Replacing Chevrolet Niva antifreeze: instructions, draining, flushing, filling

Antifreeze is a special liquid that is designed to maintain the operation of a vehicle's cooling system and which does not freeze at low temperatures. Using the presented liquid, the car engine is cooled when necessary. Apart from its main purpose, antifreeze also lubricates the inside of the cooling system of a Chevrolet Niva car, which helps prevent the formation of corrosion.

The car cooling system is designed to maintain the optimal temperature of the engine of a Chevrolet Niva vehicle. When the car engine heats up, antifreeze comes into action, with the help of which the vehicle engine returns to the optimal temperature. The coolant should be replaced according to the instructions specified in the operating manual for the Niva Chevrolet vehicle. This article will provide information on the procedure for replacing antifreeze yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists, and will also discuss in detail the stages of draining the refrigerant, flushing the cooling system and filling in new coolant.

Until the engine temperature of a Chevrolet Niva car is low, the cooling system thermostat is closed, and the coolant circulates in a small circle without entering the vehicle radiator. In a situation when the engine temperature of a Chevrolet Niva car reaches approximately 85 degrees Celsius, the thermostat opens slightly and antifreeze enters the car’s radiator. If the vehicle's engine reaches 105 degrees Celsius, the thermostat opens all the way and heated coolant enters the radiator, warming up the interior. After completing these steps, the antifreeze returns to the pump. The engine temperature of a Chevrolet Niva car is determined using a special sensor.

Niva Chevrolet: cooling system

Engine operation at normal temperature conditions is ensured by the functioning of the components included in its composition.
This is a closed-type pipeline with forced ventilation. List of elements providing heat exchange:

  1. Pump for pumping water.
  2. Thermostat.
  3. Fans.
  4. Radiator.
  5. Expansion tank.

The pump operates under the influence of centrifugal force. As the blades rotate, coolant is pumped, creating a pressure difference, so the antifreeze moves along the line.

For the efficient functioning of the heat exchanger, which includes a radiator, a thermostat is provided to open and close the movement of coolant in a circle. The latter is necessary to maintain balance in the system and has factory settings - it opens at a temperature range from 75 to 80°C.

The radiator contains two tanks connected horizontally by aluminum channels:

  • one receives coolant;
  • from the other - coolant comes out.

Heat exchange is provided over the radiator area.

When heated, a liquid tends to expand. To avoid the creation of excess pressure, an expansion tank is designed to receive it. The latter is equipped with a cover with a bypass valve to increase the pressure in the system. By switching to a closed type, it was possible to increase the boiling point and eliminate losses due to leakage from the tank.

Fuel tank characteristics

The fuel tank of this model has almost sixty liters, or more precisely 58. On average, per hundred kilometers you have to spend 8-9 liters of AI-95, Premium-95 or AI-92 gasoline. Features of the fuel container:

  • the tank is located directly under the rear seat;
  • in the upper part there is a small hatch under which the fuel pump is installed;
  • The sensor will help determine the level of fuel fluid and the amount of gasoline.

There are other Chevrolet Niva filling tanks, many of which are included in various systems.

Types and properties of coolants for cars

The best option for effectively lowering the temperature is antifreeze. This is a liquid that contains:

  • distilled water;
  • ethylene glycol or propylene glycol (less aggressive substance);
  • additional additives.

Antifreeze based on ethylene glycol. Additives, in turn, are divided into the following subtypes:

  • silicate;
  • based on organic acids (carboxylate);
  • hybrid antifreezes (based on the two described above).

Carboxylate coolants have good heat transfer and high cooling temperatures. They reliably fight fat deposits and have a longer service life. Silicate antifreezes perfectly prevent corrosion and reduce the temperature of aqueous solutions. They are considered universal.

Carboxylate coolant after 60,000 km.

Depending on the additives used, a high-quality coolant must have a high boiling point and thermal conductivity. Also not to be exposed to freezing in the winter season, maintaining its performance. Do not form scale or foam.

Types of coolant

Antifreeze is a liquid that is a mixture of pure distilled water, propylene glycol and various additives. Water is used as a universal solution, and propylene glycol makes the liquid viscous and sticky. Additional additives provide better engine cooling and also perform a number of additional functions depending on the composition:

  • silicate additives prevent metal oxidation and also reduce the overall temperature of the liquid;
  • carboxylate additives destroy fatty deposits on the walls of the cooling system channels and also increase the shelf life of antifreeze;

antifreeze with special additives on sale , which can perform a number of specific functions - they prevent the liquid from freezing at subzero temperatures (relevant for cold regions), eliminate scale and foam (relevant for old problematic engines), and so on.

When to change coolant

Drain plug

There are several situations that will require you to carry out a mandatory coolant replacement procedure.

  1. The color of the coolant has changed. The liquid may take on a rusty color. This indicates the need for replacement.
  2. An oil film has formed on the surface of the cooler.
  3. Antifreeze often bubbles in the expansion tank of a VAZ 2110. Moreover, there were no prerequisites for such a phenomenon. The Ten is a car for good speeds, because when driving at low speeds, the antifreeze in the expansion tank on the VAZ 2110 often boils. This is because the cooling fan does not turn on.
  4. A coolant that is no longer suitable for further use may also boil, the composition of which has changed significantly since it was poured into the expansion tank.
  5. Antifreeze is leaking somewhere from the expansion tank on a VAZ 2110. The situation is common, but it cannot be solved by adding or replacing coolant. It is necessary to find where the antifreeze is leaking from the expansion tank of the VAZ 2110. Usually the leak is found on the clamps, although it would not be a bad idea to check the entire system.
  6. The coolant level may be normal, during operation it does not emit antifreeze from the expansion tank of the VAZ 2110, the color is normal, but still the boiling process occurs quickly. Most likely, the reason lies in the airlock.

Leaks and problems

When replacing the coolant, you should inspect all pipes and connections for possible problems. After all, when the fluid is drained, it is easier to replace them than to tear them during operation. You need to pay special attention to the clamps; for some reason, many people use ordinary worm clamps. Over time, they squeeze the hoses, causing them to break.

In general, the Chevrolet Niva has several main problems related to the cooling system. It often happens that antifreeze leaves the expansion tank. The plastic on it constantly bursts, which causes leaks. In this case, replacement will be required.

Another problem is antifreeze under the driver's mat, which can cause a sweetish smell in the cabin and also fog up the windows. Most likely the culprit will be a leaking heater radiator. This problem is usually referred to as “a chef’s nightmare.”

There is also a situation where antifreeze is thrown out of the expansion tank. This may indicate a broken cylinder head gasket. This is checked as follows. With the car completely cooled down, remove the expansion tank cap, after which you need to start the engine and rev it up intensively. It is advisable to have a second person so that he can see whether the antifreeze in the tank will bubble at this time.

It is necessary to fill the Chevrolet Niva with antifreeze, strictly observing the established frequency. It is assigned by the manufacturer and amounts to one fill per 40 thousand kilometers. In exceptional cases, if the driver uses the vehicle little, antifreeze can be added once every couple of years.

It should be borne in mind that the volume of antifreeze should be regularly checked and urgently changed if a brownish tint or dark color of the liquid is detected. In addition, replacement of technical fluid is necessary if it does not meet the established density values ​​or the engine requires major overhaul.

Removing the smell of antifreeze from the interior

The presence of antifreeze under the driver's mat is considered one of the common causes of the “odor.” Liquid leaks from cracks in pipes are subject to evaporation, causing a specific “aroma”. These mechanical problems can be eliminated by replacing all inlet and outlet pipes.

The smell is eliminated by dry cleaning, ozonation, deodorization and long-term ventilation of the interior.

Replacing the cooling radiator

The smell is caused by an old, faulty (not removed) heater radiator, where some antifreeze remains. As the liquid evaporates, it inevitably becomes a scourge of the cabin air. Eliminating this begins with disassembling the unit and eliminating defects.

The reason for replacing the heater radiator is the presence of cracks, breakages of the side tanks, tubes, often aluminum.

The leakage of odor from the engine section, caused by leaking pipes when the engine is warm, allows antifreeze vapors to enter the passenger compartment. It can be eliminated by inspecting the cooling system and eliminating defects.

How to choose antifreeze?

The creators of this car have already made sure that you don’t have to choose anything; all the necessary brands of coolers are described in detail in the additional instructions. All you need is to remember basic safety rules that will help you avoid harming yourself or your car.

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Replacing antifreeze is a preventative action that should be carried out periodically not only in winter, but also in summer, periodically adding the necessary fluids so that the car always functions well.

Which company is better

“Behind the Wheel” tested coolants in November 2022. Test results

In the survey below we provide recommendations for choosing a coolant manufacturer. We share tips in the comments. Let us remind you that the process of replacing antifreeze on Lada cars is described in this article.

How much to fill

The volume of fluid poured into the Chevrolet Niva gearbox is 1.6 liters. This is how much oil will fit after completely cleaning the gearbox from old substances and various deposits. A complete transmission flush is necessary for high mileage. The procedure is performed at a dealership or at home. The most important thing here is the flushing stage, during which a special substance is circulated throughout the entire transmission with the engine running. Then the flushing liquid is drained from the box, and then new oil is introduced in the specified volume of 1.6 liters. The liquid level is adjusted to normal using a dipstick.

Changing transmission oil on a Chevrolet Niva is not a complicated procedure, but quite labor-intensive. To replace the lubricant in the gearbox, it is not necessary to resort to the services of professionals - if you have certain knowledge, you can carry out this activity yourself. More on this later in the article.

Most novice and inexperienced motorists do not have even the slightest idea that the lubricant needs to be changed not only in the engine, but also in the gearbox. After all, as you know, the design of the gearbox also includes gears that operate while the vehicle is moving, and, therefore, can wear out. During the wear process, metal particles enter the gearbox, increasing the likelihood of wear of the rubbing elements.

Recommendations for choosing for Chevy Niva

To determine which antifreeze is best to pour into your Chevrolet Niva, you need to know which one was filled from the factory, since each model has a lot of specific nuances. However, in most cases, the choice of coolant depends on the year of manufacture of the car:

  • for older models that were produced before 2001-2002, class G12 fluid is suitable;
  • for later models (from 2003 to 2010), G12+ antifreeze is suitable;
  • for modern models (manufactured after 2010), it is recommended to purchase coolant category G12++.

Also, many people use the domestic mixture Antifreeze class TS-40 as antifreeze. Motorists often speak negatively about Antifreeze, but in its properties this liquid is practically no different from foreign antifreezes. To understand the absurdity of negative reviews, you need to remember that most Chevrolet Niva cars are filled with antifreeze at the factory.

The only major drawback of antifreeze is its shorter service life in comparison with G12 mixtures - in this the domestic cooler is really inferior to its foreign analogues. The recommended replacement frequency is 30 thousand km, and for some antifreezes the interval between replacements can be up to 200 thousand km.

To find out more information, watch the video in which an expert answers the question of what is better - antifreeze or antifreeze:


Timely monitoring of the operation of the air conditioning system, through the filter of which odors from the engine compartment penetrate, will help to reveal many of its mysteries. Remember, coolant leakage directly affects increased engine wear.

Do not mix cooling products from different manufacturers.

For long-term operation of the car, it is necessary to regularly perform its maintenance and carry out routine operations. One of such operations is replacing the coolant. It is responsible for cooling the engine and protecting parts from corrosion. You can change antifreeze on a Chevrolet Niva yourself in a garage, following step-by-step instructions.

How often do you need to change the coolant and how much to pour?

Manufacturers recommend changing the coolant after a couple of years of operation or every 60 thousand kilometers. It depends on which event comes first. Additionally, you need to control the color of the antifreeze. If it changes color, this indicates that the inhibitory additives have begun to disintegrate. In this case, the liquid becomes aggressive to all elements of the cooling system, so it urgently needs to be changed.

There are a number of signs based on which a decision is made to replace the coolant:

  • reduced liquid density;
  • a reddish color indicates the beginning of corrosion processes;
  • suspensions or sediment at the bottom of the tank containing coolant;
  • the presence of various impurities, waste residues, metal shavings, foam, etc.

Replacement process

To replace antifreeze on a Niva Chevrolet, find an inspection hole. You can also work on an overpass or lift. It is important that the car stands strictly horizontally, with mandatory fixation, in order to avoid movement during the work process. If you can't find a perfectly level area, find an area where the front of the machine is slightly higher.

Before draining the antifreeze, perform a few more manipulations - wait until the engine cools down, remove the negative voltage from the battery, and also prepare the tool for work. You will need a ten-socket wrench, a funnel for filling coolant, pliers, a screwdriver, a new portion of antifreeze and a container for draining the coolant. Use a canister, bucket, basin or bottle as a drainage container.

Antifreeze Frostschutzmittel A from Febi Let's start with how to drain the antifreeze. Take a series of steps:

  1. Open and secure the hood.
  2. Unscrew the cap on the expansion tank. As noted above, wait until the engine cools down to avoid burning your hands. As a last resort, the coolant temperature should not exceed 90 degrees Celsius. Carefully unscrew the cap, take your time. Allow hot air to escape, which helps reduce pressure. After this, unscrew the cap completely.
  3. Unscrew the plug from the drain hole, and then wait until all the coolant comes out. Don't forget to place the container first to avoid getting antifreeze on the ground.
  4. As soon as the waste fluid leaves the system, screw the plug back into place.

To avoid air locks in the system, discard the tube from the fitting of the throttle assembly. To do this, take a screwdriver or pliers, and then, using the tool, loosen the fastener, and then move it back. Now remove the tube from the throttle body fitting.

Filling with new antifreeze Above we looked at the first stage - how to drain the antifreeze. The next step is to fill the system with new coolant. Remember that the composition must be prepared, because many antifreezes are sold as a concentrate and require dilution with distilled water, in a ratio of 1 to 1. Read the instructions carefully, because they may contain other information.

Next, do the following:

  • Pour new antifreeze into the reservoir.
  • Monitor the working fluid level. As soon as it comes out of the throttle assembly, return the hose to its place and install the clamp.
  • Fill the cooling system. The antifreeze level should reach the MAX line.
  • During the filling process, press the radiator tubes several times to prevent plugs from forming.
  • After filling the cooling system, screw the cap on the expansion tank.

Bi-xenon or LEDs, which is better The main process of replacing antifreeze is completed. Now start the Chevrolet Niva engine and leave it running until the fan starts. After the last one is triggered, check what kind of air comes out of the heater. If there is a cold flow, this indicates the presence of air pockets. In such a situation, open the cap on the radiator, start the engine and let it run for 5 minutes. Afterwards, turn off the engine and close the cap on the radiator.

After opening the second circle in the cooling system, the antifreeze level decreases. Wait until the engine cools down, then top up to the required volume (if required). After 2-3 days of operation, check the coolant level again, and also pay attention to the color of the antifreeze.

If it has a reddish tint, it means the system is filled with a fake. In such a situation, the coolant needs to be changed. If you need to get rid of air jams, the principle will be the same as described above.

Replacing antifreeze in Niva Chevrolet cars is possible even for novice car owners. To solve the problem, it is not at all necessary to go to a service station, because all the work can be done with your own hands. Video: How to drain antifreeze on a Chevrolet Niva in 15 minutes!

If the video doesn't show, refresh the page or click here. Prudent car owners make sure their car runs smoothly. All systems must be normal: power, ignition, cooling and lubrication. During operation, a large amount of heat is released from the motor. To prevent it from overheating, it is necessary to maintain the recommended temperature. This function is performed by a special coolant (coolant)

How to replace antifreeze on a Chevrolet Niva: step-by-step instructions and video

Replacing the water pump, replacing the coolant (antifreeze) Niva Chevrolet

After replacing the coolant on a Chevrolet Niva, tighten the reservoir cap tightly, because when the car warms up, pressure will be created in the system with antifreeze. The drain plug is sealed with a rubber ring.

To drain antifreeze on a Niva, place the car on a flat surface and open the hood. In the cabin…

Require topping up the beer after the foam settles. Well, how can you immediately fill in new antifreeze immediately after this, remember that 1 liter will remain in the system not drained? In general, decide for yourself.

Replace a ring that is torn, cracked or has lost elasticity.

Before adding coolant, it should be prepared. There are ready-to-use liquids, mainly antifreeze.

How to replace antifreeze?

Next, you can proceed to filling the cooling system. Fill with antifreeze. The coolant is poured into the expansion tank.

As soon as it begins to flow out of the throttle body nozzle, put the hose on the nozzle and tighten the hose clamp. Next, continue to fill the antifreeze solution to the maximum mark in the expansion tank.

Chevrolet Niva

Next, you need to start the engine and wait for the electric fan to turn on. If this does not happen, you need to check what kind of air is coming from the heater.

If it is warm, then the fan is faulty, if it is cold, the reason is the presence of air pockets formed in the system. To get rid of them, you need to open the cap on the radiator, start the engine, and after 5 minutes of operation, turn off the engine. Now close the radiator cap.

Remove the radiator cap When the second cooling circle opens, the coolant level will drop significantly. You must wait until the engine cools down. Next, check the fluid level again. On a cold engine it should be between maximum and minimum, on a hot engine - at maximum. If necessary, add to the required volume. Poll Have you changed the coolant yourself?

Radiator plug and drain bolt It is also best to avoid contact with antifreeze, as it has toxic properties. When it no longer drains, use a 13 key to unscrew the bolt near the ignition module, between the spark plugs of the 3rd and 4th cylinders to drain the antifreeze from the engine cooling jacket, having previously placed a container under it

Cooling jacket drain bolt Do not pay attention to the fact that the bolt is not screwed in completely

In this case, a tapered thread is simply used as a seal.

To make it more convenient to unscrew the bolt, it is better to remove the high-voltage wire from the spark plug of the 3rd cylinder. Next, we pour the system with ordinary drinking water through the expansion tank with the plugs open until clean water flows, but it will most likely flow only from the bolt hole, since the thermostat, already closed by that time, will not allow water to flow to the main radiator.

Here it should be clarified that we fill the wash with clean water and not with old coolant. Although, if your antifreeze is more or less pure and you decide to just rid the system a little of scale, etc. Next, start the engine, remembering to connect the explosive wire to the spark plug. We warm it up to 90 degrees and let it idle for another minute, depending on the expected degree of contamination.

Replacing antifreeze with antifreeze. Niva Chevrolet.

We repeat points 3,4,5 and 6. We drain something like this: Require topping up the beer after the foam settles. Well, how can you immediately after this, do not forget that 1 liter will remain in the system not drained, immediately fill in new antifreeze?

Therefore, we carry out further rinsing. First rinse after washing. We tighten both plugs and fill the system with distill.

We start the engine, remembering to connect the explosive wire to the spark plug. Warm up to 90 degrees. We repeat points 3,4 and 5.

Stages of replacing Chevrolet Niva coolant

When switching from antifreeze to antifreeze, it is necessary to flush the cooling system. This is done so that the new liquid does not lose its properties when mixed. Also, due to the different chemical composition, a precipitate or flakes may form. Therefore, the correct procedure between draining and filling should include a flushing step.

This model is quite popular, so many people know it under other names:

  • Chevrolet Niva;
  • Chevy Niva;
  • Shniva;
  • VAZ-21236.

We will consider the instructions for replacing the coolant using the example of a 1.7-liter gasoline engine. But there is one nuance: cars after the 2016 restyling have electronic control of the gas pedal.

Accordingly, there are no pipes for heating the throttle valve. Therefore, we will consider bleeding air on this modification. You can also familiarize yourself with the nuances of replacement on a regular Niva 4x4, the replacement on which we also described.

Coolant drain

To drain the antifreeze, you need to place the car on a flat surface, open the cap of the expansion tank and wait a little until the temperature drops below 60°C. For further convenience, remove the decorative plastic protection on top of the engine.

Further in the instructions we are recommended to turn the temperature regulator to maximum. But it is useless to do this. Since the temperature control in the Chevrolet Niva occurs by moving the air damper. And not by blocking the radiator as in old VAZs.

After the machine has cooled down a little, we begin the draining process itself:

    If you stand in front of the car, at the bottom right, there is a plastic valve on the radiator that closes the drain hole. We unscrew it to drain the antifreeze from the radiator (Fig. 1). When unscrewing, be careful not to lose the rubber O-ring.

In this way, we completely drained the old fluid, but in any case, a small part still remains in the system, distributed among the engine channels. Therefore, in order for the replacement to be high-quality, we proceed to flushing the system.

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How much to pour?

Antifreeze in a car, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, should be changed after 40 thousand kilometers or after two years of operation. In this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the coolant and check its level. If it has darkened or become cinnamon in color, then it needs to be changed. If the level is below the required level, add water or antifreeze. Replacement may be required if the coolant poured into the car does not meet the density.

The required volume of liquid to be filled is 10 liters. It is advisable to fill with coolant specified in the owner's manual.


What will you need?

To carry out the replacement, you will need an inspection hole, a lift or an overpass. The machine must be installed horizontally and secured so that it cannot roll during work. The front of the machine should be installed higher than the rear. The procedure is carried out only on a cold engine. To carry it out you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • spanner set to “10”;
  • pliers;
  • screwdriver;
  • funnel;
  • container for draining waste liquid;
  • new antifreeze;
  • clean rag.

A watering can can be made from a plastic bottle by cutting it in half. A canister or plastic water bottle is suitable as a container.

Flushing the cooling system

If the Chevrolet Niva cooling system is not clogged, but is simply undergoing a scheduled replacement, then we use ordinary distilled water for flushing. To do this, close the drain holes and pour distilled water into the expansion tank.

Then close the tank cap and start the engine. We warm it up until the thermostat opens to flush both circuits. Next, turn it off, wait for it to cool and drain the water. To achieve a good result, it is recommended to do this procedure 2-3 times.

If the car system is heavily contaminated, it is recommended to wash it with special chemical solutions. For these purposes, washes from well-known brands, such as LAVR or Hi Gear, are suitable. Recommendations, as well as instructions, are usually printed on the back of the container with the composition.

Filling without air pockets

To properly fill new antifreeze into a Chevrolet Niva, you need to perform a number of steps. After all, it depends on whether an air lock forms in the system or not. We will close the drain holes in stages, so for now we will leave them open:

  1. We begin to pour antifreeze into the expansion tank, as soon as it flows through the drain hole in the radiator, we put the wing plug in place.
  2. We continue the flood until it starts flowing from the hole in the block. After which we close it too. The drain bolt on the block must be clamped with a slight force, approximately 25-30 N•m, if you have a torque wrench.
  3. Now we need to bleed the air from the top of the radiator. To do this, we find a special plug, the location of which is shown in the photo (Fig. 3). We unscrew it a little, continue to pour antifreeze into the tank, as soon as it flows, screw the cap back into place.

The system is completely filled with new antifreeze, now all that remains is to start the engine, wait until it warms up completely, and check the level. Some people advise starting the car with the reservoir open and closing it after 5 minutes to get rid of air pockets as much as possible. But when replacing according to these instructions, they should not be there.

Notes and recommendations

After draining the liquid again, it is imperative to wait for the block to cool down to 40-50 degrees, and under no circumstances pour cold liquids into a hot block (especially in winter). During each filling process, check whether hot air is coming from the stove and whether an air lock has formed. Try not to breathe too much fumes from hot antifreeze. Rubber gloves are required, glasses are advisable. Every day I inhale the divine smell of gasoline and oils and do not feel any discomfort. But my body reacts much worse to hot antifreeze vapors. Headache and nausea are present, and I know for sure that I’m not pregnant))

Replacing coolant Niva Chevrolet, Niva, VAZ

Modernization or simplification of maintenance of the Chevrolet Niva cooling system

Correct replacement of antifreeze (antifreeze) without air locks NIVA VAZ. Buying antifreeze for replacement

Removing an air lock from a car's cooling system

Flushing the cooling system.

Replacing antifreeze with antifreeze. Niva Chevrolet.

Niva Chevrolet. Cooling system 2123+ 2101, engine cooling

How to remove an air lock on a VAZ NIVA. Correctly removing the air lock on a VAZ NIVA

Chevrolet Niva, we solve the boiling problem!

How and with what to flush the radiator and cooling system of a car engine

According to the maintenance regulations for a Chevrolet Niva, the coolant should be replaced every 60 thousand kilometers.

Chevrolet > Niva

How to remove air from the cooling system of a Chevrolet Niva engine?

Before proceeding with a procedure that will allow air to be released from the vehicle’s engine cooling system, the car owner should prepare. To do this, he needs to install the machine on a flat surface. This action is done to make work more comfortable. To remove air from the engine cooling system, the car owner needs to acquire certain tools, namely: a Phillips screwdriver, as well as a pair of keys for removing the clamp.

It is also necessary to remember that the indicated work must be performed on a cooled engine of the machine. Based on the information provided, after the engine has been turned off, it should be given 10 minutes to cool down. Next, you need to unscrew the cap of the expansion tank, after which you should loosen and release the clamp of the water pipe. Due to the fact that antifreeze enters the engine of a Chevrolet Niva vehicle through it, you must be extremely careful not to damage the pipe. After all the air has been removed from the car's air system, antifreeze will flow from the tube. This means that the car owner needs to return the clamp to its place. After the pipe has been installed in its place, the clamp is tightened tightly, it is necessary to fill the expansion tank with antifreeze. It is recommended to fill the container to the maximum level.

Also, it should be noted that while performing the work presented, it is advisable to check the entire cooling system for leaks. It is recommended to immediately check the heater of the Chevrolet Niva vehicle. If the air circulation is appropriate and the flow is warm, then there are no air locks.

Diluting the concentrate and adding new antifreeze

It is necessary to pour new antifreeze into the expansion tank according to a certain algorithm, which will be presented below.

Filling new refrigerant into the cooling system of a Chevrolet Niva car is carried out as follows:

  • If the owner of a Chevrolet Niva vehicle uses concentrated coolant, then it must be diluted with distillate. The ratio according to which the indicated liquids should be diluted is specified in their instructions. In most cases, this is one to one, but it should also be noted that the refrigerant in the expansion tank must be at least 40%. Before starting to fill in antifreeze, the vehicle owner should make sure that all lines and pipes are in optimal condition. You also need to check that the clamps are sufficiently tightened;
  • The finished mixture is poured into a reservoir intended for antifreeze, namely into the expansion tank. It is necessary to fill the container slowly to prevent the formation of an air lock in the vehicle’s cooling system. The refrigerant is filled almost to the maximum level;

Filling with antifreeze

  • At the next stage, you need to make sure that the places where the thermostat connects to the cooling system pumping device, radiator and pump are sealed. In most cases, a white coating appears in the areas where leaks occur. In addition, if faults are detected in the main line, they should be eliminated;
  • Afterwards you need to close the cap of the expansion tank, which is located in the engine compartment, well. Next, the car owner needs to start the engine of a Chevrolet Niva car and let it run at high speeds for a certain time, waiting until it warms up;
  • After the car engine warms up, the temperature control sensor should signal the activation of the ventilated device. At the presented stage, it is possible to turn off the engine of a Niva Chevrolet vehicle, after which you need to check the refrigerant level in the expansion tank again. In a situation where the car engine is hot, the volume of coolant should be slightly less than the maximum, but more than average;
  • Next, the car owner needs to once again start the engine of the Chevrolet Niva, which in the presented case should operate at medium speed. This action helps to get rid of air in the car’s radiator unit;

  • Radiator of a Chevrolet Niva car

  • At the final stage, it is necessary to turn off the vehicle’s engine, and then wait until its temperature drops to the optimum. After the car engine has cooled down, you need to check the antifreeze level, which should not be below the minimum mark. In a situation where the above actions were performed correctly, the temperature control sensor should show 80-90 degrees Celsius.

Why does liquid leave if it is not leaking anywhere?

The loss of fluid from the system may be hidden. It is not immediately possible to determine the cause, since smudges are nowhere to be seen. Antifreeze can even escape through a microcrack formed on one of the system components, since the leaking compound simply evaporates when the engine is heated and no traces of leakage can be detected. The worst thing is if the coolant goes into the crankcase and mixes with the oil, and this leads to a reduction in the life of the crankshaft and camshaft bearings, even with the slightest ingress. You can determine if antifreeze has gotten into the oil by simply removing the oil dipstick from a cooled engine and droplets of water will be visible on it, and the oil itself will be very dark. Antifreeze can leak even through a damaged or poorly pressed head gasket.

Coolant can also escape through a leaky bridge of the block gasket, entering the cylinder

In this case, you should pay attention to the color of the exhaust - it will be bluish or white. The gurgling of exhaust gases in the expansion tank cannot be ruled out.

In other cases, determining a coolant leak is quite difficult; it is best to contact a car service center.

At home, you can diagnose the system for leaks using pressure testing. The method is quite effective and simple. The essence of pressure testing is to pump pressure into the system using a conventional pump, which makes it possible to detect leaks at all points in the system where leaks have formed. By pressure testing it is possible to detect a leak in the manifold gasket, since it is impossible to detect a leak with a normal inspection - the coolant quickly evaporates when the engine is running.

Pressure testing of the car cooling system

Pressure testing of the system is carried out both in an auto repair shop and in a garage. At an auto repair center, the cost of work varies from 500 to 1 thousand rubles. Do-it-yourself crimping in your garage is quite simple, but you need to make a neck plug through which air will flow into the system. To make the neck you will need:

  • tire valve;
  • unnecessary radiator cap;
  • drill.

The valve, or pipka in common parlance, is cut out of the old chamber along the contour of the circle, observing the diameter of the standard radiator cap gasket. A hole equal to the diameter of the pipe is drilled in the radiator plug.

After drilling a hole, it is necessary to process it with a round file to remove metal burrs

Having screwed the manufactured plug onto the neck, connect the pump to the valve and supply two pumps to the system, pressing the expansion tank plug with the palm of your hand. And it is also possible to supply air through the expansion tank.

The discharge pressure on the pressure gauge should not exceed 1 kg per square centimeter to avoid damage to the radiators

Pressure testing (pressure in the system) lasts about 2 minutes, after which all possible points of the cooling system are inspected for leaks. It is not recommended to use untested sealants and other chemicals added to the coolant to eliminate leaks, as this can cause irreparable damage to the entire cooling system, and these are completely different issues and a lot of money.

Video: finding coolant leaks in the cooling system using pressure testing

There are many reasons why coolant leaves the system, so it is rarely possible to quickly solve the problem.

It is important to pay attention to all details and mechanisms, because a malfunction of any part of the system leads to disruption of the cooling of the power unit as a whole, which can lead to various problems

What means can you use to effectively flush a stove radiator?

Most car owners are interested in what kind of detergent composition to rinse the heater heat exchanger in order to maximally free its channels from various deposits and contaminants. Naturally, ordinary water is not suitable for this. The principle of cleaning a stove radiator is precisely based on filling its channels with a liquid substance that can destroy and clean the deposits of scale and corrosion that have formed on the walls of the lines. Such means include:

  • flushing compounds for cleaning the cooling system,
  • household descalers,
  • citric acid, vinegar,
  • soda solution or whey,
  • carbonated drinks like Coca-Cola.

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It should be noted that when starting the process of self-washing the Nexia stove, it is necessary to take into account the properties of the heat exchanger material. Alkali solutions are absolutely not suitable for flushing aluminum radiators, as they cause an instant metal oxidation reaction, significantly worsening the situation. A similar reaction will occur if an acid solution is poured into a heat exchanger made of copper.

One of the effective means for flushing the radiator of the Daewoo Nexia stove is a solution of citric acid in hot water.

Replacement frequency, what antifreeze to fill

In the maintenance information for Niva Chevrolet, it is recommended to change antifreeze every 60,000 kilometers. But many car enthusiasts are not happy with the flooded antifreeze, which becomes unusable by 20 thousand. Dzerzhinsky antifreeze is usually filled from the factory, but there is also information about pouring red antifreeze.

When choosing coolant, it is better to use a concentrate rather than a finished product. Since it can be diluted in the required proportion, because after flushing there is still some distilled water left in the system.

A good choice would be Castrol Radicool SF concentrate; it is what dealers often recommend for use. If you choose ready-made antifreezes, then you should pay attention to the red AGA Z40. FELIX Carbox G12+ or Lukoil G12 Red with good reviews.

Prevention measures

A huge portion of breakdowns can be avoided if you treat your own car accordingly. Yes, no one excludes unforeseen situations, but simple preventive measures should definitely become the norm for you when handling your car:

  • Constantly check the coolant level in the reservoir and top up if necessary;
  • For your VAZ 2110, do not skimp on high-quality coolant;
  • Do not use plain water as a coolant, as it has a lower boiling point and promotes scale formation and corrosion inside the cooling system;
  • Always look at the readings of the coolant temperature sensor located in the cabin. Avoid situations where the arrow crosses the red line.

It is obvious that the CO is the most important unit in the engine compartment, the efficiency of which determines the condition, performance of the engine and more.

Therefore, it is extremely important to treat the cooling system with care, monitor its condition, and take timely actions to eliminate any malfunctions that arise. Sometimes on the highway you see the following picture: a passenger car is standing with the hood raised, steam is rising from the engine compartment, and a motorist is running around the vehicle. , sometimes the car passengers are with him.

Sometimes on the highway you see the following picture: a passenger car is standing with the hood raised, steam is rising from the engine compartment, and a car enthusiast is running around the vehicle, sometimes the passengers of the car along with him.

Expert advice

If you are in doubt about how much antifreeze is in the cooling system of the VAZ-2110, it is better to consult the operating instructions or the manufacturer. Experts advise filling the “ten” with at least seven liters of coolant. Inexperienced drivers may think that 6 liters is quite enough, but it is always better to play it safe and add a little more. After all, a lack of antifreeze in an internal combustion engine can negatively affect its service life.

You will get the same answer if you ask the question how much antifreeze is in the cooling system of the VAZ 2112. You can replace 7.5-8 liters of anti-freeze yourself within 40 minutes. If you are still not sure how many liters of antifreeze are poured into the car’s cooling system, then there is a way to find out the correct answer - look at the operating instructions.

Most likely, it will indicate not only the amount of liquid, but also the recommended type of antifreeze.

Antifreeze Niva, basic practical issues

Answer: AvtoTAZ poured blue-green antifreeze for a very long time. But since 2012, almost every car I've seen has been a red G12. But there are still batches of cars filled with antifreeze.

What can be added and what can be mixed?

Answer: G11 and G12 cannot be mixed. Translated into Russian, blue-green and red-orange cannot be mixed.

  • How to competently switch to G12? If you simply drain G11 and fill in G12, there will be no benefit except wasted money. The result will only be obtained after a “chemical” cleaning of the cooling system.
  • Why do you recommend replacing “blue” with “red”. And so everyone works well. True, I have already changed several thermostats.

Answer: According to German articles on cooling, one of the reasons for thermostat failure is precisely low-quality antifreeze. We are talking about the film that jams the thermostat valve.

“Red” antifreeze is filled in, but for some reason when the engine heats up, it expands very much (can be seen from the level in the expansion tank).

Answer: it was filled with low-grade body slurry. When heated, water increases in volume up to 8-10%, antifreeze within 1%.

Antifreeze Niva, concentrate or ready-made?

Answer: Now I supply ready-made antifreeze, but we have a large country, so in a number of regions antifreeze with a crystallization temperature of minus 40 and below is required. Then you need to order the concentrate and dilute it according to your operating conditions.

The next question follows from the previous one and it usually comes from Yakutsk, Irkutsk, the Yamal Peninsula and other “resort” places in our homeland. What are the ratios for greater frosts than minus 40?

Answer: I provide data from Neste documentation. 50% -50% (water-concentrate ratio) – pour point minus forty.

40% water - 60% conc. freezing threshold minus 50 degrees. 25% water - 75% conc.

the freezing threshold is minus 65-70 degrees. But don’t get carried away. The freezing threshold increases, but other characteristics worsen.

What antifreeze do you use and complete orders?

Answer: I prefer the products of the Elf-Total concern and the antifreeze of our northern neighbors, the Finns. Manufacturer: Neste. This is if we talk about applicability to the Niva and UAZ family.

Antifreeze Niva, how much do you need to replace?

Answer: There are about 8 liters of coolant in the system. It can be drained as much as possible if you park the car on a slope, with the left side at the bottom. When the plugs on the block and radiator are open, almost everything drains. The quantity in Niva and Shnivy is the same.



Cooling flushing technology

The process of flushing the cooling system is the same for both the Niva and the Shnivy. What will be described below needs to be done either by yourself or by a master whom you trust and are willing to pay for a whole working day. This is not a cute joke or a figurative comparison, it is the truth. Not a single service will spend time on this, in the amount of time that will be discussed. Distilled water will need about 25-30 liters. So, let's go.

  • Place the machine on a slope so that the left side is 10 degrees or more lower than the right. Here we will be saved by a slide, a curb, or, as an extreme option, a jacked starboard side. This is necessary so that everything drains from the block to the last drop.
  • We drain all the liquid that has been filled from the radiator and block. Let me digress from the topic for a second. Sometimes cars arrive with no living creatures in the expansion tank. I always remember the story about the baby elephant, Kipling, and the phrase about the muddy green, fetid waters of the Limpopo River))) We returned to washing.
  • Fill in about 4 liters of distilled water (hereinafter referred to as DV), then fill in the chemicals and add another 4 liters of DV.
  • Let the engine run for 20 minutes or a little more. Nothing bad will happen even if you make a short trip.
  • We drain the chemicals and flush the DV system TWICE. Each time, driving the engine until the fans turn on.
  • We remove the expansion tank and wash it separately. All the foam and all the dirt settles on its walls during washing.
  • Fill in new working antifreeze.
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