Why the stove in the car does not heat well and how to deal with it

the problem that the heater in the car is weak only with the arrival of cold weather; in most cases, it did not arise spontaneously in late autumn or winter, but as a result of malfunctioning of the engine cooling system. This malfunction can occur for several reasons at once. Therefore, if you don’t want to freeze inside or the stove in your car is not heating well , then you should check the serviceability of all the components and parts discussed below one by one.

The design of the stove is quite simple and consists of a radiator itself, a special device for regulating the movement of liquid, pipes through which coolant circulates, air dampers, an air duct and a fan.

If, at an outside air temperature of -25 degrees, your car’s heater warms up the interior to +16 degrees below and +10 degrees above, the stove can be considered fully operational. The temperature in the rear seats of the car should be approximately +15 degrees. The presence of such a noticeable difference between the temperature at the bottom of the cabin and the temperature at the top will ensure a comfortable ride for both the driver and the passenger.

Among the most common problems are the following: airing of the system, clogged radiator, fan failure, malfunction of the heating tap (Soviet cars), incorrect operation of the control unit and jammed thermostat. It is these problems that lead to the fact that the stove heats only under certain conditions, or does not work at all.

Low coolant level or air lock

Due to a leak at the connection points of the pipes or on the radiator, the coolant level in the system may decrease. This will worsen its circulation inside the heater radiator and affect its heating. Air pockets that form when replacing or adding antifreeze have the same effect.

What to do

Check the coolant level and add if necessary. If there are leaks, fix them.

To get rid of the plug, open the cap of the expansion tank and radiator (if equipped), and then squeeze several times with your hand all the thick hoses that you can reach.

Start the engine, turn the heater to maximum and let the car idle until it warms up completely. To be sure, it would be good to drive onto an overpass or some kind of hill to lift the front of the car and help the air escape. This may cause a small amount of antifreeze to splash out - be careful.

How to make the stove heat better

In order to ensure that the heater does not fail at the right time, you need to take some preventive actions or find and fix faults in a timely manner. Here are tips to make the stove heat better at any time:

  1. It is necessary to regularly clean radiators from various types of blockages. The external radiator can be cleaned with streams of compressed air, and if necessary, it can be removed and washed under running water. The internal radiator can also be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner if the level of contamination is not very high.
  2. When using non-original or simply not very high-quality antifreeze, growths inside the pipe channels cannot be avoided. You can easily clean the radiator without removing it. You just need to swap the upper and lower pipes and let the car run for a while. You can also clean it with household citric acid or use a special washing liquid. To prevent this problem from arising at all, it is recommended to change the antifreeze at least once a year.
  3. urgently replaced . If it is stuck open, the heater will not be able to fully warm up the interior, and the car itself will take longer to warm up. If the thermostat is stuck open, this can lead to overheating of the entire car, which will entail a lot of repairs.
  4. If the air from the stove is hot, but its flow is very weak, then most likely the cabin filter . It is not recommended to use a car without a cabin filter, since all dust and germs from the street will enter directly into the cabin. Therefore, the filter should be replaced with a new one.
  5. The heating system will not work well if there are air bubbles in it. This is not a terrible problem, it can be solved. First, you should try to expel the air with the engine off. Open the cap of the expansion tank, find the hose from the tank to the radiator and try to pour antifreeze manually. If this method is not suitable, then you need to let the car idle.
  6. You also need to pay attention to the control levers for the dampers of the stove itself. If a heater cable or valve has come off, this may be the reason for poor operation of the entire system.
  7. Periodically, you should lubricate the bearings on the stove fan , and also clean it of dust.

To avoid such problems, it is recommended to carry out all preventive measures promptly and carefully. This will allow you to enjoy a relaxed ride in a well-warmed car. You will protect the glass from the frozen layer, making movement safer. The longer a vehicle's service life, the more attention its heating system requires. This applies to all cars, regardless of the country of origin.


Cabin filter and air duct clogged

Sometimes the cause of a poorly functioning heater can be a dirty cabin filter or leaves, insects and dust getting into the air duct due to its absence. In this case, the radiator itself warms up, but cannot release heat due to the weak air flow.

What to do

Check the cabin filter and replace it if necessary. If there is no filter at all, although there should be one, then clean the air duct of debris. If possible, get to the heater core itself and blow it thoroughly with compressed air.

How to check why the heater does not heat well in a car

To understand why the stove does not blow hot air, it is necessary to comprehensively check the performance of all elements. To do this, follow these steps one by one:

  • Check air flows . During normal operation of the heater, air passes through the deflectors with optimal force so that the flow is felt in the knee area. It is also important to monitor the direction of the flow - if the air blows above or below your knees, then it is wrong.
  • Watch the noise level . Turn off the engine, turn off the radio and listen to the heater fan. When it is turned on, no extraneous sounds or noise should be heard. Leaves and other debris can come in from the street, which leads to noise and poor air flow from the stove. If you hear a creaking or squealing sound from the system, the problem is in the electric motor bearings (lubricate them or replace the heater motor).
  • Pay attention to the coolant temperature . Monitor your DTO indicators throughout the day. When parked in traffic jams or slipping, the temperature increases, but during normal driving it should stabilize. If there are constant temperature changes, this indicates the presence of air pockets in the system or a malfunction of the pump.
  • Check the condition of the cabin filter . If it is dirty or clogged with small debris, then urgently replace it with a quality option. Also, problems with the filter can be determined by the appearance of an uncharacteristic or downright unpleasant odor in the cabin.
  • Check with your hand what temperature the air is blowing from the nozzle . For example, a typical malfunction on a Duster is that the stove does not heat well when the heater radiator becomes clogged. Moreover, the temperature of the air flow is not high enough even at maximum speed.
  • Make sure all pipes are tight . The heater stops heating normally when drips and fogging appear on the pipes and hoses of the system. Therefore, antifreeze drips from them and they allow air into the system. It is better to replace any damaged pipes immediately.
  • Diagnose your air conditioner yourself . If it is installed on the machine, then you can easily check its functionality. The problem in most cases is a malfunction of the radiator-condenser. In winter, the lower part of the condenser, which is located in front of the heater radiator, may be icy or covered in snow. Clean the condenser from reagents and ice, and install a special protective screen on it. This protection will need to be removed in the spring.

Thermostat malfunction

This is a common cause of furnace problems. If the thermostat sticks in the closed position, then the breakdown is noticed immediately, since in this case the engine overheats. But if we are talking about an open or slightly open position, then, as a rule, drivers find out about this only with the onset of cold weather.

If the thermostat is constantly open, the coolant always moves in a large circle. As a result, the engine takes a very long time to warm up, and sometimes does not warm up completely. Of course, there can be no question of any normal operation of the heater. This increases fuel consumption, and in the case of an automatic transmission, its warm-up time also slows down.

Signs of a faulty thermostat are more or less tolerable heating of the stove when driving at low speeds and cold air from the ventilation when driving on the highway. The fact that the thermostat is constantly open is indicated by the simultaneous heating of both radiator hoses. Normally, when starting the engine, one of them should be warm and the other should be cold.

What to do

There is only one option: replace the thermostat with a new one.

The stove blows cold air: possible causes of the malfunction

In most regions of Russia, it is impossible to do without a car interior heating system. However, sometimes you may encounter a situation where, with the onset of cold weather, the need for heating arises, but when you turn on the stove, you feel that cold air is coming from the air ducts. In this article we will look at why the stove blows cold air and what to do in such circumstances.

How does a car heater work?

The warm air entering the car interior is generated by the engine and coolant. By washing the hot parts of the engine, antifreeze cools them. The heat generated in this way is released into the atmosphere in the summer; in the cold season, the liquid entering the radiator through the pipes is partially used to heat the interior.

The car interior is equipped with an electric motor with an impeller that drives air through a hot radiator. The heated air circulates inside the car. The temperature is controlled by the amount of hot antifreeze that passes through the stove. To regulate the air blowing from the stove, there are dampers in its body, which are controlled by a gearmotor of the control unit. The fan rotation speed is also adjusted from this unit, through a rheostat.

We talked about what the stove is, now let's move on to identifying malfunctions in its operation. Thanks to a competent check, you can save not only time, but also money. When diagnosing the reasons why the stove is blowing cold air, it is important to understand what exactly has stopped working. That is, first of all, it is necessary to determine which particular system node has failed.

So, let's look at why it happens that the stove does not work and cold air blows.

Why does the stove blow cold air?

Problems with the operation of the stove in the car interior can be expressed in the following:

  • the stove blows cold air;
  • the stove starts working if you press the gas pedal;
  • the stove blows either cold or hot air;
  • air stopped flowing from the deflectors into the cabin;
  • the stove works, but cold air enters the cabin;
  • fan operation is possible only if the speed regulator is moved to the extreme speed position;
  • During operation of the stove, extraneous sounds are heard;
  • hot air starts to blow when the crankshaft is running at high speeds.

Due to such malfunctions, not only does the air inside the car not heat up, but the engine as a whole does not function normally, which means the problem deserves special attention.

The reasons why the stove blows cold air can fall into one of two large groups.

  1. Malfunctions of the cooling system as a whole.
      Most often, the reason that the heater in your car is blowing cold air is a broken thermostat or switch. Thanks to this element, the coolant moves in the right direction. If the thermostat fails, antifreeze will pass through the main radiator, the time required to warm up the engine will increase significantly, and if the air temperature is low, it will not warm up.

      A malfunction of the thermostat is primarily indicated by the coolant temperature indicator. If the element is faulty, it will take a long time for the antifreeze temperature to rise. In addition, you can feel the hose that comes from the main radiator. If, after warming up the engine, the hose does not heat up and the heater blows cold air, then we can conclude that the thermostat has failed and needs to be replaced.

  2. water pump
    Another reason that the stove is blowing cold air may be the ineffective operation of the pump - the pump that pumps antifreeze. Pump failure is possible in the following cases:

    — malfunction of its drive (belt break); — jamming (bearing failure); - rotation of the impeller (blades that drive coolant) or its destruction, as a result of which it will not be able to effectively pump coolant.

    As a result, the system will not warm up evenly - if one part overheats, the other will remain cold, which will lead to overheating of the engine. The antifreeze temperature sensor will indicate a malfunction.

    If the pump is ineffective, the heater will operate at high engine speeds. The volume of coolant passing through the radiator at idle speed will not be enough for warm air to blow from the stove.

  3. Cylinder head gasket
    A nailed or burnt gasket, which is located between the cylinder block and its head, allows gases in the cylinders to enter the coolant.

    This malfunction can be judged by white smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe, a sharp increase in the level of antifreeze, as well as gurgling sounds in the expansion tank. This malfunction is quite serious and requires disassembling the engine.

  4. Air in the system
    The operation of the heater at high engine speeds indicates the presence of air in the cooling system. Air has low thermal conductivity and is therefore not suitable for the rapid spread of heat. This situation adversely affects not only the operation of the stove, but also the functioning of the engine as a whole.

    Due to the design features of the stove, air accumulates in the area of ​​its radiator. If the antifreeze does not move intensively enough, for example, when the engine is idling, the coolant does not expel air from the radiator, and the heater blows cold air.

    The entry of air into the system is indicated by poor operation of the heater at low speeds, and when they increase, you will not only feel a blow of hot air, but also gurgling sounds in the area of ​​the stove. First of all, the cause of air entering the system should be determined. This may be due to insufficient tightness of the system, leading to air suction, or to a small volume of antifreeze. But before bringing its quantity to normal, it is important to find out and eliminate the reason for the decrease in its volume.

    If the heater's radiator has been replaced, but it continues to blow cold air, air has most likely entered the system. To resolve this problem, please refer to the operating instructions for your specific vehicle. To eliminate the air lock that has formed in the heater radiator, it is necessary to disconnect the hoses, then pour coolant into the upper one, while it will pour out through the lower one. The procedure must be continued until air bubbles stop coming out of the hose.

    On a number of cars, you can get rid of air in the heating system by placing the car at a certain angle and starting the engine at high speeds.

  5. Heating system malfunctions.

    If the heater blows cold air while running and there are no faults in the cooling system, most likely the problem is in the heater itself. That is, the coolant reaches it, but cannot penetrate into the cabin in the form of hot air. The malfunction may concern the radiator or heater tap.

      Heater radiator
      If the heater blows cold air at speed, the problem may be a clogged heater core. The blockage prevents hot coolant from passing through it, therefore the air does not heat up. This situation is possible in the following cases:

      — use of various cooling system sealants; — long-term operation of the car using low-quality antifreeze or water; — the car and radiator are of considerable age.

      The listed reasons lead to the accumulation of dirt in the cooling system. Since the channels in the stove radiator are the narrowest (due to the need for slower fluid flow and greater heat transfer), they are most susceptible to contamination. The problem can be corrected by flushing or replacing the radiator.

  6. Faucet
    Another reason that the heater is blowing cold air may be a closed heater tap. This problem occurs in older cars. The situation is possible if there is a malfunction of the faucet itself, which is stuck in the closed position, or in the control drive.

    In the latter case, the reason lies in the drive (cable) coming off the mounts. In this case, it must be returned to its place and secured. The faucet is replaced as an assembly. Modern vehicle models do not have faucets; they are equipped with dampers that close the radiator when there is no need for hot air. If the damper fails, the stove also stops functioning normally.

Cleaning the radiator of a car heater

What to do if the stove blows cold air and the radiator needs to be flushed? There are several ways to do this.

  1. Flushing the radiator with complete removal.

    Dismantling a radiator is quite difficult; you cannot do it without knowledge of the car’s structure. However, in certain cases there is no other way to fix the problem. If you do not have positive experience with flushing the radiator, you should seek the help of professionals by contacting a service center.

    Flushing with removal of the stove is required when other methods of cleaning the radiator have proven ineffective.

    By removing the heater radiator, you can detect a number of faults. For example, you can see if the fan is functioning normally, and if there are problems, replace its motor.

    In addition, only by dismantling the radiator can it be washed from the outside. If your car does not have a filter, be prepared for a large amount of dust and debris to accumulate on the air intake. The most dangerous is poplar fluff, which forms a thick caked crust. As a result, the heat exchanger stops blowing and generating heat.

    You can assess the condition of the pipes, the degree of contamination of the radiator cells, as well as how tightly the air duct dampers fit when they are closed by removing the radiator. If in the closed position there are voids between the dampers and the stove, then air will come from outside, bypassing the radiator. Owners of not only budget but also expensive cars may encounter a similar problem. In the latter case, you should immediately contact a car service to solve the problem.

    By dismantling the radiator, you can understand whether the cooling system as a whole is working. If the radiator is not functioning, cleaning will not help; you can solve the problem by replacing the entire cooling system. The cooling system becomes dirty gradually, but the moment the stove fails due to blockage is always unexpected. Repairing copper radiators involves sealing them, but if we are talking about aluminum, then replacing it will be a more expedient and cheaper solution to the problem.

    Radiators are washed without using a pump, a sufficiently powerful pressure of hot water and a special bath. Washing is carried out using both homemade and professional cleaning products. Some methods are only suitable for a removed radiator, and using them at home is dangerous to health.

  2. Washing with sulfuric acid.

    To flush with sulfuric acid, the radiator must be removed, otherwise the rubber and plastic parts of the cooling system may be damaged. Today, this method is used very rarely and requires careful adherence to safety measures.

    It is imperative to use special goggles, rubber gloves, a gown and a household respirator to protect against inhalation of toxic fumes. In addition, it is necessary to use special tongs or grips that prevent direct contact with the solution.

    You also cannot do without a hydrometer, with which the concentration of the washing liquid is measured. Washing is carried out with a 15% solution of sulfuric acid. The hydrometer reading should be 1.1 g density per 1 cm3. The solution contains distilled water and battery electrolyte.

    Remember that you should never pour water into acid; the acid must be carefully added to the water.

    The method is suitable for flushing old copper radiators. Aluminum or zinc elements will fail after such treatment.

  3. Cleaning with hydrochloric acid solution.

    You should also not resort to this method if you lack experience. In addition, hydrochloric acid is not commercially available. As in the previous case, strict adherence to safety precautions is necessary.

    If the contamination that has caused the stove to blow cold air is strong enough, then the cooling system should be filled with a 2% acid solution (50 ml per 1 liter of water). Then you will need to thoroughly and carefully flush the system with plain water. If the radiator is made of parts that are susceptible to corrosion, this cleaning method is not suitable.

  4. Washing with caustic soda (caustic soda).

    This method also causes heated debate. When using it, you must follow safety precautions; you cannot start washing without protective gloves; in addition, keep in mind that soda can corrode fabrics and is toxic.

    Caustic soda is an alkaline detergent that cannot be found commercially. Using even a 5% solution will damage an aluminum radiator. The product is also harmful to zinc parts, zinc and aluminum alloys. It is recommended to be used if it is necessary to clean equipment before repair.

    To prepare the solution, you need 50 g of caustic soda per 1 liter of distilled water. The radiator grille is placed in a bath filled with solution for several minutes, then removed and checked for dissolution of contaminants. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. At the end of the treatment, the radiator is washed with distilled water and dried.

    Today, there are various ways to clean radiators from contaminants. Some of them raise reasonable doubts, since the necessary ingredients are not freely available, and the processing process is labor-intensive. It is better to resort to methods with minimal risk of damage to the vehicle and your own health, and also do not forget that you assume all the risks of such work.

Where in St. Petersburg to repair a car with maximum benefit

Our auto centers will quickly and efficiently repair your heating system. The company has been operating on the market for more than 20 years, providing high-quality services for servicing and repairing cars of all brands and any year of manufacture at affordable prices. Our service stations have the latest equipment and are equipped with special tools, and our employees are highly qualified.

You can get more detailed information on our website or find out directly from managers. We will be glad to see you at our service center!

Heater core blockage

Another common reason. Typically, blockages occur due to poor-quality coolant, mixing different fluids, adding water, or using sealants for the cooling system. Deposits and scale that form inside the radiator completely clog the honeycombs and block the circulation of antifreeze.

What to do

Removing and replacing the radiator is quite difficult on any car, so try flushing it first. You will need a special product or regular citric acid (100 grams must be dissolved in 5 liters of distilled water). The standard hoses are removed from the radiator, and others are connected to the inlet and outlet. The liquid is heated to 80–90 °C and supplied to the radiator using some kind of pump.

Unfortunately, flushing is not a panacea. It helps in about half the cases. In addition, due to the flushing of internal deposits, a leak may form.

If flushing does not produce results, only replacing the radiator will help. In this case, it would also be a good idea to completely flush the entire cooling system and replace the fluid.

Advice from experienced motorists

Before removing the stove, it is advisable to obtain new pipes for connecting it in advance and replace them along with the radiator.

Replacing a heater heater on a passenger car is a labor-intensive process and often takes a lot of time. To avoid constant repairs of this nature, only original and high-quality parts should be installed on the car, and only reliable and proven materials should be used as coolant. It is advisable to diagnose the heating system before the onset of the cold season, so as not to have problems with it in the winter.

Pump impeller wear

A pump is a pump that pumps antifreeze from the engine, ensuring its continuous circulation throughout all components of the cooling system. A pump breakdown is quite difficult to miss: in this case, the engine will immediately overheat and boil.

When the impeller blades wear out due to the aggressive effects of water or low-quality antifreeze, the pump's performance drops significantly. It is still enough to ensure that the coolant somehow circulates and the engine does not overheat, but it is no longer enough to fully warm up the heater radiator.

What to do

As a rule, pumps are not repaired. Therefore, the problem is solved by replacing the faulty unit with a new one.

see also

Comments 58

People, tell me, the driver's side blows cold everywhere, but the passenger side is fine, as you set

sorry don't understand)

The last time my stove stopped blowing heat, it cost about 100 kilo rubles for repairs))) 25,000 for a timing belt kit with a pump, and another 70 for an engine overhaul... I feel like if the stove suddenly starts acting up, I’ll have a myocardial infarction))) WOOOO scar!

yeah... the steward give it back right away))))

1) Calibration 2) Check the operation of the stove control unit (knobs), I had problems with them this year. 3) Has the engine temperature increased recently?

Krutilki, hmm, we need to look, the temperature is still normal or lower

Fan problems

Coldness in the cabin can be caused not only by insufficient heating of the heater radiator, but also by weak ventilation. The fan is to blame for this because it does not provide the necessary air flow and heat removal from the radiator.

What to do

If the fan does not work at all, then everything is clear. Most often it rotates, but at insufficient speed. This happens due to wear on the motor brushes or jamming of the bearings. In both cases, repairs will be required from an auto electrician.

Why doesn't the heater fan work?

Heater fan not working

The stove fan does not work if:

  • The fan fuse has blown;
  • The heater switch is faulty;
  • Problems with wiring, connection reliability;
  • The fan motor has failed.

The simplest thing is a blown fuse. In this case, simply replace it with a new one. However, if the fuse burns out again, you need to look for the cause, a short circuit somewhere. The fan switch can be easily checked by shorting the wires that go to it. Find out which terminals of the switch should close and jump the corresponding wires. The fan started spinning - the problem was found. Switches are usually non-removable, so replace the one that is faulty immediately.

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Problems with wiring rarely occur, but if in doubt, check that all connections are secure and that there are no oxidized contacts or broken wires. If suspicions for all of the above reasons are not justified, it means that the motor itself is faulty. It is also usually beyond repair and will need to be replaced.

Faulty heater motor must be replaced

Damper servo drive failure

Another reason why the stove heats up, but the heat does not reach the interior, is a malfunction of the damper. In all modern cars, the heater radiator heats up constantly, and heat comes from it only when the air duct damper is open. If the damper does not open or does not open completely, there can be no talk of an optimal temperature.

The damper is driven by a servomotor, which is controlled by a knob or buttons on the climate control panel. The problem can be either a breakdown of the servo drive itself or slipping of the cables or rods that drive the damper.

What to do

This problem can only be identified and corrected by disassembling the heater panel. If rods or cables have come off, they need to be returned to their place. A servo drive malfunction, unless it has completely failed, can only be diagnosed by a specialist. Servo drives rarely need to be repaired; the problem is usually solved by replacing them with a new one.

Why doesn't it blow at all?

This can happen in two cases: the stove fan does not work, or the air does not pass through. The operation of the fan is usually audible, so there should not be any problems in determining the cause. If you can hear the fan, but no air flows, it means that its path is blocked by dampers that control air flow, or by foreign objects, for example, leaves. Rarely seen. To eliminate the cause, you need to check all the air ducts. Debris accumulates near a large obstruction, such as a radiator.

Dirt in the car radiator

If there is no debris, you need to check the dampers. Most often, their drive fails, for example, the cables jam or jump out of their fastening points. What needs to be corrected in this case can usually be seen after disassembly. Violation of the tightness of air duct connections is a very rare problem. The air flow does not reach the blowing nozzles, but is blown inside the dashboard. Here you need a sequential inspection of all connection points. If the cabin filter is very dirty, air passes through it with great difficulty. The interior is not ventilated properly.

You just need to change the filter. Of course, if you changed it recently, it has nothing to do with it. Another reason that the air does not flow: the fan is spinning in the wrong direction. But this only happens if something was done to it, for example, it was changed and installed incorrectly. In such a situation, you need to check the polarity of the fan connection (plus to plus, minus to minus).

Damage to the heater control unit

In addition, the air damper may not open due to malfunctions in the climate control unit or temperature sensors. In this case, the required signal is simply not sent to the drive, which in turn does not open the damper, and instead of hot air, cold air enters the cabin.

What to do

Only a specialist can determine the exact cause of the breakdown after disassembly and diagnostics. Therefore, it’s unlikely to be possible without a trip to a good car service center.

Water pump

If the stove blows cold air at idle, then the cause of the malfunction may be worn impeller blades.

This mainly happens when the car is no longer fresh or different coolants were used in the system. What is happening at this moment? A worn pump impeller at low engine speeds cannot create optimal pressure in the system for full circulation of antifreeze. To fix this problem, you simply need to replace the pump.

Heater housing leakage and radiator displacement

A fairly rare problem is a violation of the seal of the housing. After an accident or improper assembly, the plastic parts of the stove may be damaged or have gaps through which hot air will escape. In this case, the efficiency of the heater will decrease significantly.

In some cars, due to weak latches or other design flaws, the radiator may move out of its place, and the air pumped by the fan will not pass through it, but past it. The same thing happens when the air duct damper is closed, that is, there is no heat to speak of.

What to do

In both cases, it is necessary to disassemble the dashboard in order to get to the heater and restore its normal operation. That is, correct the damage, seal the joints of the body parts, return the heater radiator to its place and secure it well.

You can handle this on your own, but the work is not easy. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, contact specialists.

What to do first

In order not to get buried in the abundance of reasons, it is necessary to act from simple to complex. Leave the frightening thoughts of a broken cylinder head gasket and take a trifling attitude, as if the electric damper actuator has failed. Actually, that's where we'll start.

Check the operation of the climate control shutters

Turn the knob or rocker of the climate system and evaluate the temperature of the incoming air. For example, with “blue all the way” the air should be noticeably cold, and with the maximum red settings it should be warmer.

Immobilized valves will not be able to mix flows according to the specified °C value. Therefore, at any position of the regulator, air will blow at the same temperature. The dampers stop as a result of damaged fasteners or a failed servomotor.

Attention. If the cooling system has a tap installed on the stove, check its position. Must be open.

Is the antifreeze level in the expansion tank stable?

Lift the hood, find the “extender” and the boundary marks on it. When cold, the antifreeze level should be between the MIN and MAX marks. If the tank is constantly emptying, look for leaks. You can look at where the coolant goes using the Lada Vesta as an example.

Heater radiators of some cars, for example Lada Kalina, are very sensitive to the amount of antifreeze in the expansion tank. At the slightest leak, the engine heats up, and the stove is cold or barely warm. And in general, when liquid flows out, air comes in and thus the system becomes airy.

Advice. It is better to look for small leaks under pressure. For example, adapt a regular spool valve from the chamber to the “expander” and create pressure in the tank with a bicycle pump.

Inspect the heater radiator for unobstructed circulation

Find two pipes going to the heater heat exchanger near the engine shield and touch them. The radiator assembly is embedded in a small circle in parallel, which means that the hoses should warm up immediately after starting the engine. It is better to carry out work when the engine is warmed up.

If one of the tubes is cold and the other is warm, the radiator is clogged or airy. First, rule out the presence of a dirt plug: pull off the outlet hose and evaluate the flow - practically nothing will flow out of a clogged radiator installation. Isn't that the point? Then feel free to expel the air.

Cylinder head gasket failure

The most unpleasant problem, which, fortunately, is quite rare. Due to overheating of the engine and poor tightening of the cylinder head, at some point the gasket under it may become damaged. If a breakdown occurs between the cooling jacket and the combustion chamber, then gases from it will enter the antifreeze, forming bubbles and impairing circulation, and in some cases even creating air locks.

You can recognize a gasket breakdown by thick white smoke, or more precisely, steam from the muffler, which is formed when coolant enters the cylinder. At the same time, the air will bubble in the expansion tank, and due to the increased pressure, the antifreeze may boil out and even splash out.

Old antifreeze

One of the most common causes of heater failure is old coolant, which oxidizes over time and enters into chemical interactions with metals, plastics and other materials, resulting in sediment that clogs the thin radiator channels.

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Sometimes drivers themselves add foreign substances to the antifreeze, including agents to eliminate leaks from cracks in the stove. Then clots form inside, preventing the circulation of liquid.

Tips for warming up your car quickly

  1. Monitor the technical condition of all components of the car heater: radiator, fan, cabin filter, electronics, promptly replace failed parts.
  2. When warming up the car in severe frost, do not set the heater control to the maximum position: the engine and interior will heat up much more slowly. It is enough to set the regulator to the initial position or to “1”.
  3. During extreme cold weather, owners of cars with a small engine are advised to take additional measures to help the engine quickly reach the desired temperature, for example, cover the unit with a blanket for a short time or block the air supply to the main radiator with cardboard.

Video on the topic


  • https://KrutiMotor.ru/pechka-duet-holodnym-vozduhom-prichiny/
  • https://autostadt.su/pechka-duet-cholodnym-vozduchom/
  • https://unit-car.com/diagnostika-i-remont/204-ploho-greet-pechka-v-mashine.html
  • https://HyperAuto.ru/articles/poleznaya-informaciya/pochemu-pechka-duet-holodnym-vozduhom-7-osnovnyh-prichin/
  • https://avtika.ru/pochemu-duet-holodnyy-vozduh-pri-progretom-dvigatele/
  • https://avtika.ru/pochemu-pri-progretom-dvigatele-pechka-duet-holodnym/
  • https://FB.ru/article/230103/pechka-duet-holodnyim-vozduhom-prichinyi-remont
  • https://auto-sovets.ru/svoimi-rukami/ne-rabotaet-pechka-v-mashine-prichiny-polomki-i-neispravnosti.html
  • https://autochainik.ru/ne-greet-pechka-v-mashine.html
  • https://DriverTip.ru/repair/pechka-otopitelya-v-mashine-duet-holodnym-vozduhom.html
  • https://AvtoNov.com/%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BC%D1%83-%D0%BD%D0%B5-%D0%B3%D1%80 %D0%B5%D0%B5%D1%82-%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%BA%D0%B0-%D0%B2-%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1% 88%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B5-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%8B/
  • https://nahybride.ru/salon/pechka-duet-holodnym-vozduhom
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