How to wash your car at a self-service car wash, how to save money, useful life hacks

The boom of self-service car washes in Russia occurred in the 1910s of the 21st century and continues to this day. This is quite a profitable business even in conditions of the ongoing economic crisis. There are no fewer cars on the roads, but they need to be washed constantly. Europeans have long appreciated all the advantages of contactless self-service car wash. In the West, such posts can be found literally at every second gas station, but in our country there are two or three self-service car washes per city of a million. But at each of them there are noticeable queues of lines of cars. If you still doubt whether you should wash your car at a self-service car wash, now we’ll tell you how to do it correctly. This will help us manager of self-service car wash CARWASH Sergey Shvanov.

Pros and cons of self-service car washes

Unlike classic options, self-service car wash has the following advantages:

  1. High speed of work.
  2. Affordable price.
  3. 24/7 work.
  4. Independent choice of service.
  5. Large selection of options at each terminal.
  6. Relative safety for car paintwork.
  7. Opportunity to learn how to wash your car yourself.
  8. Getting aesthetic pleasure from the process.


  1. Without proper experience, you can spend almost the same amount as at a regular car wash.
  2. Risk of smearing/spraying clothes while performing work.
  3. Low quality of “chemistry” at some car washes.
  4. Lack of detailed instructions on further steps.
  5. Difficulty doing work in winter.
  6. Difficulty finding a quality sink.
  7. Having to wait in a long line during peak hours.

Instructions are everything

Alas, most of us, like me, to be honest, often start working with new equipment at random. Only when something doesn’t work out do I pick up the instructions and understand my mistakes. So why not take it right away? I can’t answer this question yet. And you?

Self-service car washes have instructions at the entrance, according to which you can easily figure out how to wash the car and how to use certain modes with your own hands. But difficulties and disappointments in the effectiveness of such complexes still arise. And often.

If you have a car wash nearby, just stop by. It is possible without a car. Read the instructions, talk to the staff. Although these are self-service points, there should be some employees there.

It doesn't matter where she is. It is important what modes there are. In fact, this is a contactless wash, since there is no need to rub anything with brushes, sponges and rags. Everything happens through the use of appropriate equipment.

The box informs you about each point of passage through the washing stages with appropriate signs, illustrations and inscriptions. That is, everything is simple - read the instructions and start working.


Self-service car wash complexes come in different sizes and offer the ability to simultaneously service from 1 to 6 cars. I have never seen more. The complex can offer places for 4 posts, 6 posts or even just 2 places for simultaneous service. There are also different numbers of functions. The standard set includes five modes:

  • pre-wash;
  • basic wash;
  • rinsing procedure;
  • waxing;
  • finishing (drying and creating shine).

Some are offered with a vacuum cleaner to clean the interior of the car.

I would specifically mention eco-washes. This is something new on the market. No water is used here, and cleaning is based on the use of steam. This mainly applies to the interior. Fast and effective cleansing using a minimal amount of chemicals makes this type of care preferable. I advise you to visit such a complex if you have one. You will be satisfied.

As for washing the car, self-service stations allow you to go through each step sequentially.

  1. Preliminary stage. You won't be able to wash your car using this mode alone. It allows you to lift and soften dirt without damaging the coating. It is important to treat the entire body. The gun is held at a distance of about 25-30 centimeters. Don't worry if all the dirt isn't removed. There is no need to frantically try to knock it down. Everything has its time. Usually the preliminary mode takes 1-2 minutes.
  2. Main stage. Everything is clear here. Hot water and foam are supplied to the gun through the hose. Together they easily remove all dirt. Unlike the first stage, the water pressure increases here. The process takes a few minutes. Experts advise moving the gun horizontally from bottom to top. Start with the sides, then the front, rear, and only at the very end the roof, trunk and hood are processed.

  3. Rinse mode. Washes away all the foam that remains after the previous stage. Do not overdo it, as rinsing does not complete the wash. Within 1-2 minutes you can easily remove chemical residues.
  4. Waxing. The wax is applied in a thin layer and serves to protect against the harmful effects of dust, dirt, all kinds of chemicals from the roads, etc. The car is covered with wax in about a minute.
  5. Finishing. An equally significant stage that allows you to achieve the optimal final result. A special option includes a hose for supplying demineralized water diluted with special substances to speed up drying. Therefore, it is not necessary to wipe the car. Plus, this treatment provides the car with shine. A few more minutes and the job is finished.

A little about rinsing at the finishing stage. Some car owners turn on the simple water supply mode when washing their cars. But there is also the option of osmosis. It is supplied with finely filtered demineralized water. If there are stains left after ordinary water, then in this case there will be none. The addition of a substance called a dryer allows water to quickly roll off the finish, leaving the finish clean and shiny.

And why are there so many dissatisfied people? There are reviews, the forum is replete with loud statements addressed to the owners of the boxes, and even videos are published where people complain about the poor performance of self-service car washes. It’s better to look at visual photos and videos on how to use such devices correctly.

But I understood why this situation happened. Simply, in order to save money, drivers go through only part of the modes, skipping important stages. For example, most people simply wash the car first, then apply foam and rinse with plain tap water. Hence the result. So don't make such mistakes.

Useful tips

I told you about the features of each stage. If there is a car wash of this type somewhere nearby, I advise you to stop by and try it out. But only after you finish reading the article. There are a few more tips that can help you get better results than many inexperienced motorists.

  • Conventionally, the entire procedure is divided into the stage of applying car shampoo (supplied ready-made through the appropriate gun) and the removal process;
  • Try to apply the product as evenly as possible to all surfaces of the car. That is, there should be no blind spots or omissions. To do this, it is better to start with the side parts;
  • Maintain the correct distance between the surface of the machine and the supply hose. Considering the pressure level in self-service car washes, keep the gun at a level of 25-35 centimeters from the car;
  • Spray foam on all areas where dust accumulates. These are seams, mirrors, glass, fender liners, etc.;
  • Do not deposit large amounts into the machine at once. You can always add money. To begin with, 50-100 rubles are paid at the first stage and for applying shampoo. Before the next process, wait a few minutes under the foam. This way it will react more effectively with dirt. Hence the result. There's no need to rush. If you deposit more money, it will simply disappear due to downtime. When time remains and the car is infused with foam, take a gun and wash the rugs, for example;

How do self-service car washes work?

Externally, such complexes look like covered or open boxes, each of which has two guns for supplying water, foam, wax and other compounds.

The general algorithm of actions involves several steps: entry, payment, selection of a program and washing the car.

The work is done independently, so the driver needs to make some effort.

There are three types of self-service car washes:

  1. Dead-end. The car enters and exits the pit on one side. This option is less convenient, but is often used in gated complexes: parking, cooperative.
  2. Through. The car enters from one side and leaves from the other. This principle can be compared to a regular gas station. The advantage of end-to-end systems is high speed of service and convenience, but they take up more space.
  3. Closed. They look like boxes with the ability to close doors. Set up in a special room. They have a higher price, require more time to clean, but allow you to wash the car even in winter.


What to take with you to wash your car yourself

Finally, technical means. As a rule, at the posts of the enterprises under discussion there are no sponges or rags - foam and a high-pressure washer are used to remove dirt, and a special composition and compressed air are used for drying. If you do not believe in such a completely contactless wash (although active foam cleans the body quite effectively), but prefer to ensure that all dirt is removed from the car with a sponge, and then dry the body with a special microfiber, then you will have to take them with you. In this case, a plastic bucket for water would also be useful. To remove strong and stubborn dirt, use a regular garden sprayer with detergent or an aerosol can with a special product (for example, to remove stickers).

This is where the homework ends, let's go wash! But before we provide you with useful advice, let’s first figure out why you are going there after all?

Features of different self-service car washes

When choosing a terminal, pay attention to a number of features.

Availability of premises

With the onset of cold weather, open self-service car washes lose their relevance. The reason is that washing in cold weather turns into a test, and after the work is completed, locks, rubber bands on doors, etc. freeze.

Another thing is complexes located indoors or underground parking lots. You can wash your car in them, dry locks and rubber bands, without worrying about freezing.


Depending on the type of car wash, payment is made in different ways: by depositing coins/cash, using contactless payments or using a cash token exchange machine.

Using a terminal to accept cards/cash is a convenient option that allows you to deposit small amounts and manage your expenses yourself.

When using a plastic card, you need to click “Stop” to stop or reduce the rate of money withdrawal as much as possible.

"Foam" pistol

Some self-service car washes have a second nozzle for dispensing foam.

In practice, this “chemistry” is more effective than regular shampoo. Foam is applied to the surface of a dirty car, effectively breaks down dirt, and then is washed off along with it.

Individual “foam” brush

They are used on sinks that do not have a separate gun for supplying foam. The device is used for washing a car using the contact method and provides better cleaning of stubborn dirt.

Before using the brush, a special mode is launched, when turned on, the brush begins to foam.

To save money, car owners use the tool without turning on the program, but this method is dangerous. Dirt and sand quickly collect under the brush, which scratches the paintwork.

Car washing procedure

Those who are interested in effectively cleaning their cars from dirt using self-service car washes should simply follow a certain algorithm of actions. There is nothing complicated here. But if you break the sequence or do not follow some recommendations, the result will really be disappointing. Before you start using a self-service car wash, decide on the box where you will wash your car. It is better to visit good and proven places that have managed to establish themselves on the positive side. If at the entrance to the bay there are instructions on how to properly wash your car at a self-service car wash, do not ignore it, even if you have previously used other points. It is possible that the equipment is different. Next, you can begin the sequential procedure for processing the machine.

  1. When driving inside the box, place the car so that it is as central as possible. This will allow you to get equally convenient access when washing the car on the left and right.
  2. Pay for the service. Depending on the car wash, systems can accept cash and non-cash payments. Some use tokens, others simply offer to insert bills into the machine. Therefore, a motorist should always have a supply of small change with him.
  3. Selecting a program. To do everything efficiently and the first time, you need to go through all 5 modes that were mentioned earlier. Choose additional features at your discretion.
  4. Rugs. To save time and money, even before the initial treatment begins, you can remove the floor mats from the car and place them on the floor near the car. This will allow you to immediately treat them as soon as the water supply from the hose starts.
  5. When the preliminary stage is completed, deposit money and click on the mode you need. In just a few seconds, the automation processes the information and puts the equipment into operation.
  6. First, the surface of the car is wetted and the main dirt is knocked off. Rinse the rugs and leave them to dry.
  7. Now the main processing mode begins. A button or lever changes the mode and pays if the time is up. Water with foam will come out of the hose, which needs to cover the entire surface of the car. Next, you can take a brush with soft bristles so that there is no dense dried dirt left.
  8. You should not spray your car with foam for too long. Otherwise, it will turn into a dense film, which will take a lot of time to remove. And this is an additional fee.
  9. If you want to bring your body to a shine, switch to the waxing mode. It must be applied in an even, thin layer, otherwise it will be more difficult to fine-tune later. The instructions will tell you how to turn on the waxing mode at a self-service car wash. After applying the wax, you can move on to the finishing stage.
  10. Drying. Many people are interested in whether it is necessary to wash off the wax after applying it at a self-service car wash and whether it is needed at all. If it's a good box with quality components, then it's worth waxing the car. This not only adds shine, but also forms an additional protective layer. The wax is not washed off, but rubbed into the surface. Special tools are provided for this. Or you can use your own microfiber.

Operating modes

Depending on the type of complex, several modes are available to the car owner. Let's list them in a special table, highlight their purpose and operating principle.

Mode Purpose Principle of operation
Rinse/water Removal of serious contaminants, pre-treatment. The body is supplied with ordinary water (warm in winter, cold in summer) under a pressure of 140 bar.
Soaking/pre-washing (not always available) Dissolves difficult dirt. The detergent is supplied under slight pressure. The mode is used in the cold season and in the presence of serious dirt on the body.
Active "chemistry" / foam Dissolving dirt to remove it from the body. Foamed detergent is supplied to the car. In this case, the dry body is processed using a special gun. The exposure time is 1-2 minutes for a relatively clean car and 2-3 minutes for a dirty car.
Water and shampoo Cleaning a slightly dirty car. Complete removal of foam. Water with a detergent composition is supplied under pressure. A gun is used as a feeding tool to help remove foam and dirt from the car.
Brushing Removing stubborn dirt that cannot be removed with regular water flow. Helps clean hard-to-reach places. The mixture of water and detergent is fed through the brush. Allows you to remove the most stubborn dirt, clean oats and wheel rims.
Final rinse / water / osmosis Protection against stains/streaks after removing foam and dirt with water. The body is treated with a liquid that is cleared of impurities. The main gun is used for application. This stage is usually the final one.
Waxing Providing shine, hydrophobic effect, protection from future dirt. Liquid wax is applied to the car using the main gun. As a result, a transparent film is formed.
Air treatment Drying of the body, sealing elements, locks, external mirrors The air comes from a separate gun, helping to remove water from hard-to-reach areas.

How to use a self-service car wash - description of cleaning modes

This type of washing takes little time (10-15 minutes). Let's look at the functionality. The preliminary mode involves moistening the dirt and lasts no more than a minute. The water comes out under slight pressure, and you evenly water the car with it, starting from the top. Hold the gun tightly so as not to drop it, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the car. Do not try to remove dirt completely at this stage.

The main mode uses hot water with foam. Softened dirt comes off easily under its influence. You will only spend a couple of minutes here. Processing is best done in the sequence of machine parts:

  • lateral;
  • front;
  • back;
  • remaining.

Types of tariffs

Before using self-service car wash options, please consider the type of tariff:

  1. Per second. The most common option. After payment and mode selection, the timer starts. Time passes even when you are not using the equipment. This option is not suitable for beginners who cannot yet understand the principles of operation and, as a result, spend a large amount.
  2. Standard. Used in the 2010s, but today is almost never used. The essence of the method is to pay for the volume of water and detergent. This method is beneficial to car owners and allows them to spend more time at the car wash. The latter factor, in turn, leads to the appearance of queues.
  3. Differential. The price of a second changes depending on the selected option. In some cases, a certain amount is immediately charged for turning on the program.

About money, time and savings

Self-service car wash is primarily interesting precisely because it saves money. A simple example - I have a KIA OPTIMA, a D-class car; to wash it at a regular car wash (just the body + mats) it costs about 200 - 250 rubles. If you take the body + mats + vacuum cleaner + wax it’s 450 – 550 rubles! NOT CHEAP!

On self-service, prices, as I wrote above, are several times lower! Again, a simple example: body + mats - ABOUT 50 rubles. Body + rugs + wax - about 100 rubles, but if you add a vacuum cleaner, about 150 - 200. It all depends on how efficient you are.

But “quickness” will come in handy. The whole point is that you throw in the money, turn on the sink (more details below), and off you go. That is, money has begun to be debited from your account; when it runs out, the car wash will stop. Thus, the faster you move around the car, the cheaper it will be for you. Otherwise, you can spend 100 rubles and not wash one side.

But as practice shows, even the slowest owners wash for no more than 100 rubles (this is the simplest option)

How to use a self-service car wash correctly: step-by-step instructions

When visiting a regular car wash, the standard algorithm applies:

  1. First, detergent is applied to the car to soften the dirt. In the next step, the body is treated with foam and the surface is rinsed.
  2. Next, the washer applies liquid wax, which has repellent properties and adds shine to the surface.
  3. The next step is a final rinse to remove any remaining wax, drying and wiping.

When visiting a self-service car wash, the recommended procedure is as follows:

  1. Come to the post.
  2. Close the windows, put the car on the handbrake and turn on the speed.
  3. Enter the estimated amount into the terminal. For the first wash, deposit an amount of about 300 rubles, and for repeated washes, you can get by with 100-150 rubles. Depending on the payment method, deposit funds in cash, token, smartphone or bank card.
  4. Pay attention to the features of the post: the number of pistols, types of modes, length of hoses.
  5. Remove the floor mats from the car and hang them on the special fixtures. To clean this element, just apply foam and after a while wash off the dirt with water. This is easier to do while washing the vehicle.
  6. Close the doors tightly and turn on the cold water. Wash the dust off the car and use light pressure to remove dirt from the wheel arches. If the car is not very dirty, you can skip this step.
  7. Turn on foam mode and apply “chemistry” to the entire surface of the car. Apply the composition from the bottom up so that it flows longer and does the job better. Make sure that the foam does not dry out, otherwise the procedure will have to be repeated.
  8. Pause the post and wait about two to three minutes until the foam does its job. If downtime is paid, pay in installments. Calculate the amount so that there is enough time to apply the foam.
  9. Inspect the car. If there are stubborn stains that cannot be removed using the standard method, use a special brush. To do this, turn on the shampoo supply and clean the body at the same time.
  10. Turn on the water mode to wash away the mixture of foam and dirt from the car. Inspect the car again and if there are dirty areas, perform the work again.
  11. Activate wax mode to protect the body. To do this, click on the “Wax” or “Shine” button depending on the type of terminal. Spread the protective composition evenly over the surface of the car.
  12. Perform final cleaning using osmosis - purified water. There are no impurities in such a liquid, so it dries quickly and does not leave streaks or other “patterns” on the surface.
  13. If you have an air gun, dry the locks, openings and gaps to remove any remaining liquid. This is especially important at sub-zero temperatures, because otherwise the water freezes in the depressions.
  14. Drive to a special area to free up the wash bay for another driver.
  15. Wipe the car with a special cloth. It can be made of faux suede or microfiber. If a wax layer is applied to the surface, there is no need to abuse friction. Otherwise, you will remove the protective film and your money will be wasted.
  16. If desired, use a vacuum cleaner, compressor, or other equipment to clean the interior.
  17. Pull out and make room for other drivers.

The above are general instructions, but they can be adjusted. For example, to save money, avoid waxing.

Washing stages

The process of direct self-service washing consists of distributing a detergent diluted with water over the entire surface of the car. In this case, the sides of the body are processed first, and only after that the back and front. The nature of the movements can be horizontal, but if it is not convenient for you to move the washing gun this way, use vertical soaping, in which the solution will be applied most effectively when distributed with bottom-up movements: each time the gun is raised upward, a new solution is applied and the areas of the body to be cleaned become better visible.

Additional programs

Modern self-service car washes often use additional programs.

These include:

  1. “Osmosis” is water that has undergone special purification. Allows you to leave fewer spots/smudges on the surface after body treatment.
  2. “Hot water” is more effective at breaking down dirt. Particularly effective when washing a car at low temperatures.
  3. “Turbo drying” is the supply of warm air with a gun, which allows you to remove remaining water from the surface of the machine.
  4. “Insects” is a special “chemistry” designed to quickly dissolve various insects. It is easy to wash off to preserve the paintwork.
  5. "Wax". Provides for the application of a protective composition to the surface to protect the car from chips, stains and dirt.
  6. "Disks". A polish that cleans wheels and makes them shine.

Benefits of a self-service car wash

Washing your car yourself at a special station has a number of advantages:

  • washing your car in the conditions provided by specialized organizations is becoming more and more popular, so the number of car washes is increasing;
  • such a Self-wash is primarily convenient for the driver himself: during a trip it is especially convenient to use the quick self-service points located near the road;
  • no one except the driver of the vehicle will carry out any manipulations with the car (this advantage will please the driver who does not like it when strangers repair or wash his car);
  • At automatic car washes there is a washing option (program) that will satisfy any driver, because this is precisely why there are different modes (for example, there is a special mode for washing wheels, using which you cannot get washing liquid on the paintwork of the car).

What not to do at a self-service car wash

Despite the simplicity of the process and the safety of the elements used, some things are still prohibited.

At a self-service car wash you are not allowed to:

  1. Bring the gun less than 30 cm from the car to avoid damaging the body paint.
  2. Direct the flow of water at an acute angle in relation to the decorative elements of the machine. Otherwise, there is a high risk of damage.
  3. Try when processing defective paintwork with chips, scratches or traces of corrosion. If you try too hard, you can tear off a piece of paint.
  4. Rub contaminated areas with a napkin/rag. Dirt sticks to such material, which subsequently damages the paintwork.
  5. Wash a hot engine with cold water. With a sharp temperature change, small cracks may appear and metal elements may deform.
  6. Direct the flow of water towards throttles, hoses, filter, wiring and other electrical components. Otherwise, starting difficulties may occur.
  7. Direct a powerful flow to the radiator, as this can damage the lamellas.

Useful tips

There are several important recommendations that motorists themselves, as well as people who own self-service car washes, advise to adhere to. This will not be written in the instructions at the entrance. These tips will help you not only quickly figure out how to properly wash a car at a self-service car wash, but also quickly wash your car, using all available equipment capabilities as efficiently as possible. The tips below are popular because they turn your self-service car wash into a useful and simple tool. You just need to understand how to use it correctly.

  • Conventionally, the washing procedure is divided into applying shampoo and removing shampoo. Never break this sequence. First, the dirt is softened, treated with detergents, and then washed off. You should not immediately direct a powerful stream of ordinary water without admixing additional softening components;
  • Try to do the processing evenly. If some part of the body is more dirty, pay more attention to that area. It is better to start with the side parts and then move on to the remaining sections;
  • Distance. Maintain a certain distance between the water supply gun and the body. It is better to hold the hose at least at a slight angle. It happened more than once that a powerful stream of water knocked out windows and broke rear-view mirrors. The distance from the body to the end of the hose must be at least 25 centimeters, but no more than 40 centimeters;
  • Hard to reach areas and foam. Foam should be applied to those areas of the body where dust most often accumulates and dirt dries out. This applies to seams, rear view mirrors, fender liners and windows;
  • Do not use large bills. The equipment is designed in such a way that it allows the washing operation to be extended as necessary. At first you can deposit about 100 rubles. If you see that time is running out and you haven’t had time to finish washing yet, add a little more money;
  • Hot car. Since many people use car washes in the summer, cars during this period become very hot from exposure to the sun and high temperatures. If you are going to wash your car, you should first put it in a closed box and let it cool for a few minutes. Do not rush to pour cold water on the body or apply a powerful stream. This may damage the paintwork;
  • Manual switching. The equipment often runs a standard program that requires working for several minutes in each mode. If you have managed to process the car, but the automation does not switch to the next mode, switch it manually. This way you can save time and money;
  • Pay extra only as time expires;
  • Vacuum cleaner. Sometimes a self-service car wash suggests using a vacuum cleaner to get rid of the dirt inside. Figuring out how to turn it on is not difficult. This service is inexpensive, but it allows you to clean the interior of debris with a powerful vacuum cleaner.

Based on the instructions and recommendations, every car owner can cope with the operation of an automated self-service car wash without any problems. This is a modern solution that has a number of advantages. But don't forget about the weaknesses. The main problems of such sinks are often associated with the owner’s incorrect attitude towards the equipment used. The lack of proper filtration and the switch to cheap detergents worsen the quality of the systems, and therefore customers remain dissatisfied with the result. Whether or not to use a self-service car wash is a personal choice. You should try to use such a service at least once and compare how much worse or better it is than a traditional car wash. Based on the comparison, everyone will draw their own conclusions and make a final decision.

Features and differences between washing in winter and summer

Many car owners do not change their car washing routine during the warm and cold seasons.

This is a mistake, because some aspects in terms of water temperature and the features of removing contaminants will differ. Let's look at these points in more detail.


Summer and winter washing have a number of features:

  1. The water should be warm in winter and cold in summer.
  2. In summer, the rugs do not need to be wiped or dried, but in winter this must be done. If you skip this step, moisture will appear in the cabin and, accordingly, frost will appear on the inside of the glass.
  3. Summer washing requires additional removal of organic dirt characteristic of this period.
  4. It is advisable to cool a body heated by the sun with cold water, but at a temperature close to “0”, on the contrary, it needs to be heated.
  5. In winter, pay special attention to arches, sills and other hidden areas of the car where road dirt and “chemicals” accumulate.

Features of washing in summer

When washing a car in the summer, it is worth considering aggravating factors such as high temperature, the presence of plant/animal origin, traces of insects, etc.

Basic recommendations:

  1. Do not use a final rinse. Water dries quickly, and the mineral elements present in it do not have time to drain away. To avoid streaks, use osmosis.
  2. Avoid applying foam to hot metal. In this case, the foam dries quickly and does not cope with its functions of removing dirt. Pre-spray the body with plain water or a prepared solution with shampoo. This is especially important for dark cars that warm up to +50 degrees Celsius.
  3. Use wax. Additional protection reduces the risk of insects, berry juices, resins, bird droppings and other aggressive contaminants getting into the paint.
  4. Do not keep the foam on the body for a long time. Do not exceed the time the “chemistry” remains on the surface for more than two to three minutes. Otherwise, it will dry out and will not cope with its task.

Features of washing in winter

A separate difficulty is washing a car in winter, when the temperature drops below “0” or stays around this mark. If the thermometer drops to -5 or less, it is better to temporarily refuse washing.

If it is not possible to postpone the procedure, follow these tips:

  1. Use a car wash with a heated box. Avoid walk-through pavilions, because in severe frost and windy weather you cannot wash your car.
  2. Do not park your car immediately after cleaning. Turn on the heater and drive for a while, or at least stand with the engine running. The presence of warm air inside the cabin speeds up the drying process of the car.
  3. Don’t rush to wet your car right away. After entering the pit, let the car sit for a while and warm up to the indoor temperature.
  4. Blow out the locks/gaps. The main danger of winter washing is the accumulation of water on rubber bands, door locks/handles, seals, etc. If your sink has an air gun, use it to dry.
  5. Wash your car with warm water. It is more effective in removing dirt, ice and reagents from the road. The machine must be rinsed with the same water after completion of work.
  6. Use wax. The car body needs special protection in winter. After applying a wax layer to dirt, water and hazardous reagents do not linger on the body and quickly drain.
  7. Pay attention to processing the lower part, because it receives the most “chemicals” from the road. Try to avoid the accumulation of such dirt in the lower part of the machine.

How to wash, correct instructions

Now the instructions, for those who have never washed:

  • We choose a free box, usually there are a lot of them, about 6 – 8 (in big cities I’ve seen up to 12). Let's go into it

  • We take out the mats and secure them with special clamps

  • Usually there are two guns: one with foam, the other with water and wax. To begin with, we take it with foam (in hand), so as not to waste time, we go with it to the terminal

  • We have a terminal in front of us, there are several modes:

Water – I think there is no need to explain, this is ordinary water for washing cars

Foam - a foam solution is supplied, which I think is simply necessary

Wax - water is supplied with wax, a white solution, you need to cover the car with it and wait a little, a type of water-repellent film is formed

Osmosis - as they said, this is purified water. It seems to remove foam better

Vacuum cleaner - you can turn on this mode (if necessary), usually it comes separately, next to the guns

  • To activate the desired mode, you need to put money into the terminal. There are various methods here, you can use coins (there is a special connector), you can use banknotes, you can use a card. I will say this - taxi drivers and ordinary motorists use small change, it is a very convenient way to get rid of it, and you can throw in at least 1 ruble.

  • After you have “loaded” the money, your amount will appear on the display. In my case, 50 rubles, (you should already have a gun in your hands, I have foam to start with) press foam start (button on the terminal). Now we press the trigger and a large layer of foam will appear, MONEY STARTS TO BE WRITTEN FROM YOUR ACCOUNT! We move faster, spray the entire car with foam. Usually it costs 20 - 30 rubles, it all depends on the dimensions and how dirty it is. Don't forget to foam the mats

  • Next, press “STOP” or “PAUSE” there is a button at the top. Thus, we kind of stop the washing, you have a PAUSE of 120 seconds. BUT THEY ARE ENDING and after the time runs out, your money will start to be debited. But as practice shows, 120 seconds is quite enough. How to extend time, THERE WILL BE A LIFE HACK IN THE VIDEO VERSION
  • Then we take a gun with water - press start (water) - wash off the foam from the body, rinse the mats. The remaining 20 - 30 rubles are just gone. BUT you may not succeed, especially the first time. But I think 70 - 100 rubles is enough for the eyes.

  • Next, we put the mats in the car (you can wipe them with a rag), and drive out of the pit in a wet car. Usually there is a special area in front of the self-service car wash where cars are wiped down.
  • Usually at these sites there are: buckets (or cut-off canisters) - a tap with usually clean water (or giant tanks) - you can draw water, take your clean rag and wipe the car (both outside and inside)

Here are some simple instructions. As you can see, nothing complicated, everything is very accessible

Frequently asked questions

When using a self-service terminal, many questions arise regarding the rules and features of car washing. Below we will consider the main points that interest car owners.

Which car wash is cheaper?

When using special complexes, the driver pays for a specific program, and the costs depend on the degree of contamination of the car.

If you have the skills, you can wash the body of a small car for 150-170 rubles. More money will be spent on a crossover - up to 180-200 rubles. For a dirty car, prices will be higher. When adding rugs, add another 20-30 rubles.

For comparison, a visit to a regular car wash will cost 500-700 rubles, depending on the car body.

If we compare, the savings are insignificant, but with 10 visits they are significant and can reach 3000-5000 rubles.

How safe is this type of washing?

Self-service car washes are organized in such a way that it is difficult to damage the car. When setting up the equipment, a safe pressure and pressure are established, which eliminates damage to paintwork, headlights and chrome elements.

If the setting is made incorrectly and the con is too high, the chrome and lacquer plastic may become cloudy. Problems can occur at any car wash, including the most expensive ones.

The occurrence of damage when the gun comes into contact with the machine is eliminated due to the presence of rubber tips.

If you plan to use brushes, pay attention to their condition. They must be clean, free of sand and foreign debris. If there is dirt on it or lack of lint, you should refuse to use the product.

In conventional sinks the situation is different, because water is supplied under high pressure. If a washer has just started a job and is not yet familiar with the basic requirements, he can easily damage some element.

In addition, after washing the car is wiped with a dry and often not very clean cloth. As a result, scratches may appear on the body.

Despite the lower pressure, it is better not to bring the gun too close to the car. It should be located at a distance of 0.3 m or more. If there are “saffron caps” or other defects on the surface, it is better to avoid direct impact of water in this place.

When is the best time to come wash your car?

When choosing a time, give preference to hours with minimal load, when there is no queue at the terminal. In this case, you can deposit a small amount, cover the car with foam and wait more time.

If there is no queue, no one will “push you in the back” and force you to leave the machine.

The load level changes constantly throughout the year and time of day. This moment is influenced by many factors, including weather conditions.

On a sunny day there are more people willing to wash the “iron horse”, but on rainy days all the terminals are empty.

The opposite applies to indoor car washes. They are more popular in frosty, windy or rainy weather.

When choosing the best option, look at the operating hours and tariff. In some establishments it is more profitable to wash your car at night. At the same time, the absence of queues will allow you to get your work done calmly.

An additional advantage in the summer is that the body will already have time to cool down and does not need to be watered with cold water.

How long does it take to wash?

The process of treating the body with foam takes no more than three minutes, and the total time depends on the type of body. The same amount will have to be spent on removing foam.

If we take into account that the “chemistry” should be on the body from two to five minutes, the total time costs will be up to 10 minutes.

Additionally, you will have to set aside 20 minutes to completely wipe the body, glass and other body parts. Total - half an hour.

Please note that your first visit may take longer.

How to save money on car washing?

Despite the low cost of services, car owners often think about additional savings.

In most cases, self-service car washes are billed on a per-second basis.

To save money, break the process into three stages:

  1. Removing dust/dirt.
  2. Foam body treatment.
  3. Final cleaning of the car from “chemicals”.

For each stage, use a separate payment so as not to waste money for downtime.

Additionally, follow these recommendations:

  1. Avoid unnecessary programs. For example, in dry weather, wax is not needed, and instead of using osmosis, it is enough to wipe the car.
  2. Take rags with you, as they are offered at a higher price at the self-service car wash.
  3. Check out several different options and choose the service that is most convenient and allows you to save money. Here a lot depends on the quality of the foam substances and water pressure.
  4. Use the system of bonuses and discounts that operate in such establishments. This is especially true immediately after opening.
  5. Do not attempt to use all wash cycles. They are only needed to clean a dirty car. To remove dust, it is enough to use ordinary foam and water.

What to take with you to the self-service car wash?

Before visiting such services, stock up on everything you need to complete the work.

You will need:

  1. A soft microfiber cloth (at least one). It is needed to remove moisture from the bottom edge of doors/openings. Water and foam often accumulate in these places and must be removed to avoid streaks.
  2. Wet wipes. Needed to clean hands after washing. As a result, you can protect the steering wheel and interior from additional sources of dirt. Just don’t use them to wipe interior elements, because the impregnated contents of the napkins negatively affect leather products and reduce their service life.
  3. Glass cleaning and plastic care products. They will come in handy in a situation where you are planning a global cleaning of the interior.

Is it possible to wash a car without getting dirty?

Newbies often leave the self-service car wash covered in water and foam from head to toe.

As for experienced car owners, they easily avoid such a fate. The only thing you can get wet is your shoes.

But this does not mean that work can be done in a formal business suit and while traveling to a business meeting. According to the “law of meanness,” you will definitely get dirty.

If you handle the car carefully and there is no strong wind, your clothes are unlikely to be damaged by shampoo or foam getting on them.

If you are afraid of getting dirty and want to stay completely clean, it is better to use a regular car wash and pay a little extra.

Is it possible to clean the interior?

Most self-service car washes have a vacuum cleaner available and rent to drivers for a nominal fee.

The power of such devices is enough to remove sand and minor dirt from the interior. This is especially important in the summer, when you have to go to the beach or into the forest.

The average cost of cleaning the interior is about 60-80 rubles. An additional 20-30 rubles will be spent on cleaning the luggage compartment.

Is it possible to wash the engine at a self-service car wash?

Features of car cleaning depend on the rules of a particular self-service car wash. If management does not prohibit such work, it can be easily done by following standards, rules and safety measures.

If you have no experience, it is better not to take risks and turn to specialists. Read how to properly wash a car engine.

Is it possible to never go to a regular car wash again?

The emergence of self-service car washes creates the erroneous opinion that ordinary establishments can be abandoned altogether. And really, why pay 500-600 rubles if you can do it yourself for 150-200 rubles? Please note that achieving a perfect result in a DIY car wash is a difficult task.

Self-service car wash is suitable for keeping the car body clean. Foam easily copes with dust and small debris. In case of serious contamination, a film is formed on the body, which includes reagents, soot and dust.

You won’t be able to remove it yourself, and the only way out is to use shampoo and a sponge. In some cases, white spirit and special auto chemicals may be required.

Therefore, at least once a month you need to go to a regular car wash to clean the trunk and interior. The rest of the time, it is enough to keep the self-service stations clean.

Can I wipe down my car after waxing?

It is not necessary to do this kind of work. But if possible, it is better to use a microfiber cloth, because it helps in obtaining additional shine.

Is it possible to apply wax to glass?

Applying wax to glass provides a durable protective layer that protects the surface from dirt and repels water.

The downside is that due to frequent operation of the wipers, this coating wears off and only lasts for a few days. To save money, you can skip the glass processing step.

Popular questions and answers

How can you save on washing?

A self-service car wash opens up enormous savings opportunities for thrifty motorists.
Moreover, you can save money both by refusing additional options and by rationalizing the process itself. And if the first path is quite simple, then the second will require some skills. You won't lose much if you don't use wax. Moreover, in some situations it is not even needed, because the negligence of the express wash will be preserved by the silicone film, and then you will have to make additional efforts to correct them. Drying can be replaced with a suede rag. You just drive out of the box, take out the fabric and run it over the entire body. For the same reason, you can skip osmosis, because suede will remove water stains. If you are not too concerned about the condition of the paintwork of the “steel horse,” then you can safely use guns with a brush - dirt can be knocked off with them much faster, and this is an additional saving of money.

Finally, don’t forget (if they don’t accept cards) to change your money into small bills or coins. For information on how you can save money with them, see life hacks.

Is this kind of washing different in winter and summer?

While washing a car at a self-service car wash in summer is quite simple, in winter this procedure becomes somewhat different. Firstly, regular shampoo (and “chemicals” under pressure) begins to freeze literally 10-15 seconds after it gets on the body, which means it’s more difficult to wash it off. Secondly, the water itself (if it is not distillate) also freezes very quickly on the paintwork. Finally, the procedure itself becomes not very pleasant for the motorist, because it is very easy to get your shoes or trousers wet at a self-service car wash, but drying them out is no longer as easy as in the summer. Technically, self-service car washes can operate even when the air temperature drops to -20 degrees. This is achieved thanks to constant auto-circulation of water through pipes and heated floors. Another question: is it worth washing your car this way in cold weather? Traditional car washes are still preferable with a big “minus” overboard.

Lifehacks and tips for using a self-service car wash

For better results, you can use additional tips to improve your efficiency.

The main ones include:

  1. Take 50 and 100 ruble bills with you. Not all terminals support contactless payment.
  2. Use the help of a friend who will insert bills and press buttons.
  3. Place some rags in your car. One should be able to absorb moisture, and the second should be lint-free, made of microfiber/synthetics.
  4. Before your trip, wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. If possible, use special boots with water protection.
  5. Before starting the program, immediately pick up the gun so as not to waste time.
  6. Apply foam from below to prolong its effectiveness.
  7. Pay attention to the sills, wheel arches and joints of body parts, where the most dirt accumulates.
  8. While waiting for the foam to work, take a bucket, add shampoo to it and use a sponge to wipe the dirtiest areas. When doing this, dip it in water frequently to prevent dirt/sand from accumulating.
  9. Try not to use a gun with a brush, as using it will cause scratches on the surface. This tool is more suitable for trucks that are prone to contamination.
  10. If you have an assistant, start washing the rugs.
  11. Keep small bills on hand to add time. Don’t rush to use a large banknote right away, because the extra time you bought may not be useful.
  12. If there is no assistant, start washing the car from the terminal, and then move in a circle. This way you can immediately click on “Pause” or “Stop”.
  13. Wash your car more often to avoid severe contamination of the body and the need for large expenses. The best option is washing once every 7 days.
  14. Don't pause too often. This is due to the fact that each time the equipment is turned on, it takes time to build up operating pressure. Therefore, you lose two to three seconds.
  15. Do not use all modes if they are not necessary. It is not at all necessary to apply wax to the body every time or soak it before treating it with foam.
  16. If a 120-second pause is not enough, turn on some mode for a moment, and press pause again. This trick can be repeated three to five times.

Using the recommendations discussed above allows you to save your budget and achieve high-quality cleaning of your car. Please note that costs directly depend on the speed of your movement around the car.

Washing efficiency

In order for car washing to be profitable and effective, it is necessary to avoid sunny weather; it is best to choose a time when the shadow will fall on the car. This is due to the fact that the drops of water that remain after the procedure form a magnifying glass effect, which negatively affects the coating of the machine.

The cleaning process should begin from the roof, gradually moving lower. This is especially true for pre-washing when the water pressure is low.

After the preliminary operation, you need to soap the car well. When washing, it is important to remember that car chemicals are aggressive, which means you need to use gloves. After washing the car, you should rinse off the foam with water under strong pressure, after which you can go through the sponge again.

The final stage is drying. If the car wash has the appropriate equipment, then it is necessary to blow out places where air currents cannot reach while driving.

To ensure that your car wash is as profitable as possible, you need to know a few tricks:

1. A colorless shoe sponge is also well suited for a car; it perfectly wipes plastic and leather, and you can buy it in any supermarket at a good price.

2. By choosing the shampoo, sponge and polish necessary for washing, you can save a lot in comparison with the prices of classic car care complexes, since they will last for many times.

Keeping your vehicle clean not only affects the appearance of the car, but also extends its service life. And if the procedure is performed at a self-service car wash, you can save not only time, but also money.

Advice from experienced

When visiting a self-service car wash, it is important to take into account a number of other points that experienced car owners note:

  1. Remember that one visit will not make the body perfectly clean. On the other hand, you can easily remove all dirt from it, clean the headlights and rear-view mirrors. At the same time, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely abandon contact washing.
  2. Follow the instructions that are often provided on such services. If the manual says that the brush can only be used on wheels, you should not use it to clean the bumper. As noted, it is difficult to damage a car in such establishments, but with a lot of effort it is not difficult to do.
  3. Come to the car wash in normal clothes that are not afraid of small drops. If you are wearing a suit or an expensive coat, it is better to entrust the work to a washer and get into a clean car.
  4. Use only those programs that you really need. Most often, two to four are enough.

Self-service car washes are a great way to save money and keep your car clean. By regularly visiting such establishments, you can protect the body from the action of reagents and avoid the accumulation of dirt in different areas.

At the same time, you should not completely abandon contact washing. It is recommended to visit it at least once a month during intensive use of the car, and the rest of the time to maintain cleanliness yourself.

Why do it yourself?

If you are a perfectionist and like everything to be done perfectly, then get ready that you will not be able to achieve the ideal quality of work on your own either the first or the second time. Well, or you will spend more time and money on this than if you turned to your usual washers. Professionals wash several dozen cars a day, they know how to work with different types of contaminants, they have more technical equipment and auto chemicals in their arsenal - most likely, the quality will be higher.

Also, washing your car yourself is not the most convenient option for putting things in order inside the car: you won’t find the necessary tools and “chemicals” for this at the car wash, at least for free, and it’s a bit dishonest to irritate the queue by rummaging around inside the car for a long time.

But this is a good option for those who do not need a perfectly polished car, but just need:

  • remove dirt before visiting the service center
  • deliver a relatively clean car to the client without spending a lot of time and money
  • quickly wash away specific stains

Finally, there are people who fanatically protect their “swallow” from the touch of strangers. Let some incomprehensible and unfamiliar washer into the interior of your car? Yes, for such people it is like death, and in some ways I understand them. In the end, this is akin to meditation - you can spend time with your favorite car and enjoy the beauty you created with your own hands. Some kind of leak on the rear bumper is not a hindrance to this - alas, very soon road dirt and dust will stick to the car again.

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