“Spikes” sign: what are the dimensions, requirements and fine for it?

The “Spikes” sign is an old invention: this “cocked hat” came into use back in the nineties of the last century, when studded tires ceased to be an exotic item available exclusively to motorsports athletes and began to appear on civilian cars. Then the sign warning that the car was driving on studs was very relevant: it called on drivers following on all-season tires to keep their distance - it is clear that the braking distance on ice on studs is noticeably shorter than on regular tires.

Latest changes in legislation

On November 29, 2022, the government signed a decree allowing not to hang the “Spikes” sign on cars, due to the fact that it has lost its relevance. The movement of a car is influenced by many factors, and such a sign misleads other participants, preventing them from accurately judging the characteristics of the car, the Ministry of Internal Affairs noted. In addition, the sticker on the rear window impairs visibility and control of the road.

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The Spikes sign is not required in 2022. It was needed before its cancellation at the end of 2018. Although few people bothered with its installation. Its presence was regulated by such a document as “Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety.” It contained paragraph 8, which stated that a car with studded tires must have the appropriate identification mark “Spikes”. By the way, the same paragraph also indicates other signs that must be present on the car in 2022, for example, “Beginner driver” (exclamation mark on a yellow background).

Why o?

When the “Spikes” sign was declared mandatory to designate cars with studded tires, the logic of the legislators was that a car with such tires brakes much more sharply. Therefore, the driver following you must be aware of your spikes in order to maintain a sufficiently large distance.

In fact, contrary to this logic, the braking distance of a car depends primarily on its weight, the presence of electronic safety systems and weather conditions. The mere presence or absence of studs on a tire, if it has any effect, is far from primary.

Perhaps 30 years ago the “Spikes” sign had some meaning, when everyone drove all-season tires and studs were quite rare. Then, probably, cars with spikes really braked noticeably sharper than all other cars. But nowadays this is no longer the case.

The “Spikes” sign has lost its original meaning, since today more than 70% of motorists, that is, the vast majority, drive studded tires. Therefore, if you need to mark some cars in traffic with winter tires, then it would be more logical to stick the sign on cars with Velcro rather than with studs.

Where should the “Spikes” sign be placed according to the rules?

The location of the sign is not specified in the rules at all. So it’s up to you to decide where to put the “Spikes” sign. It is absolutely not necessary to sculpt it on the rear window and thereby limit the view in the rearview mirror. By the way, the sign itself does not have to be a sticker: in stores you can find it in the form of a suction cup, or even in the form of a magnet that can be easily attached to a door or trunk lid. This badge can be easily removed at the end of the season. It would also be good to pick off the sticker, but if you leave it for the summer, no tragedy will happen: they won’t be able to fine you for this.

The location of the sign is not specified in the rules at all. Photo: globallookpress.com

When and how to use the sign with the letter “Ш”

The studded tire sign is triangular in shape with a red border. In the center of the sign is the letter “Ш” in black on a white background . Any side of the sticker has a length of at least 20 cm. The outline of the border is taken in a ratio of 1/10 of the prescribed size of the attribute.

The sign must be affixed if the vehicle has studded tires . The sticker costs around 100 rubles. As soon as a car driver has changed his summer tires to a winter version with studs, he is recommended to stick a sign on the rear window of his vehicle.

In the spring, when there is no longer a need for studded tires, they are changed again to summer tires and the sticker can be removed. This attribute allows you not only to warn other car drivers about studded tires.

Often such a sign can come in handy when an accident occurs and prove your innocence . This little thing forces many motorists to be more careful and disciplined on the roads.

Fines for not having a “Spikes” sign

In 2022, such a fine does not exist, because the sign is not mandatory. But if we talk about the history of the issue, then the inspector had the right to punish for the absence of a sign on a car shod with “fizzy” shoes. In the spring of 2022, paragraph 7.15.1 appeared in the “List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited” (this is an appendix to the above-mentioned “Basic Appendices”) - this is what it says about the absence of identification marks that must be installed by car. This fully applied to the “Spikes” sign. And if it was not on the car, then the inspector could fine the driver under Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code, Part 1, which promises a warning or a fine of 500 rubles. The sticker was significantly cheaper. It is noteworthy that until 2017 there were no fines.

Is it necessary to use the Spikes sticker?

Previously, drivers had the right to install the “Spikes” sign at will. However, a number of amendments made to the traffic rules changed the situation. If the sign is missing, the machine must not be used. Violation of the rule will lead to questions arising when checked by traffic police officers. They will definitely pay attention to this aspect and may even impose a fine.

It is necessary to stick a sign on the glass as soon as a citizen has replaced regular tires with studded ones.

The rules and terms for replacement are established by law. However, in the off-season it is quite problematic to determine what tires a car is running on. To make it easier for drivers to navigate the situation on the road, the sign must be present. If a citizen flouts the rule, he will be fined. The amount of the penalty is 500 rubles. The decision to impose a penalty is made by a traffic police officer.


Could the “Spikes” sign be made mandatory again?

Representatives of Avtodor advocated this in 2022. This is because studded tires destroy the road surface. No wonder it is banned in some European countries. And not only in warm regions, but also in Scandinavian ones. As an alternative, they use tires with Velcro.

So Avtodor and other Russian road organizations asked for the return of the sign. So that drivers who use studs out of season begin to receive fines. But the coin has two sides: firstly, they obviously didn’t want to anger drivers with yet another sanctions. Secondly, it was then necessary to develop clear criteria for determining the seasonality of rubber. In other words, from what date to what date can you use “pop”. Bearing in mind that our weather constantly brings surprises, this task seems almost pointless. Therefore, the “Spikes” sign has not returned to the category of mandatory by 2022.

What if you put a sign behind tinted glass?

Formally, and this is not prohibited. Literally, traffic rules require sticking a “Spikes” sign on the glass at the back of the car. But nowhere is it indicated that it should be glued only from the outside (moreover, stickers are sold, the adhesive side of which is intended for gluing from the inside), that it should be visible at all.

But such a loophole as hiding the “Spikes” sign from the traffic police and other road users will suit you if you really want problems with the former, since in fact, the only purpose of the “Sh” sign is to ensure road safety by warning other participants that you have studded tires (you can debate for a long time why you should warn them, but alas, this is an obligation).

Something else useful for you:

  • Traffic regulations about passing a stationary car on a continuous road: what is the fine and is it possible to cross?
  • Is the fine for a smaller “Ш” sign legal or not?
  • Is there a fine for driving on summer tires in winter and winter tires in summer today? What date will it start?

By law, you can stick a sign on the bumper, on mudguards... even on the exhaust pipe - the main thing is that it is located at the back.

What is the fine?

The fine for the letter “Ш” was provided for at a time when it was on the list of mandatory identification and warning signs listed in paragraph 8 of the provisions governing the rules for admitting vehicles to travel on public roads. The fine was 500 rubles. In the absence of this designation, only a warning could be issued.

From December 8, 2022, the fine and the need to issue warnings were abolished due to the loss of relevance.


To clearly see how installing the “Ш” sign can influence the court’s decision in the event of an accident, use the following examples.

A driver in Izhevsk inadvertently hit the car in front, which was equipped with studded tires. There was no “Sh” attribute on it. As a result, the obvious violator focused attention on the absence of a warning sign about a shortened braking distance. The court found the owner of the first car guilty.

A similar situation occurred in the capital during frosts. The Lada driver suddenly braked in front of a cat running across the road. The Volga driving behind crashed into the rear of the VAZ. Well versed in knowledge of traffic rules, the GAZ driver was able to prove that the accident was caused by the driver of the Zhiguli, since the braking distance was calculated, implying the presence of non-studded tires, due to the absence of the “Ш” sign. The court agreed with his opinion and found the driver of the car in front to be at fault for the accident.

Additional features

There are a number of additional nuances that a motorist who wants to avoid a fine should remember. Thus, it will be possible to pass a technical inspection without using a plate if the tires on the car are not studded. Using tires with grooved treads will also eliminate the need for stickers. However, if a person drives studded tires, the sign is required. Its absence will result in failure to pass the technical inspection.

Typically, drivers prefer to use the “Ш” sign in the form of a sticker. It holds up well and is not damaged by external factors. The Regulations do not prohibit the use of the mark in this form. However, it is very difficult to peel it off. Many drivers prefer to avoid the difficulty and leave the symbol until next season. However, this is a violation.

If a person drives on non-studded tires, but leaves the “Ш” sign, he is misleading other road users.

Other drivers cannot sensibly assess how far away from the car ahead they should stay. Therefore, the sign must be removed when changing tires. If a motorist who wants to avoid a fine cannot find a sticker or does not want to go through the trouble of later removing the vehicle sign, he has the right to make the symbol himself. However, the legal requirements must be strictly observed.

The sign “Ш” must correspond to the following parameters:

  • be made in the shape of a triangle, the apex of which is directed upward;
  • the letter Ш is located in the center and painted with black paint;
  • it is white, and there is a red border on the sides, the width of which should be one tenth of the length of the side (at least 2 cm);
  • Each side must be at least 20 cm in size.

Experts advise to first study the photo of the sign. If a person does not want to make a symbol on his own, he has the right to visit specialized organizations that produce custom stickers. In this case, experts advise reminding the manufacturer of the requirements that the law places on the symbol. The use of the “Ш” sign is mandatory today. Driving on tires with studs without one will result in a fine of 500 rubles. You can purchase the sticker at any auto supply store. However, due to the increasing hype, the symbol is not always on sale. A citizen has the right to independently make the “Ш” sign. However, it is worth complying with the requirements set forth by current legislation.

The inspectorate promised not to punish

Some people once heard that the traffic police promised to punish those who do not comply with traffic rules, including in the matter of signs. But here, as always: they heard something, they twisted something, etc. In fact, the inspectorate, on the contrary, promised citizens not to draw up reports on such violators even when the corresponding Resolution on cancellation had not yet been adopted. Therefore, those fines that were issued at the time of consideration and adoption of the regulatory legal act could be easily appealed. The unspoken rule of the inspectors was not to punish.

Why is this innovation needed?

Many people ask what is the general use of this sign; they always drove without it and everything was fine. In fact, there are benefits, although not obvious. If the driver driving in front of you has tires with spikes, then his braking distance will be shorter than with Velcro. This sign will help you choose the optimal distance to avoid a collision.

Remember one more rule - do not drive on tires with spikes in the summer. Indeed, on bare asphalt in this case, the braking distance will only increase.

Is it possible to drive in the summer with this sign? At the moment this is not regulated by law. There are no prohibitions in this regard, so you can leave the sticker. But if your sign is held on by suction cups, then of course it is better to unfasten it, this will take a few seconds. And the sign in the glove compartment will be better preserved until next winter.

What does this rule prove?

First, you need to remember that all such norms are spelled out in the traffic rules. Therefore, the obligation to install a tire was specified in the traffic rules. In order for any norm from this document to cease to apply, a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation is needed. If it is not there, then amendments to the traffic rules, including those regarding cancellation, are not valid. Such a resolution has the status of making changes to the current regulatory legal act, in our case, to the traffic rules.

Was there such a resolution in the Russian Federation? Of course, it was, considering that the “Tires” sign was cancelled. If you study history, then for the first time the Resolution was submitted for consideration back in 2022, namely on 06/01/2018. The legislative act passed all the required hearings and introduced amendments, although there were some conflicts. Information appeared in the media about the entry into force of the norm on the abolition of the sign even when in fact such a norm was not in effect. For example, the document was published on the official website of the Government only on November 30, 2018. Considering that it came into force a week after publication, then this is December 8, 2018. But not November 2022, as was presented in many publications.

The amendments once again confirmed that the Government listens to the people. After all, the absurdity of installing this sign is obvious. Why does another driver or pedestrian need to know that the car has studded tires? The question is not at all clear, having previously caused a lot of controversy and confusion.

Other signs on the rear window

Many drivers don't like having to use stickers with signs that are difficult to remove. In fact, the “Ш” sign is not the only one that is required to be placed on a car.

According to the Traffic Regulations, Article 8 of the main provisions, 11 symbols are mandatory signs:

  1. Road train. Must be installed on trucks and tractors, as well as on buses and trolleybuses that are interconnected.
  2. Spikes. A white triangle with a red border, inside of which there is the letter “W”. Installed on the rear window of vehicles with studded tires.
  3. Transportation of children. Installed in specified cases. It can be removable, or it can be permanent if it is, for example, a bus engaged in such transportation.
  4. Training vehicle. The sign is installed on the window of the car the student is driving. Mandatory for vehicles used for training.
  5. Speed ​​Limit. Signs are used for vehicles subject to speed limits. This may apply to cars carrying children and to those vehicles that have such a restriction due to technical features.
  6. Dangerous cargo. The identification mark has several types. It may vary depending on what type of cargo is being transported.

  7. Large cargo. The sign is covered with a reflective surface.
  8. Slow moving vehicle. Installed on cars for which the initially permissible speed does not exceed 30 km/h.
  9. Long vehicle. Installed on vehicles longer than 20 meters.
  10. Novice driver. Installed on cars driven by drivers with less than two years of experience.
  11. Signs “Doctor” and “Disabled” are installed at will.

Is use required?

The absence of the sign in question does not result in any penalties under the law.
The maximum that a traffic police officer can do is make a verbal recommendation. But, in some court cases, the absence of the “Ш” sign led to the driver of the car driving in front being found guilty of colliding with the vehicle behind. The traffic rules specifically state that the driver of a car is required to check and ensure that the vehicle is in good technical condition before driving. Movement is prohibited if the following defects are present:

  • Problems with the steering and braking system;
  • Inoperative headlights and side lights;
  • Driver's side window cleaner not working.

If these problems occur during transportation, the driver is obliged to eliminate them or proceed to the destination in compliance with all safety precautions. Consequently, penalties applied for the absence of the sign in question are illegal.

Making or buying: what to choose?

The question is whether it is necessary to hang up a sign of spikes if the rubber is Velcro, everything is clear, but what to do if the sign is not in stores? In accordance with traffic rules, drivers are already required to put up a sign, so its popularity has increased several times and store shelves with this product are empty. To avoid getting into an uncomfortable situation, you can make a sign at home.

For this you will need:

  1. GOST measurements - appearance and size.
  2. Self-adhesive paper with a glossy surface.
  3. Scissors and stencil paper.

The size according to GOST is: the width of each side of the triangle is at least 20 cm, and the red frame is at least 1/10 of the existing sides of the triangle. The letter Ш is inscribed in black inside an equilateral triangle. The go-ahead for making the Thorns sign at home was given immediately after the law was passed. The traffic police indicated the importance of purchasing a sign in the future, but for the first winter you are allowed to hang one you made yourself.

You should not abuse the words of the traffic police and it is better to purchase a sign as soon as it appears in stores in your city.

Homemade devices can only be used in the winter of 2022, but for next year it is better to stock up in advance in order to avoid liability for non-compliance with the rules. The Thorns sign costs about 200 rubles, which will not cause significant damage to the budget of any family. The warning symbol must be visible at a distance of 20 meters, and if the car is equipped with tinted windows, the sign Ш is posted only on the outside.

If there is a sign, but not the appropriate size, the traffic police inspector also has the right to impose a fine on you. It is worth remembering that the sign must be placed on a flat and level part of the glass. If visibility is at least partially blocked, a fine is imposed.

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