Best answer: What tire pressure should be on a VAZ 2109?

The tire pressure of your car should be checked at least once a week. Modern tubeless tires are very sensitive to pressure, so reducing or increasing it in a tire by just 15-20% can increase its wear by up to 30% and negatively affect driving safety. Potholes, speed bumps, curbs - driving over them causes your tire pressure to drop.

We will tell you what pressure should be in a car's tires in winter and summer, and how changing it affects the car's behavior on the road and tire tread wear.

Below in the text you will find tables of tire pressures for cars by brand and wheel size, which present the most popular car models in Russia.

And it will be much easier for you to understand all kinds of symbols on wheels if you have at hand a decoding of the tire markings (indices of design, speed, tire load, etc.).

What pressure should be in VAZ tires

VAZ cars can be considered one of the most famous brands in the post-Soviet space. Today you can find both old VAZ-2106 and 2107 models. Samara 2109 and 21099 are quite common. Fans of the domestic automobile industry today purchase more modern models: VAZ 2110, 2112, 2114 and 2115 . This suggests that even with the appearance on the market of a large number of affordable foreign cars, cars from the Volzhsky plant have not ceased to be in demand among car enthusiasts.

It is important to always know the tire pressure of your car

In order for the service life of the car to be long enough, it is necessary to strictly adhere to all conditions of proper operation. Among the various factors that determine the proper use of a car, tire pressure is very important and significant.

Car tire pressure, how important is it?

The manufacturer always gives recommendations regarding the tire pressure of the car. There is a special table where, depending on the model and type of tire, it is indicated what the value should be for different types of cars.

However, we should not forget that it also depends on load distribution, ambient temperature and other factors.

Control measurement of tire pressure on a VAZ 2106 car

With overinflated wheels we observe the following:

When the wheels are underinflated, the following phenomena are observed:

In both the first and second cases, tread wear increases. In the first case, the middle of the tread deteriorates, in the second, the sidewalls.

What happens if tire pressure is not maintained?

Most cars with front-wheel drive (both domestic and foreign production) can be equipped with rims with a radius of R13 - R16. However, the basic package almost always includes wheels of sizes R13 and R14. The optimal pressure in a car's tires is selected according to its weight when fully loaded. In this case, the climatic and road conditions in which the vehicle is operated must be taken into account.

If the wheels are not inflated correctly

  • Driving the car will become difficult; you will have to exert more effort to turn the steering wheel;
  • tread wear will increase;
  • fuel consumption will increase while driving on flat tires;
  • the car will skid more often, which is especially dangerous when driving in icy conditions or on a wet road;
  • there will be a decrease in the dynamic power of the vehicle due to a constant increase in the force of resistance to movement.

If the wheels are overinflated

  • The wear of chassis parts increases. At the same time, while driving, you can feel all the bumps and holes on the road. Comfort when driving disappears;
  • Since the tire pressure of the car becomes excessive, as a result, the contact area of ​​the tire tread with the road surface decreases. Because of this, the braking distance significantly increases and the safety of vehicle operation decreases;
  • the tread wears out faster, significantly reducing the service life of car tires;
  • Excessive pressure in tires upon contact with an obstacle at high speed can cause the formation of a hernia, or even rupture of the rubber. This situation is extremely dangerous and can lead to tragic consequences.

Most owners of transport equipment with R13 and R14 wheels (the most common radius sizes) are interested in: what should be the optimal pressure in the car tires? According to the manufacturer's recommendation, tires of the thirteenth radius must be inflated to 1.9 kgf/cm 2, and wheels of size R14 - to 2.0 kgf/cm 2. These parameters apply to both front and rear wheels.

Dependence of tire pressure on climatic and road conditions

In principle, it is necessary to maintain the same tire inflation in both summer and winter. However, it is recommended to slightly underinflate the tires in winter. This is necessary for:

  1. Increasing vehicle stability on slippery roads. Driving a vehicle becomes more convenient and comfortable with slightly flat tires in winter.
  2. Road safety is improved because the vehicle's braking distance is significantly reduced.
  3. Lowered tires in winter soften the suspension, making the poor condition of the road surface less noticeable. Increases comfort when moving.

You also need to know that with a sharp change in temperature (for example, after the car has left a warm box in the cold), due to certain physical properties, the pressure in the tires decreases.

Therefore, before leaving the garage in winter, it is necessary to check the tire pressure and, if necessary, inflate them. Do not forget about constant monitoring of pressure, especially when the temperature changes and in the off-season.

The recommended pressure in R13 tires with the onset of summer is 1.9 atm, this value is calculated taking into account the fact that the car will be half loaded (driver and one or two passengers). When the vehicle is fully loaded, the pressure of the front wheel pair must be increased to 2.0-2.1 atm, and the rear wheel pair - to 2.3-2.4 atm. The spare tire should be inflated to 2.3 atm.

Unfortunately, the road surface is by no means ideal, so most motorists specifically prefer not to inflate their tires a little. Because thanks to this, all the unevenness and imperfections of the road are not so felt when driving. Often in summer the tire pressure is reduced by 5-10%, and with the onset of winter this figure increases slightly and amounts to 10-15%. When driving on roads with smooth surfaces, it is best to maintain the tire pressure recommended by the manufacturer.

Taking into account all factors, a tire pressure table is constructed.

Disc size and radiusTire pressure, kgf/cm2
175/70 R131,9
175/65 R131,9
175/65 R142,0
185/60 R142,0

What should be the optimal pressure for larger wheels?

Despite the fact that most domestic and foreign cars have wheels with a maximum radius of R14, most owners, in order to improve the appearance of their vehicle and improve some of its characteristics, install wheels of a larger radius (R15 and R16). Therefore, it is necessary to know what the optimal pressure should be for tires of this size?

Check your car tire pressure regularly

Owners of VAZ cars, like any other brands, are recommended to regularly check the level of tire inflation - at least once a month. Practice shows that over the course of a month the pressure decreases by 0.4 atmospheres. In this case, it is necessary to pump up the wheels.

To measure, you don’t have to constantly go to a service station - you can do it yourself using a pressure gauge. We do it this way:

Since temperature can significantly affect the readings, it is necessary to take them before leaving the garage on “cold” tires. Remember that regular monitoring is the key to your safety and long vehicle life.

Is it worth it or not to inflate your tires with nitrogen?

Recently, almost all tire stations have introduced the expensive service of filling tires with nitrogen. Its popularity is due to a number of the following opinions:

  1. Thanks to nitrogen, the pressure in the tires remains unchanged when they heat up.
  2. The service life of rubber increases (it practically does not “age”, since nitrogen is much cleaner than air).
  3. Steel wheel rims are not subject to corrosion.
  4. The possibility of tire rupture is completely eliminated, since nitrogen is a non-flammable gas.

However, these statements are nothing more than another advertising ploy by marketers. After all, the nitrogen content in the air is about 80%, and it is unlikely that anything can change for the better if the nitrogen content inside the tires increases by 10-15%.

In this case, you should not spend extra money and inflate the wheels with expensive nitrogen, since there will be no additional benefit, as well as harm, from this procedure.

Many novice car enthusiasts, after purchasing a vehicle, often have a question: what should be the pressure in tires with a radius of R15? Lack of proper experience and professional knowledge in operating a car very often becomes the reason for the owner’s elementary forgetfulness to check the pressure in the car’s tires.

As a rule, this is considered a serious error and directly affects the controllability of the vehicle, which can lead to a serious emergency situation on the road and dire consequences. But let's talk about everything in order.


Front-wheel drive cars of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant, such as the VAZ 2110, VAZ 2114 and VAZ 2115, can be equipped with wheels with a radius of R13, R14, R15 and R16, but the standard cars are equipped only with rims and tires of the 13th and 14th radius. The optimal tire pressure depends primarily on the load and weight of the vehicle; much also depends on road conditions and ambient temperature.

If the wheels are poorly inflated, then:

If the wheels are inflated more than normal, then this is also not very good:

Below are three pictures that show how the rubber tread adheres to the road at optimal, low and excess pressure.

Many car owners are wondering what pressure should be in R14 tires on VAZ models. According to technical conditions, the wheels on a VAZ 2114 (2115) car are inflated to 1.9 kgf/cm² (R13), on VAZ 2110-2112 cars it is recommended 2.0 kgf/cm² (R14). Moreover, it makes no difference what axle the wheels are on - front or rear.

Pressure standards in the slopes of a VAZ 2110 car: table

The data presented is optimal for R13 and R14 . The parameters differ when using tires in summer, winter and when driving on good or bad roads. Tire marking information is presented in the table.

DimensionsSummer pressure in atmUnder loadin winterOn a good roadOn a bad road

When operating a car for a comfortable and safe ride, it is better to adhere to these standards.

Specialization : Graduated from the State Automobile University, worked for 20 years at GAZ-56, now I drive a Zhiguli.



The pressure in VAZ tires in summer should, in principle, be the same as in winter. But in practice in winter it is made a little lower for a number of reasons:

It is necessary to take into account the fact that after a temperature change (after leaving a warm garage on a frosty street), the pressure in the R14 tires will become less due to physical factors. Therefore, you should check it before you hit the road and, if necessary, pump up the tires. Also, when it gets warmer after winter, pressure measurements should be taken.

The pressure in R13 tires in summer is usually maintained at 1.9 atm, but this level is designed for an average vehicle load (two or three people in the cabin). If the car is fully loaded, then the pressure should be increased on the front axle to 2.0-2.1 atm., on the rear axle to 2.3-2.4 atm. The spare wheel is inflated to 2.3 atm.

Russian roads are not of good quality, and therefore many car owners deliberately lower the tire pressure somewhat so that all the unevenness of the road surface is not so noticeably felt when driving. Typically, in summer the wheels are lowered by 5-10%, and in winter by 10-15% of the norm. On flat roads you can stick to the factory standard.

Tire pressure R14 VAZ 2110 in summer and winter

P14 tires are no exception. There is a standard amount of inflation in the summer for the front and rear. The value is 2.0-2.2 atm.

When driving on the highway, stick to maximum inflation - 2.2. The car moves with the necessary dynamics with an acceptable coasting. The mode corresponds to optimal fuel consumption. When driving on dirt or sand, the wheels are lowered to 2 a class=”aligncenter” width=”610″ height=”433″[/img]

In winter, it is necessary to reduce tire inflation by 0.1 atmospheres.


From the factory, the installation of wheels with diameters R15 and R16 is not provided, but some car enthusiasts, in pursuit of fashion and improved technical characteristics, install them on their VAZs. And accordingly, you need to know what the pressure should be in the R15 tires, and what the pressure should be in the R16 tires. It all depends on the workload of the VAZ model. With an average vehicle load, the wheels are inflated to 2 kgf/cm²; on a loaded car, it is better to inflate them to 2.2 kgf/cm². And if there is a lot of heavy luggage in the trunk, then the rear tires are pumped up by another 0.2 kgf/cm². It turns out that the pressure in R14 tires is approximately the same as the pressure in R15 and R16 tires (for VAZ 2110-2115 models).

Optimal tire inflation for various situations

In this section we will talk about what pressure should be in the tires of a VAZ 2114 passenger car with a 14 radius in the summer and why. This information applies to wheels of other sizes, taking into account that the larger the rim diameter, the more the tire needs to be inflated. Increasing the size by 1 inch (instead of R13, put R140), increases the requirement for air compression inside the tire by 0.1–0.2 atm.

In summer on a dry asphalt road

To drive on a dry asphalt road and air temperature above +10 degrees and a standard load (5 people, each weighing 70 kg and 50 kg of cargo), the tires of a VAZ 2114 13 radius passenger car in summer should have a pressure of 2–2.2 atm in the front and 2 ,2–2.4 atm at the rear.


How to measure the tire pressure of VAZ cars? The measurement can be made using a special dial pressure gauge, but it should be noted that they may have an error of 0.2 atm. The pressure gauge can be either a separate device or as part of a wheel inflation pump.

We measure the pressure very simply:

It is recommended to take measurements at least once a month if the machine is used regularly. It is recommended to check tire inflation before leaving the garage after a long stay.

Pressure may increase when tires heat up. This often happens if the driver prefers a dynamic driving style with frequent and sharp braking. Therefore, measurements are taken on the car before the trip, when the wheels have not yet warmed up.

Table of tire pressures for different models of domestic cars by make and wheel size

The unit of measurement can be determined only after studying the basic designation. For example, BAR is a popular option for reflecting an indicator. This designation refers to the technical atmosphere. Using a special tool, the indicator is measured in bars.

There are other factors that influence the parameter when measuring pressure in overinflated or uninflated tires.

These important factors include the following:

  • wheel diameter;
  • car brand;
  • type of rubber used;
  • road surface;
  • driving style.

What instruments are used to measure this indicator?

This accessory is divided into three categories:

  • pointer (works with a special spring);
  • mechanical (based on a cylindrical spring);
  • electronic is considered a more modern device on which a liquid crystal screen is installed.

The most popular is the first dial pressure gauge.

The main advantage of this development is reliability. In addition, every car owner can afford such a device due to its low cost.

Experts also highlight a shortcoming of the device. There is a possibility that it will immediately fail in the event of mechanical damage. Usually the spring breaks quite quickly, especially with a sharp impact. The second type of device is more effective - a mechanical pressure gauge. It is made in the form of a special “handle”.

Many car enthusiasts, despite the manufacturer’s recommendations, are interested in what the tire pressure should be. This is important to know for the safety of tires and road safety. Improper operation of the vehicle will lead to wear and damage to the tires. If the tire pressure is within normal limits, then a comfortable/safe ride is ensured. In addition, other positive qualities should be taken into account:

  • the car is easy to drive;
  • fuel is consumed in a minimum amount;
  • tires wear out only after a few years.

To make it easier to determine the norm, a table of car tire pressures will be presented below.

Speed ​​indices T - up to 190 km/h, H - up to 210 km/h.

Load capacity indices: 82-475 kg.

Rim offset (ET) is the distance from the mating plane of the disc to the middle of the rim.

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