Anti-theft lock on the gearbox (gearbox and automatic transmission lock)

An automatic transmission lock is a lock that protects a car from theft. Mechanically, the anti-theft issue is much easier to solve. For example, you buy a mechanical lock for the steering wheel, pedals, or a mechanical lock for a manual transmission. The first automatic transmissions were also equipped with a mechanical lock against theft. However, as history has shown, such devices were not perfect enough.

Over the past time, gearbox manufacturers have created several types of automatic transmission locks to increase the safety of car owners. Write in the comments what kind of blocker you have and do you use it?

Operating principle

As I already wrote, the blocker is a lock on the automatic transmission. Its operating principle is to block the gear selector gate. If a car thief manages to get inside the vehicle and turn on the ignition, he will not be able to move the car. Because the pin, which is inserted inside the automatic transmission, blocks the rocker and does not allow it to move to other modes.

In order for the car owner to use the car, the pin will need to be pulled out. This is not very convenient. Therefore, modern manufacturers have come up with pinless mechanisms. It is usually built inside the automatic transmission and can only be moved with the help of a key. You don't have to pull it out.

Attention! If you have a pinless mechanism installed on your automatic transmission, do not forget to lock the box when you get out of the car. Always carry the key with you to avoid loss. Otherwise, disassembling the selector and replacing the blocker will cost you a hefty sum.

There are some other automatic transmission locks. But today, automatic transmission locks are considered the most reliable. If there are hood locks, the doors can be easily removed, the car can be started and stolen. You can’t do this with an automatic transmission blocker.


The automatic transmission of the car jerks when changing gears, shocks and jerks are felt

How to install a gearbox anti-theft lock

In order to correctly install the locking system in the car, you must first of all study the included instructions. The methods will differ depending on where exactly the installation is taking place.

Features of installation of protective systems:

  1. You can install the blocker directly on the gear shift knob. This option is not as reliable as installing the pin directly in the box, but is often used due to its convenience. To install, you just need to correctly insert the protective mechanism into the handle and secure it by turning the key.
  2. Installation of the pin mechanism is quite simple - a pin is inserted into a special hole in the gearbox. It needs to be pressed all the way down. Only a small tip of a few mm remains on the surface, which is impossible to grasp.

Another protection option is to de-energize the car, which ensures that both the hood and the interior of the car are completely inaccessible to the thief. It is best to install the immobilizer at a service center, since this equipment is technically complex.


Modern lockers for automatic transmissions are also called multilocks. The name comes from Mul-T-Lock. That was the name of the company that created these anti-theft blockers for automatic transmissions. More details about these devices and how to install them on automatic transmissions here.

Such blockers are mounted on the machine itself. But they are created taking into account all the features of an automatic transmission. Therefore, they do not interfere with the driver when the vehicle is moving on the highway.

Some Mul-T-Locks on automatic transmissions are installed in such a way as to be invisible to car thieves. But in fact, it is impossible to find a key for such a lock. Because pin-in-pin technology is used. Thanks to this technology, the key produced by the plant is unique and cannot be counterfeited.

Write in the comments, have you already installed multilock on an automatic transmission? Has it saved your vehicle from car thieves?


This locking device is similar to a regular barn lock. Here we have arched brackets that surround the lever and press it against the lock, thereby preventing it from moving. The operating principle of such devices is extremely simple, but the visual component is not the most attractive.

In addition, arc blockers are immediately noticeable, and a car thief will see them through the window without entering the cabin. In addition, such a structure is easier to saw, and if the metal is thin, it can also be bitten off with industrial cutters.

After the appearance of the two previous types on the market, arc blockers are losing their popularity; even their low cost cannot save them.


However, car theft protection is not limited to pin and pinless devices and box locks. Automatic transmission blockers are divided according to purpose:

  • car alarms. These are sensors that constantly monitor what is happening to the car. If the owner is not nearby, and a thief has broken into it, the device sends a signal that the car has been broken into. Also, the car owner will always know where his car is if a car alarm is installed on the vehicle;
  • automatic transmission blockers and more. These are the devices that block the movement of the car or the penetration of a burglar to the nodes that control the car.

In turn, these blockers are divided according to their operating principle:

  • electronic. They are also called immobilizers. They immobilize the vehicle by blocking the signal to the electronic control brain to turn on the ignition and start driving;
  • mechanical. These devices, as I wrote above, block the steering wheel and automatic transmission from hacking;
  • electromechanical. These devices block the door lock and hood.


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Now let's look at each type separately.

Gearbox lock

Gearbox locks can be:

  • pin;
  • pinless;
  • individual;
  • universal.

I have already described how pin and pinless ones work. Individual ones are made for a specific brand of automatic transmission and vehicle. Usually they are created in special workshops to order. The installation location of the blocker is immediately agreed upon with the vehicle owner.

Universal ones are also not so easy to install. To buy a suitable universal automatic transmission lock, you will need to know exactly the make and model of the vehicle, as well as the year of manufacture. Keep in mind that completely different locks are installed on a classic automatic, variator and robot, since the selectors of these boxes also have a different design.

Attention! Here's my advice. If you want to install a pinless automatic transmission lock, then place it under the console. This way you will not spoil the interior of the vehicle.

For manual transmissions, chain-type locking devices are installed that block the movement of the gearshift lever.

Hood lock

There are two types of hood lock. It is automatic and mechanical. The mechanical lock consists of a cable and a lock on the hood. The cable stretches to the driver's seat in the car. The key opens and closes the system.

Automatic is controlled by an electric drive. The lock is controlled using a key fob and the security alarm system in general. This is the most reliable option. Or use a button inside the cabin near the driver. The signal is transmitted to the hood, the electromagnet locks the hood cover with the car.


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The hood lock blocks the thief's access to the internal parts of the car, for example, the power supply, headlights.

Steering wheel lock

Previously they made a steering wheel lock. But it turned out to be ineffective against car thieves. Therefore, this lock was replaced with a steering shaft lock.

Such blockers, as on an automatic transmission, are also divided into pin and pinless. The principle of operation, closing and opening the lock is the same.

A lock on the door

A door lock is the most common passive way to protect a car. It is impossible to get into a locked car, but, having some experience, burglars still learned how to open such cars.

Manufacturers have come up with a new type of double door locking. Thanks to this blocking, a burglar will not be able to open the door, since both the external and internal drives are blocked. All doors close automatically. The driver no longer needs to go to each door and lock it individually.

But still this is not the most reliable option. There is also a lock on the pedal.

Pedal lock

Instead of blocking the automatic gearbox, the gas pedal is blocked. There are also combination locks that simultaneously lock the steering wheel and gas pedal.

Such locks work effectively even with a dead battery, as they are electromechanical. They can be used on any car, regardless of the make or model of the vehicle.


Fully electronic devices differ from mechanical ones in that they protect against theft many times better. For example, if an electronic type of lock is installed to block the pedal or automatic transmission, then it will be possible to steal the car only if you bring a special chip to the reader. Chips cannot be made in artisanal conditions.


Selection and self-installation of multilock on automatic transmission

Electronic immobilizer locks block engine starting. Some of them are responsible for opening the electrical circuits of the car, others work via the CAN bus. However, they are not always reliable and almost all cars are equipped with them as standard.

Gearbox locks

Let's return to protecting the gearbox. How is it blocked, and how securely?

Mechanical locks

Such locks are installed inside the car and block the gear selector (lever).

Mechanical gearbox lock

On an automatic transmission, the selector closes tightly in the “parking” position, on a manual transmission when reverse gear is engaged. Reliable? Are there any chances to bypass such a checkpoint block?

It is not possible to move the lever without destroying the lock. Picks, drilling or forcefully turning the lock cylinder, sawing off the mechanism are easily used only on low-quality locks (they can be sold under the guise of “promotions”), or with careless installation. A good blocker is not cheap, and if installed correctly, it will withstand a long fight, which will not be to the liking of an attacker.

But what happens if you try to control gear shifting without a lever? Let him “stick out” in whatever gear he wants, and we, as the thief, will disconnect the rod (cable) connecting the selector to the gearbox. Be it in the cabin or under the hood. We put the car in first gear or “drive” and slowly move to a secluded place. This scenario is quite real.

And on cars such as Toyota Avensis and Honda Accord, installing these blockers is completely pointless.

Honda Accord and Toyota Avensis

The automatic transmission control mechanism on these cars contains many plastic parts. The average man, with moderate force, will have no problem breaking it. And no lock will help.

It turns out that only a high-quality, correctly selected and conscientiously installed gearbox lock will help to detain a robber (at least for some time).

Electromechanical interlock

More complex protection devices include electromechanical gearbox locks installed in the same place.

Selector lever locking with electromechanical lock

They are more convenient to use than simple mechanical ones. When the ignition is turned off, the selector is automatically locked in the “Parking” or “R” position (depending on the type of transmission). To open the lock, you simply need to bring the tag card that comes with the device to a specific place in the cabin (any place of the owner’s choice).

Marker map and secret place

No lock cylinders or keys, which means there is nothing to open, drill, etc. But the option of controlling the gearbox, bypassing the selector, is still possible.

New solutions

As an alternative to the usual gearbox locks, entire anti-theft systems began to appear.

Anti-theft complex GearLock

In addition to blocking the gearbox, which is not done in the cabin, but directly at the gearbox itself, these complexes also include protection of the engine compartment. They are controlled in the same way as their electromechanical counterparts, using a tag card. In terms of reliability, this is so far the most practical, although not cheap, solution on the market for such devices.

And remember, only the right combination of protective devices will help achieve the expected result!


By design, mechanical locks and electromechanical locks are similar to each other in terms of the locking mechanism. For example, to use a mechanical pin automatic transmission lock, you will need to insert the pin into the bracket, and when it is not needed, pull it out.

When using a pinless mechanism, the car owner simply turns the key in the lock, allowing the automatic transmission lever to move forward and backward.

Electronic devices are turned on and off by placing a special chip near the reader. Therefore, such blockers are usually difficult to crack, just like pinless ones. Since the design of locks is strictly individual in each device.

Criterias of choice

When purchasing a particular blocker model, you must proceed from the following criteria:

  • Possibility of installation on an existing vehicle;
  • compatibility with the installed alarm system (when choosing an electromechanical anti-theft design);
  • quality of materials used for the power section;
  • cryptographic resistance of the lock cylinder.

Experts believe that none of the types of locks used separately provides a complete guarantee against theft. A high level of protection can be achieved by combining several protection systems.

Advantages and disadvantages

Installing blockers provides the following benefits:

  • the difficulty of opening the interior or hood when using appropriate devices;
  • increasing the total time to prepare a car for theft.

Design disadvantages include:

  • low security of a car with a manual transmission (can be towed or driven in reverse);
  • weak cryptographic strength of the lock's visors;
  • difficulty of installation.

When installing the lock in a workshop, unauthorized duplication of keys is possible.

Advantages and disadvantages

Nowadays there are a lot of different anti-theft protection products sold on the markets. But, using them one at a time, you will not be able to achieve exceptional protection for your car against theft.

For example, if you only use electronic security devices, then a thief who knows where they are located can easily disarm them and steal the car. Without a car alarm, an attacker can easily get under the hood, disconnect the battery, and disable the steering wheel or pedal locks.

Attention! Use comprehensive measures to prevent vehicle theft. For example, a car alarm together with a hood lock and an automatic transmission lock.

Although the gearbox lock is effective today. However, if the car is parked in a yard or a poorly guarded parking lot, then it costs nothing for a thief to get close to the car at night, climb into it, disassemble the automatic transmission selector, and remove the lock. This is usually done by experienced mechanics who have taken a “bad road” or become involved with some gangs.


Is it possible to tow another car with an automatic transmission and a non-running engine using an automatic transmission?

Of course, no one will bother so much about a budget and cheap car. Therefore, for such vehicles, a machine blocker is quite sufficient. But owners of expensive cars should think about protecting their vehicle.

Provide expensive car brands with comprehensive protection, which includes not only car alarms, but also mechanical gas pedal locks, automatic transmissions, and locking devices. Use conversational signaling coding. This method has not yet been studied enough by attackers. Therefore, the car will be protected.

Write in the comments what methods of protecting the automatic transmission and car hood do you use? Has your car been stolen?

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of the automatic (automatic) and manual (manual) transmission lock is to limit the mobility of the structural components of the speed shift drive. A metal rod secures the selector in reverse or forward gears for a manual transmission or in the “Parking” position for an automatic transmission.

Depending on the type, cars can be locked to prevent theft:

  • transmission lever;
  • a cable that connects the selector with the gear shift mechanism at the gearbox;
  • lever transfer devices installed directly on the unit.

If you install a gearbox lock on a car, this will make it impossible to use remote start and engine warm-up systems.

Prices for devices

The cost of installing and purchasing transmission locks and other security devices varies. For example, installing a car alarm with feedback costs 5,000 rubles, without it 3,300. Installing a lock on a gearbox will cost you 4,000 rubles.

The devices themselves are also expensive. Here is a list of some devices from blockers:

  • steering shaft lock - from 7,000 rubles;
  • engine compartment lock Defend Time – from RUR 32,000;
  • Block lock – RUB 9,500;
  • automatic transmission lock “Dragon” (pin or pinless) – RUR 8,500.

Of course, it is easier for an experienced mechanic to buy the same blocker and install it himself. But remember that it is better to spend money on a good blocker once and be calm about your car.

What is this

Theft is an illegal act aimed at unauthorized taking of someone else's property, a car. It can be done to achieve various goals.

But, if it is proven that there was a commercial component, then the theft will be reclassified as theft. And for such a crime a more serious punishment is provided.

The commercial component means theft for the purpose of further resale of the car as a whole or for individual spare parts. That is, the purpose of taking possession of someone else’s car is to obtain a positive financial result.

Common causes of jamming

The gearbox can jam if one of the many gears has broken teeth. The chipped particles of the teeth penetrate into the meshing of the teeth of other parts, and because of the gear they are unable to rotate. In addition, the internal gearbox bolts can unscrew or break on their own, preventing the gears from working. To make sure that the jamming is due to destruction, you should completely drain the oil from the stationary box-section part and carefully inspect everything.

While driving, the box often “seizes” due to the fact that the slider lock is jammed, and this happens due to critical indicators of contamination of the part. To check the condition of the latches, you just need to remove the cover under which they are located and inspect them.



Reasons for manual transmission jamming

It’s worth saying right away that there can be a lot of reasons for a stuck gearbox. Since this device is complex, any part in it can break, which will stop the wheels. First of all, there are two types of wedge - full (when the entire transmission stops working) and at full speed (movement is possible, but only in a jammed gear). In the first case, the reasons may be:

  • Gear destruction. This happens when you change gears inaccurately. Beginners often do not press the clutch or release it too quickly, which leads to gear shock. This can cause the teeth to break off and get caught between the others, causing a stop. By the way, this can be not only debris, but also other solid objects, for example, a bolt.

  • Bearing wedge. If a bearing is left without lubrication, it will heat up and subsequently lock up.

  • Damaged shaft. It happens that with extremely careless switching, one of the shafts may burst. For example, many people brake in low gear when descending a hill. Under heavy load, especially if there is more than one person in the car, this could theoretically happen. This is also possible when downshifting at high speed. It is enough to give a powerful blow and the shaft, at best, will bend or crack.

As you can see, the cause of the wedge can be anything. But they are all connected with one thing - a violation of the movement of gears. If nothing large or hard gets between them, the box will work smoothly.

If we talk about jamming in gear, then there is only one possible reason - a breakdown of the gearbox lever, or, more precisely, the slider, which, in fact, changes gears. Due to wear and tear, as well as carelessness (forced engagement, etc.), the lever may jump out of it and, therefore, cannot return to the reverse position. Moreover, it makes no difference what kind of drive your car has. The only difference will be which wheels will jam - if the front one, then the drive ones, if the full one, then that’s it.

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