5 signs it's time to change your fuel filter

The main task of a fuel filter device is to clean the fuel from unnecessary particles that have entered it. The presence of water in the fuel system causes rusting of the injectors, leads to the development of corrosion, and this leads to engine dysfunction and clogs the fuel system. This element of the car helps clean low-quality fuel from particles of resins and all kinds of additives that are added to fuel by unscrupulous manufacturers.

The fuel filter can become dirty as a result of:

  • accumulation of dust and dirt due to a possible chemical combination of gasoline with air and metal;
  • corrosion caused by water condensation;
  • accumulation of tarry sediment;
  • clogging of fuel equipment pipes with frozen water crystals at low temperatures.
  • using low quality fuel.


Condition of the new and old filter elements (new on the left).

The main task of a fuel filtration device is to clean fuel from harmful impurities: particles of dust, dirt, insects, plants, resins, and condensate. The presence of water in the fuel system leads to rusting of the injectors and contributes to the development of corrosion, which is very detrimental to the normal operation of the engine; these harmful impurities can clog the fuel system. This device allows you to clean low-quality fuel from particles of resins and various additives added to fuel by unscrupulous manufacturers.

Depending on the technological features and type of injection, various fuel filters are distinguished:

  1. For carburetor cars, it is necessary to clean the fuel from dirt particles up to 20 microns.
  2. On machines equipped with an injector, the degree of cleaning is up to 5 microns. Particles smaller than the specified size will penetrate the injection system, but cannot cause significant harm.
  3. Diesel power units use special fuel filter elements that can not only remove dirt particles smaller than 4 microns, but also prevent small drops of water from entering the injection system.

We recommend watching a video demonstrating the symptoms of a clogged fuel filter:

Differences in engines

Fuel filter problems do not arise out of the blue. Which symptoms appear first depends on the type of power unit.

  • Diesel: the engine does not start the first time, the movement is jerky.
  • Injector: the power of the traction device is reduced.
  • Carburetor: clogging occurs gradually and with virtually no changes in control.

Although the first signs do not seem so important, they cannot be ignored. You should listen to any changes in the operation of the engine and replace the filters in a timely manner.

If your car has a diesel engine, and you have enough experience and skills in handling the car, then you can replace the fuel filter yourself. If the car has an injection or carburetor system, then it is advisable to immediately contact a service center.

We solve the issue

If we talk schematically about the location of the fuel filter, then on any vehicle it is located between the fuel tank and the pump that pumps it to the engine. The filter, as many have guessed, cleans the fuel from various impurities that would clog the engine injectors if it were not for it. If your car is under a dealer warranty (that is, new), then it is recommended that you contact the dealer’s technical center with all problems.

Replacing even such a minor part as a fuel filter yourself can lead to various problems in relations with the dealer.

. But if you have a car, as people say, “with good mileage” or a domestic one, then you can carry out this operation yourself.

Of course, when new car enthusiasts ask how difficult it is

If you change this consumable, then it is impossible to answer it clearly. The fact is that this directly depends on the design features of your car.

Replacement frequency

There are certain service periods prescribed by manufacturers. But in fact, taking into account the quality of the fuel and the condition of the roads, it is advisable to look at the mileage and the condition of the engine. This means only one thing: no one will give you specific dates. Hence the conclusion: if the fuel filter is clogged, then it needs to be changed. This operation is not so expensive as to jeopardize the condition of the entire machine.

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If any of these elements are not supplied to the combustion chamber in the proper amounts and at the proper times, your engine will not run smoothly and may stall at the most inopportune times. The carburetor mixes enough air and fuel together and forces the mixture into the combustion chamber. Your spark plug will then spark at the right time to ignite the mixture, and the explosion will apply a driving force to the piston. The wrong amount of air or fuel will cause the engine to run poorly, as will a weak spark.

A modern car is a complex technical system, which includes a large number of diverse subsystems. Each of them, performing certain functions, contributes to ensuring the performance and safe operation of the vehicle. One of these systems is the fuel system, designed to supply fuel from the tank to the power unit. In general, the fuel system consists of:

Bad fuel - Gas will become obsolete in as little as 30 days, especially fuel mixed with ethanol, as in many areas. Ethanol attracts moisture over time, and the humidity will dilute the gas. Diluted gas may cause your engine to stall.

Dirty air filter. Because the air filter cleans the air entering the carburetor, it will eventually become dirty or clogged and can prevent the correct amount of air from mixing with the fuel, causing your engine to stall.

Gas Cap - Many gas caps also function as a fuel tank vent, allowing air to enter the tank as fuel. The vent can become clogged and prevent air from entering the reservoir, resulting in poor fuel flow to the engine.

  • tank;
  • pump;
  • filter.

All these elements are connected to each other by a fuel line through which the fuel enters the device for supplying (injecting) it (fuel-air mixture) into the engine cylinders. At the same time, the efficiency of a car engine largely depends on the quality of the fuel, for which the fuel filter is responsible for cleaning.

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Air leak. Air can enter the engine through a leak in the intake manifold or head gasket. Worn or dirty spark plugs. Carbon, oil residue and pitting on the spark plug electrodes will cause a weak or inconsistent spark, resulting in poor ignition and possible stalling.

Contaminated fuel filter. Just like with your air filter, when the fuel filter does its job, it becomes less efficient and can become clogged, restricting the flow of fuel to the engine. If the fuel in your tank is old, it should be removed and disposed of properly and fresh fuel added. You can also remove the gas cap and clean the fuel tank vent. Other problems that can cause stalling, such as a faulty ignition coil, worn spark plugs, and a clogged fuel filter, are best left to an experienced professional mechanic.

Security measures

If you decide to replace the fuel filter in your car yourself, then you must adhere to some rules: It is best to carry out the replacement in a well-ventilated area, because in a closed space, explosive fuel vapors can accumulate, which can ignite at the slightest spark; Just in case, you should keep a fire extinguisher near you; Smoking is strictly prohibited when replacing the fuel filter; After the engine is turned off, accumulated ghosting still remains in the fuel line.

It must be completely bled before you begin to remove the fuel filter. In order to prevent sparks from forming, it is best to remove the terminals from the battery. These are simple precautions, but they are best adhered to.

Causes of filter clogging

A clogged fuel filter is a consequence of contamination. Drivers who have just bought their first used car, as a rule, become victims of a clogged fuel filter.

Important! When buying a used car, you must take into account the fact that the previous car owner may not have taken care of replacing consumables when required. There is also a big question about the quality of the fuel that was poured into the car’s engine. Be aware that if you frequently refuel your car at unfamiliar gas stations, consumables will require more frequent replacement.

Only large businessmen sell fuel, because this is a product that requires a high return on investment, so it is supplied only by trusted sellers. Small gas stations often contain all sorts of additives or even resins in the fuel, which the fuel filter removes in order to extend the life of the injectors and not clog the smallest parts. For a used car this is not a big deal. In this case, you can safely take on the job of replacing the device. Replacing consumables by a novice car enthusiast is a dangerous thing. There are certain risks here.

What do we need?

In order to carry out the operation of replacing the filter, please be patient, a wrench, a set of screwdrivers, pliers and, perhaps, you may need a socket wrench. Also take into account the fact that, structurally, the filter may be located in an inconvenient place and additional tools will be required, but we are talking about the general principle of replacement.

Remember about safety - gasoline is highly flammable and also extremely toxic, so open air, rubber gloves and safety glasses. Please take this into account.

The filter is usually located near the fuel tank

, but again depends on the car model. Once the filter is found, you need to pull out the fuse to relieve the pressure. Also disconnect the battery. Next, the filter is simply unscrewed with the cartridge and a new one is inserted in its place. The symptoms when the fuel filter is clogged are varied, but we continue to work.

Be sure to determine the direction of fuel flow for the new filter and place it together with the cartridge in place of the old one. That's all, but if you are not sure, it is better to turn to specialists.

The filter element is a consumable item and requires periodic replacement. Many car enthusiasts forget about this and face the unpleasant consequences (symptoms) of a clogged fuel filter. For example, when overtaking a truck, the driver presses the gas pedal, and the car picks up speed very slowly.

Possible faults

The symptoms of a clogged fuel filter are quite varied. Please note that the following signs may indicate not only a breakdown of the filter device, but may also indicate the causes of a malfunction of the control system. To be on the safe side, you can make sure that the reason is in the fuel filter using the following method: take a pressure gauge and connect it to the nipple located on the fuel injector frame, then start the car and measure the pressure of the fuel mixture. If the pressure gauge shows parameters below those provided by the car dealer, we can talk about a fuel filter malfunction.

Clogged filter

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When the throughput of the filtering device decreases, interruptions in the operation of the power unit are observed:

  • fuel consumption increases;
  • the car stalls at idle;
  • failures in engine operation are observed when the speed increases;
  • it is difficult and sometimes impossible to start the engine;
  • The power of the power unit decreases, it begins to triple;
  • it is possible to brake the car while driving without pressing the brake pedal;
  • When moving up an inclined plane, the vehicle jerks.

All these signs are observed if the filter is clogged; its increased resistance to the intake air flow creates additional load on the engine.


Filter diagnostics include assessing engine performance during operation, measuring fuel pressure and visual inspection. Measurements are taken through the ramp fitting, which distributes fuel to the injectors.

For this you will need:

  • hose with internal diameter 9 mm;
  • fastening clamp;
  • a device for determining gasoline pressure or a pressure gauge with a value range of 7-10 bar.

A special device can be purchased at a car store. The pressure gauge is connected to the hose and tightened securely with a clamp. To ensure the tightness of the contact, sanitary flax is used. The hose is connected to the fuel pressure fitting, after first removing the plug from it and removing the nipple.

You can determine the degree of clogging of the fuel filter using a pressure gauge.

After this, measurements are taken in various engine operating modes (at idle, after starting, with the drain tube pinched).

...about fuel system diagnostics

The indicator after turning on the ignition should be at least 3.8-4 bar. After the measurement, you need to turn off the engine and wait 20-30 minutes for the regulator to gradually reduce the pressure in the ramp.

After this, disconnect the pressure gauge and reinstall the nipple and plug.

Where is it located?

Unlike drivers of older generations, young people believe that it is not at all necessary to know the workings of a car. However, this is not quite true. After all, knowing the structure of your own car allows you to promptly identify a malfunction in the early stages of its occurrence based on the most minor symptoms. In addition, they give the driver confidence in their abilities in case of unexpected car breakdowns on the road and allow them to independently fix minor problems. Replacing the fuel filter is one of these cases.

In order to replace a clogged fuel filter yourself, you first need to know where it is located. It can be located in different places, but most often manufacturers place a filter.

How does a clogged fuel filter affect fuel consumption?

If the fuel filter in a vehicle is clogged, this will lead to changes in fuel consumption. In order to travel the same distance with a normal and clogged fuel filter, different amounts of fuel are required - with a clogged device, consumption increases noticeably. This happens due to the fact that fuel enters the engine in insufficient quantities and the composition of the mixture changes due to the accumulation of dirt in the filter. As a result, the car's power and speed are reduced, and the driver has to press harder on the gas pedal.

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