How many liters in 1 cubic meter of gas (m³) translation and ratio table

To efficiently heat a private home, various types of fuel are used. But among them the most profitable is gas . With the help of gas heating systems, you can maintain the temperature you need in your rooms. Gas heating is most convenient and efficient.

Currently, the most popular heating system for your home is heating using gas cylinders. Of course, like all methods of heating a home, it has its pros and cons. So, let's get down to the theoretical part.

The house is heated using two gases:

1. Butane ( boiling point O degrees )

2. Propane ( boiling point - 40 degrees )

How long will a gas cylinder burn?

On average, a bottle lasts for 2-3 days. In order not to wake up in a cold house, you can purchase a gas ramp and connect several propane cylinders: 2 main and 2 backup, for example, or you can purchase an RP-2 cylinder unit.

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Physical meaning of translation

In a physical sense, everything is quite simple. The translation is carried out in the same way for any gases, liquids or bulk materials as follows:

  • 1 cubic meter contains 1000 liters,
  • 1 liter equals 0.001 cubic meters
  • the table shows the quantity contained in 1 cube (1 cube = 1000 cubic decimeters, etc.).

For example, 15 cubic meters of natural gas used by the meter equals 15,000 liters. When converting these values, the temperature of the fuel, the amount of impurities and other factors do not matter.

Counting by meter

The topic of paying for water by meter is becoming more and more relevant. Those who have installed metering devices in their apartment or house really want to know in digital terms whether there are savings. To carry out the calculation, you need to take water meter readings and know the tariffs accepted directly in your region.

After a month, look at the value on the meter. Now you can calculate how much you spent and what you paid based on regional rates. Since rates may change annually, please be careful.

By multiplying the indicators separately by the tariffs for hot and cold water, you can get the correct value. Enter the readings from the meter into payment receipts and transfer them when paying at the bank or online. You need to use the method that is convenient for you.

Be sure to transmit testimony during absence: vacation or stay at the dacha. Now there are many ways to transfer data. This includes the Internet and SMS. You can transfer data via payment receipts.

In any case, this will help you avoid unpleasant situations when, after a month, you have to pay for water according to the standard. Although next month, when transferring data, you will be recalculated.

Having become familiar with your monthly water consumption, you can start saving it. According to statistics, about 80% of water is wasted. We are, of course, not talking about the need to cook, wash dishes, do laundry and wash up. You need to carefully monitor that the taps do not leak, so that water does not leak into the toilet. All these simple recommendations will help you save both water and money.

Calculation example

It is necessary to determine how many cubic meters of gas one cylinder with a 50-liter propane-butane mixture contains if you pass its contents through a gas meter:

  • the mass of the gas mixture pumped into it is about 21 kilograms;
  • volume in m³ is equal to 50/5 = 10;
  • after adjusting for the filling of the cylinder, we get 10 × 0.85 = 8.5 m³.

This indicator may vary depending on the ambient temperature, since when it decreases, the pressure inside the container decreases, with a corresponding decrease in the volume of fuel.

But the use of liters of gas in cubic meters is only relevant as an approximate calculation. When purchasing this type of fuel, kilograms of the gas mixture and the pressure inside the container are important, and when using individual metering devices, a standard unit of measurement is used - cubic meters, the conversion procedure of which does not depend on the composition of the gas and is determined by a simple arithmetic calculation in the ratio of 1 to 1000.

Examples of calculations

Number of parts in a cube

Lumber is usually sold by volume.
So, we will devote the first part of this section to determining how many boards are in a cubic meter. This task is quite simple, since we only need to divide 1 m3 by the volume of one part.

The unit volume is calculated using the formula L x W x T, where:

Note! When calculating how many boards are in one cubic meter, you must not forget about converting units, since usually the cross-sectional parameters are indicated in millimeters, and the length in meters. Photo of a calculator used for calculations

Photo of a calculator used for calculations

As an example, let’s calculate how many 4-meter boards 150 mm wide and 25 mm thick are in a cube:

  1. We calculate the volume of one workpiece: 4 x 0.150 x 0.025 = 0.015 m3.
  2. We determine the number of parts: 1 / 0.015 = 66.7.
  3. Round to the nearest whole value, getting 66 pieces.

Note! Usually rounded to the last whole digit. This, of course, somewhat contradicts the rules of mathematics, but in this case it is worth focusing on established practice

To make it easier for you to calculate the number of boards in a cube, the 4 meter / 6 meter table is given below:

Naturally, having such a table at hand, it will be very easy to calculate how many meters of boards in a cube (linear meters, we’ll talk about square ones below): take the number of boards and multiply them by their length.

So, for parts 4000x50x100 this figure will be equal to: 50 x 4 = 200 linear meters.

Another version of the volume-quantity ratio table

Volume and area

The following instructions are devoted to determining the area that can be sheathed/covered using one cubic meter of lumber.

To arrange the flooring, as in this photo, you need to calculate in advance the volume of material to finish the required area

  1. Here, first of all, you need to determine the area of ​​one element by simply multiplying its length by its width. So, if we plan to cover a wall with 3 m wooden clapboard with a width of 220 mm and a thickness of 20 mm, then the area of ​​one board will be equal to 3 x 0.22 = 0.66 m2.
  2. Then we determine the number of such products per cubic meter. The volume of one board will be equal to 3 x 0.22 x 0.02 = 0.0132 m3. Therefore, in a cube we will have 1 / 0.0132 = 75 parts of a given size.
  3. Next, we multiply the resulting amount by the area of ​​one board. 75 x 0.66 = 49.5 m2.

Note! When calculating how many square meters are in 1 cube of boards - linings, you need to take into account not the actual dimensions of the panels, but the dimensions of the “visible part”. This is due to the fact that during installation, the tenons of the locking elements are hidden in the grooves, and the width is reduced, so that the discrepancy between the theoretical calculation and the actual one can reach 8-10%

When calculating with lining, the length of the tenon is not taken into account

Also, when converting cubic capacity into volume, you need to remember that sometimes it becomes necessary to lay boards without joints. In this case, we should select parts with a length that will ensure the creation of a minimum amount of waste, otherwise our costs for purchasing the material will increase significantly (and unjustifiably!).

All the recommendations given above related to working with edged boards, flat wooden beams, clapboard, etc. However, to solve various problems, unedged boards and slabs, which have an irregular shape, are sometimes used.

In this case, to calculate at least the approximate volume of material, we proceed as follows:

The volume of an unedged workpiece or slab is much more difficult to calculate

  1. First, we determine the average thickness of the workpiece. To do this, we take several measurements in the thickest and thinnest parts, sum up the results obtained and divide by the number of measurements.
  2. Then we calculate the average width using the same algorithm.

Note! The closer the shape of the product is to a regular parallelepiped, the fewer measurements need to be made to obtain any accurate value

  1. We multiply the resulting average values, then multiply by the length of the unedged plank/slab, and obtain the volume of a unit of lumber.

You can do it a little simpler. Knowing that the yield of a full-fledged board from unedged blanks is about 70 - 80% by volume, we simply purchase raw materials with a reserve, multiplying the required value by a factor of 1.25 - 1.3. However, this way we will also only get an approximate result, because the likelihood of excess/shortage of material will still be present.

Required layer height

The height of the soil layer in the aquarium can vary from 2 to 10 cm. With a small number of plants, a minimum 2 cm bottom cover is sufficient. When simulating natural sea or river relief, creating a landscape of coral reefs, the thickness of the soil reaches 5 - 10 cm, in addition to its aesthetic function, maintaining the ecological balance of a closed volume.

If the soil is too thick, it can cause acidification of the water. An excess of soil materials is harmful to the aquarium, as well as a lack or absence of it.

If there are a large number of plants, the insufficient thickness of the substrate will become an insurmountable obstacle to the development and fixation of the root system of the aquarium flora.

Tariffication of heating in Kemerovo

Heating tariffs in the city of Kemerovo have changed significantly over the past few years. Currently, this tariff is calculated based on the actual amount of hot water consumption by the population of the Kemerovo region and the city of Kemerovo in particular. The heating system includes direct thermal energy, as well as its conductor, which is water circulating through the batteries.

The cost of heating in the Kemerovo region depends on such metrics as:

  • price of cold water;
  • price of thermal energy;
  • internal expenses of the management company

Molecular weight - common substances

The molecular mass of a substance, also called molar mass, M, is the mass of 1 mole of that substance, expressed in M ​​grams.

In the SI system the unit of M is [kg/kmol], and in the English system the unit is [lb/lb-mol], while in the CGS system the unit of M is [g/mol]. Molecular weight is represented by the same number in all systems of units, regardless of the system used. For this reason, in many cases the molecular weight unit is not specified; however, it should be understood that this is not a dimensionless parameter.

The molecular weight of a pure compound is determined by its chemical formula and the atomic weight of its elements. The atomic weights of elements found in organic matter are C=12.011, H=1.008, S=32.065, O=15.999 and N=14.007.

Example: Molecular weight of ethanol (C 2 H 5 OH) To calculate the molecular weight of ethanol, the molecular weight of each atom in the molecule is summed:

M ethanol = 2 * 12.011 [kg/kmol] + 6 * 1.008 [kg/kmol] + 1 * 15.999 [kg/kmol] = 46.069 [kg/kmol]

See also Physical Data for Hydrocarbons, Physical Data for Alcohols and Carboxylic Acids, Physical Data for Organic Nitrogen Compounds, and Physical Data for Organic Sulfur Compounds

Substance Molecular mass [kg/kmol] [g/mol] [lb/lb-mol]
Acetylene, C 2 H 226.038
Ammonia (R-717)17.02
Argon, Ar39.948
n - Butane, C 4 H 1058,124
1.2 - Butadiene54,092
Carbon dioxide, CO 244. 01
Carbon disulfide76,13
Carbon monoxide, CO28,011
n - Dean142,286
2,3 - Dimethylbutane86,178
2,2 - Dimethylpentane100,205
Diisob45 114.232
Ethane, C2H630,070
Ethyl chloride64,515
3 - Ethylpentane100,205
Helium, He4,002602
n - Heptane100. 205
n - Hexane86,178
Hydrochloric acid36,47
Hydrogen, H22,016
Hydrogen chloride36,461
Hydrogen sulfide
Hydroxyl, OH17,01
Isobutane (2-methylpropane)58,124
Methyl alcohol32,04
Methyl chloride50,488
2 - Methylhexane100. 2052 - Methylhexane100.205
Neon, Ne20,179
Nitric oxide, NO30,006
Nitrogen, N 228,0134
Nitrous oxide, N2O44,013
n - Nonan128,259
n — Octane114,232
Oxygen, O231,9988
n - Pentane72,151
Propane, C 3 H 844.097
Sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide)64,06
Sulfur oxide48,1
Toluene, toluene92,141
o - Xylene, xylene106,168
Water vapor - Steam, H 2 O18,02

Operating and Maintenance Costs

Well-regulated gas equipment requires virtually no maintenance, since neither liquefied nor main gas forms carbon deposits and soot. Preventive maintenance and control inspections are carried out regularly regardless of the type of fuel, and the costs are approximately the same.

Operating costs when using liquefied gas may include electricity costs if the system uses electrically heated evaporators. Evaporators are installed in powerful industrial systems to increase the rate of formation of the vapor phase, as well as with ground-based gas holders, since the natural evaporation of the butane component stops at subzero temperatures.

But electric evaporators are usually used in systems with relatively little gas consumption, and they do not consume as much energy. High-performance systems use liquid-heated evaporators, the heat for which is produced by burning the same liquefied gas.

So, the operating and maintenance costs for systems running on mainline and liquefied gas are almost the same.

Use of liquefied gas

It’s a little more complicated with liquefied gas. It is widely used:

  • in modern industrial production;
  • in thermal and electric power engineering;
  • as a reserve stock during the period of the most intensive consumption by the population;
  • as a replacement for traditional gasoline or diesel fuel for road transport;
  • for domestic purposes.

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In the household, it is advantageous to use liquefied gas in cylinders for the operation of gas-consuming household appliances, provided there is no centralized supply line.

Various mixtures of propane and butane are used for liquefaction. The use of methane is not economically profitable, since at room temperature the pressure in the system increases so much that to ensure safety it is necessary to create containers with large wall thicknesses and use materials of increased strength.

The change in gas volume during the transition from the liquid phase to the gaseous phase is determined by the following factors:

  • chemical composition;
  • pressure;
  • temperature;
  • density and specific gravity.

To calculate the number of liters of liquefied gas per cubic meters of fuel that have turned into a gaseous state, it is necessary to use the specified characteristics. But since it is difficult to reliably establish the exact composition of the mixture in the cylinder, it is necessary to be guided by an approximate ratio, according to which at a standard temperature of 20 degrees, 1 liter of liquefied gas will produce 200 - ordinary gas. Therefore the formula applies:

Okub = Ol/5


  • Cube – volume in cubic meters;
  • Ol – volume in liters.

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When making calculations, it is necessary to additionally take into account that, for safety reasons, gas cylinders are filled to no more than 85 percent of the total volume.

Bath capacity

How many liters of diesel fuel are in 1 ton: how to convert mass into volume

Everyone loves to take a hot bath. But not everyone thinks about the volume of water required for this procedure.

The question about the capacity of the bathtub cannot be answered in monosyllables.

Modern industry produces three types of bathtubs, depending on the material used:

  • Made of cast iron.
  • Made from acrylic.
  • Of steel.

The volume of a product is determined by multiplying its length, width and height.

But it is not always possible to accurately calculate this value, especially when it comes to acrylic bathtubs.

Sometimes performed in an irregular shape, following the contours of the human body, including built-in hoops for holding hands and other delights that make it difficult to accurately determine the volume.

Without boring the reader with lengthy calculations and a large number of numbers, it can be noted that the capacity of the font ranges from one hundred and forty for the smallest models, to two hundred and fifty for huge bathtubs.

The exact parameters are indicated by the manufacturer in the passport of a specific model.

Considering the significant water consumption when taking a bath regularly, a good way to save money is to use a shower. This procedure will require three times less water - about 40.

It is estimated that if you switch from regular bathing to using a shower, the annual savings will be about 37 cubic meters of water.

Another way is to use pre-collected water.

There are many original shower design options on the Internet, including a homemade bucket attached to a hoop, filled with water and turned over using an attached chain.

If you first fill a container with water for washing dishes, washing your face, brushing your teeth for other purposes, you will end up with significant savings.

It is estimated that up to fifteen liters of water escape through an open tap every minute; in an hour this volume will be ninety liters - a considerable consumption.

Considering that more liquid when used by washing dishes and washing under an open tap is wasted, it is worth using the above method to significantly reduce consumption.

Research has established that one person requires about 1000 cubic meters of water annually, if we take into account the costs of producing the goods and products he uses.

But everyone can reduce this figure a little if they take measures to save water in their own home.

And the calculation of the conversion of units will be of considerable help in this regard, in order to represent the scale of the volume of liquid consumed in vain.

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