What happens if you pour acetone into a gas tank: myths and reality!

To begin with, it should be noted that acetone is primarily used as a solvent. Although sometimes it serves as the main reagent necessary to obtain substances of a more valuable category through chemical reactions.

The world first learned about acetone, which was then called pyroacetic ether, in 1732. It was in this year that acetic acid was distilled using the dry method, obtaining a new substance. But only 100 years later, the currently used chemical formula of acetone was approved, as was the updated name itself.

In fact, acetone can be described as a highly mobile, colorless liquid that smells like mint. Thanks to its properties, the substance mixes perfectly with fuel, alcohols, water, and organic solvents. Acetone can also mix immiscible substances, creating a homogeneous solution.

One of the most valuable properties of acetone is its ability to create autogas. Without taking into account all other characteristics, it is safe to say that it can dissolve excellently.

If we talk about the idea of ​​adding acetone to the gas tank, it did not arise by chance. The thing is that the substance has an incredibly high octane number. From here, someone started a logical chain, according to which in order to increase the octane number of the fuel, it is enough to simply add the corresponding component to it. And here acetone came in very handy.

Information that adding acetone to a car's gasoline tank is very useful and effective appeared in 2005. A material was published on a foreign resource that experts managed to discover a new type of alternative fuel for cars. Allegedly, many experiments were carried out in which gasoline was mixed with a solvent in various proportions. A 4-stroke engine with 1 cylinder and a spark ignition system was used as a test subject.

The following were the results of a study in which the mixture was more effective than regular pure gasoline. Experts noted an increase in exhaust gas temperature, an increase in cylinder pressure, as well as an increase in torque and overall engine efficiency. But the increase was no more than 2.3% of the nominal value. The same torque increased by only 0.45%.

When I tried to add more for the experiment, nothing surprising happened. The substance simply evaporated, and during combustion large volumes of hazardous substances were formed.

But the problem is that the public learned about the results of the first studies only several years after the experiments were carried out. The results were summed up in general terms and some numbers that were not supported by more detailed explanations. At the same time, everything looked so convincing that motorists hastily began to buy acetone and pour it into the gas tanks of their cars.

There were also episodes of foreign and domestic television programs where similar experiments were staged. As a result, it was shown that when mixing components, fuel consumption increases, and when a large amount of solvent is added, it simply evaporates.

Who started adding acetone to the gasoline tank and why?

Almost everyone knows that acetone is a colorless liquid that can be purchased at almost any hardware store. Acetone has many uses:

  • In the construction industry, it is used to clean all kinds of surfaces from polyurethane foam;
  • In the paint and varnish industry, it is used to dissolve the remains of nitro varnishes and nitro enamels;
  • In the manufacturing sector, acetone is used, among other things, to create film films, some types of glass, rayon;
  • In the chemical industry and pharmacology, acetone is used to extract substances.

And many many others.

Motorists began using acetone to mix with gasoline, based on the logic that acetone has a high octane number. Accordingly, in order to increase the octane number of fuel, it is enough to add acetone to it - this is the opinion of people on automobile forums who advocate the use of this substance. But this theory has both pros and cons.

Common Myths

Myth No. 1 “Acetone is an excellent helper against deposits and carbon deposits in the engine”

Let's find out if this is true. It's worth starting with the fact that acetone is polar, and gasoline is non-polar. Substances of different polarities do not mix. However, acetone and standard interact well with gasoline, but despite this, they are still of different polarities. Inside the car’s engine, there are constant flows of oil and gasoline - they do not form serious deposits.

Even if something has “grown”, acetone is not able to cope with it. The reason lies in the polarity of the chemical compound. Let's say that deposits have appeared in the internal combustion engine. In this case, in order to remove them, you need to disassemble the engine. So, the myth that acetone can clean the engine from the inside is dispelled. The only thing that can be achieved by adding acetone to gasoline is the elimination of minor contaminants on the injectors (this is only relevant if you are the owner vehicle manufactured before 1995).

You should also not ignore the fact that the fuel system has various hoses, seals, etc. Therefore, regular use of acetone can lead to leakage and damage to the nozzles, which are able to withstand non-polar solvents, but they are polar ones.

Myth No. 2 “Adding acetone can increase the octane number, which will contribute to less gasoline consumption”

You've probably come across articles on the Internet, reviews on forums, that the octane number of a solvent reaches 100, or even exceeds this value. But such information is completely incorrect. The fact is that acetone simply does not have an octane number - this is a completely different chemistry, the formula of which is aimed at dissolving paintwork materials, and not for ignition in the engine.

Let's turn to arithmetic and calculate how much 1 liter of gasoline + solvent will cost. So, 1 liter of 92 gasoline this year costs 41.98 rubles, and half a liter of solvent costs 86 rubles. With a tank volume of 50 liters, 5 liters of solvent will be required to increase the octane number. Thus, 45 liters. gasoline will cost 1889 rubles, and 5 liters of acetone - 860 rubles. As a result, we will have to pay for the mixture - 2747 rubles. Based on this, 1 liter of such a mixture will cost 54.94 rubles. The question arises, how much will it be possible to increase the octane number?

Also, another question immediately arises: is the mixture costing 54.94 rubles 95, 98, or 100 gasoline? To sum up, it is worth saying that the octane number of 92 gasoline will not be raised. Why? The fact is, as mentioned above, acetone simply does not have it, which means that from 92 gasoline it is impossible to get 98, 100. In connection with this, using a solvent will not be able to raise the octane number of gasoline and have a positive effect on it characteristics. Therefore, mixing gasoline with acetone will not make your car drive any better!

Myth No. 3 “Acetone + gasoline is the best solution for increasing car power”

You've probably come across reviews online more than once, opinions that mixing gasoline with acetone will add 5-10 horsepower. But is this really so? To increase the power of the car you will need to install a turbo system or replace the engine with a more modern one. As for acetone, its main purpose is to dissolve paints and varnishes, but not to increase engine power.

But there is an opinion that if you buy acetone solvent and mix it with gasoline, you will be able to improve the quality of the fuel, which will have a positive effect on engine power. This opinion is wrong. During the experiment, it was revealed that by adding acetone to gasoline, the octane number did not increase, and engine power did not improve. If this method is not effective, why are there so many rave reviews online? They do this in order to increase the volume of sales of acetone for other purposes.

Of course, if those who simply thoughtlessly copy material from the network and distribute it, they themselves have never tried to carry out such an experiment to verify this ineffectiveness. We () have been producing solvents, including acetone, for many years. Therefore, he speaks with knowledge of the matter that a solvent, when mixed with fuel, is not able to increase the power of a car and will in no way improve its driving characteristics.

Myth No. 4 “Acetone removes detonation in internal combustion engines”

Initially, it is worth finding out what detonation in an internal combustion engine is? This concept means a violation of the combustion process of the fuel-air mixture. This phenomenon takes on an explosive shock character. You can encounter it if the car was filled with poor quality fuel. For example, instead of the required 95-grade gasoline, they filled in with 92-grade gasoline, which led to poor engine performance.

And many believe that pouring acetone into the tank will improve the quality of poor fuel. However, this is not true because the solvent has no octane rating, which means it cannot improve the fuel. In turn, this indicates that detonation in the internal combustion engine will not disappear. What to do? If there is detonation, the best solution would be to use gasoline of a higher class. This myth has also been dispelled. Acetone is not able to remove detonation in the engine, since it does not have an octane number, which means that it cannot in any way affect the quality of the fuel.

Consequences of using acetone for injectors and carbs

No one forbids using this method, but responsibility for all consequences falls on the car owner, and there are many of them:

  1. The improvements will be minor, and problems may arise later and lead to costly repairs.
  2. If there is water in the tank (it is guaranteed to be in every car), its molecules will react with the solvent. This mixture will gradually destroy the fuel pump and the fuel system as a whole.
  3. Acetone will corrode plastic and paintwork if it gets in contact.
  4. The volume of harmful emissions into the atmosphere is increasing.

Removing excess condensate

Another positive effect will have a solvent mixed with water. This is especially true when condensation collects in the tank and is not completely removed. In this case, the solvent will help completely remove the liquid.

Of course, you can use more expensive means for this purpose, but it cannot be said that they are much more effective.

Review and comparison of White Spirit and Solvent 646

White spirit, which is widely used in repair work, has similar qualities. The composition of this type of solvent is a mixture of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons obtained through processing and subsequent hydrotreating of oil. Liquid formula 646, in addition to alcohols and aliphatic components, contains acetone. The substances have almost the same density. However, they differ in other technical characteristics, the main ones of which are reflected in the table.

Type of mixtureWhite SpiritSolvent 646
Boiling temperature160 degrees59 degrees
Flash point33 degrees7 degrees
Density0.795 g/cm 30.87 g/cm3

What is detonation?

Detonation is the premature ignition of the air-fuel mixture. When the piston moves upward, a spark is supplied even before top dead center.

And the fuel should gradually ignite, thereby pushing the piston when it begins to move down. That is, the temperature of the gases rises, and they push the piston.

What happens at the moment of detonation?

The fuel ignites chaotically and very quickly. It turns out that the gases no longer push it so effectively at the moment of lowering, so power is lost.

Fuel consumption increases and the piston itself suffers greatly, since the fuel ignites very quickly.

Literally in a split second everything burns out, but it should burn gradually and push the piston smoothly.

Many people say that you can fill in absolutely any gasoline in modern cars, because there is a knock sensor there, which supposedly regulates all these combustion processes.

But in reality this is a little different.

The knock sensor only gives a signal to the control unit after premature ignition of the fuel, that is, when engine vibration occurs.

All this is monitored in the form of a graph, and the control unit is already beginning to regulate the ignition angle, or rather, it decreases it, makes it later, and accordingly the air-fuel mixture will ignite later.

Even if low-octane gasoline ignites sharply, it is not so bad, because the spark will be supplied when the piston goes down. But this takes time.

The sensor cannot give signals in advance and it turns out that detonation will still occur for the first fraction of a second.

This is how it affects the engine. So think about it.

In general, I looked for this gasoline. As you heard, there is a slight detonation, not constantly, but it appears periodically.

Method four - use of Dimexide

To clean injectors, you can also use the popular drug Dimexide, which is sold in any pharmacy and is very inexpensive. So, for work you will need:

  • the drug Dimexide (500 ml or more, depending on the degree of contamination);
  • a clean container for liquid with a lid, such as a bottle with a tight-fitting lid of about 500 ml;
  • two nipples;
  • drill (screwdriver) and 13 mm drill (for nipple diameter);
  • four containers in the form of test tubes, where contaminated liquid from the nozzles will be collected (separately for each nozzle);
  • battery or power supply 12 V;
  • air hose;
  • clamps;
  • Solvent solvent.

The cleaning procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Dismantling the ramp with nozzles.
  2. Construction of a washing stand.
  3. Checking injectors for performance (mounted with a ramp on a stand with transparent containers to evaluate the spray pattern and the amount of fuel released).
  4. Soaking individual injectors in a container with dimexide (necessarily in a vertical position so that this aggressive agent does not get on the rubber seals).
  5. Rinsing injection nozzles with dimexide under pressure for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Flushing with solvent and blowing with compressed air (so that there is no product left in the nozzle).

Washing injectors with dimexide is carried out by analogy with the method using an installation with a cylinder. Therefore, first you will need:

  • make some kind of structure to rigidly install the removed ramp on it;
  • drill the lid of the empty container and install one of the nipples there;
  • drill the bottom of the jar and also screw in the second nipple;
  • connect the lower nipple with a rubber hose using a clamp, and connect the other end of the hose to the ramp;
  • assemble a circuit using wires, bringing their ends out in parallel and connecting them to the terminals of the power supply, preferably through a button (normally open);
  • fill the container with cleaning liquid and close the lid tightly;
  • use a compressor to pump up the pressure to about 2 atmospheres;

The supply of cleaner is controlled by a button (in intermittent mode) to turn the nozzles on and off.

As practice and numerous experiments conducted by various car owners show, Dimexide allows you to get rid of contaminants even on very old and dirty injectors. However, remember that Dimexide also has harmful properties. In particular, heated Dimexide dissolves not only carbon deposits, but also paint, and is generally considered a rather aggressive substance.

Before installing the fuel rail in its original location, it is advisable to replace the lower o-rings. The fact is that over time they wear out and tear. It is also advisable to pre-apply silicone grease to them.


As you can see, cleaning injection nozzles yourself in a garage environment is quite acceptable and effective. However, it must be performed, firstly, provided that you are confident that you will do everything correctly, that is, you have experience in performing such repair work. Secondly, the degree of contamination of the injectors is medium or low. If the injector is very clogged, it makes sense to seek help from a car service center, where they will wash the injectors using a liquid or ultrasonic cleaning unit.


How much acetone to add to the gas tank

The editors of our site do not recommend adding acetone to the gas tank of a car.

Proponents of the idea of ​​adding acetone to the gas tank do not have a consensus on the proportion in which acetone and gasoline should be mixed in order to achieve positive effects.

Having looked at automobile forums, you can find a recommendation that looks relatively logical: add acetone to the gas tank in a ratio of no more than 1 to 10 to fuel. That is, for 10 liters of gasoline you need to add no more than 1 liter of fuel. These rules are followed by supporters of the idea of ​​adding acetone to gasoline, who are confident that this allows the engine to be cleaned of various types of combustion products.

On some sites you can find recommendations not to pour more than 500 ml of acetone per full tank. This is a rather strange recommendation, given that tank capacity varies from vehicle to vehicle.

The cost of 1 liter of high-quality acetone is higher than the cost of 1 liter of gasoline.

An example of a study taken from a foreign scientific journal

A striking example of a study on adding acetone to gasoline is an article from the Science Direct website, its full title is Performance and emissions analysis on using acetone–gasoline fuel blends in spark-ignition engine. The magazine positions itself as international, and all information on this topic is freely available. It describes the physicochemical properties of acetone, provides links to various experiments, a description of the installations that were used for the experiment, and chemical reactions. The author of the article explains in detail the benefits of using gasoline additives using graphs. Brief description of the experiment and results (3-, 7- and 10-percent mixtures were used, the engine operated at speeds from 2600-3500 per minute):

  • The use of acetone mixtures improves fuel efficiency and engine performance.
  • The greater the volume of acetone additives (up to 10%), the higher the engine power and torque, the more efficient fuel consumption, the higher the exhaust gas temperature, and the pressure in the cylinder.
  • Acetone additives initially increase carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions, followed by a steady decrease in emissions as engine speed increases.
  • At high speed conditions, fuel additives are more effective.
  • The peak of emissions of harmful substances occurs at 2900-3000 rpm, but the amount of emissions is lower than when the engine runs on pure gasoline.
  • When acetone is burned, opposite reactions can occur: either reduction or decomposition. The decomposition reaction turned out to be dominant.
  • The more acetone in the mixture, the greater the fuel consumption (if more than 10% is added).
  • Acetone takes longer to decompose, but once it turns into steam, the combustion rate of the fuel assembly increases.
  • Three factors influencing the technical characteristics of the engine when using an acetone-gasoline mixture were determined: the amount of air, the volume of acetone in the mixture, and the engine rotation speed.
  • Engine life is not affected when acetone is added below 10%.
  • Acetone is a promising alternative fuel that can be used in internal combustion engines.
  • Adding acetone as a gasoline additive is only possible in high-quality engines.

It is difficult to judge how much information deserves attention; it was not possible to determine how competent this journal is. The total number of such publications is huge, but there are often broken links and evidence that raises doubts. Let's consider other myths associated with acetone, arming ourselves with logic and basic knowledge of chemistry.

What to replace

If the quality of gasoline is not satisfactory, it is recommended not to use folk remedies, but to buy special additives. There are 4 classes of such substances:

  1. To remove water from the tank. Allows you to effectively remove moisture accumulations from the fuel tank.
  2. Cleaners. Designed to clean the fuel system of injection and diesel engines.
  3. Octane number correctors. Recommended for use when using low-quality fuel. The additive will help increase dynamic performance and reduce fuel consumption.
  4. Universal additives can solve all of the above problems to one degree or another.

Remember, a good specialist will never advise under any circumstances to add acetone or any other solvent to the gas tank. The consequences of such actions are dire.


Although acetone looks like an extremely dubious solution for performing the tasks assigned to it, it is still necessary to talk about some of the positive properties and capabilities of this solvent.

  • Acetone, used as an additive in gasoline, has a high concentration of oxygen. Such conditional additives stimulate better mixing of the air-fuel mixture before ignition, which is also due to the excellent volatility of the solvent. This will cause the mixture to burn faster. In theory, this gives an increase in fuel economy and increased torque.
  • Acetone is even used in fuel production. Only here the concentrations are minimal, since manufacturers make detailed calculations and check the properties of their fuel under certain conditions.
  • There are claims that in winter, adding solvent makes the engine start easier. But here one can cast doubt on such a positive point, since much depends on the specific temperature. The solvent has a freezing point of -20 degrees Celsius. That is, under such conditions, you are more likely to get harm than benefit.
  • Resistance to detonation. Another advantage, which, like all the others, has not been confirmed, but also not officially refuted. Self-ignition of gasoline, to which no separate additives have been added, occurs at 257 degrees Celsius. For acetone, this figure reaches 465 degrees. Thus, mixing gives improved detonation resistance of the mixture.
  • Removing water. Condensation in the tank forms gradually, even with a fully functional fuel system. At the same time, acetone is one of the cheapest additives that can rid the tank of excess moisture.

It is impossible to say that these statements are 100% correct. So far, all information is based on assumptions, theory and practice only by ordinary motorists who took a conscious risk and mixed 2 components in the tank of their car.

But before you pour acetone into the gas tank, you need to talk not only about the advantages, but also about the existing disadvantages.

Strong solvent

Acetone is a fairly strong solvent that can (surely) dissolve deposits in engine cylinders, but can also damage non-metallic fuel lines and seals.

It is also unknown exactly how acetone can affect motor oil, and contact between them cannot be avoided. Although in theory oil should not enter the combustion chambers, it still penetrates there in small quantities, and on some machines in large quantities. The contact between oil and acetone can be especially strong when starting a cold engine, when there are difficulties with the evaporation of gasoline that is supplied to the cylinders. Taking into account the fact that evaporated gasoline (or diesel fuel) can condense and come into contact with the cold walls of the cylinders, this can deteriorate the quality of lubrication of the upper zone of operation of the piston rings. In theory, this will affect durability, but exactly how it will happen in practice, no one can say for sure.

Flushing with removal from the engine and complete disassembly

Here we need the same tools and tools.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. We carry out the work provided for in paragraphs 1–12 from the previous chapter.
  2. Disconnect the air and throttle valve drive cables from the carburetor.
  3. Using a 13mm wrench, unscrew the nuts (4 pcs) securing the device to the engine.
  4. We disconnect the heating block from it by unscrewing the screw with a Phillips screwdriver.
  5. We unscrew the fuel quantity adjustment screw by hand.
  6. We do not remove the throttle valves.
  7. Using a slotted screwdriver, unscrew the fuel quality adjustment screw.
  8. Soak the carburetor body in kerosene (gasoline, acetone). After this, we clean it with a toothbrush.

It is also advisable to soak the carburetor body in kerosene

Video: cleaning the Solex carburetor

After assembling the carburetor and installing it on the engine, it is necessary to adjust it.

A simple ketone has become a superstar

At one time, the program “MythBusters” began to gain momentum, where the two main presenters either confirm various exciting and interesting statements or refute them. Their curiosity did not leave our main character of the article aside. “MythBusters” added acetone to gasoline in the 58th episode of their television epic, where they experimentally established that with such exposure, consumption still increases. For TV viewers who are not impressed by foreign programs, you can find domestic analogues. Although “Mythbusters” added acetone to gasoline first, in “Main Road”, in the issue dated 2009.06.12, they went further - they poured pure acetone, it evaporated instantly. However, stories about the power of this substance excited minds, which led to the emergence of myths and legends.

How to wash dirty injectors with acetone through a tank: question technique

Despite the wide range of branded additives, experienced drivers are in no hurry to abandon folk remedies. This is understandable. The cost of a liter of acetone does not exceed 150 rubles. The savings are obvious, but let's talk about the effect.

The drug itself does not have cleaning properties. Let's say he washes fuel oil from his hands no better than a household Fairy. And with the latter, even washing the engine

not effective. But it has not yet been added to gasoline. Once you mix them, it immediately becomes clear that this mixture has excellent cleaning properties.

Knock resistance

An additional advantage of a fuel mixture containing acetone is its resistance to detonation. It is known that gasoline spontaneously ignites at a temperature of 257 degrees (without additives), and the self-ignition limit of acetone is 465 degrees. Consequently, its presence in the mixture increases the knock resistance of the fuel, and this reduces the likelihood that it will ignite before the spark plug creates a spark. According to reviews, the consequence of acetone in gasoline is the disappearance of the phenomenon of engine detonation (when the fuel ignites prematurely).

Environmental friendliness

Modern engines are manufactured taking into account global and local environmental standards in order to reduce the level of bad emissions. And if the mixture of gasoline and oil is quite predictable and studied, then with the addition of acetone the exhaust becomes more toxic. Considering that cars have special sensors that monitor the composition of exhaust gases, if acetone vapor is detected, they can turn on a reduced power mode. The consequence is that the car will become more harmful to the environment and will also drive worse.

When an experiment is beneficial

Nowhere in official sources, authoritative publications, or statements from automobile additive manufacturers will you find confirmed data that acetone is useful and effective when added to fuel.

But there are still a huge number of reviews online that say that by adding acetone to gasoline, they were able to significantly increase engine performance, reduce fuel consumption, clean the engine of contaminants, and other positive opinions. But for every such positive review there is a completely opposite opinion and statement.

Whether to believe in the miraculous properties of the solvent or not is up to each individual. It's your right to experiment on your own machine. Only you will also be responsible for their consequences.

Reviews about the disadvantages of filling

Numerous reviews from forums also indicate that pouring acetone into the fuel tank is not a good idea:

I'll write my story. There was Kalina Universal 8th grade. 2012. Sometimes acetone poured... The smell from the gas tank confused the gas station attendants... I filled 25 liters with 300 grams at once... It started, then sneezed, drove off, stalled. Somehow I got there, fortunately it was on LPG. It didn’t start in the morning. I added half a liter of alcohol, 5 liters 95. Miraculously, it started up and began to pour out white smoke... I went, got to the gas station, filled in 15 liters of 95 and rolled off the tank. Conclusion, take care of your engines, injectors... Later the fuel pump burned out))) As I later found out, Acetone is not very useful.



I wouldn't mess with acetone. This is a solvent with slightly different properties compared to the hydrocarbons contained in fuel. In the sense that it dissolves various varnishes and even some plastics. Rubber hoses may crack. Although, in small quantities it is unlikely to harm. But deposits in the tank and fuel lines of old cars can begin to “stir” and then something gets clogged somewhere... And it’s unlikely that a small amount of acetone will have such a clear impact on the ability to start in the cold.



I can add a fly in the ointment. Recently it took a long time to start a turbo Forester for my employee. He had little gas in his tank. Let's go and buy a canister of 98. We decided to bleed the fuel line. We removed the tube from the fuel filter and began to drain it. As a result, soot flowed instead of gasoline, and there was no smell of gasoline. The smell was something between acetone and alcohol. Apparently a “smart” gas station on an industrial scale brings the solvent life hack to life. It's corroding rubber hoses...

Mark Four


Cleaning the engine from carbon deposits

It has been proven that thanks to this product, dirt and carbon deposits that appear on the injectors and spark plugs of the car are cleaned. It makes idle smoother and increases traction at low speeds.

You should not pour acetone into the tanks of new cars. Such experiments are only appropriate for owners of cars whose mileage is over 100,000 km.

Proportions for filling: for 50 liters of gasoline, about 250 ml of pure solvent (it is important that it does not contain any additives).

Is it possible to save money on gasoline this way?

You can often find drivers who add solvent directly to gasoline. True, it is impossible to predict what the outcome of such a risky experiment will be.

The outcome depends on many parameters - fuel quality, driving style, engine, etc. Most experts are against such additives.

Why do drivers take this step? It turns out that acetone helps to increase the octane number of gasoline, and this not only reduces engine detonation, but there is also an opinion that thanks to this product, fuel consumption will decrease and engine power will increase. But is this true?

If you listen to the opinion of experts, it turns out that all this is not the best idea, and even dangerous. And if you decide to experiment, be prepared for the fact that the solvent may eventually corrode the parts.

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