • How much does 200 liters of oil weigh?

    A two hundred liter barrel of machine oil with a viscosity of 0W40 with an average density of 852 kg/m³ will weigh 170 kg

    excluding the weight of the container itself.
    On average, the net weight of both motor oil and sunflower oil, with a density of 930 kg/m³ at normal atmospheric pressure (760 mm Hg) is 186 kilograms

  • How much does a 208 liter barrel of oil weigh?

    A 208 liter small drum is equal to 55 US gallons. Most motor oils for diesel engines are supplied at 208 liters. How much a 208 liter iron barrel of oil weighs will depend on its viscosity, or rather the density it has. So, the weight of oil of this volume will be from 180 if it is synthetic and up to 190 kilograms

    semi-synthetic 15W40 or transmission 75W-90. The weight of one empty metal barrel of this type is from 18 to 25 kg, so in the characteristics of the oil it is often written that a barrel of oil of 208 liters weighs 208 kilograms, meaning the total weight, and not the net weight.

Diesel fuel density standards kg/l

The density of diesel fuel refers to its mass, which fits in one cubic meter.
It is regulated by GOST 305-82 and GOST R 52368-2005. Oil refineries produce diesel fuel, which is certified by the relevant authorities for all characteristics. If the density does not correspond to the indicator prescribed in the state standard, diesel fuel does not receive a quality certificate and is not allowed on the market for sale.

The density of diesel fuel, depending on the brand, is established by the standards as follows:

  • winter – 860 kg/m3;
  • summer - 840 kg/m3;
  • Arctic – 830kg/m3.

The increased density of diesel fuel indicates the presence of heavy fractions in its composition, which significantly complicate the operation of the internal combustion engine. As a result of using fuel with increased density, carbon deposits form on the walls of the combustion chamber.

The density of diesel fuel also indicates the amount of energy released as a result of its combustion. Denser fuel releases more energy, which increases the efficiency of the power unit. Due to its higher density, summer diesel fuel is more economical than winter diesel fuel, which has a relatively low density.

To calculate the volume of diesel fuel in liters, you need to divide its mass by its density. In 1 ton of winter fuel there will be 1163 liters of diesel fuel, in a ton of summer fuel - 1190. The volume of diesel fuel is constantly changing and depends on certain factors.

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  • Delivery of diesel fuel to Yekaterinburg.
  • Delivery of diesel fuel to Tyumen.
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  • Delivery of diesel fuel to Novy Urengoy.
  • Delivery of diesel fuel to Surgut.
  • Delivery of diesel fuel to Kurgan.
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