The automatic transmission stalled while driving and does not start: causes and measures

If a car with an automatic transmission stalls, it means the engine stops turning the gearbox shaft. The oil pump, which creates pressure in the unit, is turned off. The box automatically switches to neutral mode. Causes:

  • low quality fuel is filled;
  • the mass air flow regulator has failed;
  • breakdown of the crankshaft position sensor;
  • The vacuum brake booster does not work;
  • The throttle valve is clogged.

Look at the fuel level sensor in the tank, in case you simply forgot to refuel in the bustle.

When reverse gear is activated

Check the oil level - it may be too high. Inspect the gearbox switch set for reverse speed. It may fail.

I started moving in reverse and the car stalled.

Due to increased pressure, the torque converter may become blocked. The reason is increased oil supply. Start downhill in the neutral position, and then switch to reverse. You will feel whether the torque converter is blocked or not.

Automatic transmission stalls when put into drive

First change the oil in the box. Sometimes the dirt present is the main reason. Or there is a problem with the wear of the solenoids. This requires automatic transmission repair. The second reason is an electronic malfunction that requires diagnostics. Elimination is carried out based on the information received.

Cold car turns off when automatic transmission is turned on

Oil viscosity can only have an effect in very severe frosts. Modern cars take this factor into account. The reason may lie in the speed sensor reading incorrect readings. When the temperature rises, contact is restored and the element begins to perform work correctly.

If no problems are found in the electrical part, look at the mechanics. The box may need to be disassembled.

Injection engines

If a car with an injection engine stalls while driving, then there may be several problems of this kind:

  1. The oxygen enrichment system for the fuel mixture is faulty.
  2. Broken oxygen sensor.
  3. The intake manifold is malfunctioning.
  4. Fuel injectors are partially or completely dirty.
  5. The cooling system of the unit is broken.

If the owner himself is not sure of the cause of the breakdown, the same diagnostics are needed, after which repairs are already carried out.

You can describe some of the reasons in more detail, but do not forget that there can be a lot of them, and they are all different - it depends on the make of the car, the country of origin, the type of engine, etc.

The engine stalled while driving in a car with automatic transmission

If a car with an automatic starts and then turns off while driving, possible reasons:

  • clogged spark plugs;
  • interruptions in fuel supply;
  • power supply failure;
  • low or high oil level in the automatic transmission.

When turning on the speed

Often observed when driving slowly. During switching, the revs drop and the engine simply does not have time to catch them. The cause of constant failures may lie in failed solenoids.

Main reasons

  1. When changing gear, as well as at neutral speed.
  2. While pressing the gas.
  3. When the engine speed is reduced.

It is worth noting that the causes of problems for injection and carburetor engines are usually different. Another important factor is at what time the engine stalls: cold or hot.

The reasons may be the following:

  1. Poor quality gasoline. Engine malfunction may occur due to refueling with low-quality fuel. Any knowledgeable driver will ponder when and where the last gas station was filled. There are cases when, after refueling at another station or with a different brand of fuel, the car begins to stall while driving.
  2. Faulty spark plugs. If, while driving, along with a sudden stop of the engine, the car makes sudden movements in the form of jerks and starts poorly, then the reason is in the spark plugs.
  3. Fuel filter. Another cause of malfunction is a dirty fuel filter. Over time, as the fuel mixture passes through, the filter becomes clogged with waste. If there is a fault in it, it should be replaced.
  4. Why the car stalls while driving is due to a faulty fuel pump. With this malfunction, fuel cannot flow normally into the aggregate system; in this case, you simply need to replace the pump.
  5. The battery must be kept clean, the terminals must be cleaned on time, since without proper care they either oxidize or become clogged.
  6. The generator is a very serious and important part of the car. If it malfunctions, all energy consumption falls on the battery, which, without the support of a generator, can very quickly discharge, and the car will not just stall, but will stand somewhere in the middle of the road until it receives a charge.
  7. Air filter. When it becomes contaminated, a failure occurs in the timely enrichment of the fuel mixture. Very often, car owners forget to change the filter in a timely manner, which leads to malfunctions and breakdowns.
  8. Optional equipment. With a large number of installed additional parts that provide comfort to the owner, a huge amount of energy is consumed. The car begins to stall because it does not receive enough charge to operate normally.

What should you do to avoid killing the machine gun in your car?

Driving a car with an automatic transmission is easier, unlike driving a car with a manual transmission, where everything is much more complicated. Fortunately, most modern cars are equipped with an automatic transmission, and every year more and more people are purchasing cars with automatic transmission. But did you know that you need to use an automatic transmission, following certain rules, so as not to kill the box?

Yes, yes, it is much easier to kill her than the “mechanic”. If this happens, you will be shocked at the cost of repairing it. This, of course, is the main disadvantage of the “automatic”. We have already written more than once about what to do to increase the service life of an automatic transmission in a car. It's time to update our list. So, let's go. Here are 8 things you should follow to avoid breaking the automatic transmission in your car.

5) When stopping at traffic lights, do not switch to neutral

Many people believe that putting the gearbox in neutral at a traffic light will save fuel. This is partly true. But did you know that your fuel economy isn't worth upgrading to an automatic transmission anytime soon? So get rid of this habit if, for example, you are used to standing at a traffic light with a manual transmission in neutral. Remember that an automatic transmission is not a manual transmission. And here other rules apply.


So, the car stalled while driving, what to do next:

  1. Using the inertia of movement, push the car off the roadway, no matter whether it is a city road or a highway.
  2. Turn on the alarm.
  3. It is mandatory to install an emergency sign at the back of the car: there are plenty of fans of high-speed driving everywhere, there is no need to create an emergency situation.
  4. Put the car on the handbrake.

Option 2 for further developments:

  1. Do the repairs yourself.
  2. Find a way to transport the car to the service.

In order to avoid such unpleasant and unexpected moments when the car stalls while driving, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Carry out vehicle diagnostics at a service center as often as possible.
  2. Carry out preventive maintenance and inspection of the machine yourself.
  3. Monitor the condition of parts and replace them in a timely manner so that the machine does not break down in unexpected places.

You should always have a tool with you to repair minor damage, as well as a can of gasoline to avoid stopping due to its absence.

How to recognize the moment of setting?

In order not to stall when trying to start moving from a traffic light, you need to learn to recognize the moment the clutch engages. At this second, the engine begins to twitch and an experienced driver can accurately determine this condition. Having caught the moment, you need to smoothly press the gas pedal and follow the instructions described earlier. If everything is done correctly, the car will start moving without jerking or rolling back.

Studying the theory of how to brake and how to start is important and necessary. But practice is much more important - until knowledge is applied in a real situation, it is impossible to learn anything. After completing training at a driving school and obtaining a license, spend as much time as possible traveling by car. Start with simple areas with light traffic, and gradually move onto roads with heavy traffic.

3) Change the automatic transmission oil on time

When was the last time you changed the engine oil? What about an automatic transmission? While almost every car enthusiast can easily answer the question about the engine, the question about the gearbox will confuse many drivers. It is surprising that there are a huge number of people in the world who do not know that the oil in an automatic transmission needs to be changed.

And this despite the fact that, as a rule, the automaker indicates this in the car manual or in routine maintenance in the service book. So, if you don’t want to kill the “automatic” in your car, quickly run to the auto store, buy a good “transmission” for the automatic transmission (don’t forget to look at what fluids the automaker recommends filling in) and go to a service center to change the oil in the box. How often to change? Well, of course, as often as possible. If you have money, change it every 30,000-50,000 km. It's a pity for the money, there is no money - then change it every 60,000-75,000 km.

What to do if the car manufacturer indicated in the manual that the oil in the box is filled for its entire service life? You can, of course, listen to the car manufacturer and dealer, who will definitely confirm this to you, praising the indestructible box in your car. Many at this moment even begin to think that their car is ideal and perfection.

Spark plug

According to statistics, the reason for a large number of cases of stalled engines is the spark plugs: they simply do not produce a spark. The spark plugs may be dirty, have deposits on them, or there may be a malfunction when applying voltage directly to the spark plug.

In any case, if the breakdown is caused by spark plugs, the car will jerk while driving. For example, if there is dirt on the spark plug contacts, then the problem is the low quality of the fuel mixture or malfunctioning oil supply systems, or oil splashes are found on the spark plugs, which indicates that a serious breakdown has occurred in the component cylinders of the engine. For an accurate determination, a complete examination of the engine at a car service is necessary.

If you delay repairs, you can get a lot of problems, since you will have to replace the entire set of pistons.

If a red-brown coating is found on the spark plugs, then the problem is the constant use of low-quality gasoline. It is worth replacing the spark plugs with new ones, changing the gas station with higher quality gasoline. But if this does not help, then you need to look for a wiring fault.

In the case of power supply, the following malfunctions occur:

  1. When installing a new battery, the terminals are poorly secured.
  2. Breakdown of high-voltage wiring.
  3. Faulty generator.

In case of malfunction, high-voltage wires are completely replaced. To ensure good contact between the battery and the terminals, you need to clean them with sandpaper. If the malfunction is in the generator, then it may occur in the event of a broken timing belt, as well as a malfunction within the unit itself. Generator breakdowns are easier to detect, since there is a special icon on the dashboard that lights up in case of any deviations.

Video “Features of operating an automatic transmission”

Everything about operating a car with an automatic transmission is on video (author: Vladimir Grechaninov).

In general, what I expected from day to day arrived - it stalled automatically

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